Polytech school project. RICM4 students, see http://air.imag.fr/index.php/Projets-2016-2017-Station_de_pompage_connect%C3%A9e for more information

Dependencies:   SX1272Lib mbed WakeUp

Fork of SX1272PingPong by Semtech

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "niveau.h"
00003 #include "debug.h"
00006 Niveau::Niveau(PinName GS, PinName pfort, PinName pm, PinName pfaible) : gs(GS), p1(pfort) , p2(pm) , p3(pfaible){
00007     gs.mode(PullDown);
00008     p1.mode(PullDown);
00009     p2.mode(PullDown);
00010     p3.mode(PullDown);
00011 }
00013 //Retourne le i eme bit du char c
00014 char getiemebit3(char c, int i)
00015 {
00016      return ((c>>(7-i)) & 1);
00017 }
00019 char Niveau::getNiveauCuve(){
00020     debug( "GS : %d\n\r",gs.read());
00021     debug( "p1 : %d\n\r",p1.read());
00022     debug( "p2 : %d\n\r",p2.read());
00023     debug( "p3 : %d\n\r",p3.read());
00025     char a = 0;
00026     if(gs.read()){
00027         a = (char) (gs.read()<<3);
00028     }else{
00029         a = (char) ((p1.read()<<2) | (p2.read()<<1) | (p3.read()));
00030     }
00031     //niveauCuve
00032     /*debug("Niveau cuve : ");
00033     for(int i=0; i < 8; i++){
00034         if(getiemebit3(a, i)){
00035             debug("1");
00036         }
00037         else{
00038             debug("0");
00039         }
00040     }
00041     debug("\r\n");*/
00042     return a;
00043 }