
Dependencies:   IESE5_merge mbed CCS811 BME680

diff -r 000000000000 -r 5daf3ccf0e38 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 19 10:22:33 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "BME680.h"
+#include "CCS811.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SGP30.h"
+BME680 myBME680     (A4, A5, 400000 );
+Adafruit_SGP30 SGP30(D14, D15);
+CCS811 ccs811(D14, D15);
+uint16_t eco2, tvoc;
+Serial pc           ( USBTX, USBRX );
+DigitalOut  myled       ( LED1 );
+Ticker      newReading;
+uint32_t    myState = 0;
+void    changeDATA     ( void );
+void    user_delay_ms  ( uint32_t  period );
+int8_t  user_i2c_read  ( uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len );
+int8_t  user_i2c_write ( uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len );
+int main()
+    pc.baud ( 9600 );
+    myled   =   1;
+    wait(3);
+    myled   =   0;
+    ccs811.init();
+    SGP30.begin();
+    SGP30.IAQinit();
+    struct bme680_dev gas_sensor;
+    gas_sensor.dev_id   =   BME680_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY;
+    gas_sensor.intf     =   BME680_I2C_INTF;
+     =   user_i2c_read;
+    gas_sensor.write    =   user_i2c_write;
+    gas_sensor.delay_ms =   user_delay_ms;
+    // amb_temp can be set to 25 prior to configuring the gas sensor
+    // or by performing a few temperature readings without operating the gas sensor.
+    gas_sensor.amb_temp =   25;
+    int8_t rslt = BME680_OK;
+    rslt = myBME680.bme680_init ( &gas_sensor );
+    uint8_t set_required_settings;
+    // Set the temperature, pressure and humidity settings
+    gas_sensor.tph_sett.os_hum  = BME680_OS_2X;
+    gas_sensor.tph_sett.os_pres = BME680_OS_4X;
+    gas_sensor.tph_sett.os_temp = BME680_OS_8X;
+    gas_sensor.tph_sett.filter  = BME680_FILTER_SIZE_3;
+    // Set the remaining gas sensor settings and link the heating profile
+    gas_sensor.gas_sett.run_gas = BME680_ENABLE_GAS_MEAS;
+    // Create a ramp heat waveform in 3 steps
+    gas_sensor.gas_sett.heatr_temp  = 320; // degree Celsius
+    gas_sensor.gas_sett.heatr_dur   = 150; // milliseconds
+    // Select the power mode
+    // Must be set before writing the sensor configuration
+    gas_sensor.power_mode = BME680_FORCED_MODE;
+    // Set the required sensor settings needed
+    set_required_settings = BME680_OST_SEL | BME680_OSP_SEL | BME680_OSH_SEL | BME680_FILTER_SEL | BME680_GAS_SENSOR_SEL;
+    // Set the desired sensor configuration
+    rslt = myBME680.bme680_set_sensor_settings ( set_required_settings, &gas_sensor );
+    // Set the power mode
+    rslt = myBME680.bme680_set_sensor_mode ( &gas_sensor );
+    // Get the total measurement duration so as to sleep or wait till the measurement is complete
+    uint16_t meas_period;
+    myBME680.bme680_get_profile_dur ( &meas_period, &gas_sensor );
+    struct bme680_field_data data;
+    newReading.attach( &changeDATA, 1 );                                        // the address of the function to be attached ( changeDATA ) and the interval ( 1s )
+    // Let the callbacks take care of everything
+    while(1) {
+        sleep();
+        myled = 1;
+        if ( myState == 1 ) {
+            // Delay till the measurement is ready
+            user_delay_ms ( meas_period );
+            SGP30.IAQmeasure();
+            //printf("SGP30 %d,%d\r\n",SGP30.eCO2,SGP30.TVOC);
+            ccs811.readData(&eco2, &tvoc);
+            //printf("eCO2 reading :%dppm, TVOC reading :%dppb\r\n", eco2, tvoc);
+            rslt = myBME680.bme680_get_sensor_data ( &data, &gas_sensor );
+            // Prepare the data to be sent through the UART. NOTE: sprintf does NOT allow float numbers, that is why we round the number and plot them as integer
+            // Avoid using measurements from an unstable heating setup
+            if ( data.status & BME680_GASM_VALID_MSK ) {
+                //pc.printf( "T: %.2f degC, P: %.2f hPa, H %.2f %%rH, G: %d ohms\r\n", ( data.temperature/100.0f ), ( data.pressure / 100.0f ), ( data.humidity / 1000.0f ), data.gas_resistance );
+                //BME680 : Degres, Pression, Humidité, Voc ; SGO30 : eCO2, TVOC ; CCS811 : eco2, tvoc
+                pc.printf( "%.2f;%.2f;%.2f;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d\r\n", ( data.temperature/100.0f ), ( data.pressure / 100.0f ), ( data.humidity / 1000.0f ), data.gas_resistance,SGP30.eCO2,SGP30.TVOC, eco2, tvoc);
+            } else {
+                pc.printf( "T: %.2f degC, P: %.2f hPa, H %.2f %%rH\r\n", ( data.temperature/100.0f ), ( data.pressure / 100.0f ), ( data.humidity / 1000.0f ) );
+            }
+            // Trigger the next measurement if you would like to read data out continuously
+            if ( gas_sensor.power_mode == BME680_FORCED_MODE ) {
+                rslt = myBME680.bme680_set_sensor_mode ( &gas_sensor );
+            }
+            myState  =   0;                                                             // Reset the variable
+        }
+        myled = 0;
+    }
+ // @brief       changeDATA ( void  )
+ //
+ // @details     It changes myState variable
+ //
+ // @param[in]    N/A
+ //
+ // @param[out]   N/A.
+ //
+ //
+ // @return       N/A..
+ //
+ //
+ // @author      Manuel Caballero
+ // @date        21/July/2018
+ // @version     21/July/2018   The ORIGIN
+ // @pre         N/A
+ // @warning     N/A.
+void changeDATA ( void )
+    myState = 1;
+ // @brief       user_delay_ms ( uint32_t  )
+ //
+ // @details     Return control or wait, for a period amount of milliseconds
+ //
+ // @param[in]    period:       Delay in milliseconds.
+ //
+ // @param[out]   N/A.
+ //
+ //
+ // @return       N/A..
+ //
+ //
+ // @author      Manuel Caballero
+ // @date        21/July/2018
+ // @version     21/July/2018   The ORIGIN
+ // @pre         This is a Bosh pointer function adapted to our system.
+ // @warning     N/A.
+void user_delay_ms ( uint32_t period )
+     // Return control or wait,
+     // for a period amount of milliseconds
+    wait_ms ( period );
+ // @brief       user_i2c_read ( uint8_t , uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len )
+ //
+ // @details     It adapts I2C reading functionality.
+ //
+ // @param[in]    dev_id:    I2C address.
+ // @param[in]    reg_addr:  Register to be read.
+ // @param[in]    len:       How many bytes to read.
+ //
+ // @param[out]   reg_data:  Result.
+ //
+ //
+ // @return       Status of user_i2c_read.
+ //
+ //
+ // @author      Manuel Caballero
+ // @date        21/July/2018
+ // @version     21/July/2018   The ORIGIN
+ // @pre         This is a Bosh pointer function adapted to our system.
+ // @warning     N/A.
+int8_t user_i2c_read ( uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len )
+    int8_t rslt = 0; // Return 0 for Success, non-zero for failure
+    // The parameter dev_id can be used as a variable to store the I2C address of the device
+     // Data on the bus should be like
+     // |------------+---------------------|
+     // | I2C action | Data                |
+     // |------------+---------------------|
+     // | Start      | -                   |
+     // | Write      | (reg_addr)          |
+     // | Stop       | -                   |
+     // | Start      | -                   |
+     // | Read       | (reg_data[0])       |
+     // | Read       | (....)              |
+     // | Read       | (reg_data[len - 1]) |
+     // | Stop       | -                   |
+     // |------------+---------------------|
+    // Read data
+    uint32_t aux     =   0;
+    aux      =   myBME680._i2c.write ( dev_id, (char*)&reg_addr, 1, true );
+    aux      =  ( dev_id, (char*)&reg_data[0], len );
+    if ( aux == 0 ) {
+        rslt     =   0;
+    } else {
+        rslt     =   0xFF;
+    }
+    return rslt;
+ // @brief       user_i2c_write ( uint8_t , uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len )
+ //
+ // @details     It adapts I2C writing functionality.
+ //
+ // @param[in]    dev_id:    I2C address.
+ // @param[in]    reg_addr:  Register to be read.
+ // @param[out]   reg_data:  Data to be written.
+ // @param[in]    len:       How many bytes to read.
+ //
+ // @param[out]   N/A.
+ //
+ //
+ // @return       Status of user_i2c_write.
+ //
+ //
+ // @author      Manuel Caballero
+ // @date        21/July/2018
+ // @version     21/July/2018   The ORIGIN
+ // @pre         This is a Bosh pointer function adapted to our system.
+ // @warning     N/A.
+int8_t user_i2c_write ( uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len )
+    int8_t rslt = 0; // Return 0 for Success, non-zero for failure
+    // The parameter dev_id can be used as a variable to store the I2C address of the device
+    // Data on the bus should be like
+    // |------------+---------------------|
+    // | I2C action | Data                |
+    // |------------+---------------------|
+    // | Start      | -                   |
+    // | Write      | (reg_addr)          |
+    // | Write      | (reg_data[0])       |
+    // | Write      | (....)              |
+    // | Write      | (reg_data[len - 1]) |
+    // | Stop       | -                   |
+    // |------------+---------------------|
+    uint32_t     aux     =   0;
+    char         cmd[16] =  { 0 };
+    uint32_t     i       =   0;
+    // Prepare the data to be sent
+    cmd[0]   =   reg_addr;
+    for ( i = 1; i <= len; i++ ) {
+        cmd[i]   =   reg_data[i - 1];
+    }
+    // Write data
+    aux      =   myBME680._i2c.write ( dev_id, &cmd[0], len + 1, false );
+    if ( aux == 0 ) {
+        rslt     =   0;
+    } else {
+        rslt     =   0xFF;
+    }
+    return rslt;
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