Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CoOS/kernel/OsTask.h	Sat Sep 10 22:41:10 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @file       OsTask.h
+ * @version    V1.1.4    
+ * @date       2011.04.20
+ * @brief      Header file	related to task.
+ * @details    This file including some defines and function declare related to task.  	
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @copy
+ *
+ * 
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */ 
+#ifndef _TASK_H
+#define _TASK_H
+#define  SYS_TASK_NUM   (1)             /*!< System task number.              */
+/*---------------------------- Task Status -----------------------------------*/
+#define  TASK_READY     0               /*!< Ready status of task.            */	 				
+#define  TASK_RUNNING   1               /*!< Running status of task.          */
+#define  TASK_WAITING   2               /*!< Waitting status of task.         */
+#define  TASK_DORMANT   3               /*!< Dormant status of task.          */ 
+#define  INVALID_ID     (U8)0xff
+#define  INVALID_VALUE  (U32)0xffffffff
+#define  MAGIC_WORD     (U32)0x5a5aa5a5
+ * @struct  TCB  task.h  	
+ * @brief   Task control blcok.
+ * @details This struct use to manage task.	 	
+ */
+typedef  struct TCB
+    OS_STK      *stkPtr;                /*!< The current point of task.       */
+    U8          prio;                   /*!< Task priority.                   */
+    U8          state;                  /*!< TaSk status.                     */
+    OS_TID      taskID;                 /*!< Task ID.                         */
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN > 0
+    OS_MutexID  mutexID;                /*!< Mutex ID.                        */
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0
+    OS_EventID  eventID;                /*!< Event ID.                        */
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0
+    U16         timeSlice;              /*!< Task time slice                  */
+    OS_STK      *stack;                 /*!< The top point of task.           */
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0
+    void*       pmail;                  /*!< Mail to task.                    */
+    struct TCB  *waitNext;  /*!< Point to next TCB in the Event waitting list.*/
+    struct TCB  *waitPrev;  /*!< Point to prev TCB in the Event waitting list.*/
+	FUNCPtr     taskFuc;
+	OS_STK      *taskStk;
+#if CFG_FLAG_EN > 0
+    void*       pnode;                  /*!< Pointer to node of event flag.   */
+    U32         delayTick;              /*!< The number of ticks which delay. */
+    struct TCB  *TCBnext;               /*!< The pointer to next TCB.         */
+    struct TCB  *TCBprev;               /*!< The pointer to prev TCB.         */
+/*---------------------------- Variable declare ------------------------------*/
+// save tcb ptr that created
+extern P_OSTCB  FreeTCB;      /*!< A pointer to free TCB.                     */
+extern P_OSTCB  TCBRdy;       /*!< A pointer to TCB that is ready status      */
+extern P_OSTCB  TCBNext;      /*!< A pointer to TCB next be scheduled.        */	
+extern P_OSTCB  TCBRunning;   /*!< A pointer to TCB that is running.          */
+extern U64      OSCheckTime;
+extern volatile U8   OSIntNesting; /*!< Use to indicate interrupt nesting level.*/   				
+extern volatile U8   OSSchedLock;  /*!< Schedule is lock(LOCK) or unlock(UN_LOCK).*/  	
+extern volatile BOOL TaskSchedReq;
+extern OS_STK   idle_stk[CFG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE];
+void  Schedule(void);         /*!< Schedule function                          */
+void  IdleTask(void* pdata);  /*!< IDLE task code                             */
+void  InsertToTCBRdyList  (P_OSTCB tcbInser);	
+void  RemoveFromTCBRdyList(P_OSTCB ptcb);
+void  CreateTCBList(void);
+void  ActiveTaskPri(U8 pri);
+void  DeleteTaskPri(U8 pri);