Sending IKS01A1 temperature sensor to LoRaWAN port-5 uplink

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib

Fork of LoRaWAN-demo-76 by Semtech

Use IKS01A1 sensor shield with SX1272 shield or SX1276 shield.

Sends temperature sensor to LoRaWAN uplink port 5.

Remove SB22 and SB23 from IKS01A1 before using

SB28 conflicts with DIO0 on radio. (TxDone RxDone)

SB22 conflicts with RxTx on radio. (antenna switch)



File content as of revision 8:7b1d5fb9cf72:

 / _____)             _              | |
( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
    (C)2013 Semtech

Description: Helper functions implementation

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
#ifndef __UTILITIES_H__
#define __UTILITIES_H__

 * \brief Returns the minimum value betwen a and b
 * \param [IN] a 1st value
 * \param [IN] b 2nd value
 * \retval minValue Minimum value
#define MIN( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) < ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )

 * \brief Returns the maximum value betwen a and b
 * \param [IN] a 1st value
 * \param [IN] b 2nd value
 * \retval maxValue Maximum value
#define MAX( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) > ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )

 * \brief Returns 2 raised to the power of n
 * \param [IN] n power value
 * \retval result of raising 2 to the power n
#define POW2( n ) ( 1 << n )

 * \brief Initializes the pseudo ramdom generator initial value
 * \param [IN] seed Pseudo ramdom generator initial value
void srand1( uint32_t seed );

 * \brief Computes a random number between min and max
 * \param [IN] min range minimum value
 * \param [IN] max range maximum value
 * \retval random random value in range min..max
int32_t randr( int32_t min, int32_t max );

 * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array
 * \remark STM32 Standard memcpy function only works on pointers that are aligned
 * \param [OUT] dst  Destination array
 * \param [IN]  src  Source array
 * \param [IN]  size Number of bytes to be copied
void memcpy1( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size );

 * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array reversing the byte order
 * \param [OUT] dst  Destination array
 * \param [IN]  src  Source array
 * \param [IN]  size Number of bytes to be copied
void memcpyr( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size );

 * \brief Set size elements of dst array with value 
 * \remark STM32 Standard memset function only works on pointers that are aligned
 * \param [OUT] dst   Destination array
 * \param [IN]  value Default value
 * \param [IN]  size  Number of bytes to be copied
void memset1( uint8_t *dst, uint8_t value, uint16_t size );

 * \brief Converts a nibble to an hexadecimal character
 * \param [IN] a   Nibble to be converted
 * \retval hexChar Converted hexadecimal character
int8_t Nibble2HexChar( uint8_t a );

#endif // __UTILITIES_H__