Proximity strip reader

Dependencies:   mbed sfh7779

Fork of StarterKit by Rick McConney

diff -r fe90f1fcb4e0 -r 69966d555de7 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Nov 30 14:50:16 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 21 17:58:35 2017 +0000
@@ -1,30 +1,13 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include <cctype>
-#include "SerialBuffered.h"
-#include "HTS221.h"
-#include "config_me.h"
-#include "sensors.h"
-#include "Proximity.h"
-#include "Wnc.h"
-#include "hardware.h"
 #include "att160826.h"
-extern SerialBuffered mdm;
-Wnc wnc;
-I2C i2c(PTC11, PTC10);    //SDA, SCL -- define the I2C pins being used
 I2C *myi2c;
-#define PROXIMITYON 1
 att160826_data_t strip_data[2];
 att160826_data_t last_data[2];
-ATT160826 *strips[2];
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-Proximity proximityStrip[2];
+ATT160826 *strips[4];
 // comment out the following line if color is not supported on the terminal
 #define USE_COLOR
@@ -50,16 +33,6 @@
  #define DEF
-#define MDM_DBG_OFF                             0
-#define MDM_DBG_AT_CMDS                         (1 << 0)
-int mdm_dbgmask = MDM_DBG_OFF;
 Serial         pc(USBTX, USBRX);
@@ -68,29 +41,8 @@
 DigitalOut led_blue(LED_BLUE);
-DigitalIn   slot1(PTB3,PullUp);
-DigitalIn   slot2(PTB10,PullUp);
-DigitalIn   slot3(PTB11,PullUp);
-DigitalIn   sw2(SW2);
+bool toggleLed = false;
-int lastSlot1;
-int lastSlot2;
-int lastSlot3;
-char *iccid;
-#define TOUPPER(a) (a) //toupper(a)
-#define MDM_OK                                  0
-#define MDM_ERR_TIMEOUT                         -1
-#define MAX_AT_RSP_LEN                          255
-bool toggleLed = false;
-int seqNum;
@@ -99,481 +51,74 @@
 void SetLedColor(unsigned char ucColor)
-    if(wnc.isPowerSaveOn()) 
-    {
-        led_red = !0;
-        led_green = !0;
-        led_blue = !(ucColor & 0x4);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        //Note that when an LED is on, you write a 0 to it:
-        led_red = !(ucColor & 0x1); //bit 0
-        led_green = !(ucColor & 0x2); //bit 1
-        led_blue = !(ucColor & 0x4); //bit 2
-    }
-} //SetLedColor() 
-void system_reset()
-    //wnc.passthrough();
-    printf(RED "\n\rSystem resetting..." DEF "\n");
-    NVIC_SystemReset();
-#define CTOF(x)  ((x)*1.8+32)
+    led_red = !(ucColor & 0x1); //bit 0
+    led_green = !(ucColor & 0x2); //bit 1
+    led_blue = !(ucColor & 0x4); //bit 2
-//* Create string with sensor readings that can be sent to flow as an HTTP get
-K64F_Sensors_t  SENSOR_DATA =
-    .Temperature        = "0",
-    .Humidity           = "0",
-    .AccelX             = "0",
-    .AccelY             = "0",
-    .AccelZ             = "0",
-    .MagnetometerX      = "0",
-    .MagnetometerY      = "0",
-    .MagnetometerZ      = "0",
-    .AmbientLightVis    = "0",
-    .AmbientLightIr     = "0",
-    .UVindex            = "0",
-    .Proximity          = "0",
-    .Temperature_Si7020 = "0",
-    .Humidity_Si7020    = "0"
+} //SetLedColor() 
-void GenerateModemString(char * modem_string,int sensor,int strip)
-    switch(sensor)
-    {
-        case PROXIMITY_ONLY:
-        {
-            if(strip == -1)
-            {
-                seqNum++;
-                sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?ver=cat1&strip=%d&serial=%s&seq=%d&psm=%d&T=%d&t=%d %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, "/shelf", strip, iccid, seqNum, wnc.isPowerSaveOn(),wnc.gett3412Timer(),wnc.gett3324Timer(),FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-                break;
-            }
-            int stripIndex = 0;
-            if(strip == 3)
-                stripIndex = 1;
-            char data[256];
-            int i=0;
-            int index = 0;
-            index += sprintf(&data[index],"[");
-            for (i=1; i<SENSORS_PER_STRIP; i++)
-            {
-                short  p = last_data[stripIndex].sensor[i].sample.prox;
-                short l = last_data[stripIndex].sensor[i].sample.als_vis;
-                short r = last_data[stripIndex].sensor[i].sample.als_ir;
-                if(i<SENSORS_PER_STRIP-1)
-                    index += snprintf(&data[index], 128, "{\"s\":%d,\"p\":%d,\"l\":%d,\"r\":%d},", i,p,l,r);
-                else
-                    index += snprintf(&data[index], 128, "{\"s\":%d,\"p\":%d,\"l\":%d,\"r\":%d}]", i,p,l,r);
-            } 
-            seqNum++;
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?ver=cat1&strip=%d&serial=%s&seq=%d&psm=%d&T=%d&t=%d&data=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, "/shelf", strip, iccid, seqNum, wnc.isPowerSaveOn(),wnc.gett3412Timer(),wnc.gett3324Timer(), data,  FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-        case PROXIMITY_ONLY:
-        {
-            char* data0 = proximityStrip[0].getDataStr();
-            char* data1 = proximityStrip[1].getDataStr();
-            seqNum++;
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?serial=%s&seq=%d&data=%s&data1=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, "/shelf", iccid, seqNum, data0,data1,  FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-        case SWITCH_ONLY:
-        {
-            char data[32];
-            sprintf(data,"[{\"p\":%d},{\"p\":%d},{\"p\":%d}]",lastSlot1*26,lastSlot2*26,lastSlot3*26);
-            seqNum++;
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?serial=%s&seq=%d&data=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, "/car", iccid, seqNum, data,  FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-        case TEMP_HUMIDITY_ONLY:
-        {
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?serial=%s&temp=%s&humidity=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, FLOW_INPUT_NAME, FLOW_DEVICE_NAME, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity, FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-        {
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?serial=%s&temp=%s&humidity=%s&accelX=%s&accelY=%s&accelZ=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, FLOW_INPUT_NAME, FLOW_DEVICE_NAME, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity, SENSOR_DATA.AccelX,SENSOR_DATA.AccelY,SENSOR_DATA.AccelZ, FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-        {
-            sprintf(modem_string, "GET %s%s?serial=%s&temp=%s&humidity=%s&accelX=%s&accelY=%s&accelZ=%s&proximity=%s&light_uv=%s&light_vis=%s&light_ir=%s %s%s\r\n\r\n", FLOW_BASE_URL, FLOW_INPUT_NAME, FLOW_DEVICE_NAME, SENSOR_DATA.Temperature, SENSOR_DATA.Humidity, SENSOR_DATA.AccelX,SENSOR_DATA.AccelY,SENSOR_DATA.AccelZ, SENSOR_DATA.Proximity, SENSOR_DATA.UVindex, SENSOR_DATA.AmbientLightVis, SENSOR_DATA.AmbientLightIr, FLOW_URL_TYPE, MY_SERVER_URL);
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            sprintf(modem_string, "Invalid sensor selected\r\n\r\n");
-            break;
-        }
-    } //switch(iSensorsToReport)
-} //GenerateModemString        
-//* Process JSON response messages
-bool extract_reply(char* search_field, char* found_string)
-    char* beginquote;
-    char* endquote;
-    beginquote = strstr(search_field, "\r\n\r\n"); //start of data
-    endquote = strchr(search_field, '\0');
-    if (beginquote != 0)
-    {
-        uint16_t ifoundlen;
-        if (endquote != 0)
-        {
-            ifoundlen = (uint16_t) (endquote - beginquote) + 1;
-            strncpy(found_string, beginquote, ifoundlen );
-            found_string[ifoundlen] = 0; //null terminate
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-} //extract_reply
-void parse_reply(char* reply)
+void scanStrip(int id)
-    char *tokens[5];
-    int index = 0;
-    tokens[index++] = strtok(reply," ");  
-    while( index < 5 ) 
-    {    
-      char* token = strtok(NULL, " ");
-      if(token == NULL) break;
-      tokens[index++] = token;
-    }
-    if(strcmp("PSM",tokens[1]) == 0)
-    {
-        int t3412 = atoi(tokens[3]);
-        int t3324 = atoi(tokens[4]);
-        pc.printf("t3412 %d t3324 %d\r\n",t3412,t3324);
-        // setTauTimer(t3412);
-        //setActivityTimer(t3324);
-        if(strcmp("true",tokens[2]) == 0)
-        {
-            pc.printf("PSM ON\r\n");
-            wnc.setPowerSave(true,t3412,t3324);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pc.printf("PSM OFF\r\n");
-            wnc.setPowerSave(false,t3412,t3324);
-        }
-    }        
-bool checkSlots()
-    bool changed = false;
-    int s1 = !slot1;
-    int s2 = !slot2;
-    int s3 = !slot3;
-    if(lastSlot1 != s1 || lastSlot2 != s2 ||lastSlot3 != s3)
-    {
-        pc.printf("slot 1 %d\r\n",s1);
-        pc.printf("slot 2 %d\r\n",s2);
-        pc.printf("slot 3 %d\r\n",s3);
-        changed = true;
-    }
-    lastSlot1 = s1;
-    lastSlot2 = s2;
-    lastSlot3 = s3;
-    return changed;
-#if PROXIMITYON == 1 
-bool scanStrip(int id)
-    bool stripChanged = false;
     ATT160826&  strip = *strips[id];
     att160826_data_t *data = &strip_data[id];
     bool ok = strip.scan(data);
-       // printf("%d\r\n",id);
-        for (int i = 1; i < SENSORS_PER_STRIP;i++) { // ignore first sensor it is blocked
-          /*  
+        printf("%d : ",id);
+        for (int i = 0; i < SENSORS_PER_STRIP;i++) { 
             if (strip_data[id].sensor[i].present) {
-                printf(" %3d", strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox);
+                printf(" [%3d %3d %3d] ", strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox,
+                strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_vis,
+                strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_ir);
             } else {
                 printf(" %3s", "---");
-            */
-            if (strip_data[id].sensor[i].present) {
-                if (abs(last_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox - strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox) > 50)
-                {
-                    stripChanged = true; 
-                    last_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox = strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.prox;
-                    last_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_vis = strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_vis;
-                    last_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_ir = strip_data[id].sensor[i].sample.als_ir;   
-                }
-            }
-        // printf("\r\n");
         printf("scan of strip %d failed",id);
-    return stripChanged;
+    printf("\r\n");
-int main() {
-    int i;
-    HTS221 hts221;
-    pc.baud(115200);
-    void hts221_init(void);
-    // Set LED to RED until init finishes
-    SetLedColor(0x1);
-    pc.printf(BLU "Hello World from AT&T Shape!\r\n\n\r");
-    pc.printf(GRN "Initialize the HTS221\n\r");
-    i = hts221.begin();  
-    if( i ) 
-        pc.printf(BLU "HTS221 Detected! (0x%02X)\n\r",i);
-    else
-        pc.printf(RED "HTS221 NOT DETECTED!!\n\r");
-    printf("Temp  is: %0.2f F \n\r",CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()));
-    printf("Humid is: %02d %%\n\r",hts221.readHumidity());
-    // Initialize the modem
-    printf(GRN "Modem initializing... will take up to 60 seconds" DEF "\r\n");
-    if(!wnc.init()) 
-    {
-        pc.printf(RED "Modem initialization failed!" DEF "\n");
-        system_reset();
-    }
-    iccid = wnc.getIccid();
-    printf(GRN "ICCID = %s" DEF "\r\n",iccid);
-    //Software init
-    if(!wnc.startInternet())
-        system_reset();
-    char* ip = wnc.resolveDn(MY_SERVER_URL);
-    if(strlen(ip) == 0)
-    {
-       printf(RED "Failed to resolve IP for %s" DEF "\r\n",MY_SERVER_URL); 
-    }
-    else
-        printf(GRN "IP = %s" DEF "\r\n",ip);
-    // Set LED BLUE for partial init
-    SetLedColor(0x4);
+int main() {
+    pc.baud(115200);
-    wnc.setPowerSave(true,wnc.gett3412Timer(),wnc.gett3324Timer());
-#if PROXIMITYON == 1 
-    bool stripChanged[2];
-    myi2c = new I2C(PTE25, PTE24); 
-    //myi2c = new I2C(PTC11, PTC10); 
+    myi2c = new I2C(PTC11, PTC10); 
-    ATT160826 strip0 (myi2c, 0);
-    ATT160826 strip1 (myi2c, 3);
+    ATT160826 strip0 (myi2c, 0 );
+    ATT160826 strip1 (myi2c, 1 );
+    ATT160826 strip2 (myi2c, 2 );
+    ATT160826 strip3 (myi2c, 3 );
     strips[0] = &strip0;
     strips[1] = &strip1;
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-    myi2c = new I2C(PTE25, PTE24); 
+    strips[2] = &strip2;
+    strips[3] = &strip3;
-    myi2c->frequency(100000);
-    Proximity strip0;
-    Proximity strip1;
-    proximityStrip[0] = strip0;
-    proximityStrip[1] = strip1;
-    proximityStrip[0].init(myi2c, 0x70); 
-    proximityStrip[1].init(myi2c, 0x73);
-    proximityStrip[0].on(); 
-    proximityStrip[1].on(); 
-    int count = 5*120;
-    // Send and receive data perpetually
+    pc.printf(GRN "I2c init \n\r");
     while(1) {
-        wnc.checkPassthrough();
-        //sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Temperature, "%0.2f", CTOF(hts221.readTemperature()));
-        //sprintf(SENSOR_DATA.Humidity, "%02d", hts221.readHumidity());
-        // read_sensors(); //read available external sensors from a PMOD and the on-board motion sensor
         toggleLed = !toggleLed;
             SetLedColor(0x2); //green 
-            SetLedColor(0); //off   
-#if PROXIMITYON == 1            
-     if(stripChanged[0] == false)
-        stripChanged[0] = scanStrip(0);
-     if(stripChanged[1] == false)
-        stripChanged[1] = scanStrip(1); 
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-    printf("scan %d\r\n",count);
-    bool stripChanged = false;
-    proximityStrip[0].scan();
-    printf("scan0 done %d\r\n",count);
-    proximityStrip[1].scan();
-    printf("scan1 done %d\r\n",count);
-    stripChanged |= proximityStrip[0].changed(50);
-    printf("scan0 change %d\r\n",stripChanged);
-    stripChanged |= proximityStrip[1].changed(50);
-    printf("scan1 change %d\r\n",stripChanged);
-        bool slotsChanged = checkSlots();
-     char modem_string[512];                
-#if PROXIMITYON == 1 
-        if(count >= 5*120)
-        {
-            stripChanged[0] = true;
-            stripChanged[1] = true;
-        }
- */     
-        if(sw2 == 0)
-        {
-            stripChanged[0] = true;
-            stripChanged[1] = true;
-        }             
-        if(stripChanged[0] || stripChanged[1])
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-        if(count >= 5*60 || stripChanged )
-        if(count >= 5*60 || slotsChanged)
-        {
-            if(wnc.isPowerSaveOn())
-            {
-                wnc.wakeFromPowerSave();
-                //"");
-            }
-            count = 0;
-            SetLedColor(0x04); //blue
+            SetLedColor(0); //off    
-        if(stripChanged[0])
-        {
-            GenerateModemString(&modem_string[0],PROXIMITY_ONLY,0);
-            stripChanged[0] = false;
-        }
-        else if (stripChanged[1])
-        {
-            GenerateModemString(&modem_string[0],PROXIMITY_ONLY,3);
-            stripChanged[1] = false;
-        }
-        else
-            GenerateModemString(&modem_string[0],PROXIMITY_ONLY,-1);
-#elif PROXIMITYON == 2
-            GenerateModemString(&modem_string[0],PROXIMITY_ONLY,0);
-            GenerateModemString(&modem_string[0],SWITCH_ONLY,0);
-            printf(BLU "Sending to modem : %s" DEF "\r\n", modem_string);
-            //if(wnc.connect("",5005)) // node-red
-            if(wnc.connect(ip,MY_PORT)) // shelf
-            //if(wnc.connect("",80)) // car
-            {
-                if(wnc.writeSocket(modem_string))
-                {
-                    char* mydata;
-                    int tries = 8;
-                    while(tries > 0) // wait for reply
-                    {
-                        tries--;
-                        mydata = wnc.readSocket();
-                        if (strlen(mydata) > 0)
-                            break;
-                        wait(0.5);
-                    }
-                    if (strlen(mydata) > 0)
-                    {   
-                        SetLedColor(0x2); // green
-                        //only copy on sucessful send
-                        printf(BLU "Read back : [%s]" DEF "\r\n", mydata);
-                        char datareply[512];
-                        if (extract_reply(mydata, datareply))
-                        {
-                            printf(GRN "JSON : %s" DEF "\r\n", datareply);
-                            parse_reply(datareply);
-                        }
-                        SetLedColor(0); // off             
-                    }
-                    else // no reply reset
-                    {
-                        SetLedColor(0x1); //red
-                        system_reset();                 
-                    } 
-                }
-                wnc.disconnect();
-            }
-            else // failed to connect reset
-            {
-                SetLedColor(0x1); //red
-                system_reset(); 
-            }
-            if(wnc.isPowerSaveOn())
-                wnc.resumePowerSave();   
-        }
-        count++;
-        wait(0.2); 
+        scanStrip(0);  
+       // scanStrip(1); 
+       // scanStrip(2); 
+      //  scanStrip(3);         
+        wait(1); 
     } //forever loop