
Dependencies:   MPU6050 mbed PID

Fork of BLE_MPU6050_test6_challenge_sb by Junichi Katsu

Thu May 17 02:30:58 2018 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 1 #include "mbed.h"
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 2 #include "MPU6050.h"
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 3 #include "BLEDevice.h"
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 4 #include "wallbotble.h"
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 5 //#include "RCBController.h"
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 6 //#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 7 //#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 8 //#include "pictLIB.h"
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 9
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 10
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 11 #define DEBUG
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 12
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 13 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 14 BLEDevice ble;
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 15 MPU6050 mpu;
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 16 wallbotble wb;
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 17
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 18 myI2C i2c(P0_22,P0_21);
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 19
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 20 /**************************************************************************/
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 21 /*!
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 22 @brief Program entry point
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 23 */
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 24 /**************************************************************************/
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 25 int main(void)
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 26 {
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 27
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 28 int16_t ax, ay, az;
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 29 int16_t gx, gy, gz;
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 30
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 31 //mpu.initialize();
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 32
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 33 pc.baud(115200);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 34 pc.printf("Start\n\r");
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 35
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 36
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 37 //ble.init();
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 38 //イベント時のコールバック関数
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 39 //ble.onConnection(onConnected);
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 40 //ble.onDisconnection(onDisconnected);
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 41 //ble.onDataWritten(onDataWritten);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 42
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 43 /* setup advertising */
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 44 //クラシックBTはサポートせず、BLEデバイスとして認識してもらう
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 45 //ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 46 //デバイスがセントラルに接続可能であることを設定
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 47 //ble.setAdvertisingType(GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 48 //LOCAL NAMEの設定、BLEでは終端記号は不要なので-1する
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 49 //ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME,(const uint8_t *)"mbed WallbotBLE", sizeof("mbed WallbotBLE") - 1);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 50 //16Bit短縮UUIDの設定
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 51 //ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS,(const uint8_t *)RCBController_service_uuid, sizeof(RCBController_service_uuid));
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 52 //Advertiseパケットの送信周期
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 53 //ble.setAdvertisingInterval(160); /* 100ms; in multiples of 0.625ms. */
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 54
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 55 //サービスの登録
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 56 //ble.addService(RCBControllerService);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 57
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 58 //Advertizeの開始
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 59 //ble.startAdvertising();
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 60
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 61 //wb.move(30,30);
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 62 pc.printf("auto calibrate start\n\r");
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 63 wb.auto_calibrate();
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 64 #ifdef DEBUG
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 65 for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 66 {
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 67 pc.printf("(%d,%d) ",wb._calibratedMinimum[i],wb._calibratedMaximum[i]);
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 68 }
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 69 pc.printf("\n\rauto calibrate end\n\r");
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 70 #endif
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 71
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 72 #if 0 //エンコーダキャリブレーション用コード
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 73 BusIn enc(P0_8,P0_10,P0_6,P0_7);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 74 enc.mode(PullNone);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 75 while(1){
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 76 char c = enc.read();
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 77 pc.putc(c);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 78 wait_ms(10);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 79 }
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 80 #endif
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 81
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 82 while (true) {
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 83 //mpu.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 84 #ifdef DEBUG
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 85 pc.printf("Pulse(%d,%d) RPM(%.2f,%.2f) ",wb._left_pulses,wb._right_pulses,wb.left_rpm,wb.right_rpm);
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 86 pc.printf("LinePos:%d ",wb.GetLinePosition());
c201075 6:9fd87d75a24b 87 //pc.printf("calib(%d,%d,%d,%d)",wb.sensor_values[0],wb.sensor_values[1],wb.sensor_values[2],wb.sensor_values[3]);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 88 //pc.printf("MPU6050(%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d)\n\r",ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz);
c201075 5:eeabd90b6d62 89 pc.printf("\n\r");
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 90 wait_ms(10);
c201075 4:6b4563aaee2c 91 #endif
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 92 }
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 93 }
jksoft 0:8468a4403fea 94