Custom phone app that controls cup dispenser, drink dispenser, and conveyor belt using the mbed blue tooth capabilities.

Dependencies:   Motor Servo mbed

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00001 // Demonstrates complete use of the WDDDS systems  and functionalities:
00002 // Cup dispenser, dispensing drink 1, dispensing drink 2, and conveyor belt.
00003 // This code:
00004 // - dispenses a cup, moves the cup under the drink dispenser, dispenses drink 1
00005 //      then moves cup further along treads when button 1 is pressed
00006 // - dispenses a cup, moves the cup under the drink dispenser, dispenses drink 2
00007 //      then moves cup further along treads when button 2 is pressed
00008 // - 4th button is used for unjamming the cup dispenser, as it will extend the
00009 //      linear actuator further to push cups out.
00011 #include "mbed.h"
00012 #include "Motor.h"
00013 #include "Servo.h"
00015 Servo poker(p22);
00016 DigitalIn stby(p25);
00017 Motor tread(p24, p12, p11);         // pwm, fwd, rev (H-bridge)
00018 Motor pump(p26, p13, p14);          // pwm, fwd, rev (H-bridge)
00019 DigitalOut tread2(p21);             // MOSFET
00020 BusOut myled(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);  // check for which button is pressed
00021 Serial blue(p28,p27);               // Bluetooth
00022 float cupos = 850;
00023 void cupdispense();
00024 void drink1();
00025 void drink2();
00026 void treads(float time); 
00028 int main()
00029 {
00030     poker.Enable(1500,20000);
00031     poker.SetPosition(cupos);
00032     wait(.2);
00033      poker.SetPosition(cupos+10);
00034     stby.mode(PullUp);
00035     char bnum=0;
00036     char bhit=0;
00037     while(1) {
00038         if (blue.getc()=='!') {
00039             if (blue.getc()=='B') { //button data packet
00040                 bnum = blue.getc(); //button number
00041                 bhit = blue.getc(); //1=hit, 0=release
00042                 if (blue.getc()==char(~('!' + 'B' + bnum + bhit))) { //checksum OK?
00043                     myled = bnum - '0'; //current button number will appear on LEDs
00044                     switch (bnum) {
00045                         case '1': //number button 1
00046                             if (bhit=='1') {
00047                                 //add hit code here
00048                                 drink1();
00050                             } else {
00051                                 //add release code here
00052                             }
00053                             break;
00054                         case '2': //number button 2
00055                             if (bhit=='1') {
00056                                 //add hit code here
00057                                  drink2();
00058                             } else {
00059                                 //add release code here
00060                             }
00061                             break;
00062                         case '3': //number button 3
00063                             if (bhit=='1') {
00064                                 //add hit code here
00065                             } else {
00066                                 //add release code here
00067                             }
00068                             break;
00069                         case '4': //number button 4
00070                             if (bhit=='1') {
00071                                 //add hit code here
00072                                 cupdispense();
00073                             } else {
00074                                 //add release code here
00075                             }
00076                             break;
00077                         default:
00078                             break;
00079                     }
00080                 }
00081             }
00082         }
00083     }
00084 }
00086 void cupdispense(){
00087    if( cupos <2500) {
00088        cupos += 52;
00089        wait_ms(400);
00090        poker.SetPosition(cupos);
00091        cupos += 53;
00092        poker.SetPosition(cupos);
00093        wait_ms(100);
00094        }
00095 }
00097 void drink1(){
00098   //  cupdispense();
00099     //wait(3.5);
00100     treads(.68);
00101     wait(.4);
00102     pump.speed(1);
00103     wait(2);
00104     pump.speed(0);
00105     wait(5);
00106     treads(1);
00107 }
00109 void drink2(){
00110   //  cupdispense();
00111     //wait(3.5);
00112     treads(.68);
00113     wait(.4);
00114     pump.speed(-1);
00115     wait(2);
00116     pump.speed(0);
00117     wait(5);
00118     treads(1);
00119 }
00121 void treads(float time) {
00122     tread.speed(.4);
00123     tread2 = 1;
00124     wait(time);
00125     tread.speed(0);
00126     tread2 = 0;
00127 }