Update revision to use TI's mqtt and Freertos.

Dependencies:   mbed client server

Fork of cc3100_Test_mqtt_CM3 by David Fletcher

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mqtt_V1/platform/cc31xx_sl_net.cpp	Thu Sep 03 14:02:37 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated
+ *
+ *   All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
+ *   Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
+ *   granted through contract.
+ *
+ *   The program may not be used without the written permission of
+ *   Texas Instruments Incorporated or against the terms and conditions
+ *   stipulated in the agreement under which this program has been supplied,
+ *   and under no circumstances can it be used with non-TI connectivity device.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+//#include "mbed.h"
+#include "cc3100_simplelink.h"
+#include "cc3100_sl_common.h"
+#include "cc31xx_sl_net.h"
+#include "sl_mqtt_client.h"
+#include "mqtt_client.h"
+#include "cc3200_platform.h"
+#include "cc3100.h"
+#include "fPtr_func.h"
+#include "myBoardInit.h"
+#include "cli_uart.h"
+#define PRINT_BUF_LEN    128
+extern int8_t print_buf[PRINT_BUF_LEN];
+using namespace mbed_cc3100;
+cc3100 _cc3100_module_(p16, p17, p9, p10, p8, SPI(p5, p6, p7));//LPC1768  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+//cc3100 _cc3100_module_(p9, p10, p8, SPI(p11, p12, p13));//LPC1768  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+#elif (THIS_BOARD == Seeed_Arch_Max)
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(PE_5, PE_4, PE_6, SPI(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3));
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(PA_9, PC_7, PB_6, SPI(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5));//nucleoF103  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(PA_9, PC_7, PB_6, SPI(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5));//nucleoF411  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(PA_8, PA_9, PC_7, PB_6, SPI(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5));//nucleoF401  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+#elif (THIS_BOARD == EA_MBED_LPC4088)
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(p14, p15, p9, p10, p8, SPI(p5, p6, p7));//LPC4088  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+#elif (THIS_BOARD == LPCXpresso4337)
+class cc3100 _cc3100_module_(P2_12, P2_9, P2_2, P3_5, P1_2, SPI(P1_4, P1_3, PF_4));//LPCXpresso4337  irq, nHib, cs, mosi, miso, sck
+namespace mbed_mqtt {
+extern int32_t (*debug_printf)(const char *fmt, ...);
+#define PRINTF(x,...)    debug_printf(x,##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define PRINTF(x,...)
+ 3200 Devices specific Network Services Implementation
+ */
+#define LISTEN_QUE_SIZE 2
+//                      GLOBAL VARIABLES
+//                      STATIC FUNCTIONS
+static int32_t buf_printf(const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t idt)
+    int32_t i = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
+    {
+        memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+        sprintf((char*) print_buf, "%02x ", *buf++);
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+        if(0x03 == (i & 0x03))
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t *)" ");
+        if(0x0F == (i & 0x0F))
+        {
+            int32_t j = 0;
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t *)"\n\r");
+            for(j = 0; j < idt; j++)
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t *)" ");
+        }
+    }
+    Uart_Write((uint8_t *)"\n\r");
+    return len;
+ Open a TCP socket and modify its properties i.e security options if req.
+ Socket properties modified in this function are based on the options set
+ outside the scope of this function.
+ Returns a valid handle on success, otherwise a negative number.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static int32_t create_socket(uint32_t nwconn_opts, struct secure_conn *nw_security_opts)
+    int32_t MqttSocketFd, Status;
+    //local variables for creating secure socket
+    uint8_t SecurityMethod;
+    uint32_t SecurityCypher;
+    int8_t i;
+    //If TLS is required
+    if ((nwconn_opts & DEV_NETCONN_OPT_SEC) != 0) // bit was set to 1
+            {
+        MqttSocketFd = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET);
+        if (MqttSocketFd < 0) {
+            memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+            sprintf((char*) print_buf, "MqttSocketFd  fail %i\r\n",MqttSocketFd);
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+            return (MqttSocketFd);
+        }
+        SecurityMethod = *((uint8_t *) (nw_security_opts->method));
+        SecurityCypher = *((uint32_t *) (nw_security_opts->cipher));
+        if (nw_security_opts->n_file < 1  || nw_security_opts->n_file > 4 ) {
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: security files missing or wrong number of security files\n\r");
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Did not create socket\n\r");
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        //Set Socket Options that were just defined
+        Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SetSockOpt(MqttSocketFd, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SECMETHOD,
+                &SecurityMethod, sizeof(SecurityMethod));
+        if (Status < 0) {
+            memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+            sprintf((char*) print_buf, "Status error %i socket closed\n\r",Status);
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+            _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+            return (Status);
+        }
+        Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SetSockOpt(MqttSocketFd, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SECURE_MASK,
+                &SecurityCypher, sizeof(SecurityCypher));
+        if (Status < 0) {
+            memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+            sprintf((char*) print_buf, "Status error %i socket closed\n\r",Status);
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+            _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+            return (Status);
+        }
+        if(nw_security_opts->n_file == 1){
+        	Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SetSockOpt(MqttSocketFd, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME,
+        			 nw_security_opts->files[0], strlen(nw_security_opts->files[0]));
+        	if (Status < 0) {
+        		memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+                sprintf((char*) print_buf, "Status error %i socket closed\n\r",Status);
+                Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+				_cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+				return (Status);
+			}
+        }else{
+        	for(i=0; i<nw_security_opts->n_file;i++){
+        		if(NULL != nw_security_opts->files[i]){
+        			Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SetSockOpt(MqttSocketFd, SL_SOL_SOCKET,
+        			        nw_security_opts->files[i],
+        			        strlen(nw_security_opts->files[i]));
+        			if (Status < 0) {
+        				memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+                        sprintf((char*) print_buf, "Status error %i socket closed\n\r",Status);
+                        Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+						_cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+						return (Status);
+					}
+        		}
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+    // If no TLS required
+    else {
+        // check to create a udp or tcp socket
+        if ((nwconn_opts & DEV_NETCONN_OPT_UDP) != 0) // bit is set ; create a udp socket
+                {
+            MqttSocketFd = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_DGRAM, SL_IPPROTO_UDP);
+        } else // socket for tcp
+        {
+            MqttSocketFd = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM,
+            SL_IPPROTO_TCP); // consider putting 0 in place of SL_IPPROTO_TCP
+        }
+    }
+    return (MqttSocketFd);
+} // end of function
+ This function takes an ipv4 address in dot format i.e "a.b.c.d" and returns the
+ ip address in Network byte Order, which can be used in connect call
+ It returns 0, if a valid ip address is not detected.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static uint32_t svr_addr_NB_order_IPV4(char *svr_addr_str)
+    uint8_t addr[4];
+    int8_t i = 0;
+    char *token;
+    uint32_t svr_addr;
+    int32_t temp;
+    /*take a temporary copy of the string. strtok modifies the input string*/
+    int8_t svr_addr_size = strlen(svr_addr_str);
+    char *svr_addr_cpy = (char*)malloc(svr_addr_size + 1); //1 for null
+	if(NULL == svr_addr_cpy) return 0;
+    strcpy(svr_addr_cpy, svr_addr_str);
+    memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+    sprintf((char*) print_buf, "\n\r server address = %s\n\r", svr_addr_cpy);
+    Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+    memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+    sprintf((char*) print_buf, "\n\r server address string length = %d\n\r", strlen(svr_addr_cpy));
+    Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+    /* get the first token */
+    token = strtok((char*)svr_addr_cpy, ".");
+    /* walk through other tokens */
+    while (token != NULL) {
+        temp = atoi((const char*)token);
+        //check for invalid tokens or if already 4 tokens were obtained
+        if ((temp < 0) || (temp > 255) || (i >= 4)) {
+            free(svr_addr_cpy);
+            return (0);
+        }
+        addr[i++] = (uint8_t) temp;
+        token = strtok(NULL, ".");
+    }
+    // check if exactly 4 valid tokens are available or not
+    if (i != 4) {
+        free(svr_addr_cpy);
+        return (0);
+    }
+    //form address if above test passed
+    svr_addr = *((uint32_t *) &addr);
+    free(svr_addr_cpy);
+    return (svr_addr);
+} // end of function
+//                      Network Services functions
+ Open a TCP socket with required properties
+ Also connect to the server.
+ Returns a valid handle on success, NULL on failure.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+int32_t comm_open(uint32_t nwconn_opts, const char *server_addr, uint16_t port_number,
+        const struct secure_conn *nw_security)
+    int32_t Status, MqttSocketFd;
+    SlSockAddrIn_t LocalAddr; //address of the server to connect to
+    int32_t LocalAddrSize;
+    uint32_t uiIP;
+    // create socket
+    MqttSocketFd = create_socket(nwconn_opts,
+            (struct secure_conn*) nw_security);
+    if (MqttSocketFd < 0) {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Could not create a socket.\n\r");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ((nwconn_opts & DEV_NETCONN_OPT_UDP) != 0) // bit is set ; create a udp socket
+            {
+        //filling the UDP server socket address
+        LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+        LocalAddr.sin_port = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htons((unsigned short) port_number);
+        LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
+        LocalAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+        Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Bind(MqttSocketFd, (SlSockAddr_t *) &LocalAddr,
+                LocalAddrSize);
+        if (Status < 0) {
+            // error
+            Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Could not bind socket.\n\r");
+            _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    } else // do tcp connection
+    {
+        // get the ip address of server to do tcp connect
+        if ((nwconn_opts & DEV_NETCONN_OPT_URL) != 0) // server address is a URL
+                {
+            Status = _cc3100_module_._netapp.sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName((uint8_t*) server_addr,
+                    strlen(server_addr), (uint32_t*) &uiIP, SL_AF_INET);
+            if (Status < 0) {
+                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Could not resolve the ip address of the server \n\r");
+                return (-1);
+            }
+            // convert the address to network byte order as the function returns in host byte order
+            uiIP = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htonl(uiIP);
+        } else // server address is a string in dot notation
+        {
+            if ((nwconn_opts & DEV_NETCONN_OPT_IP6) != 0) // server address is an IPV6 address string
+                    {
+                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Currently do not support IPV6 addresses \n\r");
+                return (-1);
+            } else // address is an IPv4 string
+            {
+                // get the server ip address in Network Byte order
+                uiIP = svr_addr_NB_order_IPV4((char*) server_addr);
+                if (0 == uiIP) {
+                    Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Could not resolve the ip address of the server \n\r");
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+        LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = uiIP;
+        LocalAddr.sin_port = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htons(port_number);
+        LocalAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+        // do tcp connect
+        Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Connect(MqttSocketFd, (SlSockAddr_t *) &LocalAddr,
+                LocalAddrSize);
+        if (Status < 0) {
+            if (SL_ESECSNOVERIFY != Status) {
+                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)" \n\r ERROR: Could not establish connection to server.\n\r");Uart_Write((uint8_t*)" \n\r ERROR: Closing the socket.\n\r");
+                _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(MqttSocketFd);
+                return (-1);
+            } else // SL_ESECSNOVERIFY == Status
+            {
+                Uart_Write((uint8_t*)" \n\r ERROR: Could not establish secure connection to server.\n\r");Uart_Write((uint8_t*)" \n\r Continuing with unsecure connection to server...\n\r");
+            }
+        }
+        // Success
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r Connected to server ....\n\r");
+    } // end of doing binding port to udp socket or doing tcp connect
+    // set Timer for host processor
+    platform_timer_init();
+    return (MqttSocketFd);
+} // end of function
+int32_t tcp_send(int32_t comm, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, void *ctx)
+    int32_t Status;
+    PRINTF("\n\r TCP send invoked for data with len %d\n\r", len);PRINTF("\n\r Sent Data : ");
+    buf_printf(buf, len, 0);
+    Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Send(comm, buf, len, 0);
+    return (Status);
+} // end of function
+int32_t tcp_recv(int32_t comm, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t wait_secs, bool *timed_out, void *ctx)
+    int32_t Status;
+    int32_t MqttSocketFd = comm;
+    // socket receive time out options
+    SlTimeval_t timeVal;
+    // recv time out options
+    timeVal.tv_sec = wait_secs;      // Seconds
+    timeVal.tv_usec = 0;          // Microseconds. 10000 microseconds resoultion
+    /*------------------- setting receive timeout option on socket ---------------------*/
+    Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SetSockOpt(MqttSocketFd, SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeVal,
+            sizeof(timeVal));
+    if (Status == 0) {
+    } else if (Status < 0) {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: setting socket recv_timeout_option unsuccessfull! \n\r");
+    }
+    /*--------------end of setting receive timeout option on socket ---------------------*/
+//    printf("\n\r TCP recv invoked ...\n\r");
+    *timed_out = 0;
+    Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Recv(MqttSocketFd, buf, len, 0);
+    if (Status > 0) {
+        buf_printf(buf, Status, 0);
+    }
+    if (0 == Status) {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r Connection Closed by peer....\n\r");
+    }
+    if (SL_EAGAIN == Status) {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Recv Time out error on server socket \n\r");
+        *timed_out = 1;
+    }
+    return (Status);
+}             // end of function
+int32_t comm_close(int32_t comm) {
+    int32_t Status;
+    Status = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(comm);
+    return (Status);
+}             // end of function
+uint32_t rtc_secs(void) {
+    return(platform_get_time_in_secs());   
+}             // end of function
+//--------------------------- adding functions for server functionalities ---------------------------
+int32_t tcp_listen(uint32_t nwconn_info, uint16_t port_number,
+        const struct secure_conn *nw_security)
+    SlSockAddrIn_t sLocalAddr;
+    int32_t iSockID, iAddrSize;
+    int32_t iStatus;
+    //filling the TCP server socket address
+    sLocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+    sLocalAddr.sin_port = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htons(port_number);
+    sLocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
+    iAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+    // creating a TCP socket
+    iSockID = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET, SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+    if (iSockID < 0) {
+        // error
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    // binding the TCP socket to the TCP server address
+    iStatus = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Bind(iSockID, (SlSockAddr_t *) &sLocalAddr, iAddrSize);
+    if (iStatus < 0) {
+        // error
+        _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(iSockID);
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    // putting the socket for listening to the incoming TCP connection
+    iStatus = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Listen(iSockID, LISTEN_QUE_SIZE);
+    if (iStatus < 0) {
+        _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(iSockID);
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    memset(print_buf, 0x00, PRINT_BUF_LEN);
+    sprintf((char*) print_buf, "\n\r\t Server Socket created and listening on port number: %d! \n\r", port_number);
+    Uart_Write((uint8_t *) print_buf);
+    return (iSockID);
+}             // end of function
+int32_t tcp_select(int32_t *recv_cvec, int32_t *send_cvec, int32_t *rsvd_cvec, uint32_t wait_secs)
+    SlTimeval_t tv, *p_tv;
+    SlFdSet_t rdfds;
+    int32_t rd_idx = 0, wr_idx = 0, max_fd = 0;
+    int32_t rv = 0;
+    tv.tv_sec = wait_secs;
+    tv.tv_usec = 0;
+    p_tv = (0xFFFFFFFF != wait_secs) ? &tv : NULL;
+    _cc3100_module_._socket.SL_FD_ZERO(&rdfds);
+    while (-1 != recv_cvec[rd_idx]) {
+        int32_t fd = recv_cvec[rd_idx++];
+        _cc3100_module_._socket.SL_FD_SET(fd, &rdfds);
+        if (max_fd < fd){
+            max_fd = fd;
+        }    
+    }
+//    printf("Blocking network for (%s) %u secs to monitor %d fd(s)\n\r",
+//            p_tv? "finite" : "forever", wait_secs, rd_idx);
+    rv = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Select(max_fd + 1, &rdfds, NULL, NULL, p_tv);
+    if (rv <= 0) {
+//        printf("Select Failed %i\n\r",rv);
+        return rv;
+    }
+    rd_idx = 0;
+    while (-1 != recv_cvec[rd_idx]) {
+        int32_t fd = recv_cvec[rd_idx++];
+        if (_cc3100_module_._socket.SL_FD_ISSET(fd, &rdfds))
+            recv_cvec[wr_idx++] = fd;
+    }
+    recv_cvec[wr_idx] = NULL;
+//    printf("Number of sockets on which activity is observed = %d \n\r", wr_idx);
+    return (wr_idx);
+}             // end of function
+int32_t tcp_accept(int32_t listen_hnd, uint8_t *client_ip, uint32_t *ip_length)
+    int32_t new_fd;
+    SlSockAddrIn_t client_addr = {0}; // client address
+    SlSocklen_t cl_addr_size;
+    cl_addr_size = sizeof(client_addr);
+    new_fd = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Accept(listen_hnd, (SlSockAddr_t *) &client_addr,
+                       &cl_addr_size);
+    if (new_fd < 0) {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: in accept \n\r");
+        return (NULL);
+    }
+    client_ip[0] = (client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
+    client_ip[1] = (client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
+    client_ip[2] = (client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
+    client_ip[3] = (client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x000000FF);
+    *ip_length = 4;
+    return new_fd;
+} // end of function
+//--------------------------- adding functions for udp functionalities ---------------------------
+int32_t send_dest(int32_t comm, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint16_t dest_port,
+              const uint8_t *dest_ip, uint32_t ip_len)
+    int32_t iSockID = (int32_t) comm;
+    int32_t iStatus, iAddrSize;
+    SlSockAddrIn_t sAddr;
+    uint32_t uiDestIp;
+    //get destination ip
+#if 0
+    uiDestIp = svr_addr_NB_order_IPV4((uint8_t*)dest_ip); //assuming a IPV4 address is passed in dot notation.
+    if( 0 == uiDestIp )
+    {
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"\n\r ERROR: Could not resolve the ip address of the destination \n\r");
+        return(-1);
+    }
+    uiDestIp = (((uint32_t) dest_ip[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) dest_ip[1] << 16)
+            | (dest_ip[2] << 8) | (dest_ip[3]));
+//    printf("Writing to %d, %08x\r\n", (int32_t)comm, uiDestIp);
+    //filling the UDP server socket address
+    sAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+    sAddr.sin_port = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htons((unsigned short) dest_port);
+    sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Htonl(uiDestIp);
+    iAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+    // sending packet
+    iStatus = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_SendTo(iSockID, buf, len, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *) &sAddr,
+            iAddrSize);
+    if (iStatus <= 0) {
+        // error
+        _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(iSockID);
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Error: Closed the UDP socket\n\r");
+    }
+    return (iStatus);
+} // end of function
+int32_t recv_from(int32_t comm, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint16_t *from_port, uint8_t *from_ip, uint32_t *ip_len)
+    int32_t iSockID = (int32_t) comm;
+    int32_t iStatus, iAddrSize;
+    SlSockAddrIn_t fromAddr = {0};
+    iAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+    iStatus = _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_RecvFrom(iSockID, buf, len, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *) &fromAddr,
+                          (SlSocklen_t*) &iAddrSize);
+    if (iStatus < 0) {
+        // error
+        _cc3100_module_._socket.sl_Close(iSockID);
+        Uart_Write((uint8_t*)"Error: Closed the UDP socket\n\r");
+        return (iStatus);
+    }
+    //else populate from ip, from_port and ip_len parameters
+    // refer to comments in .h
+    if (from_port)
+        *from_port = fromAddr.sin_port;
+    if (from_ip) {
+        from_ip[0] = (fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
+        from_ip[1] = (fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
+        from_ip[2] = (fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
+        from_ip[3] = (fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr & 0x000000FF);
+        *ip_len = 4;
+    }
+    return (iStatus);
+}    // end of function
+}//namespace mbed_mqtt 