Example self-announcing webserver which controls a servo through a smallHTML userinterface.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Aug 14 15:56:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
+#include "HTTPServer.h"
+#include "mDNSResponder.h"
+#include "RestMeterHandler.h"
+#define __DEBUG
+#include "dbg/dbg.h"
+// Hardware I/O
+Servo myservo(p21);
+DigitalOut netPoll(LED1);
+DigitalOut servoChange(LED2);
+// Ethernet, webserver and Bonjour responder
+EthernetNetIf eth;
+HTTPServer srv;
+mDNSResponder mdns; // make sure LWIP_IGMP is set in netCfg.h !
+#define MYNAME "Ampere Meter"   // Human readable/descriptive name
+#define LUDN "amp-meter"        // Local unqualified DNS name
+#define RANGE 0.80    // scale of 0 .. 1 -- see Servo 
+#define MIN 0.36      // scale of 0 .. 1
+#define STEP (RANGE / 20)
+float pos = MIN + RANGE/2;
+const char * restCallback(const char * cmd)
+  static char resp[2048];
+  if (cmd && (!strcmp(cmd,"min")))
+    pos -= STEP;
+  if (cmd && (!strcmp(cmd,"plus")))
+    pos += STEP;
+  if (pos > MIN+RANGE) pos = MIN + RANGE;
+  if (pos < MIN) pos = MIN;
+  myservo = pos;
+  servoChange = !servoChange;
+  snprintf(resp, sizeof(resp), 
+    "<head><title>%s</title></head>"
+    "<body>"
+    "<center><h1><hr/>%s<hr/></h1>", MYNAME, MYNAME);
+  // small HTML table to give a visual display
+  // of the value as a VU style bar.
+  snprintf(resp+strlen(resp), sizeof(resp)-strlen(resp),
+    "<table cellpadding=2><tr>");
+  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
+    snprintf(resp+strlen(resp), sizeof(resp)-strlen(resp),
+      "<td bgcolor=%s width=10px height=10px>&nbsp;</td>",
+        ((pos - MIN) * 20 / RANGE > i) ? "444444" : "dddddd");
+  snprintf(resp+strlen(resp), sizeof(resp)-strlen(resp),
+      "</tr><table><br>");
+  // footer with the 2 plus/minus command options.
+  //        
+  snprintf(resp+strlen(resp), sizeof(resp)-strlen(resp),
+    "<a href='?cmd=min'>&lt;</a> <font size=+5>[%1.3f]</font> <a href='?cmd=plus'>&gt;</a>"
+    "</center></body>", pos);
+    return resp;   
+int main() {
+    DBG("\n\r\n\r"
+        "Compiled " MYNAME " (" LUDN ") on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ 
+        "\r\n"
+    );
+    netPoll = 0;
+    // middle the servo
+    pos = MIN + RANGE/2;
+    myservo = pos;
+    EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
+    if (ethErr) {
+        printf("Error %d in setup on DHCP.\r\n", ethErr);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    // for general static content.    
+    FSHandler::mount("/webfs", "/htdocs");     // Mount /webfs path on html docroot
+    srv.addHandler<FSHandler>("/icons");      
+    // handling the commands/dynamic pages
+    //    
+    RestMeterHandler::attach(&restCallback);
+    srv.addHandler<RestMeterHandler>("/");
+    // start the webserver    
+    srv.bind(80);
+    // Announce above web server - and keep doing that every minute or so.
+    //
+    mdns.announce(
+        eth.getIp(),                // (My) IP address - where announced service runs.
+        LUDN,                       // DNS name server or service
+        "_http._tcp",               // protocol
+        80,                         // Port number
+        MYNAME,                     // User interface name service
+        (char *[]) {                // NULL terminated list of KV's = see                                     
+            "path=/",               // http://www.zeroconf.org/Rendezvous/txtrecords.html
+            NULL
+        }
+    );
+#if __DEEBUG
+    Ip ip = eth.getIp();
+    DBG("Visible as http://" LUDN ".lcoal/ or http://%d.%d.%d.%d/\r\n", ip[0],ip[1],ip[2],ip[3]);
+    netPoll = 1;
+    unsigned char c = 0;
+    while(true) {
+        netPoll = ! netPoll;    // flash net polling LED for geedback.
+        Net::poll();
+    }
+} // main