A retro gaming programme, designed for use on a portable embedded system. Incorporates power saving techniques.

Dependencies:   ConfigFile N5110 PowerControl beep mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for mbed_TESTTOWER


main.cpp [code] Program implementation
tower.h [code] Revision 1.0


buttonA DigitalIn, allocates a pin to push button A
buttonB DigitalIn, allocates a pin to push button B
buzzer Object of the beep class, allocates a pin to the Piezo buzzer
cfg Object of the ConfigFile, used to create read/write file path within the Mbeds flash memory
deBounce A
joyButton InterruptIn, allocates a pin to the Joy Stick button
lcd Object of the N5110 class, allocates pins to the LCD screen (VCC, SCE, RST, D/C, MOSI, SCLK, LED)
ledA AnalgOut,allocates a pin to the Action LED
ledP DigitalOut, allocates a pin to the Power LED
local Local file system, used to create read/write file path within the Mbeds flash memory
pollJoystick Calls the function, updateJoystick() ; at intervals of 1/10 seconds
serial Serial port out - Generic protocol used to send and receive data, used for debugging
standby Calls the function, screenOff() ; at intervals of 60 seconds
timerA Calls the function, timerExpiredA() ; at intervals of 0.1 sec
timerB Calls the function, timerExpiredB() ; at intervals of 0.1 sec
timerGame Calls the function, gameLoop() ; at intervals of 0.1 sec
xpot AnalogIn, allocates a pin to xPot
ypot AnalogIn, allocates a pin to yPot