operate LoRa radio over I2C

Dependencies:   TimeoutAbs lib_i2c_slave_block sx12xx_hal

radio chip selection

Radio chip driver is not included, allowing choice of radio device.
If you're using SX1272 or SX1276, then import sx127x driver into your program.
if you're using SX1261 or SX1262, then import sx126x driver into your program.
if you're using SX1280, then import sx1280 driver into your program.
If you're using NAmote72 or Murata discovery, then you must import only sx127x driver.

This project is used as slave device with i2c_lora_master on raspberry pi. This i2c_lora_slave offloads the real-time requirements onto microcontroller. Also permits multiple slave radio devices connected to master. Radio MAC layer exists on I2C master, along with application layer.

If beacon operation is enabled, I2C functions which access radio chip are blocked while beacon is loaded and transmitted.
See lib_i2c_slave_block for wiring connections.


Wayne Roberts

File content as of revision 0:9eb5b8bf9f7b:

#define CMD_UNUSED              0x00
#define CMD_TEST                0x01
#define CMD_TEST32              0x02
#define CMD_BEACON_PAYLOAD      0x03
#define CMD_CFG                 0x04    // firmware config
#define CMD_IRQ                 0x05    // read when irq pin is asserted
#define CMD_SKIP_BEACONS        0x06
#define CMD_CURRENT_SLOT        0x07

#define CMD_RADIO                 0x08
#define CMD_FSK_MODEM_CFG_WRITE   (CMD_RADIO+0x00)   // 08
#define CMD_FSK_MODEM_CFG_REQ     (CMD_RADIO+0x01)   // 09
#define CMD_FSK_PKT_CFG_WRITE     (CMD_RADIO+0x02)   // 0a 
#define CMD_FSK_PKT_CFG_REQ       (CMD_RADIO+0x03)   // 0b
#define CMD_FSK_SYNC_WRITE        (CMD_RADIO+0x04)   // 0c
#define CMD_FSK_SYNC_REQ          (CMD_RADIO+0x05)   // 0d
#define CMD_LORA_SYMBTO_WRITE     (CMD_RADIO+0x06)   // 0e
#define CMD_REQ_RANDOM            (CMD_RADIO+0x07)   // 0f
#define CMD_CFHZ_WRITE            (CMD_RADIO+0x08)   // 10
#define CMD_CFHZ_REQ              (CMD_RADIO+0x09)   // 11
#define CMD_TXDBM_WRITE           (CMD_RADIO+0x0a)   // 12
#define CMD_TXDBM_REQ             (CMD_RADIO+0x0b)   // 13
#define CMD_LORA_MODEM_CFG_WRITE  (CMD_RADIO+0x0c)   // 14
#define CMD_LORA_MODEM_CFG_REQ    (CMD_RADIO+0x0d)   // 15
#define CMD_RX_START              (CMD_RADIO+0x0e)   // 16
#define CMD_LORA_PKT_CFG_WRITE    (CMD_RADIO+0x0f)   // 17
#define CMD_LORA_PKT_CFG_REQ      (CMD_RADIO+0x10)   // 18
#define CMD_BEACON_CFG_WRITE      (CMD_RADIO+0x11)   // 19
#define CMD_STANDBY               (CMD_RADIO+0x12)   // 1a
#define CMD_OPMODE_REQ            (CMD_RADIO+0x13)   // 1b
#define CMD_PUBLIC_NET            (CMD_RADIO+0x14)   // 1c
#define CMD_MAX_PAYLEN_WRITE      (CMD_RADIO+0x15)   // 1d
#define CMD_RX_PAYLOAD            (CMD_RADIO+0x16)   // 1e read this when irq.fields.flags.rx_pkt == 1
#define CMD_TX_BUF_START          (CMD_RADIO+0x17)   // 1f length and begin of payload
#define CMD_TX_BUF                (CMD_RADIO+0x18)   // 20 continuing payload
#define CMD_SEND                  (CMD_RADIO+0x19)   // 21 transmit packet, immediate
#define CMD_RSSI_REQ              (CMD_RADIO+0x1a)   // 22 returned via IRQ
#define CMD_RADIO_RESET           (CMD_RADIO+0x1b)   // 23

#define CMD_ISR                 0xf8
#define CMD_STOPF               0xf9
#define CMD_ADDR_HOST_READ      0xfa
#define CMD_ADDR_HOST_WRITE     0xfb
#define CMD_AF                  0xfc    // debug for tx buf on host read
#endif /* DEBUG_SMBUS */
#define CMD_TIMEOUT             0xfd    // indication of smbus timeout
#define CMD_ARLO                0xfe    // indication of arbitration lost
#define CMD_BUSERR              0xff    // indication of start or stop during transfer

typedef union {
    struct {
        uint8_t fixLen : 1;    // 0
        uint8_t crcOn  : 1;    // 1
        uint8_t invIQ  : 1;    // 2
    } bits;
    uint8_t octet;
} pktcfg_t;

typedef union {
    struct __attribute__((packed)) {
        struct {
            uint8_t rxOnTxDone : 1;    // 0      enables gateway operation
            uint8_t res        : 7;    // 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
        } flags;
        uint32_t maxListenTime; // LBT
        uint32_t channelFreeTime;   // LBT
        int8_t rssiThresh;  // LBT
        uint8_t n_rssi_samples;     // rssi averaging
        uint16_t downlinkOffset;    // uplink end to downlink in ms, if rxOnTxDone==1
    } fields;
    uint8_t buf[13];
} cfg_t;

enum {

typedef enum {
    /* 0 */ IRQ_TYPE_PKT = 0,
    /* 1 */ IRQ_TYPE_RSSI,
    /* 2 */ IRQ_TYPE_CF,
    /* 3 */ IRQ_TYPE_BEACON_DUR,
    /* 4 */ IRQ_TYPE_RANDOM,
    /* 5 */ IRQ_TYPE_FSK_MODEM,
    /* 6 */ IRQ_TYPE_FSK_PKT,
    /* 7 */ IRQ_TYPE_FSK_SYNC,
    /* 8 */ IRQ_TYPE_TXDBM,
    /* 9 */ IRQ_TYPE_LORA_MODEM,
    /*10 */ IRQ_TYPE_LORA_PKT,
    /*11 */ IRQ_TYPE_OPMODE
} irq_type_e;

typedef union {
    struct __attribute__((packed)) {
        struct {
            uint8_t rx_pkt          : 1;    // 0
            uint8_t rx_pkt_overrun  : 1;    // 1
            uint8_t unused          : 2;    // 2,3
            uint8_t irq_type        : 4;    // 4,5,6,7
        } flags;
        uint8_t pkt_len;    // if flags.rx_pkt
        int8_t pkt_snr;     // if flags.rx_pkt
        uint16_t rx_slot;
        int16_t rssi;    // dBm * 10: if flags.rx_pkt or flags.bg_rssi
    } fields;
    uint8_t buf[11];
} irq_t;

extern const uint8_t cmd_to_length[];