This is an example application demonstrating building an EtherCAT system using Esmacat

Dependencies:   EsmacatShield X_NUCLEO_IHM01A1

Basic Information of Esmacat

Information about Esmacat and EASE is provided in the link below.

Information about the hardware needs and setup is provided in the link below.

Information about the structure of the system and it's software is provided in the link below.

About this example

This is an example application to demonstrate the ease with which a system, which communicates over EtherCAT, can be build. It measures the RPM of a motor using a proximity sensor.

Following lists the hardware required

  • 2 x Mbed boards with Arduino UNO form factor (NUCLEO-F103RB)
  • 2 x EASE boards
  • 1 x proximity sensor shield (X_NUCLEO_6180XA1)
  • 1 x Motor shield (X-NUCLEO-IHM01A1)
  • 1 x stepper motor
  • 1 x Ethernet POE injector with a 24VDC power supply
  • 2 x Ethernet cables
  • Keyboard, mouse, and monitor
  • PC with Linux/Windows OS installed
  • DC power supply for motor

Click here to know more about this Example

diff -r 19d177002292 -r 1cd7f65c155c main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jan 04 15:57:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jan 13 14:53:48 2016 +0000
@@ -57,10 +57,68 @@
 /* Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Initialization parameters. */
+L6474_InitTypeDef init =
+    160,                              /* Acceleration rate in step/s2. Range: (0..+inf). */
+    160,                              /* Deceleration rate in step/s2. Range: (0..+inf). */
+    1600,                             /* Maximum speed in step/s. Range: (30..10000]. */
+    800,                              /* Minimum speed in step/s. Range: [30..10000). */
+    250,                              /* Torque regulation current in mA. Range: 31.25mA to 4000mA. */
+    L6474_OCD_TH_750mA,               /* Overcurrent threshold (OCD_TH register). */
+    L6474_CONFIG_OC_SD_ENABLE,        /* Overcurrent shutwdown (OC_SD field of CONFIG register). */
+    L6474_CONFIG_EN_TQREG_TVAL_USED,  /* Torque regulation method (EN_TQREG field of CONFIG register). */
+    L6474_STEP_SEL_1_4,               /* Step selection (STEP_SEL field of STEP_MODE register). */
+    L6474_SYNC_SEL_1_2,               /* Sync selection (SYNC_SEL field of STEP_MODE register). */
+    L6474_FAST_STEP_12us,             /* Fall time value (T_FAST field of T_FAST register). Range: 2us to 32us. */
+    L6474_TOFF_FAST_8us,              /* Maximum fast decay time (T_OFF field of T_FAST register). Range: 2us to 32us. */
+    3,                                /* Minimum ON time in us (TON_MIN register). Range: 0.5us to 64us. */
+    21,                               /* Minimum OFF time in us (TOFF_MIN register). Range: 0.5us to 64us. */
+    L6474_CONFIG_TOFF_044us,          /* Target Swicthing Period (field TOFF of CONFIG register). */
+    L6474_CONFIG_SR_320V_us,          /* Slew rate (POW_SR field of CONFIG register). */
+    L6474_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ,           /* Clock setting (OSC_CLK_SEL field of CONFIG register). */
+    L6474_ALARM_EN_SW_TURN_ON |
+    L6474_ALARM_EN_WRONG_NPERF_CMD    /* Alarm (ALARM_EN register). */
 /* Motor Control Component. */
 L6474 *motor;
+/* Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  * @brief  This is an example of user handler for the flag interrupt.
+  * @param  None
+  * @retval None
+  * @note   If needed, implement it, and then attach and enable it:
+  *           + motor->AttachFlagIRQ(&FlagIRQHandler);
+  *           + motor->EnableFlagIRQ();
+  *         To disable it:
+  *           + motor->DisbleFlagIRQ();
+  */
+void FlagIRQHandler(void)
+    /* Set ISR flag. */
+    motor->isr_flag = TRUE;
+    /* Get the value of the status register. */
+    unsigned int status = motor->GetStatus();
+    /* Check NOTPERF_CMD flag: if set, the command received by SPI can't be performed. */
+    /* This often occures when a command is sent to the L6474 while it is not in HiZ state. */
+    if ((status & L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD) == L6474_STATUS_NOTPERF_CMD)
+        printf("    WARNING: \"FLAG\" interrupt triggered. Non-performable command detected when updating L6474's registers while not in HiZ state.\r\n");
+    /* Reset ISR flag. */
+    motor->isr_flag = FALSE;
 /* Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 int main()
@@ -72,9 +130,13 @@
     /* Initializing Motor Control Component. */
     motor = new L6474(D2, D8, D7, D9, D10, dev_spi);
-    if (motor->Init() != COMPONENT_OK)
+    if (motor->Init(&init) != COMPONENT_OK)
+    /* Attaching and enabling interrupt handlers. */
+    motor->AttachFlagIRQ(&FlagIRQHandler);
+    motor->EnableFlagIRQ();
     /* Printing to the console. */
     printf("Motor Control Application Example for 1 Motor\r\n\n");
@@ -99,14 +161,32 @@
     /* Waiting 2 seconds. */
+    /*----- Changing motor setting. -----*/
+    /* Printing to the console. */
+    printf("--> Changing Step Mode and Torque.\r\n");
+    /* Setting High Impedance State to update L6474's registers. */
+    motor->SoftHiZ();
+    /* Changing step mode. */
+    motor->SetParameter(L6474_STEP_MODE, (unsigned int) L6474_STEP_SEL_1_16 | (unsigned int) L6474_SYNC_SEL_1_2);
+    /* Increasing the torque regulation current to 500mA. */
+    motor->SetParameter(L6474_TVAL, 500);
+    /* Waiting 1 second. */
+    wait_ms(1000);
     /*----- Moving. -----*/
     /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Moving backward %d steps.\r\n", STEPS >> 1);
+    printf("--> Moving backward %d steps.\r\n", STEPS);
     /* Moving N steps in the backward direction. */
-    motor->Move(StepperMotor::BWD, STEPS >> 1);
+    motor->Move(StepperMotor::BWD, STEPS);
     /* Waiting while the motor is active. */
@@ -128,10 +208,10 @@
     /*----- Going to a specified position. -----*/
     /* Printing to the console. */
-    printf("--> Going to position %d.\r\n", STEPS >> 1);
+    printf("--> Going to position %d.\r\n", STEPS);
     /* Requesting to go to a specified position. */
-    motor->GoTo(STEPS >> 1);
+    motor->GoTo(STEPS);
     /* Waiting while the motor is active. */