USB device stack; Added getter method for terminal_connected;

Fork of USBDevice by mbed official

Example of use:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "USBSerial.h"

USBSerial  pc;
DigitalOut blue_led(P0_20);

int main() {
    blue_led = 1;
    while(!pc.getTerminal_connected()); //Wait for serial terminal to connect...
    while(1) {
        blue_led = 0;
        blue_led = 1;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBDevice/USBHAL_EFM32.cpp	Thu Aug 13 15:46:06 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 Silicon Labs,
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#if defined TARGET_EFM32GG_STK3700 || \
+    defined TARGET_EFM32LG_STK3600 || \
+    defined TARGET_EFM32WG_STK3800 || \
+    defined TARGET_EFM32HG_STK3400
+#include "USBHAL.h"
+#include "em_usb.h"
+#include "em_usbtypes.h"
+#include "em_usbhal.h"
+#include "em_usbd.h"
+#include "sleepmodes.h"
+enum USBISRCommand {
+    CMD_HANDLED = 0,
+    CMD_EP0IN,
+    CMD_EP0OUT,
+    CMD_SOF,
+enum IEPStatus {
+    IDLE = 1,
+    READ_PENDING = 2,
+typedef struct {
+    IEPStatus status;
+    uint32_t byte_count;
+    uint32_t max_packet;
+    USB_XferCompleteCb_TypeDef intern_cb;
+    uint8_t *data_buf;
+} ep_state_t;
+USBHAL * USBHAL::instance;
+static uint8_t ep0setupdata[8];
+static ep_state_t ep_state[NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS];
+static uint8_t ep0in_data_buf[MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+static uint8_t ep0out_data_buf[MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0]; // FIXME: does this need to be this big?
+static uint8_t ep_data_buf[NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS][64] __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+static void run_cmd(USBISRCommand cmd, uint32_t param);
+static void (*isrptr)() = NULL;
+static USBISRCommand usb_isrcmd = CMD_HANDLED;
+static uint32_t usb_isrcmd_param = 0;
+extern "C" void usbhal_allow_em2(bool allow_em2);
+#define TRACE(fmt,...)            printf("USB:   %s: " fmt "\n", __func__, __VA_ARGS__);
+#define TRACE_FUNC_IN             printf("USB: > %s\n",__func__);
+#define TRACE_FUNC_IN_P(fmt, ...) printf("USB: > %s: " fmt "\n", __func__, __VA_ARGS__);
+#define TRACE(fmt,...)
+#define TRACE_FUNC_IN
+#define TRACE_FUNC_IN_P(fmt, ...)
+static EP_STATUS internEndpointRead(uint8_t ep, uint32_t maxSize);
+static int usbhal_xfer_complete_cb(uint8_t epaddr, USB_Status_TypeDef status,
+                                   uint32_t xferred, uint32_t remaining);
+static void usbhal_free_buffers(void);
+/* Internal EP transfer complete callbacks */
+#define EPCB(n) static int usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_##n(USB_Status_TypeDef status,              \
+                                                       uint32_t xferred, uint32_t remaining) { \
+        return usbhal_xfer_complete_cb(n, status, xferred, remaining);                         \
+/*   ------^   */
+#ifndef TARGET_EFM32HG_STK3400
+static inline bool is_aligned(const void *pointer, size_t byte_count)
+    return ((uintptr_t)pointer % byte_count == 0);
+    isrptr = &USBHAL::_usbisr;
+    if (instance) {
+        TRACE("Assert self failed! instance=%p", instance);
+        abort();
+    }
+    instance = this;
+    // When USB is active, we can't go below EM1. This block may
+    // be dynamically removed/reinstated to allow deeper sleep.
+    usbhal_allow_em2(false);
+    // When in suspend / Vbus off we can go to EM2, but never below
+    // that as long as USB is being used. Despite the name the call here
+    // blocks entering modes _below_ EM2, but allows EM2.
+    blockSleepMode(EM2);
+    epCallback[EP0OUT] = NULL;
+    epCallback[EP0IN ] = NULL;
+    epCallback[EP1OUT] = &USBHAL::EP1_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP1IN ] = &USBHAL::EP1_IN_callback;
+    epCallback[EP2OUT] = &USBHAL::EP2_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP2IN ] = &USBHAL::EP2_IN_callback;
+    epCallback[EP3OUT] = &USBHAL::EP3_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP3IN ] = &USBHAL::EP3_IN_callback;
+#ifndef TARGET_EFM32HG_STK3400
+    epCallback[EP4OUT] = &USBHAL::EP4_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP4IN ] = &USBHAL::EP4_IN_callback;
+    epCallback[EP5OUT] = &USBHAL::EP5_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP5IN ] = &USBHAL::EP5_IN_callback;
+    epCallback[EP6OUT] = &USBHAL::EP6_OUT_callback;
+    epCallback[EP6IN ] = &USBHAL::EP6_IN_callback;
+    memset(ep_state, 0, sizeof(ep_state));
+    ep_state[EP0OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP0OUT;
+    ep_state[EP0IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP0IN;
+    ep_state[EP1OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP1OUT;
+    ep_state[EP1IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP1IN;
+    ep_state[EP2OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP2OUT;
+    ep_state[EP2IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP2IN;
+    ep_state[EP3OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP3OUT;
+    ep_state[EP3IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP3IN;
+#ifndef TARGET_EFM32HG_STK3400
+    ep_state[EP4OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP4OUT;
+    ep_state[EP4IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP4IN;
+    ep_state[EP5OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP5OUT;
+    ep_state[EP5IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP5IN;
+    ep_state[EP6OUT].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP6OUT;
+    ep_state[EP6IN ].intern_cb = usbhal_xfer_complete_cb_EP6IN;
+    ep_state[EP0OUT].data_buf = ep0out_data_buf;
+    ep_state[EP0IN].data_buf = ep0in_data_buf;
+    for (int i=0 ; i<NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS ; i++) {
+        ep_state[i].data_buf = ep_data_buf[i];
+    }
+    USBD_AbortAllTransfers();
+    USBD_Disconnect();
+    usbhal_free_buffers();
+    usbhal_allow_em2(true);
+    unblockSleepMode(EM2);
+extern "C" void usbhal_allow_em2(bool allow_em2)
+    if (allow_em2) {
+        // unblockSleepMode is safe to call even if we would unblock
+        // an already unblocked mode, so no checks here.
+        unblockSleepMode(EM1);
+    } else {
+        blockSleepMode(EM1);
+    }
+static void usbhal_reset_cb(void)
+    run_cmd(CMD_BUSRESET, 0);
+static const char *usbstate[] = { "NONE", "ATTACHED", "POWERED", "DEFAULT",
+                                  "ADDRESSED", "CONFIGURED", "SUSPENDED", "???" };
+static void usbhal_state_change_cb(USBD_State_TypeDef oldState,
+                                   USBD_State_TypeDef newState)
+    TRACE("state changed %s -> %s", usbstate[oldState], usbstate[newState]);
+    if (oldState == USBD_STATE_SUSPENDED) {
+        run_cmd(CMD_SUSPEND_STATE_CHANGED, 0);
+    }
+    if (newState == USBD_STATE_SUSPENDED) {
+        run_cmd(CMD_SUSPEND_STATE_CHANGED, 1);
+    }
+    // Should call connectStateChanged from here as well but there is
+    // no documentation on when to actually do so. (And the implementation
+    // in USBDevice.cpp is a stub)
+    // HACK! Since connectStateChanged is not used, indicate the loss
+    // off connection by reporting a bus reset. This causes USBDevice
+    // to realise that at least it's not in CONFIGURED anymore, and
+    // stop trying to read/write in a busyloop.
+    if (newState == USBD_STATE_NONE) {
+        run_cmd(CMD_BUSRESET, 0);
+    }
+static int usbhal_setupcmd_cb(const USB_Setup_TypeDef *setup)
+    if (!setup) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return USB_STATUS_REQ_ERR;
+    }
+    memcpy(ep0setupdata, setup, 8);
+    run_cmd(CMD_EP0SETUP, 0);
+    return USB_STATUS_OK;
+static void usbhal_sof_cb(uint16_t frameNum)
+    run_cmd(CMD_SOF, frameNum);
+static void usbhal_free_buffers(void)
+    for (int i=EP1OUT ; i<NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS ; i++ ) {
+        if (ep_state[i].data_buf) {
+            free(ep_state[i].data_buf);
+            ep_state[i].data_buf = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+void USBHAL::connect(void)
+    // Init datastructures must be static - driver will use these even after the init function exits!
+    static const uint8_t buffer_multiplier[] = { 1 }; // Mult 1 for control EP
+    static const USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef usbd_callbacks = {
+        .usbReset = usbhal_reset_cb,
+        .usbStateChange = usbhal_state_change_cb,
+        .setupCmd = usbhal_setupcmd_cb,
+        .isSelfPowered = NULL,
+        .sofInt = usbhal_sof_cb
+    };
+    USBD_Init_TypeDef initdata = {
+        .deviceDescriptor = NULL,
+        .configDescriptor = NULL,
+        .stringDescriptors = NULL,
+        .numberOfStrings = 0,
+        .bufferingMultiplier = buffer_multiplier,
+        .callbacks = &usbd_callbacks,
+        .reserved = 0
+    };
+    int ret = USBD_Init(&initdata);
+    TRACE("init = %d, devicedesc = %lx, configdesc = %lx", ret,
+          (uint32_t) initdata.deviceDescriptor,
+          (uint32_t) initdata.configDescriptor);
+void USBHAL::disconnect(void)
+    USBD_Disconnect();
+void USBHAL::configureDevice(void)
+void USBHAL::unconfigureDevice(void)
+    usbhal_free_buffers();
+void USBHAL::setAddress(uint8_t address)
+    TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("addr 0x%x", (unsigned)address);
+    USBD_SetAddress(address);
+void USBHAL::remoteWakeup(void)
+    USBD_RemoteWakeup();
+void USBHAL::EP0setup(uint8_t *buffer)
+    EFM_ASSERT(buffer);
+    if (buffer) {
+        memcpy(buffer, ep0setupdata, 8);
+    }
+void USBHAL::EP0read(void)
+    (void)internEndpointRead(0, MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0);
+void USBHAL::EP0readStage(void)
+    // Not needed
+uint32_t USBHAL::EP0getReadResult(uint8_t *buffer)
+    EFM_ASSERT(buffer);
+    uint32_t read = 0;
+    endpointReadResult(0, buffer, &read);
+    return read;
+static int usbhal_xfer_complete_cb(uint8_t ep, USB_Status_TypeDef status,
+                                   uint32_t xferred, uint32_t remaining)
+    TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("ep 0x%x, status %u, xferred %lu, rem %lu",
+                    ep, status, xferred, remaining);
+    if (ep >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return USB_STATUS_REQ_ERR;
+    }
+    switch (ep) {
+        case EP0OUT:
+            if (ep_state[EP0OUT].status == READ_PENDING) {
+                ep_state[EP0OUT].status = READ_COMPLETE;
+                ep_state[EP0OUT].byte_count = xferred;
+                // drop zlp
+                if (xferred == 0) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            run_cmd(CMD_EP0OUT, 0);
+            break;
+        case EP0IN:
+            run_cmd(CMD_EP0IN, 0);
+            break;
+        default:
+            bool write = ep & 1;
+            if (status == USB_STATUS_OK) {
+                if (!write && ep_state[ep].status == READ_PENDING) {
+                    ep_state[ep].status = READ_COMPLETE;
+                    ep_state[ep].byte_count = xferred;
+                } else if (write && ep_state[ep].status == WRITE_PENDING) {
+                    ep_state[ep].status = WRITE_COMPLETE;
+                } else {
+                    ep_state[ep].status = FAILED_INVALID;
+                }
+            } else {
+                ep_state[ep].status = FAILED_INVALID;
+            }
+            if (ep_state[ep].status != FAILED_INVALID) {
+                run_cmd(CMD_EP_XFER_COMPLETED, ep);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    return USB_STATUS_OK;
+void USBHAL::EP0write(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
+    //TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("buffer %lx, size %lu", (uint32_t) buffer, size);
+    int ret;
+    USB_XferCompleteCb_TypeDef cb = ep_state[EP0IN].intern_cb;
+    EFM_ASSERT((buffer != NULL) || (size == 0));
+    if (!buffer || size == 0) {
+        // No callback after writing EP0 ZLP
+        cb = NULL;
+    }
+    if (buffer && !is_aligned(buffer,4)) {
+        // Copy unaligned data to write-buffer before USBD_Write
+        memcpy(ep_state[EP0IN].data_buf, buffer, size);
+        ret = USBD_Write(0, ep_state[EP0IN].data_buf, size, cb);
+    } else {
+        ret = USBD_Write(0, buffer, size, cb);
+    }
+    if (ret != USB_STATUS_OK) {
+        TRACE("FAILED - ret %d", ret);
+    }
+void USBHAL::EP0stall(void)
+    USBD_StallEp0();
+static EP_STATUS internEndpointRead(uint8_t ep, uint32_t maxSize)
+    //TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("endpoint 0x%x, size %ld, cb %d", (unsigned)ep, maxSize, useCallback);
+    if (ep >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    ep_state[ep].status = READ_PENDING;
+    int ret = USBD_Read(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(ep), ep_state[ep].data_buf, maxSize,
+                        ep_state[ep].intern_cb);
+    if (ret == USB_STATUS_OK) {
+        return EP_PENDING;
+    } else {
+        TRACE("FAILED - ret %d", ret);
+        if (ret == USB_STATUS_EP_STALLED) {
+            return EP_STALLED;
+        } else {
+            return EP_INVALID;
+        }
+    }
+EP_STATUS USBHAL::endpointRead(uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t maximumSize)
+    return internEndpointRead(endpoint, maximumSize);
+EP_STATUS USBHAL::endpointReadResult(uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t *data, uint32_t *bytesRead)
+    if (endpoint >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    EFM_ASSERT(data);
+    EFM_ASSERT(bytesRead);
+    if (!data || !bytesRead) {
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    switch (ep_state[endpoint].status) {
+        case READ_PENDING:
+            return EP_PENDING;
+        case READ_COMPLETE:
+            memcpy(data, ep_state[endpoint].data_buf, ep_state[endpoint].byte_count);
+            *bytesRead = ep_state[endpoint].byte_count;
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_COMPLETED;
+        case FAILED_STALLED:
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_STALLED;
+        default:
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+EP_STATUS USBHAL::endpointWrite(uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
+    TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("endpoint 0x%x, data 0x%lx, size %lu", (unsigned )endpoint, (uint32_t)data, size);
+    EFM_ASSERT(endpoint > EP0IN);
+    EFM_ASSERT(size <= ep_state[endpoint].max_packet);
+    EFM_ASSERT(data);
+    uint8_t ep = USB_EP_TO_INDEX(endpoint);
+    if (endpoint >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS || endpoint <= EP0IN) {
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    if (size > ep_state[endpoint].max_packet) {
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    if (!data) {
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    memcpy(ep_state[ep].data_buf, data, size);
+    ep_state[ep].status = WRITE_PENDING;
+    int ret = USBD_Write(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(endpoint), ep_state[ep].data_buf, size, ep_state[ep].intern_cb);
+    if (ret == USB_STATUS_EP_STALLED) {
+        ep_state[ep].status = IDLE;
+        return EP_STALLED;
+    } else if (ret != USB_STATUS_OK) {
+        ep_state[ep].status = IDLE;
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    return EP_PENDING;
+EP_STATUS USBHAL::endpointWriteResult(uint8_t endpoint)
+    if (endpoint >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+    switch (ep_state[endpoint].status) {
+        case WRITE_PENDING:
+            return EP_PENDING;
+        case WRITE_COMPLETE:
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_COMPLETED;
+        case FAILED_STALLED:
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_STALLED;
+        default:
+            ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+            return EP_INVALID;
+    }
+void USBHAL::stallEndpoint(uint8_t endpoint)
+    EFM_ASSERT((endpoint != EP0OUT) && (endpoint != EP0IN));
+    USBD_StallEp(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(endpoint));
+void USBHAL::unstallEndpoint(uint8_t endpoint)
+    EFM_ASSERT((endpoint != EP0OUT) && (endpoint != EP0IN));
+    USBD_UnStallEp(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(endpoint));
+bool USBHAL::realiseEndpoint(uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t maxPacket, uint32_t options)
+    TRACE_FUNC_IN_P("endpoint %d, packetsize %ld, options 0x%lx", endpoint,
+                    maxPacket, options);
+    int mult = 1; // RX/TX buffer size multiplier
+    int type = USB_EPTYPE_INTR;
+    if (endpoint >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (endpoint == EP0IN || endpoint == EP0OUT) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    ep_state[endpoint].max_packet = 0;
+    if (endpoint == EPISO_OUT || endpoint ==  EPISO_IN) {
+        if (maxPacket > MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPISO) {
+            EFM_ASSERT(false);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else if ((maxPacket > MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPBULK) || (maxPacket > MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EPINT)) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    // USBDevice performs a read right after creating the endpoints,
+    // before calling configureDevice. The read will fail since
+    // at that point the device state is still ADDRESSED. Workaround
+    // is to force configured state here.
+    //
+    // This relies on USBDevice to not call realiseEndpoint unless
+    // it is transitioning to the CONFIGURED state.
+    // Why doesn't this function have a type param? This is silly...
+    switch (endpoint) {
+        case EPBULK_OUT:
+        case EPBULK_IN:
+            type = USB_EPTYPE_BULK;
+            mult = 2;
+            break;
+        case EPINT_OUT:
+        case EPINT_IN:
+            type = USB_EPTYPE_INTR;
+            mult = 1;
+            break;
+        case EPISO_OUT:
+        case EPISO_IN:
+            type = USB_EPTYPE_ISOC;
+            mult = 2; // ?
+            break;
+    }
+    // Some options force the endpoint to a specific type
+    if( options & ISOCHRONOUS ) {
+        type = USB_EPTYPE_ISOC;
+        mult = 2; // ?
+    } else if ( options & RATE_FEEDBACK_MODE ) {
+        // No support for whatever rate feedback is, but for interrupt only
+        type = USB_EPTYPE_INTR;
+        mult = 1;
+    }
+    if (ep_state[endpoint].data_buf) {
+        free(ep_state[endpoint].data_buf);
+    }
+    ep_state[endpoint].data_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(maxPacket);
+    if (!ep_state[endpoint].data_buf) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    int ret = USBD_AddEndpoint(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(endpoint), type, maxPacket, mult);
+    if (ret == USB_STATUS_OK) {
+        ep_state[endpoint].status = IDLE;
+        ep_state[endpoint].max_packet = maxPacket;
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+bool USBHAL::getEndpointStallState(unsigned char endpoint)
+    if (endpoint >= NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return USBD_EpIsStalled(USB_EP_TO_ADDR(endpoint));
+static void run_cmd(USBISRCommand cmd, uint32_t param)
+    if (usb_isrcmd != CMD_HANDLED || cmd >= CMD_ENUM_END_MARKER) {
+        EFM_ASSERT(false);
+        abort();
+    }
+    usb_isrcmd = cmd;
+    usb_isrcmd_param = param;
+    isrptr();
+void USBHAL::_usbisr(void)
+    EFM_ASSERT(instance);
+    instance->usbisr();
+void USBHAL::usbisr(void)
+    // This "ISR" is used just to route callbacks from SiL USB driver
+    // callback context (which can not call protected/private USBHAL
+    // methods), to the actual USBHAL.
+    EFM_ASSERT(usb_isrcmd != CMD_HANDLED);
+    switch (usb_isrcmd) {
+        case CMD_EP0SETUP:
+            this->EP0setupCallback();
+            break;
+        case CMD_EP0IN:
+            this->EP0in();
+            break;
+        case CMD_EP0OUT:
+            this->EP0out();
+            break;
+        case CMD_BUSRESET:
+            this->busReset();
+            break;
+        case CMD_EP_XFER_COMPLETED:
+            if (epCallback[usb_isrcmd_param] && instance) {
+                (instance->*(epCallback[usb_isrcmd_param]))();
+            }
+            break;
+        case CMD_SOF:
+            this->SOF(usb_isrcmd_param);
+            break;
+            this->suspendStateChanged(usb_isrcmd_param);
+            break;
+        default:
+            EFM_ASSERT(false);
+            break;
+    }
+    usb_isrcmd = CMD_HANDLED;
+// End of file