Free (GPLv2) TCP/IP stack developed by TASS Belgium

Dependents:   lpc1768-picotcp-demo ZeroMQ_PicoTCP_Publisher_demo TCPSocket_HelloWorld_PicoTCP Pico_TCP_UDP_Test ... more

PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2013 TASS Belgium NV.

Released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.

Different licensing models may exist, at the sole discretion of the Copyright holders.

Official homepage:

Bug tracker:

Development steps:

  • initial integration with mbed RTOS
  • generic mbed Ethernet driver
  • high performance NXP LPC1768 specific Ethernet driver
  • Multi-threading support for mbed RTOS
  • Berkeley sockets and integration with the New Socket API
  • Fork of the apps running on top of the New Socket API
  • Scheduling optimizations
  • Debugging/benchmarking/testing

Demo application (measuring TCP sender performance):

Import programlpc1768-picotcp-demo

A PicoTCP demo app testing the ethernet throughput on the lpc1768 mbed board.



File content as of revision 155:a70f34550c34:

   PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Altran Intelligent Systems. Some rights reserved.
   See LICENSE and COPYING for usage.

   Author: Andrei Carp <>

#include "pico_tree.h"
#include "pico_config.h"
#include "pico_protocol.h"
#include "pico_mm.h"

#define RED     0
#define BLACK 1

/* By default the null leafs are black */
struct pico_tree_node LEAF = {
    NULL, /* key */
    &LEAF, &LEAF, &LEAF, /* parent, left,right */
    BLACK, /* color */

#define IS_LEAF(x) (x == &LEAF)
#define IS_NOT_LEAF(x) (x != &LEAF)
#define INIT_LEAF (&LEAF)

#define AM_I_LEFT_CHILD(x) (x == x->parent->leftChild)
#define AM_I_RIGHT_CHILD(x) (x == x->parent->rightChild)

#define PARENT(x) (x->parent)
#define GRANPA(x) (x->parent->parent)

 * Local Functions
static struct pico_tree_node *create_node(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key, uint8_t allocator);
static void rotateToLeft(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*node);
static void rotateToRight(struct pico_tree*root, struct pico_tree_node*node);
static void fix_insert_collisions(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*node);
static void fix_delete_collisions(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node *node);
static void switchNodes(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*nodeA, struct pico_tree_node*nodeB);
void *pico_tree_insert_implementation(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key, uint8_t allocator);
void *pico_tree_delete_implementation(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key, uint8_t allocator);

/* The memory manager also uses the pico_tree to keep track of all the different slab sizes it has.
 * These nodes should be placed in the manager page which is in a different memory region then the nodes
 * which are used for the pico stack in general.
 * Therefore the following 2 functions are created so that pico_tree can use them to to put these nodes
 * into the correct memory regions.
 * If pico_tree_insert is called from the memory manager module, then create_node should use
 * pico_mem_page0_zalloc to create a node. The same for pico_tree_delete.
extern void*pico_mem_page0_zalloc(size_t len);
extern void pico_mem_page0_free(void*ptr);
#endif  /* PICO_SUPPORT_MM */

 * Exported functions

struct pico_tree_node *pico_tree_firstNode(struct pico_tree_node *node)
        node = node->leftChild;
    return node;

struct pico_tree_node *pico_tree_lastNode(struct pico_tree_node *node)
        node = node->rightChild;
    return node;

struct pico_tree_node *pico_tree_next(struct pico_tree_node *node)
        node = node->rightChild;
            node = node->leftChild;
        if (IS_NOT_LEAF(node->parent) &&  AM_I_LEFT_CHILD(node))
            node = node->parent;
        else {
            while (IS_NOT_LEAF(node->parent) && AM_I_RIGHT_CHILD(node))
                node = node->parent;
            node = node->parent;

    return node;

struct pico_tree_node *pico_tree_prev(struct pico_tree_node *node)
    if (IS_NOT_LEAF(node->leftChild)) {
        node = node->leftChild;
        while (IS_NOT_LEAF(node->rightChild))
            node = node->rightChild;
    } else {
        if (IS_NOT_LEAF(node->parent) && AM_I_RIGHT_CHILD(node))
            node = node->parent;
        else {
            while (IS_NOT_LEAF(node) && AM_I_LEFT_CHILD(node))
                node = node->parent;
            node = node->parent;

    return node;

/* The memory manager also uses the pico_tree to keep track of all the different slab sizes it has.
 * These nodes should be placed in the manager page which is in a different memory region then the nodes
 * which are used for the pico stack in general.
 * Therefore the following wrapper for pico_tree_insert is created.
 * The actual implementation can be found in pico_tree_insert_implementation.
void *pico_tree_insert(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key)
    return pico_tree_insert_implementation(tree, key, USE_PICO_ZALLOC);

void *pico_tree_insert_implementation(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key, uint8_t allocator)
    struct pico_tree_node *last_node = INIT_LEAF;
    struct pico_tree_node *temp = tree->root;
    struct pico_tree_node *insert;
    void *LocalKey;
    int result = 0;

    LocalKey = (IS_NOT_LEAF(tree->root) ? pico_tree_findKey(tree, key) : NULL);
    /* if node already in, bail out */
    if(LocalKey) {
        return LocalKey;
        if(allocator == USE_PICO_PAGE0_ZALLOC)
            insert = create_node(tree, key, USE_PICO_PAGE0_ZALLOC);
            insert = create_node(tree, key, USE_PICO_ZALLOC);

            pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
            /* to let the user know that it couldn't insert */
            return (void *)&LEAF;

    /* search for the place to insert the new node */
        last_node = temp;
        result = tree->compare(insert->keyValue, temp->keyValue);

        temp = (result < 0) ? (temp->leftChild) : (temp->rightChild);
    /* make the needed connections */
    insert->parent = last_node;

        tree->root = insert;
        result = tree->compare(insert->keyValue, last_node->keyValue);
        if(result < 0)
            last_node->leftChild = insert;
            last_node->rightChild = insert;

    /* fix colour issues */
    fix_insert_collisions(tree, insert);

    return NULL;

struct pico_tree_node *pico_tree_findNode(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key)
    struct pico_tree_node *found;

    found = tree->root;

        int result;
        result = tree->compare(found->keyValue, key);
        if(result == 0)
            return found;
        else if(result < 0)
            found = found->rightChild;
            found = found->leftChild;
    return NULL;

void *pico_tree_findKey(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key)
    struct pico_tree_node *found;

    found = tree->root;
        int result;

        result = tree->compare(found->keyValue, key);
        if(result == 0)
            return found->keyValue;
        else if(result < 0)
            found = found->rightChild;
            found = found->leftChild;

    return NULL;

void *pico_tree_first(struct pico_tree *tree)
    return pico_tree_firstNode(tree->root)->keyValue;

void *pico_tree_last(struct pico_tree *tree)
    return pico_tree_lastNode(tree->root)->keyValue;

static uint8_t pico_tree_delete_node(struct pico_tree *tree, struct pico_tree_node *d, struct pico_tree_node **temp)
    struct pico_tree_node *min;
    struct pico_tree_node *ltemp = d;
    uint8_t nodeColor;
    min = pico_tree_firstNode(d->rightChild);
    nodeColor = min->color;

    *temp = min->rightChild;
    if(min->parent == ltemp && IS_NOT_LEAF(*temp))
        (*temp)->parent = min;
        switchNodes(tree, min, min->rightChild);
        min->rightChild = ltemp->rightChild;
        if(IS_NOT_LEAF(min->rightChild)) min->rightChild->parent = min;

    switchNodes(tree, ltemp, min);
    min->leftChild = ltemp->leftChild;

        min->leftChild->parent = min;

    min->color = ltemp->color;
    return nodeColor;

static uint8_t pico_tree_delete_check_switch(struct pico_tree *tree, struct pico_tree_node *delete, struct pico_tree_node **temp)
    struct pico_tree_node *ltemp = delete;
    uint8_t nodeColor = delete->color;
        *temp = ltemp->rightChild;
        switchNodes(tree, ltemp, ltemp->rightChild);
        struct pico_tree_node *_ltemp = delete;
        *temp = _ltemp->leftChild;
        switchNodes(tree, _ltemp, _ltemp->leftChild);
        nodeColor = pico_tree_delete_node(tree, delete, temp);

    return nodeColor;


/* The memory manager also uses the pico_tree to keep track of all the different slab sizes it has.
 * These nodes should be placed in the manager page which is in a different memory region then the nodes
 * which are used for the pico stack in general.
 * Therefore the following wrapper for pico_tree_delete is created.
 * The actual implementation can be found in pico_tree_delete_implementation.
void *pico_tree_delete(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key)
    return pico_tree_delete_implementation(tree, key, USE_PICO_ZALLOC);

static inline void if_nodecolor_black_fix_collisions(struct pico_tree *tree, struct pico_tree_node *temp, uint8_t nodeColor)
    /* deleted node is black, this will mess up the black path property */
    if(nodeColor == BLACK) 
        fix_delete_collisions(tree, temp);

void *pico_tree_delete_implementation(struct pico_tree *tree, void *key, uint8_t allocator)
    struct pico_tree_node *temp;
    uint8_t nodeColor; /* keeps the color of the node to be deleted */
    void *lkey; /* keeps a copy of the key which will be removed */
    struct pico_tree_node *delete;  /* keeps a copy of the node to be extracted */
    if (!key)
        return NULL;
    delete = pico_tree_findNode(tree, key);

    /* this key isn't in the tree, bail out */
        return NULL;
    lkey = delete->keyValue;
    nodeColor = pico_tree_delete_check_switch(tree, delete, &temp);

    if_nodecolor_black_fix_collisions(tree, temp, nodeColor);

    if(allocator == USE_PICO_ZALLOC)

    return lkey;

int pico_tree_empty(struct pico_tree *tree)
    return (!tree->root || IS_LEAF(tree->root));

 * Private functions
static void rotateToLeft(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*node)
    struct pico_tree_node*temp;

    temp = node->rightChild;

    if(temp == &LEAF) return;

    node->rightChild = temp->leftChild;

        temp->leftChild->parent = node;

    temp->parent = node->parent;

        tree->root = temp;
    if(node == node->parent->leftChild)
        node->parent->leftChild = temp;
        node->parent->rightChild = temp;

    temp->leftChild = node;
    node->parent = temp;

static void rotateToRight(struct pico_tree *tree, struct pico_tree_node *node)
    struct pico_tree_node*temp;

    temp = node->leftChild;
    node->leftChild = temp->rightChild;

    if(temp == &LEAF) return;

        temp->rightChild->parent = node;

    temp->parent = node->parent;

        tree->root = temp;
    if(node == node->parent->rightChild)
        node->parent->rightChild = temp;
        node->parent->leftChild = temp;

    temp->rightChild = node;
    node->parent = temp;

static struct pico_tree_node *create_node(struct pico_tree *tree, void*key, uint8_t allocator)
    struct pico_tree_node *temp = NULL;
    if(allocator == USE_PICO_ZALLOC)
        temp = (struct pico_tree_node *)PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_tree_node));

        temp = (struct pico_tree_node *)pico_mem_page0_zalloc(sizeof(struct pico_tree_node));

        return NULL;

    temp->keyValue = key;
    temp->parent = &LEAF;
    temp->leftChild = &LEAF;
    temp->rightChild = &LEAF;
    /* by default every new node is red */
    temp->color = RED;
    return temp;

 * This function fixes the possible collisions in the tree.
 * Eg. if a node is red his children must be black !
static void fix_insert_collisions(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*node)
    struct pico_tree_node*temp;

    while(node->parent->color == RED && IS_NOT_LEAF(GRANPA(node)))
            temp = GRANPA(node)->leftChild;
            if(temp->color == RED) {
                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                temp->color = BLACK;
                GRANPA(node)->color = RED;
                node = GRANPA(node);
            else if(temp->color == BLACK) {
                if(node == node->parent->leftChild) {
                    node = node->parent;
                    rotateToRight(tree, node);

                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                GRANPA(node)->color = RED;
                rotateToLeft(tree, GRANPA(node));
        else if(AM_I_LEFT_CHILD(node->parent))
            temp = GRANPA(node)->rightChild;
            if(temp->color == RED) {
                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                temp->color = BLACK;
                GRANPA(node)->color = RED;
                node = GRANPA(node);
            else if(temp->color == BLACK) {
                if(AM_I_RIGHT_CHILD(node)) {
                    node = node->parent;
                    rotateToLeft(tree, node);

                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                GRANPA(node)->color = RED;
                rotateToRight(tree, GRANPA(node));
    /* make sure that the root of the tree stays black */
    tree->root->color = BLACK;

static void switchNodes(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node*nodeA, struct pico_tree_node*nodeB)

        tree->root = nodeB;
            nodeA->parent->leftChild = nodeB;
            nodeA->parent->rightChild = nodeB;

    if(IS_NOT_LEAF(nodeB)) nodeB->parent = nodeA->parent;


 * This function fixes the possible collisions in the tree.
 * Eg. if a node is red his children must be black !
 * In this case the function fixes the constant black path property.
static void fix_delete_collisions(struct pico_tree*tree, struct pico_tree_node *node)
    struct pico_tree_node*temp;

    while( node != tree->root && node->color == BLACK && IS_NOT_LEAF(node))
        if(AM_I_LEFT_CHILD(node)) {

            temp = node->parent->rightChild;
            if(temp->color == RED)
                temp->color = BLACK;
                node->parent->color = RED;
                rotateToLeft(tree, node->parent);
                temp = node->parent->rightChild;

            if(temp->leftChild->color == BLACK && temp->rightChild->color == BLACK)
                temp->color = RED;
                node = node->parent;
                if(temp->rightChild->color == BLACK)
                    temp->leftChild->color = BLACK;
                    temp->color = RED;
                    rotateToRight(tree, temp);
                    temp = temp->parent->rightChild;

                temp->color = node->parent->color;
                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                temp->rightChild->color = BLACK;
                rotateToLeft(tree, node->parent);
                node = tree->root;
            temp = node->parent->leftChild;
            if(temp->color == RED)
                temp->color = BLACK;
                node->parent->color = RED;
                rotateToRight(tree, node->parent);
                temp = node->parent->leftChild;

            if(temp->rightChild->color == BLACK && temp->leftChild->color == BLACK)
                temp->color = RED;
                node = node->parent;
                if(temp->leftChild->color == BLACK)
                    temp->rightChild->color = BLACK;
                    temp->color = RED;
                    rotateToLeft(tree, temp);
                    temp = temp->parent->leftChild;

                temp->color = node->parent->color;
                node->parent->color = BLACK;
                temp->leftChild->color = BLACK;
                rotateToRight(tree, node->parent);
                node = tree->root;
    node->color = BLACK;