Library for interfacing with the AMICCOM A7105 2.4GHz FSK/GFSK Transceiver.

Dependents:   HubsanTX



File content as of revision 8:033e328fb7c3:

#ifndef _A7105_TX_RX_H
#define _A7105_TX_RX_H

#define _WRITE(a)    ((a) & ~0x40)
#define _READ(a)     ((a) | 0x40)

 * TXRX state
enum TXRX_State {

 * A7105 states for strobe
enum A7105_State {
    A7105_SLEEP     = 0x80,
    A7105_IDLE      = 0x90,
    A7105_STANDBY   = 0xA0,
    A7105_PLL       = 0xB0,
    A7105_RX        = 0xC0,
    A7105_TX        = 0xD0,
    A7105_RST_WRPTR = 0xE0,
    A7105_RST_RDPTR = 0xF0,

 * Register addresses
enum {
    A7105_00_MODE         = 0x00,
    A7105_01_MODE_CONTROL = 0x01,
    A7105_02_CALC         = 0x02,
    A7105_03_FIFOI        = 0x03,
    A7105_04_FIFOII       = 0x04,
    A7105_05_FIFO_DATA    = 0x05,
    A7105_06_ID_DATA      = 0x06,
    A7105_07_RC_OSC_I     = 0x07,
    A7105_08_RC_OSC_II    = 0x08,
    A7105_09_RC_OSC_III   = 0x09,
    A7105_0A_CK0_PIN      = 0x0A,
    A7105_0B_GPIO1_PIN_I  = 0x0B,
    A7105_0C_GPIO2_PIN_II = 0x0C,
    A7105_0D_CLOCK        = 0x0D,
    A7105_0E_DATA_RATE    = 0x0E,
    A7105_0F_PLL_I        = 0x0F,
    A7105_10_PLL_II       = 0x10,
    A7105_11_PLL_III      = 0x11,
    A7105_12_PLL_IV       = 0x12,
    A7105_13_PLL_V        = 0x13,
    A7105_14_TX_I         = 0x14,
    A7105_15_TX_II        = 0x15,
    A7105_16_DELAY_I      = 0x16,
    A7105_17_DELAY_II     = 0x17,
    A7105_18_RX           = 0x18,
    A7105_19_RX_GAIN_I    = 0x19,
    A7105_1A_RX_GAIN_II   = 0x1A,
    A7105_1B_RX_GAIN_III  = 0x1B,
    A7105_1C_RX_GAIN_IV   = 0x1C,
    A7105_1D_RSSI_THOLD   = 0x1D,
    A7105_1E_ADC          = 0x1E,
    A7105_1F_CODE_I       = 0x1F,
    A7105_20_CODE_II      = 0x20,
    A7105_21_CODE_III     = 0x21,
    A7105_22_IF_CALIB_I   = 0x22,
    A7105_23_IF_CALIB_II  = 0x23,
    A7105_24_VCO_CURCAL   = 0x24,
    A7105_25_VCO_SBCAL_I  = 0x25,
    A7105_26_VCO_SBCAL_II = 0x26,
    A7105_27_BATTERY_DET  = 0x27,
    A7105_28_TX_TEST      = 0x28,
    A7105_29_RX_DEM_TEST_I  = 0x29,
    A7105_2A_RX_DEM_TEST_II = 0x2A,
    A7105_2B_CPC          = 0x2B,
    A7105_2C_XTAL_TEST    = 0x2C,
    A7105_2D_PLL_TEST     = 0x2D,
    A7105_2E_VCO_TEST_I   = 0x2E,
    A7105_2F_VCO_TEST_II  = 0x2F,
    A7105_30_IFAT         = 0x30,
    A7105_31_RSCALE       = 0x31,
    A7105_32_FILTER_TEST  = 0x32,
#define A7105_0F_CHANNEL A7105_0F_PLL_I

enum A7105_MASK {
    A7105_MASK_FBCF = 1 << 4,
    A7105_MASK_VBCF = 1 << 3,

 * Class for interfacing with the AMICCOM A7105 2.4G FSK/GFSK Transceiver
 * See the A7105 datasheet for complete documentation on this part
 * Example:
 * @code
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "A7105.h"
 * #define A7105_SPI_FREQUENCY  10000000 // 10MHz
 * A7105 txrx(D4, D5, D3, D6, A7105_SPI_FREQUENCY);
 * int main() {
 *     // reset
 *     ret = txrx.reset();
 *     // use GPIO1 as miso
 *     ret = txrx.writeRegister(A7105_0B_GPIO1_PIN_I, 0x19);
 *     // set various radio options
 *     ret = txrx.writeRegister(A7105_01_MODE_CONTROL, 0x63);
 *     // set packet length (FIFO end pointer) to 0x0f + 1 == 16
 *     ret = txrx.writeRegister(A7105_03_FIFOI, 0x0f);
 *     // select crystal oscillator and system clock divider of 1/2
 *     ret = txrx.writeRegister(A7105_0D_CLOCK, 0x05);
 *     // sanity check
 *     ret = txrx.readRegister(A7105_0D_CLOCK);
 *     if (ret != 0x05) {
 *         // do something :)
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
class A7105 {
         * @param mosi Pin used to transmit data to the slave
         * @param miso Pin used to receive data from the slave
         * @param clk Pin used for the clock
         * @param cs Pin used for the chip select
         * @param freqHz Frequency used to clock data in and out
        A7105(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk, PinName cs, uint32_t freqHz);
         * Writes a value to the given register
         * @param regAddr Address of the register to write to
         * @param value Value to write into the register
         * @return Value returned from slave when writing the register
        uint8_t writeRegister(uint8_t regAddr, uint8_t value);
         * Reads a value from the given register
         * @param regAddr Address of the register to read
         * @return The value of the register
        uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t regAddr);
         * Sends a strobe command to the A7105
         * @param state Strobe command state
        uint8_t strobe(enum A7105_State state);
         * Send a packet of data to the A7105
         * @param data Byte array to send
         * @param len Length of the byte array
         * @param channel Channel to transmit data on
        void writeData(uint8_t* data, size_t len, uint8_t channel);
         * Read a packet of date from the A7105
         * @param buffer Byte array to hold the incoming data
         * @param len Length of the buffer, number of bytes to read in
        void readData(uint8_t* buffer, size_t len);
         * Set the A7105's ID
         * @param id 32-bit identifier
        void setId(uint32_t id);
         * Set the TX power
         * @param power Output power in dBm
        void setPower(int32_t power);
         * Sets the TxRx mode
         * @aparam mode TxRx mode
        void setTxRxMode(enum TXRX_State mode);
         * Resets the A7105, putting it into standby mode.
        int8_t reset();
        SPI         _spi;
        DigitalOut  _cs;
        inline void assertChipSelect() { _cs = 0; wait_us(1); }
        inline void deassertChipSelect() {  wait_us(1); _cs = 1; }

#endif  // #ifndef _A7105_TX_RX_H