mbed os with nrf51 internal bandgap enabled to read battery level

Dependents:   BLE_file_test BLE_Blink ExternalEncoder

diff -r 000000000000 -r f269e3021894 features/FEATURE_COMMON_PAL/mbed-client-c/Makefile.test
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/features/FEATURE_COMMON_PAL/mbed-client-c/Makefile.test	Sun Oct 23 15:10:02 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Makefile.test for combined NSDL+COAP library unit tests
+# List of subdirectories to build
+TEST_FOLDER := ./test/
+# List of unit test directories for libraries
+UNITTESTS := $(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(TEST_FOLDER)*/unittest/*)))
+TESTDIRS := $(UNITTESTS:%=build-%)
+COVERAGEFILE := ./lcov/coverage.info
+.PHONY: test
+test: $(TESTDIRS)
+	@rm -rf ./lcov
+	@rm -rf ./coverage
+	@mkdir -p lcov
+	@mkdir -p lcov/results
+	@mkdir coverage
+	@find ./test -name '*.xml' | xargs cp -t ./lcov/results/
+	@rm -f lcov/index.xml
+	@./xsl_script.sh
+	@cp junit_xsl.xslt lcov/.
+	@xsltproc -o lcov/testresults.html lcov/junit_xsl.xslt lcov/index.xml
+	@rm -f lcov/junit_xsl.xslt
+	@rm -f lcov/index.xml
+	@find ./ -name '*.gcno' | xargs cp --backup=numbered -t ./coverage/
+	@find ./ -name '*.gcda' | xargs cp --backup=numbered -t ./coverage/
+	@gcovr --object-directory ./coverage  --exclude-unreachable-branches -e '.*/builds/.*' -e '.*/test/.*' -e '.*/yotta_modules/.*' -e '.*/stubs/.*' -e '.*/mbed-client-c/.*' -x -o ./lcov/gcovr.xml
+	@lcov -d test/. -c -o $(COVERAGEFILE)
+	@lcov -q -r $(COVERAGEFILE) "/usr*" -o $(COVERAGEFILE)
+	@lcov -q -r $(COVERAGEFILE) "/test*" -o $(COVERAGEFILE)
+	@lcov -q -r $(COVERAGEFILE) "/mbed-client-libservice*" -o $(COVERAGEFILE)
+	@genhtml -q $(COVERAGEFILE) --show-details --output-directory lcov/html
+	@echo mbed-client-c module unit tests built
+	@make -C $(@:build-%=%)
+	@make -C $(@:clean-%=%) clean
+	@make -C $(@:clean-%=%) clean
+# Extend default clean rule
+clean: clean-extra
+clean-extra: $(CLEANDIRS) \