Library for FT810 EVE chip

Dependents:   PANEL_GUI_hello_world

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00001 #include "FT_Platform.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 //#include "SDFileSystem.h"
00005 /* function to load jpg file from filesystem */
00006 /* return 0 if jpg is ok                     */
00007 /* return x_size and y_size of jpg           */
00009 int FT800::Load_jpg(char* filename, ft_int16_t* x_size, ft_int16_t* y_size, ft_uint32_t address)
00010 {
00011     unsigned char pbuff[8291];
00012     unsigned short marker;
00013     unsigned short length;
00014     unsigned char data[4];
00016     ft_uint16_t blocklen;
00017 //    sd.mount();
00018     FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
00019     if(fp == NULL) return (-1);         // connot open file
00021     // search for 0xFFC0 marker
00022     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00023     unsigned int Fsize = ftell(fp);
00024     fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET);
00025     fread(data,4,1,fp);
00026     marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
00027     length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
00028     do {
00029         if(marker == 0xFFC0) break;
00030         if(marker & 0xFF00 != 0xFF00) break;
00031         if (fseek(fp, length - 2,SEEK_CUR) != 0) break;
00032         fread(data,4,1,fp);
00033         marker = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
00034         length = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
00035     } while(1);
00036     if(marker != 0xFFC0) return (-2);  // no FFC0 Marker, wrong format no baseline DCT-based JPEG
00037     fseek(fp, 1,SEEK_CUR);
00038     fread(data,4,1,fp);
00039     *y_size = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]);
00040     *x_size = (data[2] << 8 | data[3]);
00042     //if(*x_size > DispWidth || *y_size > DispHeight) return (-3);  // to big to fit on screen
00044     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00045     WrCmd32(CMD_LOADIMAGE);  // load a JPEG image
00046     WrCmd32(address);              //destination address of jpg decode
00047     WrCmd32(0);              //output format of the bitmap - default is rgb565
00048     while(Fsize > 0) {
00049         /* download the data into the command buffer by 8kb one shot */
00050         blocklen = Fsize>8192?8192:Fsize;
00051         /* copy the data into pbuff and then transfter it to command buffer */
00052         fread(pbuff,1,blocklen,fp);
00053         Fsize -= blocklen;
00054         /* copy data continuously into command memory */
00055         WrCmdBuf(pbuff, blocklen); //alignment is already taken care by this api
00056     }
00057     fclose(fp);
00058 //    sd.unmount();
00060     return(0);
00061 }
00063 //int FT800::Load_raw(char* filename)
00064 //{
00065 //    ft_uint8_t imbuff[8192];
00066 //    ft_uint16_t filesize;
00067 //    ft_uint16_t blocklen;
00068 ////    ft_uint16_t ram_start = 0x00;
00069 //    
00070 ////    sd.mount();  
00071 //    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");   //  open file
00072 ////    if(fp == NULL) return (-1);       //  connot open file         
00073 //    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);             //  set file position to end of file
00074 //    filesize= ftell(fp);                //  determine file size
00075 //    fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET);             //  return to beginning of file       
00076 //
00077 //    while(filesize > 0)
00078 //    {
00079 //        //copy the .raw file data to imbuff[8192] in 8k block
00080 //        blocklen = filesize>8192?8192:filesize;
00081 //        fread(imbuff,1,blocklen,fp);
00082 //        filesize-= blocklen;
00083 //        //write imbuff contents to graphics RAM at address ram_start = 0x00
00084 //        WrCmdBuf(imbuff, blocklen); //alignment is already taken care by this api
00085 ////        ram_start += 8192;   
00086 //    }
00087 //    fclose(fp);
00088 ////    sd.unmount();
00089 //    
00090 //    return 0;
00091 //}
00098 /* calibrate touch */
00099 ft_void_t FT800::Calibrate()
00100 {
00101     /*************************************************************************/
00102     /* Below code demonstrates the usage of calibrate function. Calibrate    */
00103     /* function will wait untill user presses all the three dots. Only way to*/
00104     /* come out of this api is to reset the coprocessor bit.                 */
00105     /*************************************************************************/
00106     {
00108         DLstart();                                       // start a new display command list
00109         DL(CLEAR_COLOR_RGB(64,64,64));       // set the clear color R, G, B
00110         DL(CLEAR(1,1,1));                    // clear buffers -> color buffer,stencil buffer, tag buffer
00111         DL(COLOR_RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff));       // set the current color R, G, B
00112         Text((DispWidth/2), (DispHeight/2), 27, OPT_CENTER, "Please Tap on the dot");  // draw Text at x,y, font 27, centered
00113         Calibrate(0);                                    // start the calibration of touch screen
00114         Flush_Co_Buffer();                               // download the commands into FT800 FIFO
00115         WaitCmdfifo_empty();                             // Wait till coprocessor completes the operation
00116     }
00117 }
00120 /* API to give fadeout effect by changing the display PWM from 100 till 0 */
00121 ft_void_t FT800::fadeout()
00122 {
00123    ft_int32_t i;
00125     for (i = 100; i >= 0; i -= 3) 
00126     {
00127         Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00128         Sleep(2);//sleep for 2 ms
00129     }
00130 }
00132 /* API to perform display fadein effect by changing the display PWM from 0 till 100 and finally 128 */
00133 ft_void_t FT800::fadein()
00134 {
00135     ft_int32_t i;
00137     for (i = 0; i <=100 ; i += 3) 
00138     {
00139         Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00140         Sleep(2);//sleep for 2 ms
00141     }
00142     /* Finally make the PWM 100% */
00143     i = 128;
00144     Wr8(REG_PWM_DUTY,i);
00145 }
00147 ft_void_t FT800::read_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]){
00148     unsigned int i;
00149     for(i=0;i<24;i++){
00150         data[i] = Rd8(REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A + i);
00151         }
00152 }
00154 ft_void_t FT800::write_calibrate(ft_uint8_t data[24]){
00155     unsigned int i;
00156     for(i=0;i<24;i++) {
00157         Wr8(REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A + i,data[i]);
00158         }
00159 }
00161 ft_uint32_t FT800::color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue){
00162     return ((4UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0));
00163     }
00165 ft_uint32_t FT800::clear_color_rgb(ft_uint8_t red,ft_uint8_t green, ft_uint8_t blue){
00166     return ((2UL<<24)|(((red)&255UL)<<16)|(((green)&255UL)<<8)|(((blue)&255UL)<<0));
00167     }