Library for HopeRF RFM22 / RFM22B transceiver module ported to mbed. Original Software from Mike McCauley ( . See

Dependents:   RF22_MAX_test_Send Geofence_receiver Geofence_sender Geofence_sender ... more

More Info about RFM22-modules like connecting and a demo-program see RF22-Notebook

diff -r 000000000000 -r 79c6d0071c4c RF22.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RF22.h	Tue Feb 14 19:39:36 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+// RF22.h
+// Author: Mike McCauley (
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley
+// $Id: RF22.h,v 1.19 2011/10/09 21:22:24 mikem Exp mikem $
+// ported to mbed by Karl Zweimueller
+/// \mainpage RF22 library for Arduino
+/// This is the Arduino RF22 library.
+/// It provides an object-oriented interface for sending and receiving data messages with Hope-RF
+/// RF22B based radio modules, and compatible chips and modules, including the RFM22B transceiver module such as 
+/// this one:
+/// RF22 also supports some of the features of ZigBee and XBee, 
+/// (such as mesh routing and automatic route discovery), 
+/// but with a much less complicated system and less expensive radios.
+/// The Hope-RF ( RFM22B ( 
+/// is a low-cost ISM transceiver module. It supports FSK, GFSK, OOK over a wide 
+/// range of frequencies and programmable data rates.
+/// This library provides functions for sending and receiving messages of up to 255 octets on any 
+/// frequency supported by the RF22B, in a range of predefined data rates and frequency deviations. 
+/// Frequency can be set with 312Hz precision to any frequency from 240.0MHz to 960.0MHz.
+/// Up to 2 RF22B modules can be connected to an Arduino, permitting the construction of translators
+/// and frequency changers, etc.
+/// This library provides classes for 
+/// - RF22: unaddressed, unreliable messages
+/// - RF22Datagram: addressed, unreliable messages
+/// - RF22ReliableDatagram: addressed, reliable, retransmitted, acknowledged messages.
+/// - RF22Router: multi hop delivery from source node to destination node via 0 or more intermediate nodes
+/// - RF22Mesh: multi hop delivery with automatic route discovery and rediscovery.
+/// The following modulation types are suppported with a range of modem configurations for 
+/// common data rates and frequency deviations:
+/// - GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
+/// - FSK Frequency Shift Keying
+/// - OOK On-Off Keying
+/// Support for other RF22B features such as on-chip temperature measurement, analog-digital 
+/// converter, transmitter power control etc is also provided.
+/// The latest version of this documentation can be downloaded from 
+/// Example Arduino programs are included to show the main modes of use.
+/// The version of the package that this documentation refers to can be downloaded 
+/// from
+/// You can find the latest version at
+/// Tested on Arduino Diecimila and Mega with arduino-0021 
+/// on OpenSuSE 11.1 and avr-libc-1.6.1-1.15,
+/// cross-avr-binutils-2.19-9.1, cross-avr-gcc-4.1.3_20080612-26.5.
+/// With HopeRF RFM22 modules that appear to have RF22B chips on board:
+///    - Device Type Code = 0x08 (RX/TRX)
+///    - Version Code = 0x06
+/// It is known not to work on Diecimila. Dont bother trying.
+/// \par Packet Format
+/// All messages sent and received by this RF22 library must conform to this packet format:
+/// - 8 nibbles (4 octets) PREAMBLE
+/// - 2 octets SYNC 0x2d, 0xd4
+/// - 4 octets HEADER: (TO, FROM, ID, FLAGS)
+/// - 1 octet LENGTH (0 to 255), number of octets in DATA
+/// - 0 to 255 octets DATA
+/// - 2 octets CRC computed with CRC16(IBM), computed on HEADER, LENGTH and DATA
+/// For technical reasons, the message format is not compatible with the 
+/// 'HopeRF Radio Transceiver Message Library for Arduino' from the same author. Nor is it compatible with 
+/// 'Virtual Wire' also from the same author.
+/// \par Connecting RFM-22 to Arduino
+/// The physical connection between the RF22B and the Arduino require 3.3V, the 3 x SPI pins (SCK, SDI, SDO), 
+/// a Slave Select pin and an interrupt pin.
+/// Note also that on the RFF22B, it is required to control the TX_ANT and X_ANT pins of the RFM22 in order to enable the
+/// antenna connection. The RF22 library is configured so that GPIO0 and GPIO1 outputs can control TX_ANT and RX_ANT input pins
+/// automatically. You must connect GPIO0 to TX_ANT and GPIO1 to RX_ANT for this automatic antenna switching to occur.
+/// Connect the RFM-22 to most Arduino's like this (Caution, Arduino Mega has different pins for SPI, 
+/// see below):
+/// \code
+///                 Arduino      RFM-22B
+///                 GND----------GND-\ (ground in)
+///                              SDN-/ (shutdown in)
+///                 3V3----------VCC   (3.3V in)
+/// interrupt 0 pin D2-----------NIRQ  (interrupt request out)
+///          SS pin D10----------NSEL  (chip select in)
+///         SCK pin D13----------SCK   (SPI clock in)
+///        MOSI pin D11----------SDI   (SPI Data in)
+///        MISO pin D12----------SDO   (SPI data out)
+///                           /--GPIO0 (GPIO0 out to control transmitter antenna TX_ANT
+///                           \--TX_ANT (TX antenna control in)
+///                           /--GPIO1 (GPIO1 out to control receiver antenna RX_ANT
+///                           \--RX_ANT (RX antenna control in)
+/// \endcode
+/// For an Arduino Mega:
+/// \code
+///                 Mega         RFM-22B
+///                 GND----------GND-\ (ground in)
+///                              SDN-/ (shutdown in)
+///                 3V3----------VCC   (3.3V in)
+/// interrupt 0 pin D2-----------NIRQ  (interrupt request out)
+///          SS pin D10----------NSEL  (chip select in)
+///         SCK pin D52----------SCK   (SPI clock in)
+///        MOSI pin D51----------SDI   (SPI Data in)
+///        MISO pin D50----------SDO   (SPI data out)
+///                           /--GPIO0 (GPIO0 out to control transmitter antenna TX_ANT
+///                           \--TX_ANT (TX antenna control in)
+///                           /--GPIO1 (GPIO1 out to control receiver antenna RX_ANT
+///                           \--RX_ANT (RX antenna control in)
+/// \endcode
+/// and you can then use the default constructor RF22(). 
+/// You can override the default settings for the SS pin and the interrupt 
+/// in the RF22 constructor if you wish to connect the slave select SS to other than pin D10 
+/// or the interrupt request to other than pin D2.
+/// It is possible to have 2 radios conected to one arduino, provided each radio has its own 
+/// SS and interrupt line (SCK, SDI and SDO are common to both radios)
+/// \par Example programs
+/// The following example programs are provided:
+/// - rf22_client, rf22_server: Simple client/server pair using RF22 class
+/// - rf22_datagram_client, rf22_datagram_server: Simple client/server pair using RF22Datagram class
+/// - rf22_reliable_datagram_client, rf22_reliable_datagram_server:
+///   Simple client/server pair using RF22ReliableDatagram class
+/// - rf22_router_client, rf22_router_server1, rf22_router_server2, rf22_router_server3: 
+///   Simple RF22Router network. Requires Arduino Mega.
+/// - rf22_mesh_client, rf22_mesh_server1, rf22_mesh_server2, rf22_mesh_server3: 
+///   Simple RF22Mesh network. Requires Arduino Mega.
+/// - rf22_test: Some test code used during development, shows how to call some support functions
+/// - rf22_snoop: Dumps in ASCII the contents of all RF22 messages received
+/// - rf22_specan: Simple spectrum analyser using the RSSI measurements of the RF22
+///   (see <a href="specan1.png">Sample output</a> showing a plot from 395.0MHz to 396.0MHz of a 
+///   signal generator at 395.5MHz amplitude modulated at 100% 1kHz)
+/// \par Memory
+/// The RF22 library requires non-trivial amounts of memory. The sample programs above all compile to 
+/// about 9 to 14kbytes each, which will fit in the flash proram memory of most Arduinos. However, 
+/// the RAM requirements are more critical. Most sample programs above will run on Duemilanova, 
+/// but not on Diecimila. Even on Duemilanova, the RAM requirements are very close to the 
+/// available memory of 2kbytes. Therefore, you should be vary sparing with RAM use in programs that use 
+/// the RF22 library on Duemilanova.
+/// The sample RF22Router and RF22Mesh programs compile to about 14kbytes, 
+/// and require more RAM than the others. 
+/// They will not run on Duemilanova or Diecimila, but will run on Arduino Mega.
+/// It is often hard to accurately identify when you are hitting RAM limits on Arduino. 
+/// The symptoms can include:
+/// - Mysterious crashes and restarts
+/// - Changes in behaviour when seemingly unrelated changes are made (such as adding print() statements)
+/// - Hanging
+/// - Output from Serial.print() not appearing
+/// With an Arduino Mega, with 8 kbytes of SRAM, there is much more RAM headroom for 
+/// your own elaborate programs. 
+/// This library is reported not to work with Arduino Pro Mini and Arduino UNO, but these have not been tested here.
+/// \par Installation
+/// Install in the usual way: unzip the distribution zip file to the libraries
+/// sub-folder of your sketchbook. 
+/// This software is Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley. Use is subject to license
+/// conditions. The main licensing options available are GPL V2 or Commercial:
+/// \par Open Source Licensing GPL V2
+/// This is the appropriate option if you want to share the source code of your
+/// application with everyone you distribute it to, and you also want to give them
+/// the right to share who uses it. If you wish to use this software under Open
+/// Source Licensing, you must contribute all your source code to the open source
+/// community in accordance with the GPL Version 2 when your application is
+/// distributed. See
+/// \par Commercial Licensing
+/// This is the appropriate option if you are creating proprietary applications
+/// and you are not prepared to distribute and share the source code of your
+/// application. Contact for details.
+/// \par Revision History
+/// \version 1.0 Initial release
+/// \version 1.1 Added rf22_snoop and rf22_specan examples
+/// \version 1.2 Changed default modulation to FSK_Rb2_4Fd36
+///              Some internal reorganisation.
+///              Added RF22Router and RF22Mesh classes plus sample programs to support multi-hop and 
+///              automatic route discovery.
+/// \version 1.3 Removed some unnecessary debug messages. Added virtual doArp and isPhysicalAddress
+///              functions to RF22Mesh to support other physical address interpretation schemes (IPV4/IPV6?)
+/// \version 1.4 RF22Router and RF22Mesh were inadvertently left out of the distro.
+/// \version 1.5 Improvements contributed by Peter Mousley: Modem config table is now in flash rather than SRAM, 
+///              saving 400 bytes of SRAM. Allow a user-defined buffer size. Thanks Peter.
+/// \version 1.6 Fixed some minor typos on doc and clarified that this code is for the RF22B. Fixed errors in the 
+///              definition of the power output constants which were incorrectly set to the values for the RF22.
+///              Reported by Fred Slamen. If you were using a previous version of RF22, you probably were not getting the output
+///              power you thought.
+/// \version 1.7 Added code to initialise GPIO0 and GPIO1 so they can automatically control the TX_ANT and RX_ANT
+///              antenna switching inputs. You must connect GPIO0 to TX_ANT and GPIO1 to RX_ANT for this automatic 
+///              antenna switching to occur. Updated doc to reflect this new connection requirement
+/// \version 1.8 Changed the name of RF22_ENLBD in RF22_REG_06_INTERRUPT_ENABLE2 to RF22_ENLBDI because it collided
+///              with a define of the same name in RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE. RF22_REG_05_INTERRUPT_ENABLE1 enable mask
+///              incorrectly used RF22_IFFERROR instead of RF22_ENFFERR. Reported by Steffan Woltjer.
+/// \version 1.9 Fixed typos in RF22_REG_21_CLOCk*. Reported by Steffan Woltjer.
+/// \version 1.10 Fixed a problem where a IFFERR during transmission could cause an infinite loop and a hang. 
+///              Reported by Raymond Gilbert.
+/// \author  Mike McCauley (
+#ifndef RF22_h
+#define RF22_h
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define boolean bool
+//#include <wiring.h>
+// These defs cause trouble on some versions of Arduino
+#undef round
+#undef double
+// This is the bit in the SPI address that marks it as a write
+#define RF22_SPI_WRITE_MASK 0x80
+// This is the maximum message length that can be supported by this library. Limited by
+// the message length octet in the header. Yes, 255 is correct even though the FIFO size in the RF22 is only
+// 64 octets. We use interrupts to refil the Tx FIFO during transmission and to empty the
+// Rx FIF during reception
+// Can be pre-defined to a smaller size (to save SRAM) prior to including this header
+#define RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 255
+// Max number of octets the RF22 Rx and Tx FIFOs can hold
+#define RF22_FIFO_SIZE 64
+// Keep track of the mode the RF22 is in
+#define RF22_MODE_IDLE         0
+#define RF22_MODE_RX           1
+#define RF22_MODE_TX           2
+// These values we set for FIFO thresholds are actually the same as the POR values
+// This is the default node address,
+// This address in the TO addreess signifies a broadcast
+#define RF22_BROADCAST_ADDRESS 0xff
+// Number of registers to be passed to setModemConfig()
+// Register names
+#define RF22_REG_00_DEVICE_TYPE                         0x00
+#define RF22_REG_01_VERSION_CODE                        0x01
+#define RF22_REG_02_DEVICE_STATUS                       0x02
+#define RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1                   0x03
+#define RF22_REG_04_INTERRUPT_STATUS2                   0x04
+#define RF22_REG_05_INTERRUPT_ENABLE1                   0x05
+#define RF22_REG_06_INTERRUPT_ENABLE2                   0x06
+#define RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE1                     0x07
+#define RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2                     0x08
+#define RF22_REG_09_OSCILLATOR_LOAD_CAPACITANCE         0x09
+#define RF22_REG_0A_UC_OUTPUT_CLOCK                     0x0a
+#define RF22_REG_0B_GPIO_CONFIGURATION0                 0x0b
+#define RF22_REG_0C_GPIO_CONFIGURATION1                 0x0c
+#define RF22_REG_0D_GPIO_CONFIGURATION2                 0x0d
+#define RF22_REG_0E_IO_PORT_CONFIGURATION               0x0e
+#define RF22_REG_0F_ADC_CONFIGURATION                   0x0f
+#define RF22_REG_10_ADC_SENSOR_AMP_OFFSET               0x10
+#define RF22_REG_11_ADC_VALUE                           0x11
+#define RF22_REG_13_TEMPERATURE_VALUE_OFFSET            0x13
+#define RF22_REG_14_WAKEUP_TIMER_PERIOD1                0x14
+#define RF22_REG_15_WAKEUP_TIMER_PERIOD2                0x15
+#define RF22_REG_16_WAKEUP_TIMER_PERIOD3                0x16
+#define RF22_REG_17_WAKEUP_TIMER_VALUE1                 0x17
+#define RF22_REG_18_WAKEUP_TIMER_VALUE2                 0x18
+#define RF22_REG_19_LDC_MODE_DURATION                   0x19
+#define RF22_REG_1B_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_LEVEL               0x1b
+#define RF22_REG_1C_IF_FILTER_BANDWIDTH                 0x1c
+#define RF22_REG_1D_AFC_LOOP_GEARSHIFT_OVERRIDE         0x1d
+#define RF22_REG_1E_AFC_TIMING_CONTROL                  0x1e
+#define RF22_REG_21_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET2              0x21
+#define RF22_REG_22_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET1              0x22
+#define RF22_REG_23_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET0              0x23
+#define RF22_REG_26_RSSI                                0x26
+#define RF22_REG_27_RSSI_THRESHOLD                      0x27
+#define RF22_REG_28_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY1                  0x28
+#define RF22_REG_29_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY2                  0x29
+#define RF22_REG_2A_AFC_LIMITER                         0x2a
+#define RF22_REG_2B_AFC_CORRECTION_READ                 0x2b
+#define RF22_REG_2C_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_1                 0x2c
+#define RF22_REG_2D_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_2                 0x2d
+#define RF22_REG_2E_SLICER_PEAK_HOLD                    0x2e
+#define RF22_REG_30_DATA_ACCESS_CONTROL                 0x30
+#define RF22_REG_31_EZMAC_STATUS                        0x31
+#define RF22_REG_32_HEADER_CONTROL1                     0x32
+#define RF22_REG_33_HEADER_CONTROL2                     0x33
+#define RF22_REG_34_PREAMBLE_LENGTH                     0x34
+#define RF22_REG_35_PREAMBLE_DETECTION_CONTROL1         0x35
+#define RF22_REG_36_SYNC_WORD3                          0x36
+#define RF22_REG_37_SYNC_WORD2                          0x37
+#define RF22_REG_38_SYNC_WORD1                          0x38
+#define RF22_REG_39_SYNC_WORD0                          0x39
+#define RF22_REG_3A_TRANSMIT_HEADER3                    0x3a
+#define RF22_REG_3B_TRANSMIT_HEADER2                    0x3b
+#define RF22_REG_3C_TRANSMIT_HEADER1                    0x3c
+#define RF22_REG_3D_TRANSMIT_HEADER0                    0x3d
+#define RF22_REG_3E_PACKET_LENGTH                       0x3e
+#define RF22_REG_3F_CHECK_HEADER3                       0x3f
+#define RF22_REG_40_CHECK_HEADER2                       0x40
+#define RF22_REG_41_CHECK_HEADER1                       0x41
+#define RF22_REG_42_CHECK_HEADER0                       0x42
+#define RF22_REG_43_HEADER_ENABLE3                      0x43
+#define RF22_REG_44_HEADER_ENABLE2                      0x44
+#define RF22_REG_45_HEADER_ENABLE1                      0x45
+#define RF22_REG_46_HEADER_ENABLE0                      0x46
+#define RF22_REG_47_RECEIVED_HEADER3                    0x47
+#define RF22_REG_48_RECEIVED_HEADER2                    0x48
+#define RF22_REG_49_RECEIVED_HEADER1                    0x49
+#define RF22_REG_4A_RECEIVED_HEADER0                    0x4a
+#define RF22_REG_4B_RECEIVED_PACKET_LENGTH              0x4b
+#define RF22_REG_50_ANALOG_TEST_BUS_SELECT              0x50
+#define RF22_REG_51_DIGITAL_TEST_BUS_SELECT             0x51
+#define RF22_REG_52_TX_RAMP_CONTROL                     0x52
+#define RF22_REG_53_PLL_TUNE_TIME                       0x53
+#define RF22_REG_55_CALIBRATION_CONTROL                 0x55
+#define RF22_REG_56_MODEM_TEST                          0x56
+#define RF22_REG_57_CHARGE_PUMP_TEST                    0x57
+#define RF22_REG_58_CHARGE_PUMP_CURRENT_TRIMMING        0x58
+#define RF22_REG_59_DIVIDER_CURRENT_TRIMMING            0x59
+#define RF22_REG_5A_VCO_CURRENT_TRIMMING                0x5a
+#define RF22_REG_5B_VCO_CALIBRATION                     0x5b
+#define RF22_REG_5C_SYNTHESIZER_TEST                    0x5c
+#define RF22_REG_5D_BLOCK_ENABLE_OVERRIDE1              0x5d
+#define RF22_REG_5E_BLOCK_ENABLE_OVERRIDE2              0x5e
+#define RF22_REG_5F_BLOCK_ENABLE_OVERRIDE3              0x5f
+#define RF22_REG_65_LDO_CONTROL_OVERRIDE                0x65
+#define RF22_REG_66_LDO_LEVEL_SETTINGS                  0x66
+#define RF22_REG_67_DELTA_SIGMA_ADC_TUNING1             0x67
+#define RF22_REG_68_DELTA_SIGMA_ADC_TUNING2             0x68
+#define RF22_REG_69_AGC_OVERRIDE1                       0x69
+#define RF22_REG_6A_AGC_OVERRIDE2                       0x6a
+#define RF22_REG_6D_TX_POWER                            0x6d
+#define RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE1                       0x6e
+#define RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE0                       0x6f
+#define RF22_REG_70_MODULATION_CONTROL1                 0x70
+#define RF22_REG_71_MODULATION_CONTROL2                 0x71
+#define RF22_REG_72_FREQUENCY_DEVIATION                 0x72
+#define RF22_REG_73_FREQUENCY_OFFSET1                   0x73
+#define RF22_REG_74_FREQUENCY_OFFSET2                   0x74
+#define RF22_REG_75_FREQUENCY_BAND_SELECT               0x75
+#define RF22_REG_76_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY1          0x76
+#define RF22_REG_77_NOMINAL_CARRIER_FREQUENCY0          0x77
+#define RF22_REG_7A_FREQUENCY_HOPPING_STEP_SIZE         0x7a
+#define RF22_REG_7C_TX_FIFO_CONTROL1                    0x7c
+#define RF22_REG_7D_TX_FIFO_CONTROL2                    0x7d
+#define RF22_REG_7E_RX_FIFO_CONTROL                     0x7e
+#define RF22_REG_7F_FIFO_ACCESS                         0x7f
+// These register masks etc are named wherever possible
+// corresponding to the bit and field names in the RF-22 Manual
+// RF22_REG_00_DEVICE_TYPE                      0x00
+#define RF22_DEVICE_TYPE_RX_TRX                 0x08
+#define RF22_DEVICE_TYPE_TX                     0x07
+// RF22_REG_02_DEVICE_STATUS                    0x02
+#define RF22_FFOVL                              0x80
+#define RF22_FFUNFL                             0x40
+#define RF22_RXFFEM                             0x20
+#define RF22_HEADERR                            0x10
+#define RF22_FREQERR                            0x08
+#define RF22_LOCKDET                            0x04
+#define RF22_CPS                                0x03
+#define RF22_CPS_IDLE                           0x00
+#define RF22_CPS_RX                             0x01
+#define RF22_CPS_TX                             0x10
+// RF22_REG_03_INTERRUPT_STATUS1                0x03
+#define RF22_IFFERROR                           0x80
+#define RF22_ITXFFAFULL                         0x40
+#define RF22_ITXFFAEM                           0x20
+#define RF22_IRXFFAFULL                         0x10
+#define RF22_IEXT                               0x08
+#define RF22_IPKSENT                            0x04
+#define RF22_IPKVALID                           0x02
+#define RF22_ICRCERROR                          0x01
+// RF22_REG_04_INTERRUPT_STATUS2                0x04
+#define RF22_ISWDET                             0x80
+#define RF22_IPREAVAL                           0x40
+#define RF22_IPREAINVAL                         0x20
+#define RF22_IRSSI                              0x10
+#define RF22_IWUT                               0x08
+#define RF22_ILBD                               0x04
+#define RF22_ICHIPRDY                           0x02
+#define RF22_IPOR                               0x01
+// RF22_REG_05_INTERRUPT_ENABLE1                0x05
+#define RF22_ENFFERR                            0x80
+#define RF22_ENTXFFAFULL                        0x40
+#define RF22_ENTXFFAEM                          0x20
+#define RF22_ENRXFFAFULL                        0x10
+#define RF22_ENEXT                              0x08
+#define RF22_ENPKSENT                           0x04
+#define RF22_ENPKVALID                          0x02
+#define RF22_ENCRCERROR                         0x01
+// RF22_REG_06_INTERRUPT_ENABLE2                0x06
+#define RF22_ENSWDET                            0x80
+#define RF22_ENPREAVAL                          0x40
+#define RF22_ENPREAINVAL                        0x20
+#define RF22_ENRSSI                             0x10
+#define RF22_ENWUT                              0x08
+#define RF22_ENLBDI                             0x04
+#define RF22_ENCHIPRDY                          0x02
+#define RF22_ENPOR                              0x01
+// RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE                   0x07
+#define RF22_SWRES                              0x80
+#define RF22_ENLBD                              0x40
+#define RF22_ENWT                               0x20
+#define RF22_X32KSEL                            0x10
+#define RF22_TXON                               0x08
+#define RF22_RXON                               0x04
+#define RF22_PLLON                              0x02
+#define RF22_XTON                               0x01
+// RF22_REG_08_OPERATING_MODE2                  0x08
+#define RF22_ANTDIV                             0xc0
+#define RF22_RXMPK                              0x10
+#define RF22_AUTOTX                             0x08
+#define RF22_ENLDM                              0x04
+#define RF22_FFCLRRX                            0x02
+#define RF22_FFCLRTX                            0x01
+// RF22_REG_0F_ADC_CONFIGURATION                0x0f
+#define RF22_ADCSTART                           0x80
+#define RF22_ADCDONE                            0x80
+#define RF22_ADCSEL                             0x70
+#define RF22_ADCSEL_GPIO0_SINGLE_ENDED          0x10
+#define RF22_ADCSEL_GPIO1_SINGLE_ENDED          0x20
+#define RF22_ADCSEL_GPIO2_SINGLE_ENDED          0x30
+#define RF22_ADCSEL_GND                         0x70
+#define RF22_ADCREF                             0x0c
+#define RF22_ADCREF_BANDGAP_VOLTAGE             0x00
+#define RF22_ADCREF_VDD_ON_3                    0x08
+#define RF22_ADCREF_VDD_ON_2                    0x0c
+#define RF22_ADCGAIN                            0x03
+// RF22_REG_10_ADC_SENSOR_AMP_OFFSET            0x10
+#define RF22_ADCOFFS                            0x0f
+#define RF22_TSRANGE                            0xc0
+#define RF22_TSRANGE_M64_64C                    0x00
+#define RF22_TSRANGE_M64_192C                   0x40
+#define RF22_TSRANGE_0_128C                     0x80
+#define RF22_TSRANGE_M40_216F                   0xc0
+#define RF22_ENTSOFFS                           0x20
+#define RF22_ENTSTRIM                           0x10
+#define RF22_TSTRIM                             0x0f
+// RF22_REG_14_WAKEUP_TIMER_PERIOD1             0x14
+#define RF22_WTR                                0x3c
+#define RF22_WTD                                0x03
+#define RF22_AFC_EN                             0x40
+// Reg  RF22_REG_1E_AFC_TIMING_CONTROL          0x1e
+#define RF22_AFC_TC                             0x0a
+// Reg RF22_REG_2A_AFC_LIMITER                  0x2a
+#define RF22_AFC_LIMIT                          0x50
+// RF22_REG_30_DATA_ACCESS_CONTROL              0x30
+#define RF22_ENPACRX                            0x80
+#define RF22_LSBFRST                            0x40
+#define RF22_CRCDONLY                           0x20
+#define RF22_ENPACTX                            0x08
+#define RF22_ENCRC                              0x04
+#define RF22_CRC                                0x03
+#define RF22_CRC_CCITT                          0x00
+#define RF22_CRC_CRC_16_IBM                     0x01
+#define RF22_CRC_IEC_16                         0x02
+#define RF22_CRC_BIACHEVA                       0x03
+// RF22_REG_32_HEADER_CONTROL1                  0x32
+#define RF22_BCEN                               0xf0
+#define RF22_BCEN_NONE                          0x00
+#define RF22_BCEN_HEADER0                       0x10
+#define RF22_BCEN_HEADER1                       0x20
+#define RF22_BCEN_HEADER2                       0x40
+#define RF22_BCEN_HEADER3                       0x80
+#define RF22_HDCH                               0x0f
+#define RF22_HDCH_NONE                          0x00
+#define RF22_HDCH_HEADER0                       0x01
+#define RF22_HDCH_HEADER1                       0x02
+#define RF22_HDCH_HEADER2                       0x04
+#define RF22_HDCH_HEADER3                       0x08
+// RF22_REG_33_HEADER_CONTROL2                  0x33
+#define RF22_HDLEN                              0x70
+#define RF22_HDLEN_0                            0x00
+#define RF22_HDLEN_1                            0x10
+#define RF22_HDLEN_2                            0x20
+#define RF22_HDLEN_3                            0x30
+#define RF22_HDLEN_4                            0x40
+#define RF22_FIXPKLEN                           0x08
+#define RF22_SYNCLEN                            0x06
+#define RF22_SYNCLEN_1                          0x00
+#define RF22_SYNCLEN_2                          0x02
+#define RF22_SYNCLEN_3                          0x04
+#define RF22_SYNCLEN_4                          0x06
+#define RF22_PREALEN8                           0x01
+// RF22_REG_6D_TX_POWER                         0x6d
+#define RF22_TXPOW                              0x07
+#define RF22_TXPOW_4X31                         0x08 // Not used in RFM22B
+#define RF22_TXPOW_1DBM                         0x00
+#define RF22_TXPOW_2DBM                         0x01
+#define RF22_TXPOW_5DBM                         0x02
+#define RF22_TXPOW_8DBM                         0x03
+#define RF22_TXPOW_11DBM                        0x04
+#define RF22_TXPOW_14DBM                        0x05
+#define RF22_TXPOW_17DBM                        0x06
+#define RF22_TXPOW_20DBM                        0x07
+// IN RFM23B
+#define RF22_TXPOW_LNA_SW                       0x08
+// RF22_REG_71_MODULATION_CONTROL2              0x71
+#define RF22_TRCLK                              0xc0
+#define RF22_TRCLK_NONE                         0x00
+#define RF22_TRCLK_GPIO                         0x40
+#define RF22_TRCLK_SDO                          0x80
+#define RF22_TRCLK_NIRQ                         0xc0
+#define RF22_DTMOD                              0x30
+#define RF22_DTMOD_DIRECT_GPIO                  0x00
+#define RF22_DTMOD_DIRECT_SDI                   0x10
+#define RF22_DTMOD_FIFO                         0x20
+#define RF22_DTMOD_PN9                          0x30
+#define RF22_ENINV                              0x08
+#define RF22_FD8                                0x04
+#define RF22_MODTYP                             0x30
+#define RF22_MODTYP_UNMODULATED                 0x00
+#define RF22_MODTYP_OOK                         0x01
+#define RF22_MODTYP_FSK                         0x02
+#define RF22_MODTYP_GFSK                        0x03
+// RF22_REG_75_FREQUENCY_BAND_SELECT            0x75
+#define RF22_SBSEL                              0x40
+#define RF22_HBSEL                              0x20
+#define RF22_FB                                 0x1f
+/// \class RF22 RF22.h <RF22.h>
+/// \brief Send and receive unaddressed, unreliable datagrams.
+/// This base class provides basic functions for sending and receiving unaddressed, 
+/// unreliable datagrams of arbitrary length to 255 octets per packet.
+/// Subclasses may use this class to implement reliable, addressed datagrams and streams, 
+/// mesh routers, repeaters, translators etc.
+/// On transmission, the TO and FROM addresses default to 0x00, unless changed by a subclass. 
+/// On reception the TO addressed is checked against the node address (defaults to 0x00) or the
+/// broadcast address (which is 0xff). The ID and FLAGS are set to 0, and not checked by this class.
+/// This permits use of the this base RF22 class as an 
+/// unaddresed, unreliable datagram service. Subclasses are expected to change this behaviour to 
+/// add node address, ids, retransmission etc
+/// Naturally, for any 2 radios to communicate that must be configured to use the same frequence and 
+/// modulation scheme.
+class RF22
+    /// \brief Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
+    ///
+    /// Defines register values for a set of modem configuration registers
+    /// that can be passed to setModemConfig()
+    /// if none of the choices in ModemConfigChoice suit your need
+    /// setModemConfig() writes the register values to the appropriate RF22 registers
+    /// to set the desired modulation type, data rate and deviation/bandwidth.
+    /// Suitable values for these registers can be computed using the register calculator at
+    /// " 23B 31B 42B 43B Register Settings_RevB1-v5.xls"
+    typedef struct
+    {
+    uint8_t    reg_1c;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_1C_IF_FILTER_BANDWIDTH
+    uint8_t    reg_1f;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_1F_CLOCK_RECOVERY_GEARSHIFT_OVERRIDE
+    uint8_t    reg_20;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_20_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OVERSAMPLING_RATE
+    uint8_t    reg_21;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_21_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET2 
+    uint8_t    reg_22;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_22_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET1 
+    uint8_t    reg_23;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_23_CLOCK_RECOVERY_OFFSET0
+    uint8_t    reg_24;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_24_CLOCK_RECOVERY_TIMING_LOOP_GAIN1
+    uint8_t    reg_25;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_25_CLOCK_RECOVERY_TIMING_LOOP_GAIN0 
+    uint8_t    reg_2c;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_2C_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_1 
+    uint8_t    reg_2d;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_2D_OOK_COUNTER_VALUE_2
+    uint8_t    reg_2e;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_2E_SLICER_PEAK_HOLD 
+    uint8_t    reg_58;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_58_CHARGE_PUMP_CURRENT_TRIMMING
+    uint8_t    reg_69;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_69_AGC_OVERRIDE1 
+    uint8_t    reg_6e;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_6E_TX_DATA_RATE1
+    uint8_t    reg_6f;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_6F_TX_DATA_RATE0 
+    uint8_t    reg_70;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_70_MODULATION_CONTROL1
+    uint8_t    reg_71;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_71_MODULATION_CONTROL2
+    uint8_t    reg_72;   ///< Value for register RF22_REG_72_FREQUENCY_DEVIATION
+    } ModemConfig;
+    /// Choices for setModemConfig() for a selected subset of common modulation types,
+    /// and data rates. If you need another configuration, use the register calculator at
+    /// " 23B 31B 42B 43B Register Settings_RevB1-v5.xls"
+    /// and call setModemRegisters() with your desired settings
+    /// These are indexes into _modemConfig
+    typedef enum
+    {
+    UnmodulatedCarrier = 0, ///< Unmodulated carrier for testing
+    FSK_PN9_Rb2Fd5,      ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 2kbs, Fd = 5kHz, PN9 random modulation for testing
+    FSK_Rb2Fd5,         ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 2kbs,    Fd = 5kHz
+    FSK_Rb2_4Fd36,       ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 2.4kbs,  Fd = 36kHz
+    FSK_Rb4_8Fd45,       ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 4.8kbs,  Fd = 45kHz
+    FSK_Rb9_6Fd45,       ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 9.6kbs,  Fd = 45kHz
+    FSK_Rb19_2Fd9_6,     ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 19.2kbs, Fd = 9.6kHz
+    FSK_Rb38_4Fd19_6,    ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 38.4kbs, Fd = 19.6kHz
+    FSK_Rb57_6Fd28_8,    ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 57.6kbs, Fd = 28.8kHz
+    FSK_Rb125Fd125,      ///< FSK, No Manchester, Rb = 125kbs,  Fd = 125kHz
+    GFSK_Rb2Fd5,         ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 2kbs,    Fd = 5kHz
+    GFSK_Rb2_4Fd36,      ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 2.4kbs,  Fd = 36kHz
+    GFSK_Rb4_8Fd45,      ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 4.8kbs,  Fd = 45kHz
+    GFSK_Rb9_6Fd45,      ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 9.6kbs,  Fd = 45kHz
+    GFSK_Rb19_2Fd9_6,    ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 19.2kbs, Fd = 9.6kHz
+    GFSK_Rb38_4Fd19_6,   ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 38.4kbs, Fd = 19.6kHz
+    GFSK_Rb57_6Fd28_8,   ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 57.6kbs, Fd = 28.8kHz
+    GFSK_Rb125Fd125,     ///< GFSK, No Manchester, Rb = 125kbs,  Fd = 125kHz
+    OOK_Rb1_2Bw75,       ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 1.2kbs,  Rx Bandwidth = 75kHz
+    OOK_Rb2_4Bw335,      ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 2.4kbs,  Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    OOK_Rb4_8Bw335,      ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 4.8kbs,  Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    OOK_Rb9_6Bw335,      ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 9.6kbs,  Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    OOK_Rb19_2Bw335,     ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 19.2kbs, Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    OOK_Rb38_4Bw335,     ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 38.4kbs, Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    OOK_Rb40Bw335        ///< OOK, No Manchester, Rb = 40kbs,   Rx Bandwidth = 335kHz
+    } ModemConfigChoice;
+    /// Constructor. You can have multiple instances, but each instance must have its own
+    /// interrupt and slave select pin. After constructing, you must call init() to initialise the intnerface
+    /// and the radio module
+    /// \param[in] slaveSelectPin the Arduino pin number of the output to use to select the RF22 before
+    /// accessing it
+    /// \param[in] interrupt The interrupt number to use. Default is interrupt 0 (Arduino input pin 2)
+    RF22(PinName slaveSelectPin , PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName interrupt );
+    /// Initialises this instance and the radio module connected to it.
+    /// The following steps are taken:
+    /// - Initialise the slave select pin and the SPI interface library
+    /// - Software reset the RF22 module
+    /// - Checks the connected RF22 module is either a RF22_DEVICE_TYPE_RX_TRX or a RF22_DEVICE_TYPE_TX
+    /// - Attaches an interrupt handler
+    /// - Configures the RF22 module
+    /// - Sets the frequncy to 434.0 MHz
+    /// - Sets the modem data rate to FSK_Rb2_4Fd36
+    /// \return  true if everything was successful
+    boolean        init();
+    /// Issues a software reset to the 
+    /// RF22 module. Blocks for 1ms to ensure the reset is complete.
+    void           reset();
+    /// Reads a single register from the RF22
+    /// \param[in] reg Register number, one of RF22_REG_*
+    /// \return The value of the register
+    uint8_t        spiRead(uint8_t reg);
+    /// Writes a single byte to the RF22
+    /// \param[in] reg Register number, one of RF22_REG_*
+    /// \param[in] val The value to write
+    void           spiWrite(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
+    /// Reads a number of consecutive registers from the RF22 using burst read mode
+    /// \param[in] reg Register number of the first register, one of RF22_REG_*
+    /// \param[in] dest Array to write the register values to. Must be at least len bytes
+    /// \param[in] len Number of bytes to read
+    void           spiBurstRead(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* dest, uint8_t len);
+    /// Write a number of consecutive registers using burst write mode
+    /// \param[in] reg Register number of the first register, one of RF22_REG_*
+    /// \param[in] src Array of new register values to write. Must be at least len bytes
+    /// \param[in] len Number of bytes to write
+    void           spiBurstWrite(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* src, uint8_t len);
+    /// Reads and returns the device status register RF22_REG_02_DEVICE_STATUS
+    /// \return The value of the device status register
+    uint8_t        statusRead();
+    /// Reads a value from the on-chip analog-digital converter
+    /// \param[in] adcsel Selects the ADC input to measure. One of RF22_ADCSEL_*. Defaults to the 
+    /// internal temperature sensor
+    /// \param[in] adcref Specifies the refernce voltage to use. One of RF22_ADCREF_*. 
+    /// Defaults to the internal bandgap voltage.
+    /// \param[in] adcgain Amplifier gain selection. 
+    /// \param[in] adcoffs Amplifier offseet (0 to 15).
+    /// \return The analog value. 0 to 255.
+    uint8_t        adcRead(uint8_t adcsel = RF22_ADCSEL_INTERNAL_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR,
+               uint8_t adcref = RF22_ADCREF_BANDGAP_VOLTAGE,
+               uint8_t adcgain = 0, 
+               uint8_t adcoffs = 0);
+    /// Reads the on-chip temperature sensoer
+    /// \param[in] tsrange Specifies the temperature range to use. One of RF22_TSRANGE_*
+    /// \param[in] tvoffs Specifies the temperature value offset. This is actually signed value 
+    /// added to the measured temperature value
+    /// \return The measured temperature.
+    uint8_t        temperatureRead(uint8_t tsrange = RF22_TSRANGE_M64_64C, uint8_t tvoffs = 0);   
+    /// Reads the wakeup timer value in registers RF22_REG_17_WAKEUP_TIMER_VALUE1 
+    /// and RF22_REG_18_WAKEUP_TIMER_VALUE2
+    /// \return The wakeup timer value 
+    uint16_t       wutRead();
+    /// Sets the wakeup timer period registers RF22_REG_14_WAKEUP_TIMER_PERIOD1,
+    /// \param[in] wtm Wakeup timer mantissa value
+    /// \param[in] wtr Wakeup timer exponent R value
+    /// \param[in] wtd Wakeup timer exponent D value
+    void           setWutPeriod(uint16_t wtm, uint8_t wtr = 0, uint8_t wtd = 0);
+    /// Sets the transmitter and receiver centre frequency
+    /// \param[in] centre Frequency in MHz. 240.0 to 960.0. Caution, some versions of RF22 and derivatives 
+    /// implemented more restricted frequency ranges.
+    /// \return true if the selected frquency centre + (fhch * fhs) is within range
+    boolean        setFrequency(float centre);
+    /// Sets the frequency hopping step size.
+    /// \param[in] fhs Frequency Hopping step size in 10kHz increments
+    /// \return true if centre + (fhch * fhs) is within limits
+    boolean        setFHStepSize(uint8_t fhs);
+    /// Sets the frequncy hopping channel. Adds fhch * fhs to centre frequency
+    /// \param[in] fhch The channel number
+    /// \return true if the selected frquency centre + (fhch * fhs) is within range
+    boolean        setFHChannel(uint8_t fhch);
+    /// Reads and returns the current RSSI value from register RF22_REG_26_RSSI
+    /// \return The current RSSI value 
+    uint8_t        rssiRead();
+    /// Reads and returns the current EZMAC value from register RF22_REG_31_EZMAC_STATUS
+    /// \return The current EZMAC value
+    uint8_t        ezmacStatusRead();
+    /// Sets the parameters for the RF22 Idle mode in register RF22_REG_07_OPERATING_MODE. 
+    /// Idle mode is the mode the RF22 wil be in when not transmitting or receiving. The default idle mode 
+    /// is RF22_XTON ie READY mode. 
+    /// \param[in] mode MAsk of mode bits, using RF22_SWRES, RF22_ENLBD, RF22_ENWT, 
+    /// RF22_X32KSEL, RF22_PLLON, RF22_XTON.
+    void           setMode(uint8_t mode);
+    /// If current mode is Rx or Tx changes it to Idle. If the transmitter or receiver is running, 
+    /// disables them.
+    void           setModeIdle();
+    /// If current mode is Tx or Idle, changes it to Rx. 
+    /// Starts the receiver in the RF22.
+    void           setModeRx();
+    /// If current mode is Rx or Idle, changes it to Rx. 
+    /// Starts the transmitter in the RF22.
+    void           setModeTx();
+    /// Sets the transmitter power output level in register RF22_REG_6D_TX_POWER.
+    /// Be a good neighbour and set the lowest power level you need.
+    /// After init(), the power wil be set to RF22_TXPOW_8DBM.
+    /// Caution: In some countries you may only select RF22_TXPOW_17DBM if you
+    /// are also using frequency hopping.
+    /// \param[in] power Transmitter power level, one of RF22_TXPOW_*
+    void           setTxPower(uint8_t power);
+    /// Sets all the registered required to configure the data modem in the RF22, including the data rate, 
+    /// bandwidths etc. You cas use this to configure the modem with custom configuraitons if none of the 
+    /// canned configurations in ModemConfigChoice suit you.
+    /// \param[in] config A ModemConfig structure containing values for the modem configuration registers.
+    void           setModemRegisters(ModemConfig* config);
+    /// Select one of the predefined modem configurations. If you need a modem configuration not provided 
+    /// here, use setModemRegisters() with your own ModemConfig.
+    /// \param[in] index The configuration choice.
+    /// \return true if index is a valid choice.
+    boolean        setModemConfig(ModemConfigChoice index);
+    /// Starts the receiver and checks whether a received message is available.
+    /// This can be called multiple times in a timeout loop
+    /// \return true if a complete, valid message has been received and is able to be retrieved by
+    /// recv()
+    boolean        available();
+    /// Starts the receiver and blocks until a valid received 
+    /// message is available.
+    void           waitAvailable();
+    /// Starts the receiver and blocks until a received message is available or a timeout
+    /// \param[in] timeout Maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
+    /// \return true if a message is available
+    bool           waitAvailableTimeout(uint16_t timeout);
+    /// Turns the receiver on if it not already on.
+    /// If there is a valid message available, copy it to buf and return true
+    /// else return false.
+    /// If a message is copied, *len is set to the length (Caution, 0 length messages are permitted).
+    /// You should be sure to call this function frequently enough to not miss any messages
+    /// It is recommended that you call it in your main loop.
+    /// \param[in] buf Location to copy the received message
+    /// \param[in,out] len Pointer to available space in buf. Set to the actual number of octets copied.
+    /// \return true if a valid message was copied to buf
+    boolean        recv(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* len);
+    /// Loads a message into the transmitter and starts the transmitter. Note that a message length
+    /// of 0 is permitted, in which case data may be NULL.
+    /// \param[in] data Array of data to be sent
+    /// \param[in] len Number of bytes of data to send.
+    /// \return true
+    boolean        send(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len);
+    /// Blocks until the current message 
+    /// (if any) has been completely sent
+    void           waitPacketSent();
+    /// Tells the receiver to accept messages with any TO address, not just messages
+    /// addressed to this node or the broadcast address
+    /// \param[in] promiscuous true if you wish to receive messages with any TO address
+    void           setPromiscuous(boolean promiscuous);
+    /// Returns the TO header of the last received message
+    /// \return The TO header
+    uint8_t        headerTo();
+    /// Returns the FROM header of the last received message
+    /// \return The FROM header
+    /// \return
+    uint8_t        headerFrom();
+    /// Returns the ID header of the last received message
+    /// \return The ID header
+    /// \return
+    uint8_t        headerId();
+    /// Returns the FLAGS header of the last received message
+    /// \return The FLAGS header
+    /// \return
+    uint8_t        headerFlags();
+    /// Returns the RSSI (Receiver Signal Strength Indicator)
+    /// of the last received message. This measurement is taken when 
+    /// the preamble has been received. It is a (non-linear) measure of the received signal strength.
+    /// \return The RSSI
+    uint8_t        lastRssi();
+    /// Sets the message preamble length in RF22_REG_34_PREAMBLE_LENGTH
+    /// \param[in] nibbles Preamble length in nibbles of 4 bits each.  
+    void           setPreambleLength(uint8_t nibbles);
+    /// Sets the sync words for transmit and receive in registers RF22_REG_36_SYNC_WORD3 
+    /// to RF22_REG_39_SYNC_WORD0
+    /// \param[in] syncWords Array of sync words
+    /// \param[in] len Number of sync words to set
+    void           setSyncWords(uint8_t* syncWords, uint8_t len);
+    /// This is a low level function to handle the interrupts for one instance of RF22.
+    /// Called automatically by isr0() and isr1()
+    /// Should not need to be called.
+    void           handleInterrupt();
+    /// Clears the receiver buffer.
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           clearRxBuf();
+    /// Clears the transmitter buffer
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           clearTxBuf();
+    /// Fills the transmitter buffer with the data of a mesage to be sent
+    /// \param[in] data Array of data bytes to be sent (0 to 255)
+    /// \param[in] len Number of data bytes in data
+    /// \return true
+    boolean           fillTxBuf(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len);
+    /// Appends the transmitter buffer with the data of a mesage to be sent
+    /// \param[in] data Array of data bytes to be sent (0 to 255)
+    /// \param[in] len Number of data bytes in data
+    /// \return false if the resulting message would exceed RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, else true
+    boolean           appendTxBuf(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len);
+    /// Internal function to load the next fragment of 
+    /// the current message into the transmitter FIFO
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           sendNextFragment();
+    ///  function to copy the next fragment from 
+    /// the receiver FIF) into the receiver buffer
+    void           readNextFragment();
+    /// Clears the RF22 Rx and Tx FIFOs
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           resetFifos();
+    /// Clears the RF22 Rx FIFO
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           resetRxFifo();
+    /// Clears the RF22 Tx FIFO
+    /// Internal use only
+    void           resetTxFifo();
+    /// This function will be called by handleInterrupt() if an RF22 external interrupt occurs. 
+    /// This can only happen if external interrupts are enabled in the RF22 
+    /// (which they are not by default). 
+    /// Subclasses may override this function to get control when  an RF22 external interrupt occurs. 
+    virtual void   handleExternalInterrupt();
+    /// This function will be called by handleInterrupt() if an RF22 wakeup timer interrupt occurs. 
+    /// This can only happen if wakeup timer interrupts are enabled in the RF22 
+    /// (which they are not by default). 
+    /// Subclasses may override this function to get control when  an RF22 wakeup timer interrupt occurs. 
+    virtual void   handleWakeupTimerInterrupt();
+    /// Sets the TO header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] to The new TO header value
+    void           setHeaderTo(uint8_t to);
+    /// Sets the FROM header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] from The new FROM header value
+    void           setHeaderFrom(uint8_t from);
+    /// Sets the ID header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] id The new ID header value
+    void           setHeaderId(uint8_t id);
+    /// Sets the FLAGS header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] flags The new FLAGS header value
+    void           setHeaderFlags(uint8_t flags);
+    /// Start the transmission of the contents 
+    /// of the Tx buffer
+    void           startTransmit();
+    /// ReStart the transmission of the contents 
+    /// of the Tx buffer after a atransmission failure
+    void           restartTransmit();
+    /// Low level interrupt service routine for RF22 connected to interrupt 0
+    //static void         isr0();
+    void         isr0();
+    /// Low level interrupt service routine for RF22 connected to interrupt 1
+    //static void         isr1();
+    /// Array of instances connected to interrupts 0 and 1
+    //static RF22*        _RF22ForInterrupt[];
+    uint8_t             _mode; // One of RF22_MODE_*
+    uint8_t             _idleMode;
+    DigitalOut          _slaveSelectPin;
+    SPI                 _spi;
+    InterruptIn         _interrupt;
+    uint8_t             _deviceType;
+    DigitalOut           led1;
+    DigitalOut           led2;
+    DigitalOut           led3;
+    DigitalOut           led4;
+    // These volatile members may get changed in the interrupt service routine
+    uint8_t             _buf[RF22_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
+    volatile uint8_t    _bufLen;
+    volatile boolean    _rxBufValid;
+    volatile boolean    _txPacketSent;
+    volatile uint8_t    _txBufSentIndex;
+    volatile uint16_t   _rxBad;
+    volatile uint16_t   _rxGood;
+    volatile uint16_t   _txGood;
+    volatile uint8_t    _lastRssi;