test public
Dependencies: HttpServer_snapshot_mbed-os
- Committer:
- anhtran
- Date:
- 2019-10-18
- Revision:
- 0:e9fd5575b10e
File content as of revision 0:e9fd5575b10e:
/******************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER * This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only * intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This * software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under * all applicable laws, including copyright laws. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING * THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS * ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR * ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE * BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software * and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, * you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the * following link: * http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. *******************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include "DisplayBace.h" #include "gr_board_vdc5.h" /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Constructor of the DisplayBase class * @param[in] None * @retval None ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::DisplayBase( void ) { /* Lcd setting (default) */ _lcd_config.lcd_type = LCD_TYPE_PARALLEL_RGB; /* LVDS or Pararel RGB */ _lcd_config.intputClock = 66.67f; /* P1 clk [MHz] ex. 66.67 */ _lcd_config.outputClock = 40.00f; /* LCD clk [MHz] ex. 33.33 */ _lcd_config.lcd_outformat = LCD_OUTFORMAT_RGB888; /* Output format select */ _lcd_config.lcd_edge = EDGE_FALLING; /* Output phase control of LCD_DATA23 to LCD_DATA0 pin */ _lcd_config.h_toatal_period = (800u + 40u + 128u+ 88u); /* Free-running Hsync period */ _lcd_config.v_toatal_period = (600u + 1u + 4u + 23u); /* Free-running Vsync period */ _lcd_config.h_disp_widht = 800u; /* LCD display area size, horizontal width */ _lcd_config.v_disp_widht = 600u; /* LCD display area size, vertical width */ _lcd_config.h_back_porch = (128u+ 88u); /* LCD display horizontal back porch period */ _lcd_config.v_back_porch = (4u + 23u); /* LCD display vertical back porch period */ _lcd_config.h_sync_port = LCD_TCON_PIN_0; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.h_sync_port_polarity = SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED; /* Polarity inversion control of signal */ _lcd_config.h_sync_width = 128u; /* Hsync width */ _lcd_config.v_sync_port = LCD_TCON_PIN_1; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.v_sync_port_polarity = SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED; /* Polarity inversion control of signal */ _lcd_config.v_sync_width = 4u; /* Vsync width */ _lcd_config.de_port = LCD_TCON_PIN_NON; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.de_port_polarity = SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED; /* Polarity inversion control of signal */ /* Digital video input setting (default) */ _video_input_sel = INPUT_SEL_VDEC; /* Video decoder output signals */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_format = VIDEO_EXTIN_FORMAT_BT601; _video_ext_in_config.inp_pxd_edge = EDGE_RISING; /* Clock edge select for capturing data */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_vs_edge = EDGE_RISING; /* Clock edge select for capturing Vsync signals */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_hs_edge = EDGE_RISING; /* Clock edge select for capturing Hsync signals */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_endian_on = OFF; /* External input bit endian change on/off */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_swap_on = OFF; /* External input B/R signal swap on/off */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_vs_inv = SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED; /* External input DV_VSYNC inversion control */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_hs_inv = SIG_POL_INVERTED; /* External input DV_HSYNC inversion control */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_f525_625 = EXTIN_LINE_525; /* Number of lines for BT.656 external input */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_h_pos = EXTIN_H_POS_CRYCBY; /* Y/Cb/Y/Cr data string start timing to Hsync reference */ _video_ext_in_config.cap_vs_pos = 6u; /* Capture start position from Vsync */ _video_ext_in_config.cap_hs_pos = 302u; /* Capture start position form Hsync */ _video_ext_in_config.cap_width = 640u; /* Capture width */ _video_ext_in_config.cap_height = 468u; /* Capture height should be a multiple of 4 */ #if defined(TARGET_RZ_A2XX) /* mipi */ _video_mipi_config.mipi_lanenum = 2; _video_mipi_config.mipi_vc = 0; _video_mipi_config.mipi_interlace = 0; _video_mipi_config.mipi_laneswap = 0; /* Progressive */ _video_mipi_config.mipi_frametop = 0; _video_mipi_config.mipi_outputrate = 80; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_ths_prepare = 0x00000012u; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_ths_settle = 0x00000019u; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_tclk_prepare = 0x0000000Fu; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_tclk_settle = 0x0000001Eu; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_tclk_miss = 0x00000008u; _video_mipi_config.mipi_phy_timing.mipi_t_init_slave = 0x0000338Fu; memset(&_video_vin_setup, 0, sizeof(_video_vin_setup)); #endif } /* End of constructor method () */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics initialization processing * @param[in] lcd_config : LCD configuration * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_init( const lcd_config_t * lcd_config ) { if( lcd_config != NULL ) { _lcd_config.lcd_type = lcd_config->lcd_type; /* LVDS or Pararel RGB */ _lcd_config.intputClock = lcd_config->intputClock; /* P1 clk [MHz] ex. 66.67 */ _lcd_config.outputClock = lcd_config->outputClock; /* LCD clk [MHz] ex. 33.33 */ _lcd_config.lcd_outformat = lcd_config->lcd_outformat; /* Output format select */ _lcd_config.lcd_edge = lcd_config->lcd_edge; /* Output phase control of LCD_DATA23 to LCD_DATA0 pin */ _lcd_config.h_toatal_period = lcd_config->h_toatal_period; /* Free-running Hsync period */ _lcd_config.v_toatal_period = lcd_config->v_toatal_period; /* Free-running Vsync period */ _lcd_config.h_disp_widht = lcd_config->h_disp_widht; /* LCD display area size, horizontal width */ _lcd_config.v_disp_widht = lcd_config->v_disp_widht; /* LCD display area size, vertical width */ _lcd_config.h_back_porch = lcd_config->h_back_porch; /* LCD display horizontal back porch period */ _lcd_config.v_back_porch = lcd_config->v_back_porch; /* LCD display vertical back porch period */ _lcd_config.h_sync_port = lcd_config->h_sync_port; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.h_sync_port_polarity = lcd_config->h_sync_port_polarity;/* Polarity inversion control of signal */ _lcd_config.h_sync_width = lcd_config->h_sync_width; /* Hsync width */ _lcd_config.v_sync_port = lcd_config->v_sync_port; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.v_sync_port_polarity = lcd_config->v_sync_port_polarity;/* Polarity inversion control of signal */ _lcd_config.v_sync_width = lcd_config->v_sync_width; /* Vsync width */ _lcd_config.de_port = lcd_config->de_port; /* TCONn or Not use(-1) */ _lcd_config.de_port_polarity = lcd_config->de_port_polarity; /* Polarity inversion control of signal */ } return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Init( (drv_lcd_config_t *)&_lcd_config ); } /* End of method Graphics_init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics Video initialization processing * @param[in] video_input_sel : Input select * @param[in] video_ext_in_config : Digtal video input configuration * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Video_init( video_input_sel_t video_input_sel, video_ext_in_config_t * video_ext_in_config ) { graphics_error_t error; if ((video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_EXT) || (video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_CEU)) { _video_input_sel = video_input_sel; if (video_ext_in_config != NULL) { /* Signals supplied via the external input pins */ /* if using Video decoder output signals, not using value. */ _video_ext_in_config.inp_format = video_ext_in_config->inp_format; _video_ext_in_config.inp_pxd_edge = video_ext_in_config->inp_pxd_edge; _video_ext_in_config.inp_vs_edge = video_ext_in_config->inp_vs_edge; _video_ext_in_config.inp_hs_edge = video_ext_in_config->inp_hs_edge; _video_ext_in_config.inp_endian_on = video_ext_in_config->inp_endian_on; _video_ext_in_config.inp_swap_on = video_ext_in_config->inp_swap_on; _video_ext_in_config.inp_vs_inv = video_ext_in_config->inp_vs_inv; _video_ext_in_config.inp_hs_inv = video_ext_in_config->inp_hs_inv; _video_ext_in_config.inp_f525_625 = video_ext_in_config->inp_f525_625; _video_ext_in_config.inp_h_pos = video_ext_in_config->inp_h_pos; _video_ext_in_config.cap_vs_pos = video_ext_in_config->cap_vs_pos; _video_ext_in_config.cap_hs_pos = video_ext_in_config->cap_hs_pos; _video_ext_in_config.cap_width = video_ext_in_config->cap_width; _video_ext_in_config.cap_height = video_ext_in_config->cap_height; } error = (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Video_init( (drv_video_input_sel_t)video_input_sel, (drv_video_ext_in_config_t *)&_video_ext_in_config ); } else { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } return error; } /* End of method Graphics_Video_init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics Video initialization processing * @param[in] video_input_sel : Input select * @param[in] video_mipi_config : MIPI configuration * @param[in] video_vin_setup : MIPI configuration * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Video_init( video_input_sel_t video_input_sel, video_mipi_param_t * video_mipi_config, video_vin_setup_t * video_vin_setup ) { graphics_error_t error = GRAPHICS_VDC5_ERR; #if defined(TARGET_RZ_A2XX) if (video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_MIPI) { _video_input_sel = video_input_sel; if (video_mipi_config != NULL) { memcpy(&_video_mipi_config, video_mipi_config, sizeof(_video_mipi_config)); } if (video_vin_setup != NULL) { memcpy(&_video_vin_setup, video_vin_setup, sizeof(_video_vin_setup)); } error = (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Video_init( (drv_video_input_sel_t)video_input_sel, (drv_video_ext_in_config_t *)&_video_ext_in_config ); } else { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } #endif return error; } /* End of method Graphics_Video_init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief LCD I/O initialization processing * @param[in] pin : Pointer of the pin assignment * @param[in] pin_count : Total number of the pin assignment * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Lcd_Port_Init( PinName *pin, unsigned int pin_count ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Lcd_Port_Init( pin, pin_count ); } /* End of method Graphics_Lcd_Port_Init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief LVDS I/O port initialization processing * @param[in] pin : Pointer of the pin assignment * @param[in] pin_count : Total number of the pin assignment * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Lvds_Port_Init( PinName *pin, unsigned int pin_count ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Lvds_Port_Init( pin, pin_count ); } /* End of method Graphics_Lvds_Port_Init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Digital video input I/O port initialization processing * @param[in] pin : Pointer of the pin assignment * @param[in] pin_count : Total number of the pin assignment * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Dvinput_Port_Init( PinName *pin, unsigned int pin_count ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Dvinput_Port_Init( pin, pin_count ); } /* End of method Graphics_Dvinput_Port_Init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief CEU input I/O port initialization processing * @param[in] pin : Pointer of the pin assignment * @param[in] pin_count : Total number of the pin assignment * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Ceu_Port_Init( PinName *pin, unsigned int pin_count ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_CEU_Port_Init( pin, pin_count ); } /* End of method Graphics_Ceu_Port_Init() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief IRQ interrupt handler setting * @param[in] irq : VDC5 interrupt type * @param[in] num : Interrupt line number * @param[in] * callback : Interrupt callback function pointer * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set( int_type_t irq, unsigned short num, void (* callback)(int_type_t) ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set( (vdc5_int_type_t)irq, num, (void (*)(vdc5_int_type_t))callback ); } /* End of method Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics surface read start processing * @param[in] layer_id : Graphics layer ID * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Start( graphics_layer_t layer_id ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Start( (drv_graphics_layer_t)layer_id ); } /* End of method Graphics_Start() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics surface read stop processing * @param[in] layer_id : Graphics layer ID * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Stop( graphics_layer_t layer_id ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Stop( (drv_graphics_layer_t)layer_id ); } /* End of method Graphics_Stop() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Video surface write start processing * @param[in] video_input_channel : Video input channel * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Video_Start( video_input_channel_t video_input_channel ) { graphics_error_t error = GRAPHICS_OK; /* Digital video inputs : supporting video_input_channel 0 only. */ if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_EXT && video_input_channel == VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_1 ) { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } if( error == GRAPHICS_OK ) { error = (graphics_error_t)DRV_Video_Start( (drv_video_input_channel_t)video_input_channel ); } return error; } /* End of method Video_Start() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Video surface write stop processing * @param[in] video_input_channel : Video input channel * @retval error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Video_Stop( video_input_channel_t video_input_channel ) { graphics_error_t error = GRAPHICS_OK; /* Digital video inputs : supporting video_input_channel 0 only. */ if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_EXT && video_input_channel == VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_1 ) { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } if( error == GRAPHICS_OK ) { error = (graphics_error_t)DRV_Video_Stop( (drv_video_input_channel_t)video_input_channel ); } return error; } /* End of method Video_Stop() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics surface read process setting * * Description:<br> * This function supports the following 4 image format. * YCbCr422, RGB565, RGB888, ARGB8888 * @param[in] layer_id : Graphics layer ID * @param[in] framebuff : Base address of the frame buffer * @param[in] fb_stride : Line offset address of the frame buffer * @param[in] gr_format : Format of the frame buffer read signal * @param[in] wr_rd_swa : frame buffer swap setting * - WR_RD_WRSWA_NON : Not swapped: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_8BIT : Swapped in 8-bit units: 2-1-4-3-6-5-8-7 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_16BIT : Swapped in 16-bit units: 3-4-1-2-7-8-5-6 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_16_8BIT : Swapped in 16-bit units + 8-bit units: 4-3-2-1-8-7-6-5 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units: 5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_8BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 8-bit units: 6-5-8-7-2-1-4-3 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 16-bit units: 7-8-5-6-3-4-1-2 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16_8BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 16-bit units + 8-bit units: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 * @param[in] gr_rect : Graphics display area * @param[in] gr_clut : CLUT setup parameter * @retval Error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Read_Setting( graphics_layer_t layer_id, void * framebuff, unsigned int fb_stride, graphics_format_t gr_format, wr_rd_swa_t wr_rd_swa, rect_t * gr_rect, clut_t * gr_clut ) { rect_t rect; rect.hs = gr_rect->hs + _lcd_config.h_back_porch; rect.vs = gr_rect->vs + _lcd_config.v_back_porch; rect.hw = gr_rect->hw; rect.vw = gr_rect->vw; return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Read_Setting( (drv_graphics_layer_t)layer_id, framebuff, fb_stride, (drv_graphics_format_t)gr_format, (drv_wr_rd_swa_t)wr_rd_swa, (drv_rect_t *)&rect, (drv_clut_t *)gr_clut); } /* End of method Graphics_Read_Setting() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics surface read process changing * * Description:<br> * This function is used to swap buffers. * * @param[in] layer_id : Graphics layer ID * @param[in] framebuff : Base address of the frame buffer * @retval Error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Graphics_Read_Change ( graphics_layer_t layer_id, void * framebuff) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Graphics_Read_Change( (drv_graphics_layer_t)layer_id, framebuff ); } /* End of method Graphics_Read_Change() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Video surface write process setting * This function set the video write process. Input form is weave * (progressive) mode fixed. * This function supports the following 3 image format. * YCbCr422, RGB565, RGB888 * @param[in] video_input_ch : Video input channel * @param[in] col_sys : Analog video signal color system * @param[in] adc_vinsel : Video input pin * @param[in] framebuff : Base address of the frame buffer * @param[in] fb_stride [byte] : Line offset address of the frame buffer * @param[in] video_format : Frame buffer video-signal writing format * - VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422 : YCBCR422 (2byte/px) * - VIDEO_FORMAT_RGB565 : RGB565 (2byte/px) * - VIDEO_FORMAT_RGB888 : RGB888 (4byte/px) * @param[in] wr_rd_swa : frame buffer swap setting * - WR_RD_WRSWA_NON : Not swapped: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_8BIT : Swapped in 8-bit units: 2-1-4-3-6-5-8-7 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_16BIT : Swapped in 16-bit units: 3-4-1-2-7-8-5-6 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_16_8BIT : Swapped in 16-bit units + 8-bit units: 4-3-2-1-8-7-6-5 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units: 5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_8BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 8-bit units: 6-5-8-7-2-1-4-3 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 16-bit units: 7-8-5-6-3-4-1-2 * - WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16_8BIT : Swapped in 32-bit units + 16-bit units + 8-bit units: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 * @param[in] video_write_size_vw [px]: output v width * @param[in] video_write_size_hw [px]: output h width * @param[in] video_adc_vinsel : Input pin control * @retval Error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Video_Write_Setting( video_input_channel_t video_input_channel, graphics_video_col_sys_t col_sys, void * framebuff, unsigned int fb_stride, video_format_t video_format, wr_rd_swa_t wr_rd_swa, unsigned short write_buff_vw, unsigned short write_buff_hw, video_adc_vinsel_t video_adc_vinsel ) { graphics_error_t error = GRAPHICS_OK; if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_VDEC ) { if( col_sys == COL_SYS_NTSC_358 || col_sys == COL_SYS_NTSC_443 || col_sys == COL_SYS_NTSC_443_60 ) { if( (write_buff_vw / 2u) > 240u ) { error = GRAPHICS_VIDEO_NTSC_SIZE_ERR; } } else { if( (write_buff_vw / 2u) > 280u ) { error = GRAPHICS_VIDEO_PAL_SIZE_ERR; } } if( write_buff_hw > 800u ) { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } if( error == GRAPHICS_OK ) { error = (graphics_error_t)DRV_Video_Write_Setting( (drv_video_input_channel_t)video_input_channel, (drv_graphics_video_col_sys_t)col_sys, framebuff, fb_stride, (drv_video_format_t)video_format, (drv_wr_rd_swa_t)wr_rd_swa, write_buff_vw, write_buff_hw, (drv_video_adc_vinsel_t)video_adc_vinsel); } } else if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_EXT ) { rect_t cap_area; cap_area.hs = _video_ext_in_config.cap_hs_pos * 2; cap_area.hw = _video_ext_in_config.cap_width * 2; cap_area.vs = _video_ext_in_config.cap_vs_pos; cap_area.vw = _video_ext_in_config.cap_height; error = (graphics_error_t) DRV_Video_Write_Setting_Digital( framebuff, fb_stride, (drv_video_format_t)video_format, (drv_wr_rd_swa_t)wr_rd_swa, write_buff_vw, write_buff_hw, (drv_rect_t *)&cap_area ); } else if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_CEU ) { error = (graphics_error_t) DRV_Video_Write_Setting_Ceu( framebuff, fb_stride, (drv_video_format_t)video_format, (drv_wr_rd_swa_t)wr_rd_swa, write_buff_vw, write_buff_hw, (drv_video_ext_in_config_t *)&_video_ext_in_config); #if defined(TARGET_RZ_A2XX) } else if( _video_input_sel == INPUT_SEL_MIPI ) { error = (graphics_error_t) DRV_Video_Write_Setting_Mipi( framebuff, fb_stride, (drv_video_format_t)video_format, (drv_wr_rd_swa_t)wr_rd_swa, write_buff_vw, write_buff_hw, (drv_mipi_param_t *)&_video_mipi_config, (drv_vin_setup_t *)&_video_vin_setup); #endif } else { error = GRAPHICS_PARAM_RANGE_ERR; } return error; } /* End of method Video_Write_Setting() */ /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Graphics surface write process changing * This function is used to swap buffers of the weave write processing. * @param[in] video_input_ch : Video input channle * @param[in] framebuff : Base address of the frame buffer * @param[in] fb_stride : Line offset address of the frame buffer * @retval Error code ******************************************************************************/ DisplayBase::graphics_error_t DisplayBase::Video_Write_Change ( video_input_channel_t video_input_channel, void * framebuff, uint32_t fb_stride ) { return (graphics_error_t)DRV_Video_Write_Change( (drv_video_input_channel_t)video_input_channel, framebuff, fb_stride ); } /* End of method Video_Write_Change() */ /* End of file */