the MAX30102 driver for LPC1768 board

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main.cpp File Reference

main.cpp File Reference

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Detailed Description


Project: MAXREFDES117# Filename: main.cpp Description: This module contains the Main application for the MAXREFDES117 example program.


This code follows the following naming conventions:

char ch_pmod_value char (array) s_pmod_s_string[16] float f_pmod_value int32_t n_pmod_value int32_t (array) an_pmod_value[16] int16_t w_pmod_value int16_t (array) aw_pmod_value[16] uint16_t uw_pmod_value uint16_t (array) auw_pmod_value[16] uint8_t uch_pmod_value uint8_t (array) auch_pmod_buffer[16] uint32_t un_pmod_value int32_t * pn_pmod_value


Definition in file main.cpp.