QRSS Rx Network receiver. A receiver to sample a segment of RF spectrum and send this data to a server for further processing and display. NXP mbed Design Challenge entry (Honorable Mention). Published in Circuit Cellar, Feb 2012

Dependencies:   NetServices mbed DNSResolver

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gps.h	Wed Jan 25 20:32:53 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+    QRSS Receiver Application
+    by Clayton ZL3TKA/VK1TKA
+    clayton@isnotcrazy.com
+    Header File for GPS Module
+#ifndef _GPS_H
+#define _GPS_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Definitions
+#define GPS_FIELDLEN        20
+#define GPS_LINELENGTH      200
+#define GPS_MSGTIMEOUT      3000        // GPS message timeout (mSecs)
+#define GPS_PULSETIMEOUT    1500        // GPS pulse timeout (mSecs)
+// comments
+// Macros
+// Classes
+//  GPS Module Class
+class TGPSController
+    // create/destroy
+    public:
+        TGPSController();
+        ~TGPSController() {}
+    // public type - GPS data
+    public:
+        typedef struct _gpsdata
+        {
+            int32_t     iGPSQuality;
+            int32_t     iGPSSatellites;
+            int32_t     iGPSTimeSeconds;
+            int32_t     iGPSLatMicroDegrees;
+            int32_t     iGPSLongMicroDegrees;
+            int32_t     iGPSAltitudeMeters;
+        } TGPSData;
+    // local type - for parsing message numbers
+    private:
+        typedef struct _parsenumber
+        {
+            uint32_t    uiNumber;
+            int         iNumberLen;
+            int         iNumberSign;
+            int         iNumberDecimals;
+        } TParsedNum;
+    // API
+    public:
+        // Initi8alise routine
+        void Init();
+        // Processing routine
+        void Poll();
+        // Return the last line from the GPS
+        const char * LastLine()
+            { return szLastLine; }
+        // indicate a new last line has been received from the GPS unit
+        //  Self resetting
+        bool NewLine()
+            {
+                bool bRet = bNewLine;
+                bNewLine = false;
+                return bRet;
+            }
+        // Get GPS Data
+        //  Returns status value (0=offline)
+        int GPSData( TGPSData &GPSDat )
+            { GPSDat = GPSRecord;
+              return GPSDat.iGPSQuality; }
+    // Private methods
+    private:
+        // callback on 1PPS rising edge
+        void PPSPulse();
+        // Parse a number
+        bool ParseNumber( char cChr );
+        void ResetNumber();
+        // Parse data from the GPS
+        //  Return true if a completed valid sentence is received
+        bool ParseData( char cChr );
+        //  Process the data from the GPS message
+        //      Returns 0 if all data is good, or an error code
+        //      Call after a valid ParseData has occurred
+        int ProcessGPSData();
+    // data
+    private:
+        // 1PPS pin
+        DigitalIn   PPSInput;
+        // GPS Serial Port
+        Serial      GPSPort;
+        // GPS Status LED
+        DigitalOut  GPSUpLED;
+        // Interrupt on 1PPS pulse
+        InterruptIn PPSEvent;        
+        // 1PPS flag and captured timer registers
+        bool        bPulsed;
+        uint32_t    uiPPSCapture;
+        uint32_t    uiLOscCapture;
+        // GPS data timeout timer
+        Timer       GPSMsgTimeout;
+        Timer       GPSPulseTimeout;
+        // Parsing data and resulting values
+        int         iParseState;
+        TParsedNum  ParseNum;
+        char        cCharacter;
+        // last line variables
+        char        szCurrentLine[GPS_LINELENGTH+1];
+        char        szLastLine[GPS_LINELENGTH+1];
+        bool        bNewLine;
+        // GPS message data - raw data from message
+        TParsedNum  GPSTime;
+        TParsedNum  GPSLatitude;
+        char        GPSLatNS;
+        TParsedNum  GPSLongitude;
+        char        GPSLongEW;
+        TParsedNum  GPSQuality;
+        TParsedNum  GPSSatellites;
+        TParsedNum  GPSDOP;
+        TParsedNum  GPSAltitude;
+        char        GPSAltType;
+        TParsedNum  GPSHeight;
+        char        GPSHeightType;
+        uint8_t     ucMsgChecksum;
+        uint8_t     ucFinalChecksum;
+        uint8_t     ucChecksum;
+        // Final GPS info (validated)        
+        TGPSData    GPSRecord;
+// declare the GPS module
+extern TGPSController GPSModule;
+//  END