Program for decoding radio-signals sent by a ETH-Window-Shutter-Contact, received with a RFM12B-module. The messages are sent to KNX via a freebus rs-interface. Details see

Dependencies:   TextLCD mbed ConfigFile

diff -r 000000000000 -r b79cb3278583 eth_comfort.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/eth_comfort.cpp	Wed Apr 27 19:02:00 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+/** module for receiving data from eth comfort window sensor by ELV(R) with a RFM12 transceiver module by Hope
+  Details see discussion on
+  Frequenz 868,3
+  Modulation FSK
+  Hub +/- 15kHz
+  Datenrate 10kbit Manchester
+  das Protokoll ist Machester codiert
+  0x7e zz ll aa aa aa cmd crc crc
+  zz ist ein fortlaufender Zaehler
+  ll die Blocklaenge 10,20,30 (20 = 9 Byte, 10= 10Byte ,30= ?)
+  aa 3 Byte Adresse
+  cmd der Befehl
+  crc 16 bit checksumme
+  die Reihenfolge der Bits im Byte ist verdreht.
+ * \file       eth_comfort.cpp
+ * \brief      Read the messages from the ETH-Radio-Shutter
+ * \author     Karl Zweimüller based on code from WED 6.9.2009
+ */
+#include "eth_comfort.h"
+/* orig AVR-values
+#define BIT_MAX 0x90
+#define BIT_MIN 0x10
+#define LEN_2T 0x44
+//working: 300-80-200
+// nominal values are: 208-104-208 for 9600 bits/sec
+#define BIT_MAX 300                         // maximum allowed time for one or two bits high or low
+#define BIT_MIN 80                          // minimum allowed time for one or two bits high or low
+#define LEN_2T 200                          // time-value to differentiate one or two bit length
+// Timer for bit-length-measurement
+Timer BitTime;
+eth_comfort::eth_comfort(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName nsel, PinName rxdata, PinName rxled) {
+    rfm12b_spi = new rfm12b(mosi,miso,sclk,nsel,rxdata);
+    // the ReceiveLED
+    rxLED = new DigitalOut(rxled);
+    // init the eth_receiver
+    init();
+    // Interrupt on every bit-change
+    rfm12b_spi->attachISR(this, &eth_comfort::ISR);
+    // Init the RFM12B
+    rfm12b_spi->RFM_init();
+// calcCRC16r()
+ * @brief calculate reverse CRC
+ * @param c 16bit value for crc
+ * @param crc old crc value
+ * @param mask crc polynom
+ * @return crc value
+ */
+uint16_t eth_comfort::calcCRC16r( uint16_t c,uint16_t crc, uint16_t mask) { // reverse crc!!!!!!
+    uint8_t  i;
+    for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
+        if ((crc ^ c) & 1) {
+            crc=(crc>>1)^mask;
+        } else crc>>=1;
+        c>>=1;
+    };
+    return(crc);
+// initialize eth_receiver
+void eth_comfort::init() {
+    rbyte=0;
+    bit_cnt=0;
+    buffer_cnt=0;
+    decode=0;
+    pack_ok=0;
+    // start timer for bit-length-measurement
+    BitTime.start();
+    message_received = false;
+    // init the buffer
+    last_message.cnt = 0;
+    last_message.len = 0;
+    last_message.adr = 0;
+    last_message.cmd = 0;
+ = 0;
+    last_message.xdata = 0;
+    last_message.crc = 0;
+    new_message = last_message;
+// is a new message readable
+bool eth_comfort::readable() {
+    return(message_received);
+// read a eth-messsage
+eth_message eth_comfort::getMessage() {
+    if (readable()) {
+        last_message = new_message;
+        message_received = false;
+        return(new_message);
+    } else
+        // we should return nothing here!
+        return(last_message);
+/** ISR Interrupt routine for received data
+  * triggers on every pin change high/low and low/high
+  * does all the encoding of the signal including manchester decoding!
+  * as the eth doesn't send a good signal, which the rfm12 could decode for himself
+  * didn't test for myself - just got the code from someone else and ported to mbed!
+void eth_comfort::ISR() {  // pin change on rxin ->interrupt
+    //led2=!led2;
+    b=BitTime.read_us();                                      // time since last change
+    BitTime.reset();
+    if ((b>BIT_MAX)||(b<BIT_MIN)) {                           // is bit time in range?
+        state=0;
+    } else {
+        if (state==0) {                                // wait for first bitchange 2T
+            if (b>LEN_2T)state=1;
+            //if((rxin)!=0)state=0;                      // level should be low
+        } else if (state<=10) {                         // wait for 5 fullbit without bitchange 10 shortbits
+            if (b<LEN_2T)state++;
+            else state=1;                              // bitchange found back to state 1
+        } else if (state==11) {                         // now expecting bitchange (last bit in 7e is 0)
+            if (b<LEN_2T) {
+                state=0;                               // no bitchange -> back to search
+            };
+            state=20;                                  // now we found 7e sync finished
+            rbyte=0x7e;                                // set shift value to 0
+            bit_cnt=8;                                 // clear bitcounter
+            buffer_cnt=0;                              // clear buffercounter
+            bcnt=0;
+            lastbit=0;
+        } else if (state==20) {
+            if (b>LEN_2T) {                              // check for bitchange
+                if (lastbit!=0) {
+                    rbyte=(rbyte>>1);                     // last bit was 1 new is 0
+                    bcnt=0;
+                    lastbit=0;
+                } else {
+                    rbyte=(rbyte>>1)|0x80;              // last bit was 0 new is 1
+                    bcnt++;
+                    lastbit=1;
+                }
+                state=20;                                // fullbit compleate
+                bit_cnt++;                            // increase bit counter
+            } else {
+                state=21;                                // bit is halfbit, wait for next halfbit
+            };
+        } else if (state==21) {                         // no bitchange
+            if (b<LEN_2T) {                              // next bit must be a halfbit
+                if (lastbit==0) {
+                    rbyte=(rbyte>>1);  // last bit was 0 new is 0
+                    lastbit=0;
+                    bcnt=0;
+                } else {
+                    rbyte=(rbyte>>1)|0x80;              // last bit was 1 new is 1
+                    lastbit=1;
+                    bcnt++;
+                }
+                state=20;
+                bit_cnt++;
+            } else {
+                state=0;                            // bit is no halfbit -> Manchester violation
+                // state=20;
+            };
+        } else if (state==22) {                         // after 5 bit 1 skip one bit 0
+            if (b>LEN_2T) {                              // check for bitchange (next bit 0)
+                lastbit=0;
+                state=20;
+            } else {
+                lastbit=1;
+                //state=11;
+                state=21;
+            }
+            bcnt=0;
+        }
+        if (bcnt==5)state=22;
+        if (bit_cnt>7) {                              // wait for 8 bits
+            buf[buffer_cnt]=rbyte;                    // save value into buffer
+            if (buffer_cnt<1020) {
+                buffer_cnt++;
+            };
+            pack_ok=1;                                // set receiveflag
+            bit_cnt=0;                                // clear bitcounter
+            *rxLED = ! *rxLED;                              //show received byte
+            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //here we received another byte
+            // we have to check  if we are ready with the message
+            if (buffer_cnt>8) {
+                if     (buf[2]==0x10) blocklength=10;
+                else if (buf[2]==0x20) blocklength=9;
+                else                  blocklength=99;
+                j=0;
+                crc_ok = false;
+                for (i=0;i<=buffer_cnt;i++) {
+                    //pc.printf("%02X ",buf[i]);
+                    j++;
+                    if (j==blocklength) {
+                        //check crc
+                        if (blocklength==9) {
+                            crc=0xbdb7;
+                            for (k=0;k<7;k++) {                         // crc over first 7 byte
+                                crc=calcCRC16r(buf[k],crc,0x8408);
+                            }
+                            //swap the two crc-bytes
+                            swapped = ((crc >> 8) & 0xff) | ((crc << 8) & 0xff00);
+                            //pc.printf("CRC: %04X ",swapped);
+                            if (((buf[7]<<8) | buf[8]) == swapped) crc_ok = true;
+                            else crc_ok = false;
+                            //pc.printf("%s", (crc_ok==true) ? "OK" : "Not OK");
+                            if (crc_ok) {
+                                /*
+                                pc.printf("\n\rCounter: %02X\n\r",buf[1]);
+                                pc.printf(    " Dev-ID: %02X %02X %02X\n\r",buf[3],buf[4],buf[5]);
+                                //pc.printf(    "Battery: %s\n\r", (buf[6]&0x80 != 0x00) ? "WEAK" : "GOOD");
+                                pc.printf(    "Window : %s\n\r\n\r", (buf[6]&0x01 != 0x00) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE");
+                                lcd.cls();
+                                lcd.printf("#:%02X ID: %02X%02X%02X\n",buf[1],buf[3],buf[4],buf[5]);
+                                lcd.printf("Window : %s\n", (buf[6]&0x01 != 0x00) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE");
+                                */
+                                // insert buf into message
+                                new_message.cnt = buf[1];
+                                new_message.len = buf[2];
+                                new_message.adr = buf[3]<<16 | buf[4]<<8 | buf[5];
+                                new_message.cmd = buf[6];
+                       = buf[7];
+                                new_message.xdata = 0;
+                                new_message.crc = swapped;
+                                //is the new message different from the old message?
+                                // or is another sender on air?
+                                if ((new_message.cnt != last_message.cnt) || (new_message.adr != last_message.adr))  {
+                                    last_message = new_message;
+                                    message_received = true;
+                                }
+                            } //crc_ok
+                        } //block_length = 9
+                    } //j==blocklength
+                } //for
+                //start receive from beginning
+                buffer_cnt=0;
+                bit_cnt=0;
+                startbit=0;
+                state=0;
+                //pc.printf("\n\r-----------------------------\n\r");
+                //clear the buffer
+                for (i=0;i<1023;i++)buf[i]=0;
+                *rxLED = 0;           //turn off receive led
+            } //buffer_cnt >8
+            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //
+        }
+    }