positioning updates

Dependents:   example-gnss

Fork of gnss by u-blox

--- a/gnss_operations.h	Tue Oct 16 16:09:41 2018 +0500
+++ b/gnss_operations.h	Wed Oct 31 13:15:38 2018 +0500
@@ -48,24 +48,151 @@
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-PVT messages
+	 *  Navigation Position Velocity Time Solution
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav_pvt();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-STATUS messages
+	 *  Receiver Navigation Status
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav_status();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-SAT messages
+	 *  Satellite Information
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav_sat();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-SOL messages
+	 * Navigation Solution Information
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav_sol();
+	/** Disable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-PVT messages
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int disable_ubx_nav_pvt();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV5 messages
+	 *  Navigation Engine Settings
+	 *  @param  uint 	acc 	Defines positioning accuracy
+	 *  @return int             1: Successful
+	 *                          0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav5(unsigned int acc);
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-CFG-ODO messages
+	 *  Odometer, Low-speed COG Engine Settings
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_odo();
+	/** Disable GNSS receiver UBX-CFG-ODO messages
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int disable_ubx_odo();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-ODO messages
+	 *  Odometer, Low-speed COG Engine Settings
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_nav_odo();
+	/** Disable GNSS receiver UBX-NAV-ODO messages
+	 *  Odometer, Low-speed COG Engine Settings
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int disable_ubx_nav_odo();
+	/** Enable GNSS receiver UBX-LOG-BATCH messages
+	 *  Batched data
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int enable_ubx_batch_feature();
+	/** Disable GNSS receiver UBX-LOG-BATCH messages
+	 *  Batched data
+	 *  @param void
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int disable_ubx_batch_feature();
+	/** Configure GNSS receiver batching feature
+	 *  Get/Set data batching configuration
+	 *  @param 	tUBX_CFG_BATCH
+	 *  @return int 	1: Successful
+	 * 	                0: Failure
+	 */
 	int cfg_batch_feature(tUBX_CFG_BATCH *obj);
+	/** Configure GNSS receiver power mode
+	 *  Power mode setup
+	 *  @param 	Powermodes     SEMI_CONTINOUS
+	 *                          AGGRESSIVE_CONTINUOS
+	 *                          CONSERVATIVE_CONTINOUS
+	 *                          FULL_POWER
+	 *                          FULL_POWER_BLOCK_LEVEL
+	 *
+	 *  @return int             1: Successful
+	 * 	                       0: Failure
+	 */
 	int cfg_power_mode(Powermodes power_mode);
+	/** Method to poll the GNSS configuration
+	 *  @param 	void
+	 *  @return bool    true: 	Successful
+	 * 	                false:	Failure
+	 */
 	bool verify_gnss_mode();
+	int cfg_batch_feature(tUBX_CFG_BATCH *obj);
+	/** Configure GNSS startup mode
+	 *  Power mode setup
+	 *  @param 	start_mode      0: Hot Start
+	 *                          1: Warm Start
+	 *                          2: Cold Start
+	 *
+	 *  @return int             1: Successful
+	 *                          0: Failure
+	 */
 	int start_mode(int start_mode);
+	/** Send char to GNSS receiver
+	 *  @param 	char
+	 *  @return void
+	 */
 	void send_to_gnss(char);
+	/** Power On GNSS receiver
+	 *
+	 *  @return void
+	 */
 	void power_on_gnss();