Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 3:4bb49a5dfa47:

 * Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
 * course requirements at degree granting institutions only.  Not for
 * government, commercial, or other organizational use.
 * File: rtGetInf.c
 * Code generated for Simulink model 'AEB0'.
 * Model version                  : 1.63
 * Simulink Coder version         : 8.10 (R2016a) 10-Feb-2016
 * C/C++ source code generated on : Tue Jul 26 21:28:16 2016
 * Target selection: ert.tlc
 * Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Windows64)
 * Code generation objectives: Unspecified
 * Validation result: Not run

 * Abstract:
 *      Function to intialize non-finite, Inf
#include "rtGetInf.h"
#define NumBitsPerChar                 8U

 * Initialize rtInf needed by the generated code.
 * Inf is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE.
real_T rtGetInf(void)
  size_t bitsPerReal = sizeof(real_T) * (NumBitsPerChar);
  real_T inf = 0.0;
  if (bitsPerReal == 32U) {
    inf = rtGetInfF();
  } else {
    union {
      LittleEndianIEEEDouble bitVal;
      real_T fltVal;
    } tmpVal;

    tmpVal.bitVal.words.wordH = 0x7FF00000U;
    tmpVal.bitVal.words.wordL = 0x00000000U;
    inf = tmpVal.fltVal;

  return inf;

 * Initialize rtInfF needed by the generated code.
 * Inf is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE.
real32_T rtGetInfF(void)
  IEEESingle infF;
  infF.wordL.wordLuint = 0x7F800000U;
  return infF.wordL.wordLreal;

 * Initialize rtMinusInf needed by the generated code.
 * Inf is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE.
real_T rtGetMinusInf(void)
  size_t bitsPerReal = sizeof(real_T) * (NumBitsPerChar);
  real_T minf = 0.0;
  if (bitsPerReal == 32U) {
    minf = rtGetMinusInfF();
  } else {
    union {
      LittleEndianIEEEDouble bitVal;
      real_T fltVal;
    } tmpVal;

    tmpVal.bitVal.words.wordH = 0xFFF00000U;
    tmpVal.bitVal.words.wordL = 0x00000000U;
    minf = tmpVal.fltVal;

  return minf;

 * Initialize rtMinusInfF needed by the generated code.
 * Inf is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE.
real32_T rtGetMinusInfF(void)
  IEEESingle minfF;
  minfF.wordL.wordLuint = 0xFF800000U;
  return minfF.wordL.wordLreal;

 * File trailer for generated code.
 * [EOF]