
Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of TCPSocket_HelloWorld by mbed official

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server.cpp	Thu Jul 02 21:03:39 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/*#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#define ECHO_SERVER_PORT   54321
+#define IP ""
+#define GATEWAY ""
+#define MASK ""
+#define LEN 18980
+uint16_t sample_array0[LEN];
+DigitalOut led_red(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut led_green(LED_GREEN);
+DigitalOut led_blue(LED_BLUE);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+int main (void) {
+    for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) sample_array0[i] = ((0x0031<<8) | 0x0032);
+    sample_array0[0] = ('S'<<8)|'S';
+    sample_array0[LEN-1] = ('F'<<8) | 'F';
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    pc.printf("Starting test server\r\n");
+    EthernetInterface eth;
+    eth.init(IP, MASK, GATEWAY);
+    eth.connect();
+    pc.printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+    TCPSocketServer server;
+    server.bind(ECHO_SERVER_PORT);
+    server.listen();
+    led_blue = 1;
+    led_green = 1;
+    led_red = 1;
+    while (true) {
+        //pc.printf("\r\nWait for new connection...\r\n");
+        TCPSocketConnection client;
+        server.accept(client);
+        client.set_blocking(true, 5000);
+        //pc.printf("Connection from: %s\r\n", client.get_address());
+        char buffer[1460]; // size of IP payload
+        while (true) {
+            int n = client.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+            if (n <= 0) break;
+            pc.printf("Rec: %i: ",n);
+            n = client.send_all((char *)sample_array0, LEN*2);
+            if (n <= 0) {led_blue = 0; break;}
+            pc.printf("Sent %i: ",n);
+        }
+        client.close();
+        pc.printf("\r\n");
+    }
\ No newline at end of file