debugging library

Fork of LIS3DH by Kenji Arai

--- a/LIS3DH.cpp	Wed Aug 23 09:26:06 2017 +0000
+++ b/LIS3DH.cpp	Sat Jun 09 09:12:34 2018 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
  : _i2c_p(new I2C(p_sda, p_scl)), _i2c(*_i2c_p)
-    initialize (addr, LIS3DH_DR_NR_LP_50HZ, LIS3DH_FS_8G);
+    initialize (addr, LIS3DH_DR_NR_LP_50HZ, LIS3DH_FS_8G);  //tsai:  change this to 10Hz, 16uA to 8uA.
+    //initialize (addr, LIS3DH_DR_NR_LP_10HZ, LIS3DH_FS_8G);  //8uA consumption at 10Hz
+    // LIS3DH_DR_NR_LP_10HZ = 2
+    // LIS3DH_FS_8G = 2, full scale
 LIS3DH::LIS3DH (I2C& p_i2c,
@@ -57,14 +60,35 @@
     //  Reg.1
     dt[0] = LIS3DH_CTRL_REG1;
-    dt[1] = 0x07;
-    dt[1] |= data_rate << 4;
-    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);
+    dt[1] = 0x07;   //0000 0111
+    dt[1] |= data_rate << 4;    // 0000 0111 |= 0010 0000  ---> 0010 0111;  10Hz, high res, xyz enbabled.
+    //note:  dt[1]=0x0F;    //low resolution; @ datarate;  Must also zero out CTRL_REG4[3]
+    //dt[1] = 0x07;
+    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);     //address, command, bytes
     //  Reg.4
     dt[0] = LIS3DH_CTRL_REG4;
-    dt[1] = 0x08;  // High resolution
-    dt[1] |= fullscale << 4;
+    dt[1] = 0x08;  // High resolution       //0000 1000
+    dt[1] |= fullscale << 4;                //
+    //fullscale = 0000 0010
+    //fullscale << 4 = 0010 0000
+    //result of OR = 0010 1000   ----> 
+    //  continuous update
+    //  endian, LSB @ lowest address
+    //  10 = 8G scale
+    //  High resolution (10bit) ENABLED
+    //  0, 0 N/A
     _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);
     switch (fullscale) {
         case LIS3DH_FS_2G:
             fs_factor = LIS3DH_SENSITIVITY_2G;
@@ -83,6 +107,8 @@
 void LIS3DH::read_reg_data(char *data)
     // X,Y & Z
@@ -189,4 +215,42 @@
+uint8_t LIS3DH::setAct(uint8_t addr)
+    uint8_t ret_val;
+    // Check acc is available of not
+    acc_addr = addr;
+    dt[0] = LIS3DH_WHO_AM_I;
+    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 1, true);
+, dt, 1, false);
+    if (dt[0] == I_AM_LIS3DH) {
+        acc_ready = 1;
+        ret_val=1;
+    } else {
+        acc_ready = 0;
+        ret_val=2;
+        return ret_val;     // acc chip is NOT on I2C line then terminate
+    }
+    //Tsai:  add INT
+    //tsai:  reg. INT1_CFG
+    dt[0] = LIS3DH_INT1_CFG;
+    dt[1] = 0x3f;  // 0111 1111 = movement in all xyz
+    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);
+    //tsai:  reg. LIS3DH_INT1_THS
+    dt[0] = LIS3DH_INT1_THS;
+    //0-127;  I was at 10 out of 127 @ 16mg LSB;  
+    dt[1] = 0x02;  // 0000 0010 //62mg @ 8g full scale;  want 38 == 
+    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);
+    /*
+    //tsai:  reg. INT1_DURATION
+    dt[0] = LIS3DH_INT1_DURATION;
+    dt[1] = 0x01;  // short?
+    _i2c.write(acc_addr, dt, 2, false);
+    */
+    return ret_val;