Lib for FTDI FT800 graphic controller "EVE" The API is changed from the FTDI original names. It use smaller names now. DL() will add something to the display list instead of Ft_App_WrCoCmd_Buffer ... The FTDI programmer Guide is also using this commands.

Dependents:   FT800_RGB_demo FT800_RGB_demo2 FT800_demo_for_habr Temp_&_RH_at_TFT-demo ... more

Fork of FT800 by Peter Drescher

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00001 // color definitions for FT800 controler
00003 #define Red         255,0,0
00004 #define Pink        255,192,203
00005 #define DarkRed     139,0,0
00006 #define OrangeRed   255,69,0
00007 #define Orange      255,165,0
00008 #define Gold        255,215,ß
00009 #define Yellow      255,255,0
00010 #define LightYellow 255,255,224
00011 #define Magenta     255,0,255
00012 #define Indigo      75,0,130
00013 #define SlateBlue   106,90,205
00014 #define Blue        0,0,255
00015 #define DarkBlue    0,0,139
00016 #define SkyBlue     135,206,235
00017 #define LightBlue   173,216,230
00018 #define White       255,255,255
00019 #define Black       0,0,0
00020 #define Gray        128,128,128
00021 #define DarkGray    169,169,169
00022 #define Silver      192,192,192
00023 #define Brown       165,42,42
00024 #define Green       0,128,0
00025 #define DarkGreen   0,100,0
00026 #define YellowGreen 154,205,50
00027 #define Olive       128,128,0
00028 #define Lime        0,255,0
00029 #define Purple      128,0,128
00030 #define Tomato      255,99,71
00031 #define Violet      235,130,238
00032 #define Plum        221,160,221
00033 #define GreenYellow 173,255,47
00034 #define Cyan        0,255,255
00035 #define Aquamarine  127,255,212
00036 #define LightGray   211,211,211