application layer with: button, LED, pot, tempSense

Dependencies:   mbed SX1272Lib

Fork of LoRaWAN-demo-72-bootcamp by Semtech

Use with sx1272 shield with grove peripherals connected:

D8 D9: ButtonRX TXA3 A4: TempSense
D6 D7:SCL SDA : LEDA1 A2: Pot


Sends to different payloads: short press (under 1 sec)
long press: held down > 1 sec.

serial console keys

115200bps, 8N1
Enter key not used
Keys '0' to '3': cayenne channel number
'0': pot (rotary sensor)
'1': temperature
' 2': digital out
'3': analog out

diff -r 52587c4c45ba -r 0083afd69815 board/board.cpp
--- a/board/board.cpp	Tue Apr 04 13:37:39 2017 +0000
+++ b/board/board.cpp	Mon Apr 24 13:31:49 2017 +0000
@@ -17,6 +17,28 @@
 SX1272MB2xAS Radio( NULL );
+ * Nested interrupt counter.
+ *
+ * \remark Interrupt should only be fully disabled once the value is 0
+ */
+static uint8_t IrqNestLevel = 0;
+void BoardDisableIrq( void )
+    __disable_irq( );
+    IrqNestLevel++;
+void BoardEnableIrq( void )
+    IrqNestLevel--;
+    if( IrqNestLevel == 0 )
+    {
+        __enable_irq( );
+    }
 void BoardInit( void )
     TimerTimeCounterInit( );