GPS to Pulga

Dependencies:   Si1133 BME280

diff -r 6cf50085f9f3 -r 2c6161c96a76 source/main.cpp
--- a/source/main.cpp	Wed Jul 10 17:55:38 2019 +0000
+++ b/source/main.cpp	Thu Jul 18 13:42:17 2019 +0000
@@ -30,31 +30,68 @@
 #include "ble/GattServer.h"
 #include "BLEProcess.h"
 #include "Si1133.h"
+#include "BME280.h"
+/* defines the axis for acc */
+#define ACC_NOOF_AXIS       3
+#define GYR_NOOF_AXIS       2
+/* bmi160 slave address */
+#define BMI160_ADDR         ((0x69)<<1)
+#define RAD_DEG           57.29577951
+using mbed::callback;
+Si1133 sensor_light(P0_13, P0_15);
+BME280 sensor_amb(P0_13, P0_15, 0x77 << 1) ;
+I2C i2c(p13, p15);
-using mbed::callback;
-        Si1133 sensor_light(P0_13, P0_15);
+        int msg;
+        int sens;
+        uint32_t lux = 0;
+        uint32_t amb = 0;
+        uint32_t imux = 0;
+        uint32_t imuy = 0;
+        uint32_t imuz = 0;
+        float  sensor_get = 0;
+int16_t acc_sample_buffer[ACC_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555, 0x5555};
+int16_t gyr_sample_buffer[GYR_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555};
+double acc_result_buffer[ACC_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555, 0x5555};
+double gyr_result_buffer[GYR_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555};
+double accel_ang_x, accel_ang_y;
+double tiltx, tilty;
+double tiltx_prev, tilty_prev;
+char i2c_reg_buffer[2] = {0};
  * A My service that demonstrate the GattServer features.
- * The My service host three characteristics that model the current hour,
- * led and count of the My. The value of the count characteristic is
+ * The My service host three characteristics that model the current amb,
+ * led and lux of the My. The value of the lux characteristic is
  * incremented automatically by the system.
  * A client can subscribe to updates of the My characteristics and get
  * notified when one of the value is changed. Clients can also change value of
- * the count, led and hour characteristric.
+ * the lux, led and amb characteristric.
 class MyService {
     typedef MyService Self;
     MyService() :
-       // _hour_char("485f4145-52b9-4644-af1f-7a6b9322490f", 0),
-        _led_char("0a924ca7-87cd-4699-a3bd-abdcd9cf126a", 0),
-        _count_char("8dd6a1b7-bc75-4741-8a26-264af75807de", 0),
+        _amb_char("00000000-000a-000a-a000-a0a000aa00aa", 0),
+        _lux_char("11111111-111b-111b-b111-b1b111bb11bb", 0),
+        _imux_char("22222222-222c-222c-c222-c2c222cc22cc", 0),
+        _imuy_char("33333333-333d-333d-d333-d3d333dd33dd", 0),
+       // _imuz_char("44444444-444e-444e-e444-e4e444ee44ee", 0), 
+        _led_char("55555555-555f-555f-f555-f5f555ff55ff", 0),       
             /* uuid */ "51311102-030e-485f-b122-f8f381aa84ed",
             /* characteristics */ _My_characteristics,
@@ -68,14 +105,20 @@
         // update internal pointers (value, descriptors and characteristics array)
-       // _My_characteristics[0] = &_hour_char;
-        _My_characteristics[1] = &_led_char;
-        _My_characteristics[0] = &_count_char;
+        _My_characteristics[4] = &_led_char;
+      //  _My_characteristics[4] = &_imuz_char;
+        _My_characteristics[3] = &_imuy_char;
+        _My_characteristics[2] = &_imux_char;
+        _My_characteristics[1] = &_amb_char;
+        _My_characteristics[0] = &_lux_char;
         // setup authorization handlers
-        //_hour_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
+        _amb_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
+        _imux_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
+        _imuy_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
+      //  _imuz_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
+        _lux_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
         _led_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
-        _count_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &Self::authorize_client_write);
@@ -112,12 +155,16 @@
         // print the handles
         printf("My service registered\r\n");
         printf("service handle: %u\r\n", _My_service.getHandle());
-        //printf("\thour characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _hour_char.getValueHandle());
-       // printf("\tled characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _led_char.getValueHandle());
-        printf("\tcount characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _count_char.getValueHandle());
+        printf("\tamb characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _amb_char.getValueHandle());
+        printf("\timu characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _imux_char.getValueHandle());
+        printf("\timu characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _imuy_char.getValueHandle());
+       // printf("\timu characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _imuz_char.getValueHandle());
+        printf("\tlux characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _lux_char.getValueHandle());
+        printf("\tled characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _led_char.getValueHandle());
-        _event_queue->call_every(1000 /* ms */, callback(this, &Self::increment_count));
-        _event_queue->call_every(500 /* ms */, callback(this, &Self::blink));
+        _event_queue->call_every(1741 /* ms */, callback(this, &Self::update_char));
+        _event_queue->call_every(1621 /* ms */, callback(this, &Self::read_sensors));
+        _event_queue->call_every(503 /* ms */, callback(this, &Self::blink));
@@ -139,14 +186,19 @@
         printf("data written:\r\n");
         printf("\tconnection handle: %u\r\n", e->connHandle);
         printf("\tattribute handle: %u", e->handle);
-        //if (e->handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()) {
-          //  printf(" (hour characteristic)\r\n");
-       // } else
-        if (e->handle == _led_char.getValueHandle()) {
+        if (e->handle == _amb_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (amb characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _led_char.getValueHandle()) {
             printf(" (led characteristic)\r\n");
             _actuated_led = *(e->data);
-        } else if (e->handle == _count_char.getValueHandle()) {
-            printf(" (count characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _lux_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (lux characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _imux_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (imu_x characteristic)\r\n");
+        }   else if (e->handle == _imuy_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (imu_y characteristic)\r\n");
+       // }   else if (e->handle == _imuz_char.getValueHandle()) {
+      //      printf(" (imu_z characteristic)\r\n");
         } else {
@@ -170,13 +222,18 @@
         printf("data read:\r\n");
         printf("\tconnection handle: %u\r\n", e->connHandle);
         printf("\tattribute handle: %u", e->handle);
-       // if (e->handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()) {
-       //     printf(" (hour characteristic)\r\n");
-       // } else 
-       if (e->handle == _led_char.getValueHandle()) {
+        if (e->handle == _amb_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (amb characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _led_char.getValueHandle()) {
             printf(" (led characteristic)\r\n");
-        } else if (e->handle == _count_char.getValueHandle()) {
-            printf(" (count characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _lux_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (lux characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _imux_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (imu_x characteristic)\r\n");
+        } else if (e->handle == _imuy_char.getValueHandle()) {
+            printf(" (imu_y characteristic)\r\n");
+      //  } else if (e->handle == _imuz_char.getValueHandle()) {
+      //      printf(" (imu_z characteristic)\r\n");        
         } else {
@@ -236,51 +293,151 @@
-        //if ((e->data[0] >= 60) ||
-          //  ((e->data[0] >= 24) && (e->handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()))) {
-         //   printf("Error invalid data\r\n");
-         //   e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED;
-         //   return;
-       // }
         e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;
-     * Increment the count counter.
+     * Increment the lux luxer.
-    void increment_count(void)
+    void read_sensors (void)
-        uint8_t count = 0;
+        int32_t float_to_32;
+       if ( && sens==0) {
+             float_to_32=0;
+             sensor_get = sensor_light.get_light_level();
+             float_to_32 = sensor_get/10;
+             //float_to_32 = __rev( float_to_32 );
+             float_to_32 = (float_to_32 < 0 ? 0 : float_to_32); 
+             lux = (float_to_32 > 255 ? 255 : float_to_32); 
+             sens=1;
+             printf("Lux = %f\n", sensor_get);
+            }   
+       if (sens==1) {
+             float_to_32=0;
+             sensor_amb.initialize();
+             sensor_get =  sensor_amb.getTemperature();
+             float_to_32 = sensor_get*10 -103 ;            
+             float_to_32 = (float_to_32 < 0 ? 0 : float_to_32); 
+             amb = (float_to_32 > 255 ? 255 : float_to_32); 
+             sens=2;
+             printf("Amb = %f\n", sensor_get);
+            }  
+       if (sens==2) {    
+            i2c.frequency(20000);
+            /*Le os Registradores do Acelerometro*/
+            i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x12;
+            i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, 1, true);
+  , (char *)&acc_sample_buffer, sizeof(acc_sample_buffer), false);
+            /*Le os Registradores do Giroscopio*/
+            i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x0C;
+            i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, 1, true);
+  , (char *)&gyr_sample_buffer, sizeof(gyr_sample_buffer), false);
+            /*Ajusta dados brutos Acelerometro em unidades de g */
+            acc_result_buffer[0] = (acc_sample_buffer[0]/16384.0);
+            acc_result_buffer[1] = (acc_sample_buffer[1]/16384.0);
+            acc_result_buffer[2] = (acc_sample_buffer[2]/16384.0);
+            /*Ajusta dados Brutos do Giroscopio em unidades de deg/s */
+            gyr_result_buffer[0] = (gyr_sample_buffer[0]/131.2);
+            gyr_result_buffer[1] = (gyr_sample_buffer[1]/131.2);
+            /*Calcula os Angulos de Inclinacao com valor do Acelerometro*/
+            accel_ang_x=atan(acc_result_buffer[0]/sqrt(pow(acc_result_buffer[1],2) + pow(acc_result_buffer[2],2)))*RAD_DEG;
+            accel_ang_y=atan(acc_result_buffer[1]/sqrt(pow(acc_result_buffer[0],2) + pow(acc_result_buffer[2],2)))*RAD_DEG;
+            /*Calcula os Angulos de Rotacao com valor do Giroscopio e aplica filtro complementar realizando a fusao*/
+            tiltx = (0.98*(tiltx_prev+(gyr_result_buffer[0]*0.001)))+(0.02*(accel_ang_x));
+            tilty = (0.98*(tilty_prev+(gyr_result_buffer[1]*0.001)))+(0.02*(accel_ang_y));
-        ble_error_t err = _count_char.get(*_server, count);
+            float_to_32 = tiltx * 100 + 127;
+            float_to_32 = (float_to_32 < 0 ? 0 : float_to_32); 
+            imux = (float_to_32 > 255 ? 255 : float_to_32);
+            float_to_32 = 0;
+            float_to_32 = tilty * 100 + 127;
+            float_to_32 = (float_to_32 < 0 ? 0 : float_to_32); 
+            imuy = (float_to_32 > 255 ? 255 : float_to_32);
+            //imuz = acc_result_buffer[2];
+            /*Imprime os dados ACC pre-formatados*/
+            printf("%.3f,%.3f\n\r",tiltx, tilty);  
+            sens=0;
+           // update_char();
+            } 
+            //update_char(); 
+    }
+    void update_char(void)
+    {   
+        if (msg==0) {ble_error_t err = _lux_char.set(*_server, lux);
+        printf ("lux sensor value: %d\n", lux);
         if (err) {
-            printf("read of the count value returned error %u\r\n", err);
+            printf("write of the lux value returned error %u\r\n", err);
+            return;
+        } 
+        wait(0.1);
+        msg=1; }
+        if (msg==1) {ble_error_t err = _amb_char.set(*_server, amb);
+        printf ("amb sensor value: %d\n", amb);
+        if (err) {
+            printf("write of the amb value returned error %u\r\n", err);
-           //count ++;
-          if ( {
-        printf("Device detected!\n");
-            //Print the current light level
-            printf("Lux = %.3f\n", (float)sensor_light.get_light_level());
-            //Print the current UV index
-            printf("UV index = %.3f\n", (float)sensor_light.get_uv_index());
-            //Sleep for 0.5 seconds
-            count= (uint8_t)sensor_light.get_light_level();
-            _actuated_led = !_actuated_led;
+        wait(0.1); 
+        msg=2;}
+        if (msg==2) {ble_error_t err = _imux_char.set(*_server, imux);
+        printf ("imu_x sensor value: %d\n", imux);
+        if (err) {
+            printf("write of the imu_x value returned error %u\r\n", err);
+            return;    
-        err = _count_char.set(*_server, count);
+        wait(0.1); 
+        msg=3;}
+        if (msg==3) {ble_error_t err = _imuy_char.set(*_server, imuy);
+        printf ("imu_y sensor value: %d\n", imuy);
         if (err) {
-            printf("write of the count value returned error %u\r\n", err);
+            printf("write of the imu_y value returned error %u\r\n", err);
-        }
+        }  
+        wait(0.1);
+        msg=0;}      
+      //  err = _imuz_char.set(*_server, imuz);
+      //  printf ("imu_z sensor value: %d\n", imuz);
+      //  if (err) {
+      //      printf("write of the imu_z value returned error %u\r\n", err);
+      //      return;
+      //  }
     void blink() {
         _alive_led = !_alive_led;
@@ -299,26 +456,8 @@
-   /*  * Increment the hour counter.
-    void increment_hour(void)
-    {
-        uint8_t hour = 0;
-        ble_error_t err = _hour_char.get(*_server, hour);
-        if (err) {
-            printf("read of the hour value returned error %u\r\n", err);
-            return;
-        }
-        hour = (hour + 1) % 24; 
-        err = _hour_char.set(*_server, hour);
-        if (err) {
-            printf("write of the hour value returned error %u\r\n", err);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
      * Helper that construct an event handler from a member function of this
@@ -348,7 +487,7 @@
         ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic(const UUID & uuid, const T& initial_value) :
                 /* UUID */ uuid,
-                /* Initial value */ &_value,
+                /* Initial value */ (uint8_t *) &_value,
                 /* Value size */ sizeof(_value),
                 /* Value capacity */ sizeof(_value),
                 /* Properties */ GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ |
@@ -374,7 +513,7 @@
         ble_error_t get(GattServer &server, T& dst) const
             uint16_t value_length = sizeof(dst);
-            return, &dst, &value_length);
+            return, (uint8_t *) &dst, &value_length);
@@ -386,21 +525,81 @@
          * locally or forwarded to subscribed clients.
           ble_error_t set(
-               GattServer &server, const uint8_t &value, bool local_only = false
+               GattServer &server,  const uint8_t &value, bool local_only = false
         ) const {
-            return server.write(getValueHandle(), &value, sizeof(value), local_only);
+            return server.write(getValueHandle(), (uint8_t *) &value, sizeof(value), local_only);
+        }
+    private:
+        uint32_t _value;
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    class ReadWriteCharacteristic : public GattCharacteristic {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Construct a characteristic that can be read or written and emit
+         * notification or indication.
+         *
+         * @param[in] uuid The UUID of the characteristic.
+         * @param[in] initial_value Initial value contained by the characteristic.
+         */
+        ReadWriteCharacteristic(const UUID & uuid, const T& initial_value) :
+            GattCharacteristic(
+                /* UUID */ uuid,
+                /* Initial value */ (uint8_t *) &_value,
+                /* Value size */ sizeof(_value),
+                /* Value capacity */ sizeof(_value),
+                /* Properties */ GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ |
+                                GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE ,
+                /* Descriptors */ NULL,
+                /* Num descriptors */ 0,
+                /* variable len */ false
+            ),
+            _value(initial_value) {
+        }
+        /**
+         * Get the value of this characteristic. 
+         *
+         * @param[in] server GattServer instance that contain the characteristic
+         * value.
+         * @param[in] dst Variable that will receive the characteristic value.
+         *
+         * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE in case of success or an appropriate error code.
+         */
+        ble_error_t get(GattServer &server, T& dst) const
+        {
+            uint16_t value_length = sizeof(dst);
+            return, (uint8_t *) &dst, &value_length);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Assign a new value to this characteristic.
+         *
+         * @param[in] server GattServer instance that will receive the new value.
+         * @param[in] value The new value to set.
+         * @param[in] local_only Flag that determine if the change should be kept
+         * locally or forwarded to subscribed clients.
+         */
+          ble_error_t set(
+               GattServer &server,  const uint8_t &value, bool local_only = false
+        ) const {
+            return server.write(getValueHandle(), (uint8_t *) &value, sizeof(value), local_only);
         uint8_t _value;
-    //ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _hour_char;
-    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _led_char;
-    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _count_char;
+    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint32_t> _amb_char;
+    ReadWriteCharacteristic<uint8_t> _led_char;
+    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint32_t> _lux_char;
+    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint32_t> _imux_char;
+    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint32_t> _imuy_char;
+   // ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint32_t> _imuz_char;        
     // list of the characteristics of the My service
-    GattCharacteristic* _My_characteristics[2];
+    GattCharacteristic* _My_characteristics[5];
     // demo service
     GattService _My_service;
@@ -413,11 +612,57 @@
 int main() {
+    printf("ambient sensor initialized");
+    wait(1) ;
     BLE &ble_interface = BLE::Instance();
     events::EventQueue event_queue;
     MyService demo_service;
     BLEProcess ble_process(event_queue, ble_interface);
+     i2c.frequency(20000);
+     /*Reset BMI160*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0xB6;    
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        wait_ms(200);
+        printf("BMI160 Resetado\n\r");
+        /*Habilita o Acelerometro*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x11; //PMU Normal   
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        printf("Acc Habilitado\n\r");
+        /*Habilita o Giroscopio*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x15;  //PMU Normal 
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        printf("Gyr Habilitado\n\r");
+        /*Config o Data Rate ACC em 1600Hz*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x40;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x2C;    
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        printf("Data Rate ACC Selecionado a 1600Hz\n\r");
+        /*Config o Data Rate GYR em 1600Hz*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x42;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x2C;    
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        printf("Data Rate GYR Selecionado a 1600Hz\n\r");
+        /*Config o Range GYR em 250º/s*/
+        i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x43;
+        i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x03;    
+        i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false);
+        printf("Range GYR Selecionado a 250deg/s\n\r");
+        wait(0.1);
+        printf("BMI160 Configurado\n\r");
     ble_process.on_init(callback(&demo_service, &MyService::start));