mbed os with nrf51 internal bandgap enabled to read battery level

Dependents:   BLE_file_test BLE_Blink ExternalEncoder

diff -r 000000000000 -r f269e3021894 features/FEATURE_COMMON_PAL/nanostack-hal-mbed-cmsis-rtos/nvm/README.md
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/features/FEATURE_COMMON_PAL/nanostack-hal-mbed-cmsis-rtos/nvm/README.md	Sun Oct 23 15:10:02 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+This directory is used as a git subtree. The master copy is at
+    https://github.com/ARMmbed/nanomesh-applications/tree/nvm
+(ie the nvm branch of that repository).
+If you are seeing this as a subdirectory of another repository,
+or in Platforms/common/nvm of the same repository, it has been
+pulled in via git subtree.
+You should not normally edit files in this directory unless you are
+working on the nvm branch in a clone of the master repository.
+Changes to the nvm code would be done as follows:
+    # nvm branch is the "master" for the code
+    git checkout nvm
+    # make and commit changes
+    git checkout master
+    git subtree merge -P Platforms/common/nvm nvm
+To take the latest version of the nvm reference code into another
+repository already containing it as a subtree, use the command:
+    git subtree pull -P our/path/to/nvm \
+            git@github.com:ARMmbed/nanomesh-applications nvm
+To take this code into use as a subtree for the first time,
+use the command:
+    git subtree add -P our/path/to/nvm \
+            git@github.com:ARMmbed/nanomesh-applications nvm
+See 'git help subtree' for more information.