Part of TI's mqtt

Dependents:   mqtt_V1 cc3100_Test_mqtt_CM3



File content as of revision 0:087b5655778d:

*   Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated
*   All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
*   Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
*   granted through contract.
*   The program may not be used without the written permission of
*   Texas Instruments Incorporated or against the terms and conditions
*   stipulated in the agreement under which this program has been supplied,
*   and under no circumstances can it be used with non-TI connectivity device.


   The module provides implementation to the public interface of the MQTT
   Client Library.
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "mqtt_client.h"
#include "semphr.h"

#include "cli_uart.h"

#define PRINT_BUF_LEN    128
extern int8_t print_buf[PRINT_BUF_LEN];

namespace mbed_mqtt

//void createMutex(void);

static void  *mutex = NULL;
static void (*mutex_lockin)(void*) = NULL;
static void (*mutex_unlock)(void*) = NULL;

#define MUTEX_LOCKIN() if(mutex_lockin) mutex_lockin(mutex);
#define MUTEX_UNLOCK() if(mutex_unlock) mutex_unlock(mutex);

static bool aux_dbg_enbl = true;
int32_t (*debug_printf)(const char *fmt, ...)   = NULL;

#define USR_INFO debug_printf
#define DBG_INFO(I, ...) if(aux_dbg_enbl) debug_printf(I, ##__VA_ARGS__)

static const struct device_net_services *net_ops = NULL;

static uint16_t msg_id = 0xFFFF;
static inline uint16_t assign_new_msg_id()
    return msg_id += 2;

SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = NULL;
void createMutex()

    xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

 * Data structure for managing the client and its nuances

/* Construct to manage TX for network that requires LIB to send a partial and
   incremental data to support restrictive TCP segments. Specifically, for the
   deployments, in which the network layer supports small segments, there can
   be only one in-flight message.
struct tx_part_pkt {

    /* Refers to MQP, if TX for it is active, otherwise, set it to NULL */
    struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp;

    union {
#define VH_MSG_LEN 4
        uint8_t          vh_msg[VH_MSG_LEN];  /* VH msg for MQP = NULL */
        const uint8_t    *buffer;             /* Refers to data in MQP */

    uint32_t                 length;              /* Length of entire data */
    uint32_t                 offset;              /* Next data for sending */

static bool tx_part_setup(struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part, const uint8_t *buffer,
                          uint32_t length, struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp)

    if(tx_mqp) {
        tx_part->buffer = buffer;
    } else {
        if(VH_MSG_LEN < length)
            return false;

        buf_wr_nbytes(tx_part->vh_msg, buffer, length);

    tx_part->length = length;
    tx_part->tx_mqp = tx_mqp;

    return true;

static void tx_part_reset(struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part)

    struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp = tx_part->tx_mqp;
    if(tx_mqp) {
    tx_part->vh_msg[0] = 0x00;
    tx_part->tx_mqp    = NULL;
    tx_part->length    = 0;
    tx_part->offset    = 0;


static const uint8_t *tx_part_buf_p(struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part)
    struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp = tx_part->tx_mqp;
    uint32_t offset = tx_part->offset;

    return  tx_mqp?
            tx_part->buffer + offset :
            tx_part->vh_msg + offset;

static void tx_part_addup(struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part, uint32_t offset)
    tx_part->offset += offset;

#define TX_PART_BUFFER(tx_part)  tx_part_buf_p(tx_part)
#define TX_PART_BUF_SZ(tx_part) (tx_part->length - tx_part->offset)
#define TX_PART_IN_USE(tx_part)  TX_PART_BUF_SZ(tx_part)

enum module_state {

    INIT_DONE_STATE = 0x01,

static enum module_state cl_lib_state = WAIT_INIT_STATE;

static uint16_t  loopb_portid = 0;
static bool grp_has_cbfn = false;


#define CLEAN_SESSION_FLAG         0x00010000
#define CONNACK_AWAIT_FLAG         0x00020000
#define NOW_CONNECTED_FLAG         0x00040000
#define KA_PINGER_RSP_FLAG         0x00080000
#define USER_PING_RSP_FLAG         0x00100000
#define NETWORK_CLOSE_FLAG         0x00200000
#define DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG         0x00400000

static struct client_ctx *free_ctxs  = NULL;  /* CTX construct available */
static struct client_ctx *used_ctxs  = NULL;  /* Relevant only for group */
static struct client_ctx *conn_ctxs  = NULL;  /* Relevant only for group */

static void cl_ctx_freeup(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    cl_ctx->next = free_ctxs;
    free_ctxs = cl_ctx;


#define IS_PROTO_VER31(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & USE_PROTO_V31_FLAG)
#define AWAITS_CONNACK(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & CONNACK_AWAIT_FLAG)
#define HAS_CONNECTION(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & NOW_CONNECTED_FLAG)
#define AWAITS_KA_PING(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & KA_PINGER_RSP_FLAG)
#define AWAITS_PINGRSP(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & USER_PING_RSP_FLAG)
#define IS_CLN_SESSION(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & CLEAN_SESSION_FLAG)
#define RECV_TASK_AVBL(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & APP_RECV_TASK_FLAG)
#define A_GROUP_MEMBER(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & GROUP_CONTEXT_FLAG)
#define NEED_NET_CLOSE(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & NETWORK_CLOSE_FLAG)
#define CFG_CONNACK_TO(cl_ctx) (cl_ctx->flags & DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG)

#define MAX_NWCONN 4

static struct client_desc {

    /* ALERT:  "context" must be first elem in this structure, do not move */
    struct client_ctx           context;

#define CLIENT(cl_ctx) ((struct client_desc*) cl_ctx)
#define CL_CTX(client) ((struct client_ctx*)  client)

    /* Order/Sequence: Client ID, Will Topic, Will Msg, Username, Password */
    const struct utf8_string    *conn_pl_utf8s[5]; /* Ref: CONNECT Payload */
    uint8_t                           will_opts;

    /* Wait-List for Level 1 ACK(s), which are PUBACK, PUBREC, UN/SUBACK */
    struct mqtt_ack_wlist        qos_ack1_wl;

    /* Circular queue to track QOS2 PUBLISH packets from the server. They
       are tracked for the duration of PUBLISH-RX to PUBREL-RX.
    struct pub_qos2_cq           qos2_rx_cq;

    /* Circular queue to track QOS2 PUBLISH packets from the client. They
       are tracked for the duration of PUBREC-RX to PUBOMP-RX.
    struct pub_qos2_cq           qos2_tx_cq;

    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs   app_ctx_cbs; /* Callback funcs from app */
#define CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx) &(CLIENT(cl_ctx)->app_ctx_cbs)

    struct tx_part_pkt           tx_part;/* Reference to partial TX PKT */
    struct mqtt_packet          *rx_mqp; /* Reference to partial RX PKT */
    void                        *app;

    uint32_t                          nwconn_opts;
    char                          *server_addr;
    uint16_t                          port_number;
    struct secure_conn           nw_security;

} clients[MAX_NWCONN];

static void client_reset(struct client_desc *client)

    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = &client->app_ctx_cbs;
    int32_t i = 0;


    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        client->conn_pl_utf8s[i] = NULL;
    client->will_opts                = 0;



    ctx_cbs->publish_rx              = NULL;
    ctx_cbs->ack_notify              = NULL;
    ctx_cbs->disconn_cb              = NULL;

    client->rx_mqp                   = NULL;
    client->app                      = NULL;

    client->nwconn_opts              = 0;
    client->server_addr              = NULL;
    client->port_number              = 0;



static void client_desc_init(void)
    int32_t i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_NWCONN; i++) {
        struct client_desc   *client = clients + i;
        struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = CL_CTX(client);

        /* Initialize certain fields to defaults */
        client->qos_ack1_wl.head = NULL;
        client->qos_ack1_wl.tail = NULL;
        client->tx_part.tx_mqp   = NULL;

        client_reset(client); /* Reset remaining */

        cl_ctx->next = free_ctxs;
        free_ctxs    = cl_ctx;


static void mqp_free_locked(struct mqtt_packet *mqp)

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();

    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

 * Fix-up to prevent certain good and non-callback MQP being reported to app
/* cor --> clear on read. */
static bool mqp_do_not_report_cor(struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    bool rv = (1 == mqp->private_)? true : false;
    mqp->private_ = 0;
    return rv;

#define MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_COR(mqp)     mqp_do_not_report_cor(mqp)

/* Only if MQP has good RX data i.e. this macro shouldn't be used for bad RX */
#define MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_SET(mqp)    (mqp->private_ = 1)

#define MQP_TX_DONE_LEN_ADD(mqp, add) (mqp->private_ += add)
#define MQP_TX_DONE_LEN_GET(mqp)      (mqp->private_)

/*---------------------------Fix-Up Ends ------------------------------------*/

static int32_t loopb_net        = -1;
static const uint8_t LOOP_DATA[] = {0x00, 0x01};
#define LOOP_DLEN sizeof(LOOP_DATA)

static int32_t loopb_trigger(void)

    uint8_t ip_addr[] = {127,0,0,1};

    return  (-1 != loopb_net)?
            net_ops->send_dest(loopb_net, LOOP_DATA, LOOP_DLEN,
                               loopb_portid, ip_addr, 4) : MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT;

static void session_311fix(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    struct mqtt_ack_wlist *wl = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos_ack1_wl;
    struct mqtt_packet  *elem = wl->head;

    while(elem) {
        struct mqtt_packet *next = elem->next;
        if(MQTT_PUBLISH != elem->msg_type)
            mqp_ack_wlist_remove(wl, elem->msg_id);

        elem = next;


static void session_delete(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);

    DBG_INFO("C: Cleaning session for net %d\n\r", cl_ctx->net);




 * Routine to manage error conditions in client - close the network connection
static void do_net_close(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    int32_t net = cl_ctx->net;

    if(-1 == net)
        return;  /* network closed already, must not happen */

    if(IS_CLN_SESSION(cl_ctx)) {
    } else if(!IS_PROTO_VER31(cl_ctx)) {
        /* Version 3.1.1 doesn't need SUB and UNSUB re-send */

    tx_part_reset(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->tx_part); /* Part TX, if any */

    cl_ctx->flags &= ~(CONNACK_AWAIT_FLAG | NOW_CONNECTED_FLAG |
                       KA_PINGER_RSP_FLAG | USER_PING_RSP_FLAG |
                       NETWORK_CLOSE_FLAG | DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG);

    cl_ctx->net = -1;

    USR_INFO("C: Net %d now closed\n\r", net);


static void do_net_close_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, int32_t cause)
    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);

    DBG_INFO("C: RX closing Net %d [%d]\n\r", cl_ctx->net, cause);

        ctx_cbs->disconn_cb(CLIENT(cl_ctx)->app, cause);

        cl_ctx_remove(&used_ctxs, cl_ctx);


static void do_net_close_tx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, char *cause)
    DBG_INFO("C: TX closing Net %d [%s]\n\r", cl_ctx->net, cause);

    if(RECV_TASK_AVBL(cl_ctx)) {
        cl_ctx->flags |= NETWORK_CLOSE_FLAG;
    } else {
        struct mqtt_packet *rx_mqp = CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp;

        do_net_close(cl_ctx);  /* No RX Task, close now */

        /* Release partial MQP, if any, for a CTX w/ CB */
        if((NULL != rx_mqp) && (NULL != rx_mqp->free))

        CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp = NULL;


 * QoS2 PUB RX Message handling mechanism and associated house-keeping
static bool qos2_pub_rx_logup(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    return qos2_pub_cq_logup(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos2_rx_cq, msg_id);

static bool ack2_msg_id_logup(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    return qos2_pub_cq_logup(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos2_tx_cq, msg_id);

static bool qos2_pub_rx_unlog(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    return qos2_pub_cq_unlog(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos2_rx_cq, msg_id);

static bool ack2_msg_id_unlog(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);
    if(qos2_pub_cq_unlog(&client->qos2_tx_cq, msg_id)) {
        struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);
            ctx_cbs->ack_notify(client->app, MQTT_PUBCOMP,
                                msg_id, NULL, 0);
        return true;

    return false;

static bool qos2_pub_rx_is_done(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    return qos2_pub_cq_check(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos2_rx_cq, msg_id);

static bool awaits_pkts(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)

    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);

    return  client->qos_ack1_wl.head                ||
            qos2_pub_cq_count(&client->qos2_rx_cq)  ||
            true : false;

static inline int32_t len_err_free_mqp(struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    return MQP_ERR_PKT_LEN;

static int32_t is_valid_utf8_string(const struct utf8_string *utf8)
    /* Valid topic should be > 0 byte and must hosted in usable buffer */
    return ((utf8->length > 0) && (NULL != utf8->buffer))? true : false;

#define RET_IF_INVALID_UTF8(utf8)               \
        if(false == is_valid_utf8_string(utf8)) \
                return -1;

static bool is_connected(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)

    return (HAS_CONNECTION(cl_ctx) && !NEED_NET_CLOSE(cl_ctx))?
           true : false;

uint16_t mqtt_client_new_msg_id()
    return assign_new_msg_id();

bool mqtt_client_is_connected(void *ctx)
    return is_connected(CL_CTX(ctx));

 * MQTT TX Routines
static void used_ctxs_TO_sort(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx_TO)
    cl_ctx_remove(&used_ctxs, cl_ctx_TO);
    cl_ctx_timeout_insert(&used_ctxs, cl_ctx_TO);

static inline int32_t net_send(int32_t net, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, void *ctx)

    int32_t rv = net_ops->send(net, buf, len, ctx);
    if(rv <= 0) {
        memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
        sprintf((char*) print_buf, "MQP_ERR_NETWORK %i\r\n", MQP_ERR_NETWORK);
        Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
        rv = MQP_ERR_NETWORK;
    return rv;

#if 0
static int32_t cl_ctx_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len,
                           bool is_conn_msg)

    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;

    /* For CONNECT msg, a client context mustn't be already connected.
       For others msgs, a client context must be conected to server */
    if(false == (is_conn_msg ^ is_connected(cl_ctx)))
        goto cl_ctx_send_exit1;

    rv = net_send(cl_ctx->net, buf, len);
    if(rv > 0) { /* A good send, do follow-up */
        cl_ctx_timeout_update(cl_ctx, net_ops->time());
        if(A_GROUP_MEMBER(cl_ctx) && HAS_CONNECTION(cl_ctx)) {
            /* With update to timeout,
               a sorting is impending */

        goto cl_ctx_send_exit1; /* A Good Send */

    do_net_close_tx(cl_ctx, "snd-err");

    USR_INFO("C: FH-B1 0x%02x, len %u bytes, to net %d: %s\n\r",
             *buf, len, cl_ctx->net, (rv > 0)? "Sent" : "Fail");
    return rv;

static int32_t cl_ctx_part_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)

    struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->tx_part;
    const uint8_t *buf = TX_PART_BUFFER(tx_part);
    uint32_t len = TX_PART_BUF_SZ(tx_part);
    uint32_t ofs = tx_part->offset;
    uint8_t  B1  = *buf;

    int32_t rv = net_send(cl_ctx->net, buf, len, (void*)cl_ctx);
    if(rv > 0) { /* Follow-up for a good send */
        if(HAS_CONNECTION(cl_ctx)) {
            /* Update TX timeout, if 'CTX' is connected */
            cl_ctx_timeout_update(cl_ctx, net_ops->time());

            /* After update, 'CTX'(s) sorting is a must */

        if(rv != len)
            /* Partial data was sent */
            tx_part_addup(tx_part, rv);

        goto cl_ctx_send_exit1; /* A Good Send */

    do_net_close_tx(cl_ctx, "snd-err");

    USR_INFO("C: %s 0x%02x to net %d, %s (%d Bytes) [@ %u]\n\r",
             ofs? "PartN" : "FH-B1", B1, cl_ctx->net,
             (rv > 0)? "Sent" : "Fail", rv, net_ops->time());

    return rv;

static int32_t cl_ctx_seg1_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len,
                                bool is_conn_msg, struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp)

    struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->tx_part;

    /* For CONNECT msg, a client context mustn't be already connected.
       For others msgs, a client context must be conected to server */
    if(false == (is_conn_msg ^ is_connected(cl_ctx)))
        return MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;

        return MQP_ERR_BADCALL;

    tx_part_setup(tx_part, buf, len, tx_mqp);

    return cl_ctx_part_send(cl_ctx);

int32_t mqtt_client_send_progress(void *ctx)
    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = CL_CTX(ctx);
    struct tx_part_pkt *tx_part = NULL;
    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_BADCALL;

    if(NULL == ctx)
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;

    tx_part = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->tx_part;

        return rv;

    rv = cl_ctx_part_send(cl_ctx);
    if(rv > 0)
        rv = TX_PART_BUF_SZ(tx_part);

    return rv;

static int32_t wr_connect_pl(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint8_t *buf,
                             uint32_t fsz, uint8_t *conn_opts)

    /* UTF8 usage selection order: Client, W-Topic, W-Msg, User-Name, Pwd */
    uint8_t utf8_sel[] = {0x00, WILL_CONFIG_VAL, 0x00,
                          USER_NAME_OPVAL, PASS_WORD_OPVAL
    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);
    uint8_t *ref = buf;

    int32_t i = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {                         /* TBD 5 --> macro */
        uint16_t len = 2;
        const struct utf8_string *utf8 = client->conn_pl_utf8s[i];
        if(NULL == utf8) {
            /* UTF8 absent: Client ID (i = 0) and Will MSG (i = 2)
               set zero byte length in the CONNECT message */
            if(0 != i)
                if(!((2 == i) && (*conn_opts & WILL_CONFIG_VAL)))
                    continue;      /* Others, just pass */
        } else {
            len += utf8->length;

        if(fsz < (buf - ref + len)) {         /* TBD end = ref + fsz */
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Payload: no space left fail\r\n");
            return MQP_ERR_PKT_LEN;   /* Payload: no space left */
        if(2 == len) {
            buf += buf_wr_nbo_2B(buf, 0);  /*  WR 0 byte length */
        } else {
            buf += mqp_buf_wr_utf8(buf, utf8);
        *conn_opts |= utf8_sel[i];          /* Enable message flags */

    return buf - ref;

/* Define protocol information for the supported versions */
static uint8_t mqtt310[] = {0x00, 0x06, 'M', 'Q', 'I', 's', 'd', 'p', 0x03};
static uint8_t mqtt311[] = {0x00, 0x04, 'M', 'Q', 'T', 'T', 0x04};

static inline uint16_t get_connect_vh_len(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)

    return (IS_PROTO_VER31(cl_ctx)? sizeof(mqtt310) : sizeof(mqtt311))
           + 3;

static int32_t wr_connect_vh(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint8_t *buf,
                             uint16_t ka_secs, uint8_t conn_opts)

    uint8_t  *ref = buf;

        buf += buf_wr_nbytes(buf, mqtt310, sizeof(mqtt310));
        buf += buf_wr_nbytes(buf, mqtt311, sizeof(mqtt311));

    *buf++ = conn_opts;
    buf += buf_wr_nbo_2B(buf, ka_secs);

    return buf - ref;

static int32_t net_connect(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)

    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);

    if(NEED_NET_CLOSE(cl_ctx)) {
        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Return MQP_ERR_NOT_DEF\r\n");
        return MQP_ERR_NOT_DEF;
    if(NULL == net_ops) {
        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Return MQP_ERR_NET_OPS\r\n");
        return MQP_ERR_NET_OPS;
    cl_ctx->net = net_ops->open(client->nwconn_opts | DEV_NETCONN_OPT_TCP,

    return (-1 == cl_ctx->net)? MQP_ERR_NETWORK : 0;

int32_t cl_ctx_conn_state_try_locked(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, const uint8_t *buf,
                                     uint32_t len, uint16_t ka_secs, bool clean_session,
                                     struct mqtt_packet *tx_mqp)

    int32_t rv = 0;

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 100 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.

            rv = net_connect(cl_ctx);
            if(rv < 0) {
                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"net_connect failed\r\n");
                goto cl_ctx_conn_state_try_locked_exit1;
            /* Ensure LIB is initialized & CTX isn't awaiting CONNACK */
            rv = MQP_ERR_BADCALL;
            if(false == ((INIT_DONE_STATE != cl_lib_state) || (AWAITS_CONNACK(cl_ctx)))) {
                rv = cl_ctx_seg1_send(cl_ctx, buf, len, true, tx_mqp);
            if(rv < 0) {
                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"cl_ctx_seg1_send failed\r\n");
                goto cl_ctx_conn_state_try_locked_exit1; /* Fail */
            /* Successfully sent CONNECT msg - let's do housekeeping */
            cl_ctx->timeout = net_ops->time();/* Fixup: CONN TX Time */
            cl_ctx->flags  |= DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG | CONNACK_AWAIT_FLAG;
            cl_ctx->flags  |= clean_session? CLEAN_SESSION_FLAG : 0;

            cl_ctx->ka_secs = ka_secs;

            if(A_GROUP_MEMBER(cl_ctx)) {
                cl_ctx->next = conn_ctxs;
                conn_ctxs    = cl_ctx;

                /* First entry in 'conn_ctxs': schedule a move to
                   'used_conn' (for house-keeping and tracking) */
                if(NULL == cl_ctx->next) {
                    rv = loopb_trigger();

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            //xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );
        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();

    return rv;

int32_t connect_msg_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, bool clean_session, uint16_t ka_secs)

    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = mqp_client_send_alloc(MQTT_CONNECT);
    uint8_t *buf, *ref, conn_opts = clean_session? CLEAN_START_VAL : 0;
    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_PKT_LEN;
    uint32_t fsz; /* Free buffer size in PKT */
    uint16_t vhl = get_connect_vh_len(cl_ctx);

    if(NULL == mqp) {
        return MQP_ERR_PKT_AVL;
    fsz = MQP_FREEBUF_LEN(mqp);
    if(fsz < vhl) {
        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"No space for VAR HDR\r\n");
        goto connect_msg_send_exit1;           /* No space for VAR HDR */
    mqp->vh_len = vhl;               /* Reserve buffer for variable header */
    buf = ref = MQP_PAYLOAD_BUF(mqp);/* Get started to incorporate payload */

    rv = wr_connect_pl(cl_ctx, buf, fsz - vhl, &conn_opts);/* Payload data */
    if(rv < 0) {
        memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
        sprintf((char*) print_buf, "Payload WR failed %i\r\n",rv);
        Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
        goto connect_msg_send_exit1;              /* Payload WR failed */
    buf += rv;
    mqp->pl_len = buf - ref;

    wr_connect_vh(cl_ctx, ref - vhl, ka_secs,
                  CLIENT(cl_ctx)->will_opts | conn_opts);    /* Var Header */

    mqp_prep_fh(mqp, MAKE_FH_FLAGS(false, MQTT_QOS0, false));/* Fix Header */
    ref = MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp);

    /* Following routine frees up MQP - whether error or not */
    return cl_ctx_conn_state_try_locked(cl_ctx, ref, buf - ref,
                                        ka_secs, clean_session,

    if(mqp) {
    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_connect_msg_send(void *ctx, bool clean_session, uint16_t ka_secs)

    return  ctx?
            connect_msg_send(CL_CTX(ctx), clean_session, ka_secs) : -1;

   To be used for the following messages: PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE
   Dispatches msg to broker over socket. Frees-up MQP, in case, MSG has QoS0 or
   if client-lib allocated MQP encounters an error in dispatch.
   Returns, on success, number of bytes transfered, otherwise -1
static int32_t _msg_dispatch(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                             enum mqtt_qos qos, bool retain)

    bool not_qos0 = (MQTT_QOS0 != qos)? true : false;
    uint16_t msg_id = mqp->msg_id;
    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_NETWORK;

    mqp_prep_fh(mqp, MAKE_FH_FLAGS(false, qos, retain));

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 200 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.

            if(not_qos0) {
                mqp->n_refs++;   /* Need to enlist, do not free-up MQP */
            /* Tries to free-up MQP either on error or if full pkt is sent */
            rv = cl_ctx_seg1_send(cl_ctx, MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp),
                                  MQP_CONTENT_LEN(mqp),  false,

            /* At this point, error or not, QoS0 MQP would have been freed */

            if((rv <= 0) && not_qos0) {
                mqp_free(mqp); /* Err: Explicitly free-up non QoS0 MQP */
                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"cl_ctx_seg1_send failed\r\n");
                goto _msg_dispatch_exit1;

            rv = msg_id;   /* Make progress for a good send to the server  */

            if(not_qos0) {  /* Enlist non QOS0 MQP to await ACK from server */
                mqp_ack_wlist_append(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos_ack1_wl, mqp);
            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            //xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );
        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");


//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();

    return rv;

int32_t msg_dispatch_no_free(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                             enum mqtt_qos qos, bool retain)
    if((NULL == mqp) || (NULL == cl_ctx))
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;

    mqp->n_refs++; /* Ensures caller that MQP is not freed-up */

    return _msg_dispatch(cl_ctx, mqp, qos, retain);

int32_t mqtt_client_pub_msg_send(void *ctx, const struct utf8_string *topic,
                                 const uint8_t *data_buf, uint32_t data_len,
                                 enum mqtt_qos qos, bool retain)

    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = NULL;

    if((NULL == ctx)   ||
            (NULL == topic) ||
            ((data_len > 0) && (NULL == data_buf))) {
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;
    if(false == is_valid_utf8_string(topic)) {
        return MQP_ERR_CONTENT;
    mqp = mqp_client_send_alloc(MQTT_PUBLISH);
    if(NULL == mqp) {
        return MQP_ERR_PKT_AVL;
    if((0 > mqp_pub_append_topic(mqp, topic, qos? assign_new_msg_id(): 0)) ||
            (data_len && (0 > mqp_pub_append_data(mqp, data_buf, data_len)))) {
        return len_err_free_mqp(mqp);

    return _msg_dispatch(CL_CTX(ctx), mqp, qos, retain);

int32_t mqtt_client_pub_dispatch(void *ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                                 enum mqtt_qos qos, bool retain)
    return msg_dispatch_no_free(CL_CTX(ctx), mqp, qos, retain);

static int32_t tail_incorp_msg_id(struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    uint8_t *buf = MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp) + mqp->vh_len;

    if(0 == mqp->msg_id) {
        mqp->msg_id  = assign_new_msg_id();
        buf += buf_wr_nbo_2B(buf, mqp->msg_id);
        mqp->vh_len += 2;

        return 2;

    return 0;

static int32_t buf_utf8_wr_try(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t fsz, const struct utf8_string *topic,
                               uint8_t qid)
    uint8_t *ref = buf;

    if(fsz < (topic->length + 2 + (QFL_VALUE == qid)? 0 : 1))
        return MQP_ERR_PKT_LEN; /* No buf */

    if(false == is_valid_utf8_string(topic))
        return MQP_ERR_CONTENT;/* Invalid */

    buf += mqp_buf_wr_utf8(buf, topic);
    if(QFL_VALUE != qid)
        *buf++ = qid;

    return buf - ref;

static int32_t utf8_array_send(struct client_ctx           *cl_ctx,
                               const struct utf8_strqos *subsc_vec,
                               const struct utf8_string *unsub_vec,
                               uint32_t n_elem)
    struct mqtt_packet *mqp;
    uint8_t *ref, *buf, *end;
    uint32_t i;

    if((NULL == cl_ctx) || !((!!subsc_vec) ^ (!!unsub_vec)) || (0 == n_elem))
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;

    mqp = mqp_client_send_alloc(subsc_vec?
                                MQTT_SUBSCRIBE : MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE);
    if(NULL == mqp)
        return MQP_ERR_PKT_AVL;

    buf = MQP_VHEADER_BUF(mqp);
    end = MQP_FREEBUF_LEN(mqp) + buf;  /* End of free buffer */
    if((end - buf) < 2)
        return len_err_free_mqp(mqp);/* MSG-ID: no space */

    buf += tail_incorp_msg_id(mqp);
    ref  = buf;

    for(i = 0; i < n_elem; i++) {
        const struct utf8_string *topic;
        struct utf8_string topreq;
        int32_t rv;

        if(subsc_vec) {
            topreq.length = subsc_vec[i].length;
            topreq.buffer = subsc_vec[i].buffer;
            topic = &topreq;
        } else
            topic = unsub_vec + i;

        rv = buf_utf8_wr_try(buf, end - buf, topic, subsc_vec?
                             (uint8_t)subsc_vec[i].qosreq : QFL_VALUE);
        if(rv < 0) {
            return rv;

        buf += rv;

    mqp->pl_len = buf - ref; /* Total length of topics data */

    return _msg_dispatch(cl_ctx, mqp, MQTT_QOS1, false);

int32_t mqtt_sub_msg_send(void *ctx, const struct utf8_strqos *qos_topics, uint32_t count)
    return utf8_array_send(CL_CTX(ctx), qos_topics, NULL, count);

int32_t mqtt_sub_dispatch(void *ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    return msg_dispatch_no_free(CL_CTX(ctx), mqp, MQTT_QOS1, false);

int32_t mqtt_unsub_msg_send(void *ctx, const struct utf8_string *topics, uint32_t count)
    return utf8_array_send(CL_CTX(ctx), NULL, topics, count);

int32_t mqtt_unsub_dispatch(void *ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    return msg_dispatch_no_free(CL_CTX(ctx), mqp, MQTT_QOS1, false);

/* Note: in this revision of implementation, vh_msg_send() is being invoked
   from a locked RX context. Should this situation change, so should the
   'locking' considerations in the routine. */
static int32_t vh_msg_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint8_t msg_type,
                           enum mqtt_qos qos, bool has_vh,
                           uint16_t vh_data)
    uint8_t  buf[4];
    uint32_t len = 2;

    buf[0] = MAKE_FH_BYTE1(msg_type, MAKE_FH_FLAGS(false, qos, false));
    buf[1] = has_vh ? 2 : 0;

        len += buf_wr_nbo_2B(buf + 2, vh_data);

    return cl_ctx_seg1_send(cl_ctx, buf, len, false, NULL);

static int32_t pingreq_send(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint32_t rsp_flag)

    int32_t rv = 0;
    uint8_t buf[2];

                           MAKE_FH_FLAGS(false, MQTT_QOS0, false));
    buf[1] = 0;

    /* Note: in case of error in network send, cl_ctx_send() may
       try to terminate connection with server. */
    rv = cl_ctx_seg1_send(cl_ctx, buf, 2, false, NULL);
    if(rv > 0)
        cl_ctx->flags |= rsp_flag;

    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_pingreq_send(void *ctx)
    int32_t rv = 0;

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            rv = pingreq_send(CL_CTX(ctx), USER_PING_RSP_FLAG);

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();
    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_disconn_send(void *ctx)
    uint8_t buf[2];

                           MAKE_FH_FLAGS(false, MQTT_QOS0, false));
    buf[1] = 0;

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            /* Note: in case of error in network send, cl_ctx_send() may
            try to terminate connection with server. */
            if(cl_ctx_seg1_send(CL_CTX(ctx), buf, 2, false, NULL) > 0) {
                /* Terminate connection on application's request */
                do_net_close_tx(CL_CTX(ctx), "DISCONN");

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();
    return 0;

 *  MQTT RX Routines
static bool ack1_wl_mqp_dispatch(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    struct mqtt_ack_wlist *wlist = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos_ack1_wl;
    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = NULL;
    bool rv = true;

    for(mqp = wlist->head; mqp && (true == rv); mqp = mqp->next) {
        uint8_t *buf = MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp);
        mqp->fh_byte1 = *buf |= DUP_FLAG_VAL(true);

        mqp->n_refs++; /* Ensures MQP is not freed by following */

        /* Error or not, following routine tries to free up MQP */
        if(cl_ctx_seg1_send(cl_ctx, buf, MQP_CONTENT_LEN(mqp),
                            false, mqp) <= 0)
            rv = false;

    return rv;

/* TBD candidate for common */
static bool ack2_msg_id_dispatch(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    struct pub_qos2_cq *tx_cq = &CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos2_tx_cq;
    uint8_t rd_idx = tx_cq->rd_idx;
    uint8_t n_free = tx_cq->n_free;
    bool rv = true;
    uint8_t i = 0;

    for(i = rd_idx; i < (MAX_PUBREL_INFLT - n_free) && (true == rv); i++) {
        if(vh_msg_send(cl_ctx, MQTT_PUBREL, MQTT_QOS1,
                       true, tx_cq->id_vec[i]) <= 0)
            rv = false;

    return rv;

static void session_resume(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
    DBG_INFO("C: Re-send ACK awaited QoS1/2 msgs to net %d\n\r",



static bool ack1_wl_rmfree(struct mqtt_ack_wlist *wl, uint16_t msg_id)
    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = mqp_ack_wlist_remove(wl, msg_id);
    if(NULL != mqp) {
        return true;

    USR_INFO("Err: Unexpected ACK w/ ID 0x%04x\n\r", msg_id);

    return false;

static bool _proc_pub_rec_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    /* Follow-up messages for QOS2 PUB must be transacted in the
       same order as the initial sequence of QOS2 PUB dispatches.
       Therefore, checking the first entry should be OK
    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos_ack1_wl.head;

    if((msg_id == mqp->msg_id) && ack2_msg_id_logup(cl_ctx, msg_id)) {

        ack1_wl_rmfree(&CLIENT(cl_ctx)->qos_ack1_wl, msg_id);

        vh_msg_send(cl_ctx, MQTT_PUBREL, MQTT_QOS1,
                    true, msg_id);

        return true;

    return false; /* Unexpected PUBREC or QOS2 store exceeded */

static bool _proc_pub_rel_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint16_t msg_id)
    /* For a PUB-REL RX, send PUBCOMP to let server make progress */
    vh_msg_send(cl_ctx, MQTT_PUBCOMP, MQTT_QOS0, true, msg_id);

    if(qos2_pub_rx_is_done(cl_ctx, msg_id))
        qos2_pub_rx_unlog(cl_ctx, msg_id);  /* Expunge record */

    return true;

   Process ACK Message from Broker.
   Returns true on success, otherwise false.
bool _proc_ack_msg_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);
    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);
    uint16_t msg_id = mqp_raw->msg_id;
    uint32_t len = mqp_raw->pl_len;

    /* Caters to SUB-ACK, UNSUB-ACK and PUB-ACK Messages */
    if(false == ack1_wl_rmfree(&client->qos_ack1_wl, msg_id))
        return false; /* Err: MSG_ID was not awaited */

        ctx_cbs->ack_notify(client->app, mqp_raw->msg_type, msg_id,
                            len? MQP_PAYLOAD_BUF(mqp_raw): NULL,
    return true;

bool proc_ack_msg_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    uint8_t  msg_type = mqp_raw->msg_type;
    bool rv = false;
    uint16_t msg_id = 0;

    if(false == mqp_proc_msg_id_ack_rx(mqp_raw, MQTT_SUBACK == msg_type))
        return rv; /* Problem in contents received from server */

    msg_id = mqp_raw->msg_id;

    if(MQTT_PUBREC == msg_type) {
        rv =  _proc_pub_rec_rx(cl_ctx, msg_id);
            MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_SET(mqp_raw); /* Don't report to App */

    } else if(MQTT_PUBREL == msg_type) {
        rv =  _proc_pub_rel_rx(cl_ctx, msg_id);
            MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_SET(mqp_raw); /* Don't report to App */
    } else if(MQTT_PUBCOMP == msg_type) {
        rv = ack2_msg_id_unlog(cl_ctx, msg_id);
    } else {
        rv = _proc_ack_msg_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);

    return rv;

bool proc_pub_msg_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);
    bool good_pub = mqp_proc_pub_rx(mqp_raw);
    uint8_t B = mqp_raw->fh_byte1;
    enum mqtt_qos qos = ENUM_QOS(B);
    uint16_t msg_id = 0;

    if(false == good_pub)
        return false; /* Didn't get nicely composed PUB Packet */

    msg_id = mqp_raw->msg_id;

    /* Irrespective of the result of the ACK through vh_msg_send(),
       the implementation has chosen to process the good PUB packet.
       Any error will be handled in next iteration of rx processing.
    if(MQTT_QOS1 == qos)
        vh_msg_send(cl_ctx, MQTT_PUBACK, MQTT_QOS0, true, msg_id);

    if(MQTT_QOS2 == qos) {
        /* Ensuring "only once" philosophy for MQTT QoS2 PUBs */
        if(qos2_pub_rx_is_done(cl_ctx, msg_id)) {
            /* Already delivered. Drop it & do not report */
            return true; /* No more follow-up; all's good */

        if(false == qos2_pub_rx_logup(cl_ctx, msg_id))
            return false;  /* Failed to record New RX PUB */

        vh_msg_send(cl_ctx, MQTT_PUBREC, MQTT_QOS0, true, msg_id);

    /* QoS obliations completed, present PUBLISH RX packet to app */
    if(ctx_cbs->publish_rx) {
        /* App has chosen the callback method to  receive PKT */
        mqp_raw->n_refs++;   /* Make app owner of this packet */
        if(ctx_cbs->publish_rx(CLIENT(cl_ctx)->app, BOOL_DUP(B),
                               qos, BOOL_RETAIN(B), mqp_raw)) {
            /* App has no use of PKT any more, so free it */
            mqp_raw->n_refs--;     /* Take back ownership */

    return true;

bool proc_connack_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);
    uint8_t *buf = MQP_VHEADER_BUF(mqp_raw);

    mqp_raw->vh_len += 2;
    mqp_raw->pl_len -= 2;

    if(0 != mqp_raw->pl_len)
        return false;      /* There is no payload in message */

    cl_ctx->flags &= ~(DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG | CONNACK_AWAIT_FLAG);

        /* Server has refused the connection, inform the app */
        goto proc_connack_rx_exit1;

    cl_ctx->flags |=  NOW_CONNECTED_FLAG;
    cl_ctx_timeout_update(cl_ctx, net_ops->time());  /* start KA */


        ctx_cbs->ack_notify(CLIENT(cl_ctx)->app, mqp_raw->msg_type,
                            0, buf, 2);

    return true;

bool proc_pingrsp_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs = CTX_CBS_PTR(cl_ctx);

    if(0 != mqp_raw->pl_len)
        return false;

    if(AWAITS_KA_PING(cl_ctx)) {
        cl_ctx->flags &= ~KA_PINGER_RSP_FLAG;
        return true;

    if(AWAITS_PINGRSP(cl_ctx)) {
        cl_ctx->flags &= ~USER_PING_RSP_FLAG;
                                0, NULL, 0);
        return true;

    return false;

bool conn_sent_state_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    bool rv = false;

    switch(mqp_raw->msg_type) {

        case MQTT_CONNACK:
            /* Changes client_ctx->flags to CONNECTED */
            rv = proc_connack_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);


    return rv;

bool connected_state_rx(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    bool rv = false;

    switch(mqp_raw->msg_type) {

        case MQTT_SUBACK:
        case MQTT_PUBACK:
        case MQTT_PUBREC:
        case MQTT_PUBREL:
        case MQTT_PUBCOMP:
        case MQTT_UNSUBACK:
            rv = proc_ack_msg_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);

        case MQTT_PINGRSP:
            rv = proc_pingrsp_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);

        case MQTT_PUBLISH:
            rv = proc_pub_msg_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);

        case MQTT_CONNACK: /* not expected */

    return rv;

static bool process_recv(struct client_ctx   *cl_ctx,
                         struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
    bool rv;

    USR_INFO("C: Rcvd msg Fix-Hdr (Byte1) 0x%02x from net %d [@ %u]\n\r",
             mqp_raw->fh_byte1, cl_ctx->net, net_ops->time());

    /* Working Principle: Only RX processing errors should be
       reported as 'false'. Status of TX as a follow-up to RX
       messages need not be reported by the xyz_rx() routines.
       Error observed in TX is either dealt in next iteration
       of RX loop (in case, there is a dedicated RX task for
       the CTX) or in TX routine itself (in case, there is no
       dedicated RX task for the CTX).
    rv =    AWAITS_CONNACK(cl_ctx)?
            conn_sent_state_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw) :
            connected_state_rx(cl_ctx, mqp_raw);

    DBG_INFO("C: Msg w/ ID 0x%04x, processing status: %s\n\r",
             mqp_raw->msg_id, rv? "Good" : "Fail");

    return rv;

static int32_t net_recv(int32_t net, struct mqtt_packet *mqp, uint32_t wait_secs, void *ctx)
    bool timed_out = false;
    int32_t rv = mqp_recv(net, net_ops, mqp, wait_secs, &timed_out, ctx);
    if(rv <= 0) {
        USR_INFO("C: Net %d, Raw Error %d, Time Out: %c\n\r",
                 net, rv, timed_out? 'Y' : 'N');

            rv = MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT;

    return rv;

   MQTT 3.1.1 implementation

   Keep Alive Time is maxmimum interval within which a client should send a
   packet to broker. If there are either no packets to be sent to broker or
   no retries left, then client is expected to a send a PINGREQ within Keep
   Alive Time. Broker should respond by sending PINGRSP with-in reasonable
   time of 'wait_secs'. If Keep Alive Time is set as 0, then client is not
   expected to be disconnected due to in-activity of MQTT messages. Value
   of 'wait_secs' is assumed to be quite smaller than (non-zero) 'ka_secs'.
static void conn2used_ctxs(uint32_t wait_secs)

    while(conn_ctxs) {
        struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = conn_ctxs;
        conn_ctxs = conn_ctxs->next;

        cl_ctx_timeout_insert(&used_ctxs, cl_ctx);

static int32_t single_ctx_ka_sequence(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint32_t wait_secs)

    uint32_t now_secs = net_ops->time();

    if(AWAITS_CONNACK(cl_ctx) && CFG_CONNACK_TO(cl_ctx)) {
        cl_ctx->timeout += wait_secs; /* Set CONNACK timeout value */
        cl_ctx->flags   &= ~DO_CONNACK_TO_FLAG;

    if(cl_ctx->timeout > now_secs) {
        return 1;  /* Still have time for next message transaction */
    if(is_connected(cl_ctx)) {
        /* Timeout has happened. Check for PINGRESP if PINGREQ done.
           Otherwise, send PINGREQ (Are You there?) to the server. */
        if(AWAITS_KA_PING(cl_ctx)) {
            goto single_ctx_ka_sequence_exit1; /* No PINGRESP  */
        return pingreq_send(cl_ctx, KA_PINGER_RSP_FLAG); /* Hello! */


    USR_INFO("C: Net %d, no RX MSG in reasonable time\n\r", cl_ctx->net);
    return -1;

static uint32_t single_ctx_adj_wait_secs_get(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint32_t wait_secs)

    return (KA_TIMEOUT_NONE != cl_ctx->timeout)?
           MIN(cl_ctx->timeout - net_ops->time(), wait_secs) : wait_secs;

static int32_t single_ctx_rx_prep(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, uint32_t *secs2wait)

    int32_t rv;

    if(-1 == cl_ctx->net)
        return MQP_ERR_NOTCONN; /* Likely for a ctx w/o a receive task */

        rv = MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;
    else if(0 > single_ctx_ka_sequence(cl_ctx, *secs2wait))
        rv = MQP_ERR_NETWORK;
    else {
        *secs2wait = single_ctx_adj_wait_secs_get(cl_ctx, *secs2wait);
        return 1;

    do_net_close_rx(cl_ctx, rv);
    return rv;

int32_t proc_ctx_data_recv(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                           uint32_t wait_secs, void **app)

    int32_t rv  = MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;
    int32_t net = cl_ctx->net;

    *app = cl_ctx->usr;

    rv = net_recv(net, mqp, wait_secs, (void*)cl_ctx);

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            if(rv > 0) {
                if(false == process_recv(cl_ctx, mqp)) {
                    rv = MQP_ERR_CONTENT;
            /* RX: close the network connection to the server for this context, if
               (a) there is a processing / protocol error other than time-out
               (b) A good MQTT CONNACK has a return code - connection refused
            if(((rv < 0) && (rv != MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT)) ||
                    ((MQTT_CONNACK == mqp->msg_type) &&
                     MQP_CONNACK_RC(mqp))) {
                do_net_close_rx(cl_ctx, rv);

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();
    return rv;

static int32_t mqp_setup_proc_ctx_data_recv(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx,
        struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
        uint32_t wait_secs, void **app)
    struct mqtt_packet *rx_mqp = CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp;
    int32_t rv;

    if(NULL != mqp) {
        /* Input MQP must be same as MQP for partial RX, if any */
        if(rx_mqp) {
            if(mqp != rx_mqp)
                return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;
        } else

    if(NULL == mqp) {
        mqp = rx_mqp? rx_mqp : mqp_client_recv_alloc(0);
        if(NULL == mqp)
            return MQP_ERR_PKT_AVL;

    rv = proc_ctx_data_recv(cl_ctx, mqp, wait_secs, app);
    if(rv == MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
        CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp = mqp;  /* Save partial RX MQP */
    } else {
        /* Control reaches here due to either an error in RX or the
           completion of RX. In both the cases, the MQP needs to be
           detached and processed. For completion of RX:
           callback mode: Application has used up MQP data; free it
           Non-callback mode: Application will now use complete MQP
        CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp = NULL;
            mqp_free_locked(mqp);  /* For only callback mode */

    return rv;

static int32_t cl_ctx_recv(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                           uint32_t wait_secs)

    void *app = NULL;
    int32_t rv = 0;

    do {
        if(mqp && (NULL == CLIENT(cl_ctx)->rx_mqp))

        rv = single_ctx_rx_prep(cl_ctx, &wait_secs);
        if(rv > 0)
            rv = mqp_setup_proc_ctx_data_recv(cl_ctx, mqp,

        /* 'mqp' must be valid, if rv > 0 but including further
           & additional check for sake of static cod eanalysis.*/
    } while((rv > 0) && mqp && MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_COR(mqp));

    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_await_msg(void *ctx, uint8_t msg_type, struct mqtt_packet *mqp,
                                  uint32_t wait_secs)
    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = CL_CTX(ctx);
    int32_t rv = -1;

    if((NULL == cl_ctx) || (NULL == mqp))
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;

    do {
        rv = cl_ctx_recv(cl_ctx, mqp, wait_secs);

    } while((rv > 0) &&
            (0 != msg_type) && (msg_type != mqp->msg_type));

    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_run(void *ctx, uint32_t wait_secs)

    int32_t rv;

    if(NULL == ctx)
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM;

    do {
        rv = cl_ctx_recv(CL_CTX(ctx), NULL, wait_secs);

    } while(rv > 0);

    return rv;

static struct client_ctx *group_ctxs_ka_sequence(uint32_t wait_secs) {

    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = used_ctxs;

    while(cl_ctx) {
        struct client_ctx *next = cl_ctx->next;
        if(single_ctx_rx_prep(cl_ctx, &wait_secs) < 0) {
            /* 'CTX' no more eligible for operation
               and has been removed from used_list */
            if(false == grp_has_cbfn)
                return cl_ctx;

        cl_ctx = next;

    return NULL;


static uint32_t group_ctxs_adj_wait_secs_get(uint32_t wait_secs)

    return  used_ctxs?
            single_ctx_adj_wait_secs_get(used_ctxs, wait_secs) : wait_secs;

static int32_t recv_hvec[MAX_NWCONN + 1 + 1]; /* GROUP LISTEN PORT + VEC END */
static int32_t send_hvec  = -1;
static int32_t rsvd_hvec  = -1;

/* Caller must ensure atomic enviroment for execution of this routine */
static void recv_hvec_load(int32_t *hvec_recv, uint32_t size, struct client_ctx *list)

    int32_t i = 0;

    for(i = 0; (i < size) && (NULL != list); i++, list = list->next)
        hvec_recv[i] = list->net;

    hvec_recv[i] = -1;


static int32_t group_ctxs_rx_prep(uint32_t wait_secs, void **app)

    /* CHK 'used ctx'(s) have live connection w/ server. If not, drop it */
    struct client_ctx *ctx_kaTO = group_ctxs_ka_sequence(wait_secs);
    int32_t n_hnds;

    if(ctx_kaTO) {
        *app = CLIENT(ctx_kaTO)->app;
        return MQP_ERR_NETWORK;

    conn2used_ctxs(wait_secs);   /* Now, add new 'ctx'(s) to 'used ctxs' */

    recv_hvec[0] = loopb_net;
    recv_hvec_load(&recv_hvec[1], MAX_NWCONN + 1, used_ctxs);

    wait_secs = group_ctxs_adj_wait_secs_get(wait_secs);

    n_hnds = net_ops->io_mon(recv_hvec, &send_hvec,
                             &rsvd_hvec, wait_secs);
    if(0 == n_hnds)
        n_hnds = MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT;
    else if(n_hnds < 0)
        n_hnds = MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT;

    return n_hnds;

static int32_t proc_loopback_recv(int32_t net)

    int32_t rv = 0;
    uint8_t buf[LOOP_DLEN];

    /* Thanks for waking-up thread, but ain't got much to do now */
    rv = net_ops->recv_from(net, buf, LOOP_DLEN, NULL, NULL, 0);
    if(rv <= 0) {
        memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
        sprintf((char*) print_buf, "MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT %i\r\n",MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT);
        Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
        return MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT;

    return rv;

static struct client_ctx *net_cl_ctx_find(int32_t net) {
    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = used_ctxs;

    while(cl_ctx && (net != cl_ctx->net))
        cl_ctx = cl_ctx->next;

    return cl_ctx;

static int32_t proc_net_data_recv(int32_t net, struct mqtt_packet *mqp, void **app)

    /* Note: used_ctxs are always managed by a single RX task */
    struct client_ctx  *cl_ctx = net_cl_ctx_find(net);
    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;

    if(NULL == cl_ctx) {
        return rv; /* TX removed it interim, mustn't happen */
    return mqp_setup_proc_ctx_data_recv(cl_ctx, mqp, 1, app);

static int32_t cl_recv(struct mqtt_packet *mqp, uint32_t wait_secs, void **app)

    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_NETWORK;
    int32_t n_hnds = 0, idx = 0;

    rv = group_ctxs_rx_prep(wait_secs, app);
    if(rv > 0)
        n_hnds = rv;

    for(idx = 0; (idx < n_hnds) && (rv > 0); idx++) {
        int32_t net = recv_hvec[idx];
        if(loopb_net == net)
            rv = proc_loopback_recv(net); /* UDP Packet */
        else {
            rv = proc_net_data_recv(net, mqp, app);
            if(false == grp_has_cbfn)
                break; /* 'CTX': inform application */

    return rv;

static int32_t grp_net_setup_create()

    if(0 == loopb_portid) {
        return MQP_ERR_NOT_DEF;
    if(NULL == net_ops) {
        return MQP_ERR_NET_OPS;
    if(-1 == loopb_net) {
        loopb_net = net_ops->open(DEV_NETCONN_OPT_UDP, NULL, loopb_portid, NULL);

        if(-1 == loopb_net) {
            return MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT;

    return 1;

int32_t mqtt_client_await_msg(struct mqtt_packet *mqp, uint32_t wait_secs, void **app)

    int32_t rv = MQP_ERR_NOTCONN;
    *app = NULL;

    if(NULL == mqp)
        return MQP_ERR_FNPARAM; /* Didn't get a valid MQP */

    if(true == grp_has_cbfn)
        return MQP_ERR_BADCALL; /* Err: LIB has CB config */

    rv = grp_net_setup_create();
    if(rv <= 0)
        return rv;

    do {
        rv = cl_recv(mqp, wait_secs, app);

    } while((rv > 0) && MQP_RX_DO_NOT_RPT_COR(mqp));

    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_client_run(uint32_t wait_secs)

    void *app = NULL;
    int32_t rv = -1;

    if(false == grp_has_cbfn) {
        return MQP_ERR_BADCALL; /* Err: LIB has no CB config */
    rv = grp_net_setup_create();
    if(rv <= 0) {
        return rv;
    do {
        rv = cl_recv(NULL, wait_secs, &app);

    } while((rv > 0) ||
            /* 'ctx' related errors are handled by the callbacks */
            ((rv != MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT) && (rv != MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT)));

    return rv;

 * Buffer Pool and management, other registrations and initialization.
static struct mqtt_packet *free_list = NULL;

static struct mqtt_packet *mqp_alloc_atomic(void) {

    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = NULL;

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            mqp = free_list;
            if(mqp) {
                free_list = mqp->next;

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();
    return mqp;

struct mqtt_packet *mqp_client_alloc(uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t offset) {

    struct mqtt_packet *mqp = mqp_alloc_atomic();
    if(NULL == mqp) {
        USR_INFO("MQP alloc failed - msg type 0x%02x\n\r", msg_type);
        return NULL;

    mqp_init(mqp, offset);
    mqp->msg_type = msg_type;

    return mqp;

/* Do not use this routine with-in this file. */
static void free_mqp(struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
    /* Must be used in a locked state */
    mqp->next = free_list;
    free_list = mqp;

int32_t mqtt_client_buffers_register(uint32_t num_mqp, struct mqtt_packet *mqp_vec,
                                     uint32_t buf_len, uint8_t *buf_vec)
    uint32_t i, j;

    if((0 == num_mqp) || (0 == buf_len) || free_list)
        return -1;

    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < num_mqp; i++, j += buf_len) {
        struct mqtt_packet *mqp = mqp_vec + i;

        mqp->buffer = buf_vec + j;
        mqp->maxlen = buf_len;

        mqp->free   = free_mqp;
        mqp->next   = free_list;
        free_list   = mqp;

    return 0;

int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_will_register(void *ctx,
                                      const struct utf8_string  *will_top,
                                      const struct utf8_string  *will_msg,
                                      enum mqtt_qos will_qos, bool retain)
    uint8_t B = 0;

    if((NULL == ctx) || ((NULL == will_top) && (NULL != will_msg)))
        return -1;  /* Bad Combo */

    if(NULL != will_top) {

        B = QOS_VALUE(will_qos) << 3;
            B |= WILL_RETAIN_VAL;

        if(NULL != will_msg)

    CLIENT(ctx)->conn_pl_utf8s[1] = will_top;
    CLIENT(ctx)->conn_pl_utf8s[2] = will_msg;

    CLIENT(ctx)->will_opts = B;

    return 0;

int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_info_register(void *ctx,
                                      const struct utf8_string *client_id,
                                      const struct utf8_string *user_name,
                                      const struct utf8_string *pass_word)
    const struct utf8_string *users_pwd = NULL;

    if(NULL == ctx)
        return -1;

    if(NULL != client_id)

    if(NULL != user_name) {

        if(NULL != pass_word)

        users_pwd = pass_word;

    CLIENT(ctx)->conn_pl_utf8s[0] = client_id;
    CLIENT(ctx)->conn_pl_utf8s[3] = user_name;
    CLIENT(ctx)->conn_pl_utf8s[4] = users_pwd;

    return 0;

int32_t mqtt_client_net_svc_register(const struct device_net_services *net)
    if(net && net->open && net->send && net->recv  &&
            net->send_dest && net->recv_from && net->close
            && net->io_mon && net->time) {
        net_ops = net;
        return 0;

    return -1;

static void cl_ctx_setup(struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, /* WR Object */
                         const struct mqtt_client_ctx_cfg *ctx_cfg,
                         const struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs,
                         void *app)

    struct client_desc *client = CLIENT(cl_ctx);

    cl_ctx->flags       = ctx_cfg->config_opts;

    client->nwconn_opts = ctx_cfg->nwconn_opts;
    client->server_addr = ctx_cfg->server_addr;
    client->port_number = ctx_cfg->port_number;

    client->app         = app;

    if(NULL != ctx_cfg->nw_security)
                      sizeof(struct secure_conn));

    if(NULL != ctx_cbs) {
        // set callback flag
        struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *cbs_ctx = CTX_CBS_PTR(client);
        cbs_ctx->publish_rx = ctx_cbs->publish_rx;
        cbs_ctx->ack_notify = ctx_cbs->ack_notify;
        cbs_ctx->disconn_cb = ctx_cbs->disconn_cb;


int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_create(const struct mqtt_client_ctx_cfg *ctx_cfg,
                               const struct mqtt_client_ctx_cbs *ctx_cbs,
                               void *app, void **ctx)

    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = NULL;

    if((NULL == ctx_cfg)                 ||
            (NULL == ctx_cfg->server_addr)    ||
            (0    == ctx_cfg->port_number)) {
        return -1;
    if(ctx_cfg->config_opts & MQTT_CFG_MK_GROUP_CTX) {
        if(grp_has_cbfn ^ (!!ctx_cbs)) {
            return -1;

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            if(free_ctxs) {
                cl_ctx       = free_ctxs;
                free_ctxs    = cl_ctx->next;
                cl_ctx->next = NULL;

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();

    if(cl_ctx) {
        cl_ctx_setup(cl_ctx, ctx_cfg, ctx_cbs, app);
        *ctx = (void*) cl_ctx;
        return 0;

    return -1;

int32_t mqtt_client_ctx_delete(void *ctx)

    struct client_ctx  *cl_ctx = (struct client_ctx*) ctx;
    int32_t rv = -1; /* Not sure about deletion as yet */

//        MUTEX_LOCKIN();
    if( xSemaphore != NULL ) {
        // See if we can obtain the semaphore.  If the semaphore is not available
        // wait 10 ticks to see if it becomes free.
        if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, ( TickType_t ) 40 ) == pdTRUE ) {
            // We were able to obtain the semaphore and can now access the
            // shared resource.
            if((NULL == cl_ctx)          ||
                    (-1   != cl_ctx->net)     ||
                    (awaits_pkts(cl_ctx))) {
                goto mqtt_client_ctx_delete_exit1;
            rv = 0; /* OK to delete ctx */

            // We have finished accessing the shared resource.  Release the
            // semaphore.
            //xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );
        } else {
            // We could not obtain the semaphore and can therefore not access
            // the shared resource safely.
            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Unable to obtain the semaphore\r\n");

//        MUTEX_UNLOCK();

    return rv;

int32_t mqtt_client_lib_init(const struct mqtt_client_lib_cfg *lib_cfg)
    if((NULL == lib_cfg) || (NULL == lib_cfg->debug_printf))
        return -1;

    debug_printf = lib_cfg->debug_printf; /* Facilitate debug */

    if(INIT_DONE_STATE == cl_lib_state) {
        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"C: Error trying to re-initialize \n\r");
        USR_INFO("C: Error trying to re-initialize \n\r");
        return -1;

    USR_INFO("Version: Client LIB %s, Common LIB %s.\n\r",


    cl_lib_state = INIT_DONE_STATE;

    loopb_portid = lib_cfg->loopback_port;
    grp_has_cbfn = lib_cfg->grp_uses_cbfn;

    mutex        = lib_cfg->mutex;
    mutex_lockin = lib_cfg->mutex_lockin;
    mutex_unlock = lib_cfg->mutex_unlock;

    aux_dbg_enbl = lib_cfg->aux_debug_en;

    return 0;

int32_t mqtt_client_lib_exit()
    struct client_ctx *cl_ctx = free_ctxs;
    int32_t count = 0;

    while(cl_ctx) {
        cl_ctx = cl_ctx->next;

    if(MAX_NWCONN == count) {
        cl_lib_state = WAIT_INIT_STATE;
        free_ctxs    = NULL;
        return 0;

    return -1;

}//namespace mbed_mqtt