Taking photo using GR-LYCHEE through Pelion Device Management.

This firmware project works for GR-LYCHEE and GR-PEACH.

Steps to build this firmware with Mbed CLI

Import project

$ mbed import http://os.mbed.com/users/coisme/code/Pelion-GR-LYCHEE-camera-firmware/


  • Ethernet (GR-PEACH only)
    • Change the file name mbed_app.RZ_A1H_Ethernet.json to mbed_app.json
  • Wi-Fi
    • Change the Wi-Fi setting in mbed_app.json, i.e. nsapi.default-wifi-ssid and nsapi.default-wifi-password

If you haven't set your Pelion API key, run the following command.

$ mbed config -G CLOUD_SDK_API_KEY <API_KEY>

Setting for Pelion Device Management

$ mbed dm init -d "example.com" --model-name "PELION_DEMO" -q --force



$ mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m GR_LYCHEE


$ mbed compile -t GCC_ARM -m RZ_A1H

Write the created .bin file to your GR-LYCHEE/PEACH.

That's it! :-)

LED Status Indicator

LEDs next to UB0 show the status of your GR-LYCHEE/PEACH.

LED1greenredNormalTurned on after the device is registered to Pelion Device Management successfully.
LED2yellowgreenErrorTurned on when the network initialization failed. Check your Wi-Fi setting.
LED3orangeblueErrorTurned on when the Pelion Device Management Client initialization failed. Check your SD card.
LED4redredErrorTurned on when the network is disconnected. Check your Wi-Fi network status.

Clear device identity

If you want to clear the device's identity, connect to the device via serial terminal. Then input r command. The device flushes the identity storage, then reboot.

Known Issues

  • client_error(6) -> Client in reconnection mode NetworkError appears when connecting to network, but eventually connection will be established.
  • Warning message "MBEDTLS_TEST_NULL_ENTROPY has been enabled. This configuration is not secure and is not suitable for production use" appears when compiling the project for GR-PEACH. This can be ignored in development stage.
--- a/bootloader/bootloader_app.json	Sat Dec 15 12:50:12 2018 +0900
+++ b/bootloader/bootloader_app.json	Wed Dec 26 12:30:48 2018 +0900
@@ -49,6 +49,21 @@
             "update-client.storage-locations"  : 1,
             "update-client.firmware-header-version": "2"
+        "RZ_A1H": {
+            "flash-start-address"              : "0x18000000",
+            "flash-size"                       : "(8*1024*1024)",
+            "nvstore.area_1_address"           : "(MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_START_ADDRESS + MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_SIZE - 2*(4*1024))",
+            "nvstore.area_1_size"              : "(4*1024)",
+            "nvstore.area_2_address"           : "(MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_START_ADDRESS + MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_SIZE - 1*(4*1024))",
+            "nvstore.area_2_size"              : "(4*1024)",
+            "update-client.application-details": "(MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_START_ADDRESS+64*1024)",
+            "application-start-address"        : "(MBED_CONF_APP_FLASH_START_ADDRESS+65*1024)",
+            "max-application-size"             : "DEFAULT_MAX_APPLICATION_SIZE",
+            "sd.SPI_MOSI": "P8_5",
+            "sd.SPI_MISO": "P8_6",
+            "sd.SPI_CLK":  "P8_3",
+            "sd.SPI_CS":   "P8_4"
+        },
         "GR_LYCHEE": {
             "flash-start-address"              : "0x18000000",
             "flash-size"                       : "(8*1024*1024)",