Charles Young's development fork. Going forward I only want to push mature code to main repository.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of GEO_COUNTER_L432KC by Geo Electronics "Geo Counter"


Charles David Young

File content as of revision 19:fd3e33641aa7:

 * @author Charles Young
 * This class encapsulates the behavior of the rotary switch to change modes

#ifndef RotarySwitch_H
#define RotarySwitch_H

 * Includes
#include "mbed.h"
#include "QEI.h"        // Quadrature Encoder functions

 * Quadrature Encoder Interface.
class RotarySwitch {


    * Constructor.
    * @param channelA mbed pin for channel A input.
    * @param channelB mbed pin for channel B input.
   RotarySwitch(PinName channelA, PinName channelB);

    * Reset the encoder.
    * Sets the pulses and revolutions count to zero.
   void GetPosition(void);


   PinName channelA_;
   PinName channelB_;
   Ticker  SecTenth_Beat; // .1 second ticker
   Ticker  Sec_Beat;      // 1 second ticker

    * Defines
#define CPM     0x01
#define CPS     0x02
#define PLS     0x04
#define VOLTS   0x08
#define CNT1    0x10
#define CNT2    0x20
#define HV      0x40
#define MENU    0x80
   uint8_t LED_statuses[] = {CPM, CPS, PLS, VOLTS, CNT1, CNT2, HV, MENU};
   uint8_t LED_status = CPM;
   uint8_t LED_status_index = 0;

   DigitalIn   QEPB  (D9);    // Quadrature encoder pushbutton

   // QEI class supports the mode wheel.  In its most basic function it will tell
   // us which direction the wheel is moving (right or left) so that we can
   // use it to select the current mode.
   QEI     Wheel(D12, D11, NC, 16);    // Quadrature encoder
   int WheelCurrent = 0;
   int WheelPrevious = 0;
   bool QEPBpressed = false; // only react to button when pressed
   int WheelStateTimer = 0;
   const int WheelStateTimeout = 5; //timeout for wheel button pushed
   enum WheelState {
      WHEEL_INACTIVE       = 0,
      WHEEL_MODE_SELECT    = 1,
   enum WheelStateEvent {
      WHEEL_Pressed = 0,
      WHEEL_Timeout = 1
   WheelState currentWheelState;

    * Update the pulse count.
    * Called on every rising/falling edge of channels A/B.
    * Reads the state of the channels and determines whether a pulse forward
    * or backward has occured, updating the count appropriately.
   void WheelStateMachine(WheelStateEvent event);

   void RotatySwitch::UpdateOutput();
   void RotatySwitch::UpdateInput();

#endif /* RotarySwitch_H */