A simple program to be used to calibrate the TouchScreen library

Dependencies:   TouchScreen UniGraphic mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Mar 19 15:42:31 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "Arial12x12.h"
+#include "Arial24x23.h"
+#include "ILI932x.h"
+#include "TouchScreen.h"
+#define LCD_X_RES 240
+#define LCD_Y_RES 320
+#define LCD_CS PH_0
+#define LCD_RESET PH_1
+#define LCD_RS PA_0
+#define LCD_WR PA_1
+#define LCD_RD PA_4
+#define T_CLK  PC_10
+#define T_DIN  PC_12
+#define T_DOUT PC_11
+#define T_CS   PC_8
+#define T_IRQ  PB_9
+* My touch screen lies at a slight angle and hides some of the screen   
+* Adjust this value as needed until the calibration dots are visible on your screen
+#define CAL_OFFSET 4
+* hand-crafted values for the touch-screen calibration
+#define TOUCH_X_MIN 540
+#define TOUCH_X_MAX 3700
+#define TOUCH_Y_MIN 340
+#define TOUCH_Y_MAX 3656
+unsigned short backgroundcolor=Black;
+unsigned short foregroundcolor=White;
+ILI932x* mySCREEN;
+TouchScreen* touchScreen;
+Serial *pc;
+volatile bool done;
+volatile int xt, yt;
+volatile int xmin = 9999;
+volatile int xmax = 0;
+volatile int ymin = 9999;
+volatile int ymax = 0;
+void touchStart(TouchPosition p) {
+    mySCREEN->fillcircle(p.screenX, p.screenY, 10, Blue) ;
+void touchMove(TouchPosition p) {
+    mySCREEN->fillcircle(p.screenX+10, p.screenY, 10, Green) ;
+void touchEnd(TouchPosition p) {
+    mySCREEN->fillcircle(p.screenX+20, p.screenY, 10, Red) ;
+    done = true;
+    xt = p.x;
+    yt = p.y;
+void cal(int x, int y) {
+    done = false;
+    mySCREEN->fillcircle(x, y, 4, Red) ;
+    while(!done) {
+        // wait
+    }
+    pc->printf("X=%d, Y=%d\r\n", xt, yt);
+    if(xmin>xt) xmin=xt;
+    if(xmax<xt) xmax=xt;
+    if(ymin>yt) ymin=yt;
+    if(ymax<yt) ymax=yt;
+void print_calibration() {
+    // We have max and min values corresponding to points inside the screen area
+    // Work out the scaling factor on each axis, and adjust the origin to account for the 
+    // offset used during calibration
+    float xscale, yscale;
+    int axmin, axmax, aymin, aymax;
+    xscale = (xmax - xmin) / (LCD_X_RES - 2*CAL_OFFSET);
+    axmin = xmin - CAL_OFFSET * xscale;
+    axmax = xmax + CAL_OFFSET * xscale;
+    yscale = (ymax - ymin) / (LCD_Y_RES - 2*CAL_OFFSET);
+    aymin = ymin - CAL_OFFSET * yscale;
+    aymax = ymax + CAL_OFFSET * yscale;
+    pc->printf("#define TOUCH_X_MIN %u\r\n", axmin);
+    pc->printf("#define TOUCH_X_MAX %u\r\n", axmax);
+    pc->printf("#define TOUCH_Y_MIN %u\r\n", aymin);
+    pc->printf("#define TOUCH_Y_MAX %u\r\n", aymax);
+int main()
+    pc = new Serial(USBTX, USBRX);
+    pc->baud (9600);
+    pc->printf("\n\nSystem Core Clock = %.3f MHZ\r\n",(float)SystemCoreClock/1000000);
+    mySCREEN = new ILI932x(PAR_8, PortC, LCD_CS, LCD_RESET, LCD_RS, LCD_WR, LCD_RD,"myLCD");
+    pc->printf("Screen id %d\r\n", mySCREEN->tftID);
+    mySCREEN->set_orientation(0);
+    mySCREEN->cls();                // clear the screen
+    mySCREEN->locate(0,0);
+    mySCREEN->background(backgroundcolor);    // set background to black
+    mySCREEN->foreground(foregroundcolor);    // set chars to white
+    mySCREEN->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
+    touchScreen = new TouchScreen(T_DIN, T_DOUT, T_CLK, T_CS, T_IRQ);
+    touchScreen->setTouchStartHandler(&touchStart);
+    touchScreen->setTouchMoveHandler(&touchMove);
+    touchScreen->setTouchEndHandler(&touchEnd);
+    touchScreen->setCalibration(TOUCH_X_MIN, TOUCH_X_MAX, TOUCH_Y_MIN, TOUCH_Y_MAX);
+    while (1) {
+        pc->printf("Calibrate..\r\n");
+        cal(CAL_OFFSET, CAL_OFFSET);
+        print_calibration();
+        Thread::wait(1000);
+    }