Free (GPLv2) TCP/IP stack developed by TASS Belgium

Dependents:   lpc1768-picotcp-demo ZeroMQ_PicoTCP_Publisher_demo TCPSocket_HelloWorld_PicoTCP Pico_TCP_UDP_Test ... more

PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2013 TASS Belgium NV.

Released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.

Different licensing models may exist, at the sole discretion of the Copyright holders.

Official homepage:

Bug tracker:

Development steps:

  • initial integration with mbed RTOS
  • generic mbed Ethernet driver
  • high performance NXP LPC1768 specific Ethernet driver
  • Multi-threading support for mbed RTOS
  • Berkeley sockets and integration with the New Socket API
  • Fork of the apps running on top of the New Socket API
  • Scheduling optimizations
  • Debugging/benchmarking/testing

Demo application (measuring TCP sender performance):

Import programlpc1768-picotcp-demo

A PicoTCP demo app testing the ethernet throughput on the lpc1768 mbed board.



File content as of revision 155:a70f34550c34:

   PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Altran Intelligent Systems. Some rights reserved.
   See LICENSE and COPYING for usage.

   Authors: Daniele Lacamera, Markian Yskout

#include "pico_config.h"
#include "pico_ipfilter.h"
#include "pico_ipv4.h"
#include "pico_icmp4.h"
#include "pico_stack.h"
#include "pico_eth.h"
#include "pico_udp.h"
#include "pico_tcp.h"
#include "pico_socket.h"
#include "pico_device.h"
#include "pico_nat.h"
#include "pico_igmp.h"
#include "pico_tree.h"
#include "pico_aodv.h"
#include "pico_socket_multicast.h"
#include "pico_fragments.h"


# define ip_mcast_dbg(...) do {} while(0) /* so_mcast_dbg in pico_socket.c */
/* #define ip_mcast_dbg dbg */
# define PICO_MCAST_ALL_HOSTS long_be(0xE0000001) /* */
/* Default network interface for multicast transmission */
static struct pico_ipv4_link *mcast_default_link = NULL;
/* # define reassembly_dbg dbg */
# define reassembly_dbg(...) do {} while(0)

/* Queues */
static struct pico_queue in = {
static struct pico_queue out = {

/* Functions */
static int ipv4_route_compare(void *ka, void *kb);
static struct pico_frame *pico_ipv4_alloc(struct pico_protocol *self, uint16_t size);

int pico_ipv4_compare(struct pico_ip4 *a, struct pico_ip4 *b)
    if (a->addr < b->addr)
        return -1;

    if (a->addr > b->addr)
        return 1;

    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_to_string(char *ipbuf, const uint32_t ip)
    const unsigned char *addr = (const unsigned char *) &ip;
    int i;

    if (!ipbuf) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (addr[i] > 99) {
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + (addr[i] / 100));
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + ((addr[i] % 100) / 10));
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + ((addr[i] % 100) % 10));
        } else if (addr[i] > 9) {
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + (addr[i] / 10));
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + (addr[i] % 10));
        } else {
            *ipbuf++ = (char)('0' + addr[i]);

        if (i < 3)
            *ipbuf++ = '.';
    *ipbuf = '\0';

    return 0;

static int pico_string_check_null_args(const char *ipstr, uint32_t *ip)

    if (!ipstr || !ip) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    return 0;


int pico_string_to_ipv4(const char *ipstr, uint32_t *ip)
    unsigned char buf[PICO_SIZE_IP4] = {
    int cnt = 0;
    char p;

    if (pico_string_check_null_args(ipstr, ip) < 0)
        return -1;

    while((p = *ipstr++) != 0 && cnt < PICO_SIZE_IP4)
        if (pico_is_digit(p)) {
            buf[cnt] = (uint8_t)((10 * buf[cnt]) + (p - '0'));
        } else if (p == '.') {
        } else {
            return -1;
    /* Handle short notation */
    if (cnt == 1) {
        buf[3] = buf[1];
        buf[1] = 0;
        buf[2] = 0;
    } else if (cnt == 2) {
        buf[3] = buf[2];
        buf[2] = 0;
    } else if (cnt != 3) {
        /* String could not be parsed, return error */
        return -1;

    *ip = long_from(buf);

    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_valid_netmask(uint32_t mask)
    int cnt = 0;
    int end = 0;
    int i;
    uint32_t mask_swap = long_be(mask);

     * Swap bytes for convenient parsing
     * e.g. 0x..f8ff will become 0xfff8..
     * Then, we count the consecutive bits
     * */

    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        if ((mask_swap << i) & 0x80000000) {
            if (end) {
                pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
                return -1;

        } else {
            end = 1;
    return cnt;

int pico_ipv4_is_unicast(uint32_t address)
    const unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) &address;
    if ((addr[0] & 0xe0) == 0xe0)
        return 0; /* multicast */

    return 1;

int pico_ipv4_is_multicast(uint32_t address)
    const unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) &address;
    if ((addr[0] != 0xff) && ((addr[0] & 0xe0) == 0xe0))
        return 1; /* multicast */

    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_is_loopback(uint32_t address)
    const unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char *) &address;
    if (addr[0] == 0x7f)
        return 1;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_is_invalid_loopback(uint32_t address, struct pico_device *dev)
    return pico_ipv4_is_loopback(address) && ((!dev) || strcmp(dev->name, "loop"));

int pico_ipv4_is_valid_src(uint32_t address, struct pico_device *dev)
    if (pico_ipv4_is_broadcast(address)) {
        dbg("Source is a broadcast address, discard packet\n");
        return 0;
    } else if ( pico_ipv4_is_multicast(address)) {
        dbg("Source is a multicast address, discard packet\n");
        return 0;
    } else if (pico_ipv4_is_invalid_loopback(address, dev)) {
        dbg("Source is a loopback address, discard packet\n");
        return 0;
    } else {
        union pico_address src;
        src.ip4.addr = address;
        return 1;

static int pico_ipv4_checksum(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if (!hdr)
        return -1;

    hdr->crc = 0;
    hdr->crc = short_be(pico_checksum(hdr, f->net_len));
    return 0;

static inline int pico_ipv4_crc_check(struct pico_frame *f)
    uint16_t checksum_invalid = 1;
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;

    checksum_invalid = short_be(pico_checksum(hdr, f->net_len));
    if (checksum_invalid) {
        dbg("IP: checksum failed!\n");
        return 0;

    return 1;
static inline int pico_ipv4_crc_check(struct pico_frame *f)
    return 1;
#endif /* PICO_SUPPORT_CRC */

static int pico_ipv4_forward(struct pico_frame *f);
static int pico_ipv4_mcast_filter(struct pico_frame *f);

static int ipv4_link_compare(void *ka, void *kb)
    struct pico_ipv4_link *a = ka, *b = kb;
    int cmp = pico_ipv4_compare(&a->address, &b->address);
    if (cmp)
        return cmp;

    /* zero can be assigned multiple times (e.g. for DHCP) */
    if (a->dev != NULL && b->dev != NULL && a->address.addr == PICO_IP4_ANY && b->address.addr == PICO_IP4_ANY) {
        if (a->dev < b->dev)
            return -1;

        if (a->dev > b->dev)
            return 1;

    return 0;

PICO_TREE_DECLARE(Tree_dev_link, ipv4_link_compare);

static int pico_ipv4_process_bcast_in(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if (pico_ipv4_is_broadcast(hdr->dst.addr) && (hdr->proto == PICO_PROTO_UDP)) {
        /* Receiving UDP broadcast datagram */
        f->flags |= PICO_FRAME_FLAG_BCAST;
        pico_enqueue(pico_proto_udp.q_in, f);
        return 1;


    if (pico_ipv4_is_broadcast(hdr->dst.addr) && (hdr->proto == PICO_PROTO_ICMP4)) {
        /* Receiving ICMP4 bcast packet */
        f->flags |= PICO_FRAME_FLAG_BCAST;
        pico_enqueue(pico_proto_icmp4.q_in, f);
        return 1;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_process_mcast_in(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if (pico_ipv4_is_multicast(hdr->dst.addr)) {
        /* Receiving UDP multicast datagram TODO set f->flags? */
        if (hdr->proto == PICO_PROTO_IGMP) {
            ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: received IGMP message\n");
            pico_transport_receive(f, PICO_PROTO_IGMP);
            return 1;
        } else if ((pico_ipv4_mcast_filter(f) == 0) && (hdr->proto == PICO_PROTO_UDP)) {
            pico_enqueue(pico_proto_udp.q_in, f);
            return 1;

        return 1;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_process_local_unicast_in(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    struct pico_ipv4_link test = {
        .address = {.addr = PICO_IP4_ANY}, .dev = NULL
    if (pico_ipv4_link_find(&hdr->dst)) {
        if (pico_ipv4_nat_inbound(f, &hdr->dst) == 0)
            pico_enqueue(pico_proto_ipv4.q_in, f); /* dst changed, reprocess */
            pico_transport_receive(f, hdr->proto);

        return 1;
    } else if (pico_tree_findKey(&Tree_dev_link, &test)) {
        /* address of this device is apparently; might be a DHCP packet */
        /* XXX KRO: is obsolete. Broadcast flag is set on outgoing DHCP messages.
         * incomming DHCP messages are to be broadcasted. Our current DHCP server
         * implementation does not take this flag into account yet though ... */
        pico_enqueue(pico_proto_udp.q_in, f);
        return 1;

    return 0;

static void pico_ipv4_process_finally_try_forward(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if ((pico_ipv4_is_broadcast(hdr->dst.addr)) || ((f->flags & PICO_FRAME_FLAG_BCAST)!= 0)) {
        /* don't forward broadcast frame, discard! */
    } else if (pico_ipv4_forward(f) != 0) {
        /* dbg("Forward failed.\n"); */

static int pico_ipv4_process_in(struct pico_protocol *self, struct pico_frame *f)
    uint8_t option_len = 0;
    int ret = 0;
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    uint16_t max_allowed = (uint16_t) ((int)f->buffer_len - (f->net_hdr - f->buffer) - (int)PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR);
    uint16_t flag = short_be(hdr->frag);

    /* NAT needs transport header information */
    if (((hdr->vhl) & 0x0F) > 5) {
        option_len =  (uint8_t)(4 * (((hdr->vhl) & 0x0F) - 5));

    f->transport_hdr = ((uint8_t *)f->net_hdr) + PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR + option_len;
    f->transport_len = (uint16_t)(short_be(hdr->len) - PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR - option_len);
    f->net_len = (uint16_t)(PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR + option_len);

    if (f->transport_len > max_allowed) {
        return 0; /* Packet is discarded due to unfeasible length */

    if (ipfilter(f)) {
        /*pico_frame is discarded as result of the filtering*/
        return 0;


    /* ret == 1 indicates to continue the function */
    ret = pico_ipv4_crc_check(f);
    if (ret < 1)
        return ret;

    /* Validate source IP address. Discard quietly if invalid */
    if (!pico_ipv4_is_valid_src(hdr->src.addr, f->dev)) {
        return 0;

    if (hdr->frag & short_be(PICO_IPV4_EVIL)) {
        (void)pico_icmp4_param_problem(f, 0);
        pico_frame_discard(f); /* RFC 3514 */
        return 0;

    if ((hdr->vhl & 0x0f) < 5) {
        /* RFC 791: IHL minimum value is 5 */
        (void)pico_icmp4_param_problem(f, 0);
        return 0;

        pico_ipv4_process_frag(hdr, f, hdr ? hdr->proto : 0 );
        /* Frame can be discarded, frag will handle its own copy */
        /* We do not support fragmentation, discard quietly */
        return 0;

    if (pico_ipv4_process_bcast_in(f) > 0)
        return 0;

    if (pico_ipv4_process_mcast_in(f) > 0)
        return 0;

    if (pico_ipv4_process_local_unicast_in(f) > 0)
        return 0;


    return 0;

PICO_TREE_DECLARE(Routes, ipv4_route_compare);

static int pico_ipv4_process_out(struct pico_protocol *self, struct pico_frame *f)
    f->start = (uint8_t*) f->net_hdr;
    if (ipfilter(f)) {
        /*pico_frame is discarded as result of the filtering*/
        return 0;

    return pico_sendto_dev(f);

static struct pico_frame *pico_ipv4_alloc(struct pico_protocol *self, uint16_t size)
    struct pico_frame *f =  pico_frame_alloc(size + PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR + PICO_SIZE_ETHHDR);

    if (!f)
        return NULL;

    f->datalink_hdr = f->buffer;
    f->net_hdr = f->buffer + PICO_SIZE_ETHHDR;
    f->net_len = PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR;
    f->transport_hdr = f->net_hdr + PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR;
    f->transport_len = size;
    f->len =  size + PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR;
    return f;

static int pico_ipv4_frame_sock_push(struct pico_protocol *self, struct pico_frame *f);

/* Interface: protocol definition */
struct pico_protocol pico_proto_ipv4 = {
    .name = "ipv4",
    .proto_number = PICO_PROTO_IPV4,
    .layer = PICO_LAYER_NETWORK,
    .alloc = pico_ipv4_alloc,
    .process_in = pico_ipv4_process_in,
    .process_out = pico_ipv4_process_out,
    .push = pico_ipv4_frame_sock_push,
    .q_in = &in,
    .q_out = &out,

static int ipv4_route_compare(void *ka, void *kb)
    struct pico_ipv4_route *a = ka, *b = kb;
    uint32_t a_nm, b_nm;
    int cmp;

    a_nm = long_be(a->netmask.addr);
    b_nm = long_be(b->netmask.addr);

    /* Routes are sorted by (host side) netmask len, then by addr, then by metric. */
    if (a_nm < b_nm)
        return -1;

    if (b_nm < a_nm)
        return 1;

    cmp = pico_ipv4_compare(&a->dest, &b->dest);
    if (cmp)
        return cmp;

    if (a->metric < b->metric)
        return -1;

    if (a->metric > b->metric)
        return 1;

    return 0;

static struct pico_ipv4_route default_bcast_route = {
    .dest = {PICO_IP4_BCAST},
    .netmask = {PICO_IP4_BCAST},
    .gateway  = { 0 },
    .link = NULL,
    .metric = 1000

static struct pico_ipv4_route *route_find_default_bcast(void)
    return &default_bcast_route;

static struct pico_ipv4_route *route_find(const struct pico_ip4 *addr)
    struct pico_ipv4_route *r;
    struct pico_tree_node *index;

    if (addr->addr != PICO_IP4_BCAST) {
        pico_tree_foreach_reverse(index, &Routes) {
            r = index->keyValue;
            if ((addr->addr & (r->netmask.addr)) == (r->dest.addr)) {
                return r;
        return NULL;

    return route_find_default_bcast();

struct pico_ip4 pico_ipv4_route_get_gateway(struct pico_ip4 *addr)
    struct pico_ip4 nullip;
    struct pico_ipv4_route *route;
    nullip.addr = 0U;

    if (!addr) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return nullip;

    route = route_find(addr);
    if (!route) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EHOSTUNREACH;
        return nullip;
        return route->gateway;

struct pico_ip4 *pico_ipv4_source_find(const struct pico_ip4 *dst)
    struct pico_ip4 *myself = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_route *rt;
    union pico_address node_address;
    node_address.ip4.addr = dst->addr;
    if (dst->addr && pico_ipv4_is_unicast(dst->addr))


    if (!dst) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    rt = route_find(dst);
    if (rt && rt->link) {
        myself = &rt->link->address;
    } else {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EHOSTUNREACH;

    return myself;

struct pico_device *pico_ipv4_source_dev_find(const struct pico_ip4 *dst)
    struct pico_device *dev = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_route *rt;

    if (!dst) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return NULL;

    rt = route_find(dst);
    if (rt && rt->link) {
        dev = rt->link->dev;
    } else {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EHOSTUNREACH;

    return dev;

/*                        link
 *                         |
 *                    MCASTGroups
 *                    |    |     |
 *         ------------    |     ------------
 *         |               |                |
 *   MCASTSources    MCASTSources     MCASTSources
 *   |  |  |  |      |  |  |  |       |  |  |  |
 *   S  S  S  S      S  S  S  S       S  S  S  S
 *   MCASTGroups: RBTree(mcast_group)
 *   MCASTSources: RBTree(source)
static int ipv4_mcast_groups_cmp(void *ka, void *kb)
    struct pico_mcast_group *a = ka, *b = kb;
    return pico_ipv4_compare(&a->mcast_addr, &b->mcast_addr);

static int ipv4_mcast_sources_cmp(void *ka, void *kb)
    struct pico_ip4 *a = ka, *b = kb;
    return pico_ipv4_compare(a, b);

static void pico_ipv4_mcast_print_groups(struct pico_ipv4_link *mcast_link)
    uint16_t i = 0;
    struct pico_mcast_group *g = NULL;
    struct pico_ip4 *source = NULL;
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *index2 = NULL;
    (void) source;

    ip_mcast_dbg("+                           MULTICAST list interface %-16s             +\n", mcast_link->dev->name);
    ip_mcast_dbg("+  nr  |    interface     | host group | reference count | filter mode |  source  +\n");

    pico_tree_foreach(index, mcast_link->MCASTGroups) {
        g = index->keyValue;
        ip_mcast_dbg("+ %04d | %16s |  %08X  |      %05u      |      %u      | %8s +\n", i, mcast_link->dev->name, g->mcast_addr.addr, g->reference_count, g->filter_mode, "");
        pico_tree_foreach(index2, &g->MCASTSources) {
            source = index2->keyValue;
            ip_mcast_dbg("+ %4s | %16s |  %8s  |      %5s      |      %s      | %08X +\n", "", "", "", "", "", source->addr);

static int mcast_group_update(struct pico_mcast_group *g, struct pico_tree *MCASTFilter, uint8_t filter_mode)
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *_tmp = NULL;
    struct pico_ip4 *source = NULL;
    /* cleanup filter */
    pico_tree_foreach_safe(index, &g->MCASTSources, _tmp) {
        source = index->keyValue;
        pico_tree_delete(&g->MCASTSources, source);
    /* insert new filter */
    if (MCASTFilter) {
        pico_tree_foreach(index, MCASTFilter) {
            if (index->keyValue) {
                source = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_ip4));
                if (!source) {
                    pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
                    return -1;

                source->addr = ((struct pico_ip4 *)index->keyValue)->addr;
                pico_tree_insert(&g->MCASTSources, source);

    g->filter_mode = filter_mode;
    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_mcast_join(struct pico_ip4 *mcast_link, struct pico_ip4 *mcast_group, uint8_t reference_count, uint8_t filter_mode, struct pico_tree *MCASTFilter)
    struct pico_mcast_group *g = NULL, test = {
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;

    if (mcast_link)
        link = pico_ipv4_link_get(mcast_link);

    if (!link)
        link = mcast_default_link;

    test.mcast_addr = *mcast_group;
    g = pico_tree_findKey(link->MCASTGroups, &test);
    if (g) {
        if (reference_count)

        pico_igmp_state_change(mcast_link, mcast_group, filter_mode, MCASTFilter, PICO_IGMP_STATE_UPDATE);
    } else {
        g = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_mcast_group));
        if (!g) {
            pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
            return -1;

        /* "non-existent" state of filter mode INCLUDE and empty source list */
        g->filter_mode = PICO_IP_MULTICAST_INCLUDE;
        g->reference_count = 1;
        g->mcast_addr = *mcast_group;
        g->MCASTSources.root = &LEAF;
        g-> = ipv4_mcast_sources_cmp;
        pico_tree_insert(link->MCASTGroups, g);
        pico_igmp_state_change(mcast_link, mcast_group, filter_mode, MCASTFilter, PICO_IGMP_STATE_CREATE);

    if (mcast_group_update(g, MCASTFilter, filter_mode) < 0) {
        dbg("Error in mcast_group update\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_mcast_leave(struct pico_ip4 *mcast_link, struct pico_ip4 *mcast_group, uint8_t reference_count, uint8_t filter_mode, struct pico_tree *MCASTFilter)

    struct pico_mcast_group *g = NULL, test = {
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *_tmp = NULL;
    struct pico_ip4 *source = NULL;

    if (mcast_link)
        link = pico_ipv4_link_get(mcast_link);

    if (!link)
        link = mcast_default_link;

    test.mcast_addr = *mcast_group;
    g = pico_tree_findKey(link->MCASTGroups, &test);
    if (!g) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;
    } else {
        if (reference_count && (--(g->reference_count) < 1)) {
            pico_igmp_state_change(mcast_link, mcast_group, filter_mode, MCASTFilter, PICO_IGMP_STATE_DELETE);
            /* cleanup filter */
            pico_tree_foreach_safe(index, &g->MCASTSources, _tmp) {
                source = index->keyValue;
                pico_tree_delete(&g->MCASTSources, source);
            pico_tree_delete(link->MCASTGroups, g);
        } else {
            pico_igmp_state_change(mcast_link, mcast_group, filter_mode, MCASTFilter, PICO_IGMP_STATE_UPDATE);
            if (mcast_group_update(g, MCASTFilter, filter_mode) < 0)
                return -1;

    return 0;

struct pico_ipv4_link *pico_ipv4_get_default_mcastlink(void)
    return mcast_default_link;

static int pico_ipv4_mcast_filter(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *index2 = NULL;
    struct pico_mcast_group *g = NULL, test = {
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;

    test.mcast_addr = hdr->dst;

    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Tree_dev_link) {
        link = index->keyValue;
        g = pico_tree_findKey(link->MCASTGroups, &test);
        if (g) {
            if (f->dev == link->dev) {
                ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X is group member of current link %s\n", hdr->dst.addr, f->dev->name);
                /* perform source filtering */
                switch (g->filter_mode) {
                case PICO_IP_MULTICAST_INCLUDE:
                    pico_tree_foreach(index2, &g->MCASTSources) {
                        if (hdr->src.addr == ((struct pico_ip4 *)index2->keyValue)->addr) {
                            ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X in included interface source list\n", hdr->src.addr);
                            return 0;
                    ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X NOT in included interface source list\n", hdr->src.addr);
                    return -1;

                case PICO_IP_MULTICAST_EXCLUDE:
                    pico_tree_foreach(index2, &g->MCASTSources) {
                        if (hdr->src.addr == ((struct pico_ip4 *)index2->keyValue)->addr) {
                            ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X in excluded interface source list\n", hdr->src.addr);
                            return -1;
                    ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X NOT in excluded interface source list\n", hdr->src.addr);
                    return 0;

                    return -1;
            } else {
                ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X is group member of different link %s\n", hdr->dst.addr, link->dev->name);
        } else {
            ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: IP %08X is not a group member of link %s\n", hdr->dst.addr, f->dev->name);
    return -1;


int pico_ipv4_mcast_join(struct pico_ip4 *mcast_link, struct pico_ip4 *mcast_group, uint8_t reference_count, uint8_t filter_mode, struct pico_tree *MCASTFilter)
    return -1;

int pico_ipv4_mcast_leave(struct pico_ip4 *mcast_link, struct pico_ip4 *mcast_group, uint8_t reference_count, uint8_t filter_mode, struct pico_tree *MCASTFilter)
    return -1;

struct pico_ipv4_link *pico_ipv4_get_default_mcastlink(void)
    return NULL;

/* #define DEBUG_ROUTE */
void dbg_route(void)
    struct pico_ipv4_route *r;
    struct pico_tree_node *index;
    int count_hosts = 0;
    dbg("==== ROUTING TABLE =====\n");
    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Routes) {
        r = index->keyValue;
        dbg("Route to %08x/%08x, gw %08x, dev: %s, metric: %d\n", r->dest.addr, r->netmask.addr, r->gateway.addr, r->link->dev->name, r->metric);
        if (r->netmask.addr == 0xFFFFFFFF)
    dbg("================ total HOST nodes: %d ======\n\n\n", count_hosts);
#define dbg_route() do { } while(0)

int pico_ipv4_frame_push(struct pico_frame *f, struct pico_ip4 *dst, uint8_t proto)

    struct pico_ipv4_route *route;
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link;
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr;
    uint8_t ttl = PICO_IPV4_DEFAULT_TTL;
    uint8_t vhl = 0x45; /* version 4, header length 20 */
    static uint16_t ipv4_progressive_id = 0x91c0;
    struct pico_tree_node *index;

    if (!f || !dst) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if (!hdr) {
        dbg("IP header error\n");
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        goto drop;

    if (dst->addr == 0) {
        dbg("IP destination addr error\n");
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        goto drop;

    route = route_find(dst);
    if (!route) {
        /* dbg("Route to %08x not found.\n", long_be(dst->addr)); */

        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EHOSTUNREACH;
        goto drop;
    } else {
        link = route->link;
        if (pico_ipv4_is_multicast(dst->addr)) { /* if multicast */
            switch (proto) {
            case PICO_PROTO_UDP:
                if (pico_udp_get_mc_ttl(f->sock, &ttl) < 0)
                    ttl = PICO_IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL;

            case PICO_PROTO_IGMP:
                vhl = 0x46; /* header length 24 */
                ttl = 1;
                /* router alert (RFC 2113) */
                hdr->options[0] = 0x94;
                hdr->options[1] = 0x04;
                hdr->options[2] = 0x00;
                hdr->options[3] = 0x00;
                if (f->dev && link->dev != f->dev) { /* default link is not requested link */
                    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Tree_dev_link) {
                        link = index->keyValue;
                        if (link->dev == f->dev)

                ttl = PICO_IPV4_DEFAULT_TTL;


    hdr->vhl = vhl;
    hdr->len = short_be((uint16_t)(f->transport_len + f->net_len));
    if ((f->transport_hdr != f->payload)  &&
        ( (0 == (f->frag & PICO_IPV4_MOREFRAG)) ||
          (0 == (f->frag & PICO_IPV4_FRAG_MASK)) )
        1 )

    if (f->send_ttl > 0) {
        ttl = f->send_ttl;

    hdr->id = short_be(ipv4_progressive_id);
    hdr->dst.addr = dst->addr;
    hdr->src.addr = link->address.addr;
    hdr->ttl = ttl;
    hdr->tos = f->send_tos;
    hdr->proto = proto;
    hdr->frag = short_be(PICO_IPV4_DONTFRAG);

    if (proto == PICO_PROTO_UDP) {
        /* first fragment, can not use transport_len to calculate IP length */
        if (f->transport_hdr != f->payload)
            hdr->len = short_be((uint16_t)(f->payload_len + sizeof(struct pico_udp_hdr) + f->net_len));

        /* set fragmentation flags and offset calculated in socket layer */
        hdr->frag = short_be(f->frag);

    if (proto == PICO_PROTO_ICMP4)
        hdr->frag = short_be(f->frag);

#   endif

    if (f->sock && f->sock->dev) {
        /* if the socket has its device set, use that (currently used for DHCP) */
        f->dev = f->sock->dev;
    } else {
        f->dev = link->dev;
        if (f->sock)
            f->sock->dev = f->dev;

    if (pico_ipv4_is_multicast(hdr->dst.addr)) {
        struct pico_frame *cpy;
        /* Sending UDP multicast datagram, am I member? If so, loopback copy */
        if ((proto != PICO_PROTO_IGMP) && (pico_ipv4_mcast_filter(f) == 0)) {
            ip_mcast_dbg("MCAST: sender is member of group, loopback copy\n");
            cpy = pico_frame_copy(f);
            pico_enqueue(&in, cpy);


/* #ifdef PICO_SUPPORT_AODV */
#if 0
        union pico_address node_address;
        node_address.ip4.addr = hdr->dst.addr;
        if(hdr->dst.addr && pico_ipv4_is_unicast(hdr->dst.addr))

    if (pico_ipv4_link_get(&hdr->dst)) {
        /* it's our own IP */
        return pico_enqueue(&in, f);
    } else{
        /* TODO: Check if there are members subscribed here */
        return pico_enqueue(&out, f);

    return -1;

static int pico_ipv4_frame_sock_push(struct pico_protocol *self, struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ip4 *dst;
    struct pico_remote_endpoint *remote_endpoint = (struct pico_remote_endpoint *) f->info;

    if (!f->sock) {
        return -1;

    if (remote_endpoint) {
        dst = &remote_endpoint->remote_addr.ip4;
    } else {
        dst = &f->sock->remote_addr.ip4;

    return pico_ipv4_frame_push(f, dst, (uint8_t)f->sock->proto->proto_number);

int MOCKABLE pico_ipv4_route_add(struct pico_ip4 address, struct pico_ip4 netmask, struct pico_ip4 gateway, int metric, struct pico_ipv4_link *link)
    struct pico_ipv4_route test, *new;
    test.dest.addr = address.addr;
    test.netmask.addr = netmask.addr;
    test.metric = (uint32_t)metric;

    if (pico_tree_findKey(&Routes, &test)) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    new = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_ipv4_route));
    if (!new) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    new->dest.addr = address.addr;
    new->netmask.addr = netmask.addr;
    new->gateway.addr = gateway.addr;
    new->metric = (uint32_t)metric;
    if (gateway.addr == 0) {
        /* No gateway provided, use the link */
        new->link = link;
    } else {
        struct pico_ipv4_route *r = route_find(&gateway);
        if (!r ) { /* Specified Gateway is unreachable */
            pico_err = PICO_ERR_EHOSTUNREACH;
            return -1;

        if (r->gateway.addr) { /* Specified Gateway is not a neighbor */
            pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENETUNREACH;
            return -1;

        new->link = r->link;

    if (!new->link) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    pico_tree_insert(&Routes, new);
    return 0;

int pico_ipv4_route_del(struct pico_ip4 address, struct pico_ip4 netmask, int metric)
    struct pico_ipv4_route test, *found;

    test.dest.addr = address.addr;
    test.netmask.addr = netmask.addr;
    test.metric = (uint32_t)metric;

    found = pico_tree_findKey(&Routes, &test);
    if (found) {

        pico_tree_delete(&Routes, found);

        return 0;

    pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
    return -1;

int pico_ipv4_link_add(struct pico_device *dev, struct pico_ip4 address, struct pico_ip4 netmask)
    struct pico_ipv4_link test, *new;
    struct pico_ip4 network, gateway;
    char ipstr[30];

    if (!dev) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    test.address.addr = address.addr;
    test.netmask.addr = netmask.addr; = dev;
    /** XXX: Valid netmask / unicast address test **/

    if (pico_tree_findKey(&Tree_dev_link, &test)) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EADDRINUSE;
        return -1;

    /** XXX: Check for network already in use (e.g. trying to assign where is in use) **/
    new = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_ipv4_link));
    if (!new) {
        dbg("IPv4: Out of memory!\n");
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    new->address.addr = address.addr;
    new->netmask.addr = netmask.addr;
    new->dev = dev;
    new->MCASTGroups = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_tree));
    if (!new->MCASTGroups) {
        dbg("IPv4: Out of memory!\n");
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    new->MCASTGroups->root = &LEAF;
    new->MCASTGroups->compare = ipv4_mcast_groups_cmp;
    new->mcast_compatibility = PICO_IGMPV3; /* default RFC 3376 $7.2.1 */
    new->mcast_last_query_interval = PICO_IGMP_QUERY_INTERVAL;

    pico_tree_insert(&Tree_dev_link, new);
    do {
        struct pico_ip4 mcast_all_hosts, mcast_addr, mcast_nm, mcast_gw;
        if (!mcast_default_link) {
            mcast_addr.addr = long_be(0xE0000000); /* */
            mcast_nm.addr = long_be(0xF0000000); /* */
            mcast_gw.addr = long_be(0x00000000);
            mcast_default_link = new;
            pico_ipv4_route_add(mcast_addr, mcast_nm, mcast_gw, 1, new);

        mcast_all_hosts.addr = PICO_MCAST_ALL_HOSTS;
        pico_ipv4_mcast_join(&address, &mcast_all_hosts, 1, PICO_IP_MULTICAST_EXCLUDE, NULL);
    } while(0);

    network.addr = address.addr & netmask.addr;
    gateway.addr = 0U;
    pico_ipv4_route_add(network, netmask, gateway, 1, new);
    pico_ipv4_to_string(ipstr, new->address.addr);
    dbg("Assigned ipv4 %s to device %s\n", ipstr, new->dev->name);
    if ( == NULL) = new;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_cleanup_routes(struct pico_ipv4_link *link)
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_route *route = NULL;

    pico_tree_foreach_safe(index, &Routes, tmp) {
        route = index->keyValue;
        if (link == route->link)
            pico_ipv4_route_del(route->dest, route->netmask, (int)route->metric);
    return 0;

void MOCKABLE pico_ipv4_route_set_bcast_link(struct pico_ipv4_link *link)
    if (link) = link;

int pico_ipv4_link_del(struct pico_device *dev, struct pico_ip4 address)
    struct pico_ipv4_link test, *found;

    if (!dev) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    test.address.addr = address.addr; = dev;
    found = pico_tree_findKey(&Tree_dev_link, &test);
    if (!found) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENXIO;
        return -1;

    do {
        struct pico_ip4 mcast_all_hosts, mcast_addr, mcast_nm;
        struct pico_mcast_group *g = NULL;
        struct pico_tree_node *index, *_tmp;
        if (found == mcast_default_link) {
            mcast_addr.addr = long_be(0xE0000000); /* */
            mcast_nm.addr = long_be(0xF0000000); /* */
            mcast_default_link = NULL;
            pico_ipv4_route_del(mcast_addr, mcast_nm, 1);

        mcast_all_hosts.addr = PICO_MCAST_ALL_HOSTS;
        pico_ipv4_mcast_leave(&address, &mcast_all_hosts, 1, PICO_IP_MULTICAST_EXCLUDE, NULL);
        pico_tree_foreach_safe(index, found->MCASTGroups, _tmp) {
            g = index->keyValue;
            pico_tree_delete(found->MCASTGroups, g);
    } while(0);

    pico_tree_delete(&Tree_dev_link, found);
    if ( == found) = NULL;


    return 0;

struct pico_ipv4_link *pico_ipv4_link_get(struct pico_ip4 *address)
    struct pico_ipv4_link test = {
    }, *found = NULL;
    test.address.addr = address->addr;

    found = pico_tree_findKey(&Tree_dev_link, &test);
    if (!found)
        return NULL;
        return found;

struct pico_ipv4_link *MOCKABLE pico_ipv4_link_by_dev(struct pico_device *dev)
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;

    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Tree_dev_link) {
        link = index->keyValue;
        if (link->dev == dev)
            return link;
    return NULL;

struct pico_ipv4_link *pico_ipv4_link_by_dev_next(struct pico_device *dev, struct pico_ipv4_link *last)
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;
    int valid = 0;

    if (last == NULL)
        valid = 1;

    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Tree_dev_link) {
        link = index->keyValue;
        if (link->dev == dev) {
            if (last == link)
                valid = 1;
            else if (valid > 0)
                return link;
    return NULL;

struct pico_device *MOCKABLE pico_ipv4_link_find(struct pico_ip4 *address)
    struct pico_ipv4_link test, *found;
    if (!address) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return NULL;
    } = NULL;
    test.address.addr = address->addr;
    found = pico_tree_findKey(&Tree_dev_link, &test);
    if (!found) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENXIO;
        return NULL;

    return found->dev;

static int pico_ipv4_rebound_large(struct pico_frame *f)
    uint16_t total_payload_written = 0;
    uint32_t len = f->transport_len;
    struct pico_frame *fr;
    struct pico_ip4 dst;
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr;
    hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    dst.addr = hdr->src.addr;

    while(total_payload_written < len) {
        uint32_t space = (uint32_t)len - total_payload_written;
        if (space > PICO_IPV4_MAXPAYLOAD)
            space = PICO_IPV4_MAXPAYLOAD;

        fr = pico_ipv4_alloc(&pico_proto_ipv4, (uint16_t)space);
        if (!fr) {
            pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM;
            return -1;

        if (space + total_payload_written < len)
            fr->frag |= PICO_IPV4_MOREFRAG;
            fr->frag &= PICO_IPV4_FRAG_MASK;

        fr->frag = (((total_payload_written) >> 3u) & 0xffffu) | fr->frag;

        memcpy(fr->transport_hdr, f->transport_hdr + total_payload_written, fr->transport_len);
        if (pico_ipv4_frame_push(fr, &dst, hdr->proto) > 0) {
            total_payload_written = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)fr->transport_len + total_payload_written);
        } else {
    } /* while() */
    return (int)total_payload_written;
    return -1;

int pico_ipv4_rebound(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ip4 dst;
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr;
    if (!f) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
    if (!hdr) {
        pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL;
        return -1;

    dst.addr = hdr->src.addr;
    if (f->transport_len > PICO_IPV4_MAXPAYLOAD) {
        return pico_ipv4_rebound_large(f);

    return pico_ipv4_frame_push(f, &dst, hdr->proto);

static int pico_ipv4_pre_forward_checks(struct pico_frame *f)
    static uint16_t last_id = 0;
    static uint16_t last_proto = 0;
    static struct pico_ip4 last_src = {
    static struct pico_ip4 last_dst = {
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *)f->net_hdr;

    /* Decrease TTL, check if expired */
    hdr->ttl = (uint8_t)(hdr->ttl - 1);
    if (hdr->ttl < 1) {
        dbg(" ------------------- TTL EXPIRED\n");
        return -1;

    /* HACK: increase crc to compensate decreased TTL */

    /* If source is local, discard anyway (packets bouncing back and forth) */
    if (pico_ipv4_link_get(&hdr->src))
        return -1;

    /* If this was the last forwarded packet, silently discard to prevent duplications */
    if ((last_src.addr == hdr->src.addr) && (last_id == hdr->id)
        && (last_dst.addr == hdr->dst.addr) && (last_proto == hdr->proto)) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        last_src.addr = hdr->src.addr;
        last_dst.addr = hdr->dst.addr;
        last_id = hdr->id;
        last_proto = hdr->proto;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_forward_check_dev(struct pico_frame *f)
    if (f->dev->eth != NULL)
        f->len -= PICO_SIZE_ETHHDR;

    if (f->len > f->dev->mtu) {
        return -1;

    return 0;

static int pico_ipv4_forward(struct pico_frame *f)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *)f->net_hdr;
    struct pico_ipv4_route *rt;
    if (!hdr) {
        return -1;

    rt = route_find(&hdr->dst);
    if (!rt) {
        return -1;

    f->dev = rt->link->dev;

    if (pico_ipv4_pre_forward_checks(f) < 0)
        return -1;

    pico_ipv4_nat_outbound(f, &rt->link->address);

    f->start = f->net_hdr;

    if (pico_ipv4_forward_check_dev(f) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;


int pico_ipv4_is_broadcast(uint32_t addr)
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link;
    struct pico_tree_node *index;
    if (addr == PICO_IP4_BCAST)
        return 1;

    pico_tree_foreach(index, &Tree_dev_link) {
        link = index->keyValue;
        if ((link->address.addr | (~link->netmask.addr)) == addr)
            return 1;
    return 0;

void pico_ipv4_unreachable(struct pico_frame *f, int err)
    struct pico_ipv4_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_ipv4_hdr *) f->net_hdr;
#if defined PICO_SUPPORT_TCP || defined PICO_SUPPORT_UDP
    f->transport_hdr = ((uint8_t *)f->net_hdr) + PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR;
    pico_transport_error(f, hdr->proto, err);

int pico_ipv4_cleanup_links(struct pico_device *dev)
    struct pico_tree_node *index = NULL, *_tmp = NULL;
    struct pico_ipv4_link *link = NULL;

    pico_tree_foreach_safe(index, &Tree_dev_link, _tmp) {
        link = index->keyValue;
        if (dev == link->dev)
            pico_ipv4_link_del(dev, link->address);
    return 0;
