A project to implement a console using the Mbed using VGA for video output and a PS/2 keyboard for the input. The eventual goal is to also include tools for managing SD cards, and a semi-self-hosting programming environment.

Dependencies:   PS2_MbedConsole fastlib SDFileSystem vga640x480g_mbedconsole lightvm mbed

MbedConsole is a cool little project to have a self-contained computer all on an Mbed. So far it has VGA and PS/2 support and can stand alone without a computer powering it. Next planned features are SD card support and a lightweight programmable VM complete with a file editor and self-hosted assembler.

You can view additional details about it at http://earlz.net/tags/mbedconsole

Fri Sep 28 04:03:54 2012 +0000
Finally have keyboard support, AND it plays nice with VGA

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 1 #ifndef PLEARLZ_H
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 2 #define PLEARLZ_H
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 3
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 4 #define MAXSTACK 64
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 5 #define MAXTEMPSTACK 64
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 6 #define MAXLINELENGTH 128
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 7 #define DICTIONARYSTEP 4 //how much memory to reserve when doing a reallocation for resizing
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 8 #define CODEBLOCKSTEP 16
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 9
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 10 enum ErrorType
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 11 {
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 12 None,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 13 StackOverflow,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 14 StackUnderflow
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 15 };
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 16
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 17 //arguments are in the bytecode, not the stack! But, things like Add has no arguments and uses the stack
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 18 //pointers are assumed 32-bit?
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 19 enum Opcode
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 20 {
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 21 BranchTrue, //argument is 16 bit vaddress
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 22 BranchFalse, //argument is 16bit vaddress
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 23 Branch,
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 24 PushTemp, //pops from stack and pushes onto the temporary stack
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 25 PopTemp, //pushes onto stack from temporary stack
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 26 Push, //argument is 32bit number
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 27 Drop, //trashes top value on stack
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 28 Call, //call. argument is WORD entry pointer in dictionary
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 29 CallInt, //call internal argument is function pointer
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 30 Add,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 31 Sub,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 32 Mul,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 33 Div,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 34 Mod,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 35 Cgt, //takes two integers and compares for greater than pushes 1 if so, 0 if not
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 36 Clt, //less than
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 37 Cgte, //greater than or equal
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 38 Clte,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 39 Ceq,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 40 Cneq,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 41 LoadStr, //argument is variable length string ending with 0. Pushes address onto stack
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 42 LoadConst, //pushes the value pointed to by the argument
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 43 StoreConst, //pops a value and stores it in the memory pointed to by the argument
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 44 Load, //same as above, except the address is popped first.
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 45 Store,
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 46 Swap,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 47 New, //pushes a pointer to free memory for an integer
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 48 NewVar, //pushes a pointer to memory. Size is specified by argument
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 49 Delete, //pops a pointer and frees it.
earlz 9:4211d638b2e9 50 Pick, //takes an integer position from the stack. Goes that many slots back in the stack and peeks at the value, and then pushes it on the top of the stack
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 51 Ret //exit
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 52 };
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 53
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 54 typedef void (*BuiltinFunction)(void);
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 55 typedef struct
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 56 {
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 57 char name[12];
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 58 enum Type{
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 59 Constant,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 60 ConstantString,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 61 Builtin,
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 62 Function
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 63 } type;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 64 union valueunion{
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 65 int intvalue;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 66 BuiltinFunction builtin;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 67 char *string;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 68 } value;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 69 } WordKey;
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 70
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 71 /**
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 72 BranchTarget tracks branches/labels.
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 73 When a beginning conditional/looping structure is found, it adds a branch target to the list with `target` set to point to the relevant branch target in codeblock
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 74 When an ending structure is found, it replaces the branch target(which starts at -1) with the actual branch address,
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 75 **/
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 76 typedef struct TargetNode
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 77 {
earlz 8:f356684767ef 78 int target; //position inside of codeblock. Can't use pointers because life is cruel and the block could be reallocated at anytime.
earlz 8:f356684767ef 79 TargetNode* previous; //previous instead of next because we're going to "destroy" this list in reverse
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 80 } BranchTarget;
earlz 7:2ac6752d47d2 81
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 82 extern ErrorType pl_error;
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 83
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 84 int pl_shell();
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 85
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 86 static inline int is_whitespace(char c){
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 87 return (c==' ') || (c=='\t') || (c=='\n') || (c=='\r');
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 88 }
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 89
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 90 static inline int is_numeric(char c){
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 91 return (c>='0') && (c<='9');
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 92 }
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 93
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 94 static inline int is_alpha(char c){
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 95 return ((c>='a') && (c<='z')) || ((c>='A') && (c<='Z'));
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 96 }
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 97
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 98 static inline int is_identifier(char c){
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 99 return is_alpha(c) || is_numeric(c) || (c=='_');
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 100 }
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 101
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 102 static inline int is_quote(char c){
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 103 return (c=='\"') || (c=='\'');
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 104 }
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 105 int forth_execute(uint8_t* block, int length);
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 106 WordKey *pl_lookup(char* name);
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 107 int pl_pop();
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 108 void pl_push(int val);
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 109
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 110
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 111
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 112 //builtin functions
earlz 6:a4dff59ef214 113 void bi_print();
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 114
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 115
earlz 3:2bc2b0dce10e 116 #endif