TVZ test

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 Serial async_port(p9, p10);          //set up TX and RX on pins 9 and 10
00004 DigitalOut red_led(LED4);             //red led
00005 DigitalOut green_led(LED3);           //green led
00006 DigitalOut RXDIN (LED1);
00008 DigitalIn switch_ip1(p5);
00009 DigitalIn switch_ip2(p6);
00010 DigitalIn switch_ip3(p7);
00011 DigitalIn switch_ip4(p8);
00013 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); 
00015 char header_read ;                   //first byte we will send
00016 char param_ads;                      // parameter address
00017 char recd_val;                       //the received value
00018 int valueADC;
00019 char Outbuff[12];
00020 char Inbuff[12];
00021 int valueSensA, valueSensB, valueSensC, valueSensD;
00022 float fAzimuthErr;
00023 float fElevationErr;
00024 float fSensACalib;
00025 unsigned char *pointnavar;
00027 int main()
00028 {
00029     async_port.baud(9600);             //set baud rate to 9600 (ie default)
00030     switch_ip1.mode(PullUp);            // Pull up internal resistor
00031     switch_ip2.mode(PullUp);
00032     switch_ip3.mode(PullUp);
00033     switch_ip4.mode(PullUp);
00034     fSensACalib= 35.77;
00036     //accept default format, of 8 bits, no parity
00037     while (1) {
00039         // read or write mode ?
00040         if (switch_ip1==0) {
00041             header_read=0x10;                 // read output pattern
00042             if (switch_ip2==0) {
00043                 param_ads = 0;
00044             } else {
00045                 param_ads = 1;
00046             }
00048             /*
00049             valueADC = 0x0302;
00050             Outbuff[0] = valueADC;
00051             Outbuff[1] = valueADC >> 8; */
00053             while (async_port.writeable()==0);  //is there a place to write?
00054             async_port.putc(header_read);       //transmit haeder
00055             while (async_port.writeable()==0);  //is there a place to write?
00056             async_port.putc(param_ads);         //transmit parameter address
00060             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00061                 Inbuff[0] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00062             }
00063             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00064                 Inbuff[1] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00065             }
00066             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00067                 Inbuff[2] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00068             }
00069             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00070                 Inbuff[3] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00071             }
00072             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00073                 Inbuff[4] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00074             }
00075             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00076                 Inbuff[5] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00077             }
00078             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00079                 Inbuff[6] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00080             }
00081             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00082                 Inbuff[7] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00083             }
00084             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00085                 Inbuff[8] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00086             }
00087             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00088                 Inbuff[9] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00089             }
00090             if (async_port.readable()==1) {    //is there a character to be read?
00091                 Inbuff[10] = async_port.getc();     //if yes, t
00092             }
00094             RXDIN = 1;
00095             wait(1);
00096             RXDIN = 0;
00097             if (param_ads==0x00) {
00098                 valueSensA = Inbuff[2]+ Inbuff[3]*256;
00099                 valueSensB = Inbuff[4]+ Inbuff[5]*256;
00100                 valueSensC = Inbuff[6]+ Inbuff[7]*256;
00101                 valueSensD = Inbuff[8]+ Inbuff[9]*256;
00102                 pc.printf("SensA:  %d  SensB:  %d SensC:  %d  SensD:  %d \n\r", valueSensA, valueSensB, valueSensC, valueSensD);
00103             }
00104             if (param_ads==0x01) {
00105                 pointnavar = (unsigned char*) &fAzimuthErr;
00106                 for (int i=2; i<6; i++) {
00107                     *pointnavar = Inbuff[i];
00108                     pointnavar++;
00109                 }
00110                 pointnavar = (unsigned char*) &fElevationErr;
00111                 for (int i=6; i<10; i++) {
00112                     *pointnavar = Inbuff[i];
00113                     pointnavar++;
00114                 }
00115                 pc.printf("AZIMUT:  %+3.0f  ELEVATION; %+3.0f  \n\r",   fAzimuthErr, fElevationErr);
00116             }
00117         } // if (switch_ip1==0)
00119         else {
00120             header_read=0x20;                 //   write output pattern
00121             Outbuff[0] = header_read;
00122             param_ads = 2;      // parameter to write
00123             Outbuff[1] = param_ads;
00124             pointnavar = (unsigned char*) &fSensACalib;
00125             for (int i=2; i<6; i++) {
00126                 Outbuff[i] = *pointnavar ;
00127                 pointnavar++;
00128             }
00129             Outbuff[6]=0;           // checksum
00130             for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
00131                 {  Outbuff[6] += Outbuff[i];            
00132                 }
00135             for (int i=0; i<7; i++) {
00136                 while (async_port.writeable()==0);  //is there a place to write?
00137                 async_port.putc(Outbuff[i]);       //transmit byte
00138             }
00139             RXDIN = 1;
00140             wait(1);
00141             RXDIN = 0;
00144         } // else
00145     }  // while(1)
00146 }  //main