Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

diff -r 000000000000 -r 94897d537b31 CoOS/kernel/core.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CoOS/kernel/core.c	Sat Sep 10 22:41:10 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ /**
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @file       core.c
+ * @version    V1.1.4    
+ * @date       2011.04.20
+ * @brief      Core implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel.	
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @copy
+ *
+ * 
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */ 
+/*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
+#include <coocox.h>
+/*---------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------------*/
+volatile U8     OSIntNesting  = 0;         /*!< Use to indicate interrupt nesting level*/
+volatile U8     OSSchedLock   = 0;         /*!< Task Switch lock.                      */
+volatile BOOL   TaskSchedReq  = Co_FALSE;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Enter a ISR.						   
+ * @param[in]  None	 
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     None	 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to notify OS when enter to an ISR.
+ *
+ * @note       When you call API in ISR,you must call CoEnterISR() before your
+ *             interrupt handler code,and call CoExitISR() after your handler
+ *             code and before exiting from ISR.	 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoEnterISR(void)
+    Inc8(&OSIntNesting);                /* OSIntNesting increment             */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Exit a ISR.	 
+ * @param[in]  None	 
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     None		 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called when exit from a ISR.	  	
+ *
+ * @note 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoExitISR(void)
+    Dec8(&OSIntNesting);                /* OSIntNesting decrease              */
+    if( OSIntNesting == 0)              /* Is OSIntNesting == 0?              */
+    {
+        if(TaskSchedReq == Co_TRUE)
+        {
+			OSSchedLock++;
+            Schedule();                 /* Call task schedule                 */
+			OSSchedLock--;
+        }
+    }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Unlock schedule 	  
+ * @param[in]  None		 
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     None		 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details   This function is called to unlock schedule(i.e.enable schedule again) 		 
+ *
+ * @note 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void OsSchedUnlock(void)
+    if(OSSchedLock == 1)                /* Is OSSchedLock == 0?               */
+    {
+        if(IsrReq == Co_TRUE)
+        {
+            RespondSRQ();               /* Respond service request            */	
+        }
+        /* Judge task state change or higher PRI task coming in               */
+        if(TaskSchedReq == Co_TRUE)
+        {
+            Schedule();                 /* Call task schedule                 */
+        }
+		OSSchedLock = 0;
+    }
+	else
+	{
+		OSSchedLock--; 	
+	}
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Lock schedule 	 
+ * @param[in]  None		 
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     None		 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in application code to lock schedule.		 
+ *
+ * @note 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoSchedLock(void)
+    OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Unlock schedule 	  
+ * @param[in]  None		 
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     None		 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in APP to unlock schedule.		 
+ *
+ * @note 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoSchedUnlock(void)
+    OsSchedUnlock();                    /* Unlock schedule                    */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Initialize OS	  
+ * @param[in]  None 	 
+ * @param[out] None 
+ * @retval     None 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details   This function is called to initialize OS.
+ *
+ * @note      You must call this function first,before any other OS API function
+ *					
+ * @code      There is a example for useage of this function,as follows: 
+ *        e.g.															 
+ *            ...                   // Your target initial code. 
+ *				
+ *            OsInit();             // Initial OS. 				
+ *            CreateTask(...);      // Create tasks.				
+ *            ...
+ *            OsStart();            // Start multitask.
+ * @endcode	
+ *******************************************************************************		
+ */
+void CoInitOS(void)
+    InitSysTick();                /* Initialize system tick.                  */
+    InitInt();                    /* Initialize PendSV,SVC,SysTick interrupt  */	
+    CreateTCBList();              /* Create TCB list.                         */   
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0				    
+    CreateEventList();            /* Create event control list.               */
+#if CFG_KHEAP_EN > 0
+    CoCreateKheap();              /* Create kernel heap within user define    */
+    OsSchedLock();                /* Lock Schedule                            */ 
+                                  /* Create first task -- IDLE task.          */ 
+    CoCreateTask(                      CoIdleTask,
+                                             Co_NULL,
+                                  CFG_LOWEST_PRIO,
+                 &idle_stk[CFG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE-1],
+                              CFG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE
+                 );
+				                  /* Set PSP for CoIdleTask coming in */ 
+	SetEnvironment(&idle_stk[CFG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE-1]);
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Start multitask	 
+ * @param[in]  None 	 
+ * @param[out] None 	 
+ * @retval     None	 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to start multitask.After it is called,
+ *             OS start schedule task by priority or/and time slice.	
+ * @note       This function must be called to start OS when you use CoOS,and must
+ *             call after CoOsInit().
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoStartOS(void)
+    TCBRunning  = &TCBTbl[0];           /* Get running task                     */
+    TCBNext     = TCBRunning;           /* Set next scheduled task as running task */
+    TCBRunning->state = TASK_RUNNING;   /* Set running task status to RUNNING   */
+    RemoveFromTCBRdyList(TCBRunning);   /* Remove running task from READY list  */
+    OsSchedUnlock();					/* Enable Schedule,call task schedule   */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Get OS version	   
+ * @param[in]  None	 
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     The value is version of OS mutipled by 100.		 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is used to return the version number of CooCox OS.
+ *             the return value corresponds to CooCox's version number multiplied
+ *             by 100. In other words, version 1.02 would be returned as 102.         
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+OS_VER CoGetOSVersion(void)
+    return OS_VERSION;                  /* Get CooCox CoOS version            */