7 seg counter with 3 modes controlled by push button

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 7d75e4df9577 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 03 16:24:55 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Global variables
+int mode;  // mode=1 on startup 
+           // mode=2 for keypad
+           // mode=3 for serial
+//Assign 8 pins digital bus object LED_Disp
+BusOut LED_Disp(p7,p11,p9,p8,p5,p6,p10,p12); 
+// Pin assignment for 4x3 or 12 key Hex keypad
+// Looking at keyboard front, the left most pin is pin1 
+// keypad pin numbers
+//   pin 1 = not connected
+//   pin 2 = col 2
+//   pin 3 = row 1
+//   pin 4 = col 1
+//   pin 5 = row 4
+//   pin 6 = col 3
+//   pin 7 = row 3
+//   pin 8 = row 2
+//   pin 9 = not connected
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // Create serial comms object
+// mbed pin assignment for keypad
+DigitalIn row1(p27);
+DigitalIn row2(p22);
+DigitalIn row3(p23);
+DigitalIn row4(p25);
+DigitalOut col1(p26);
+DigitalOut col2(p28);
+DigitalOut col3(p24);
+DigitalOut debug_led (LED1);  // Debug LED for flashing
+Serial s_port(USBTX, USBRX);
+// Interrupts
+InterruptIn cal_button(p14); // Assign interrupt input object to pin 14
+// Prototypes for ISRs
+void cal_isr(void);  // Declare ISR for cal button on p14
+// Function Prototypes
+char Keypad(void); // Declare Keypad function will return character pressed
+void DisplayChar(char);  // Declare function to display character on 7 segment
+void Flash_char(char);  // Declare function to flash character on 7 segment 
+// ************ MAIN ************
+int main() 
+    mode=1;  // On startup set mode=1
+    cal_button.rise(&cal_isr); //Attach address of ISR to interrupt
+    int counter=0;  // General program or character counter
+    int kp_char = ' ';   // Character read from keypad (ASCII)
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        if(mode==1)  // Check if startup mode is set
+        {
+            if(counter>=5)  
+                counter=0;  // Reset counter
+            if (counter==0) 
+                Flash_char('H'); // Flash 'H' 
+            else if (counter==1) 
+                Flash_char('E'); // Flash 'E'
+            else if (counter==2) 
+                Flash_char('L'); // Flash 'L'
+            else if (counter==3) 
+                Flash_char('L'); // Flash 'L' 
+            else if (counter==4) 
+                Flash_char('0'); // Flash '0'
+            counter++;  //Increment message counter
+        }
+        else if(mode==2)  // Check if keypad mode
+        {
+            counter=0;  // reset message counter
+            kp_char = Keypad(); // Poll keypad and check if key pressed
+            if(kp_char!=' ')  // If keypad char == ' ' then no key pressed
+            {
+                if(kp_char>='0' && kp_char<='9')
+                {
+                    DisplayChar(kp_char);  // Display character on 7 segment
+                    pc.printf("%c\n\r",kp_char);   // Send character to serial port
+                }
+            }
+         }   
+        else if(mode==3)  // Check if serial mode
+        {            
+            kp_char = Keypad(); // Poll keypad and check if key pressed
+            if(s_port.readable())
+            {
+                kp_char = s_port.getc();  // Display character on 7 segment
+                if(kp_char>='0' && kp_char<='9')
+                {
+                    DisplayChar(kp_char);  // Display character on 7 segment
+                    pc.printf("%c\n\r",kp_char);   // Send character to serial port
+                }               
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ISR function called by interrupt on push button
+void cal_isr(void)
+    // Switch modes
+    if(mode==1)
+    {
+        mode=2; // Set mode to keypad mode
+        DisplayChar(' ');  // Turn off all segments
+        //wait(0.1);  //Debounce timer
+    }
+    else if(mode==2)
+    {
+        mode=3;    // Set mode to serial mode
+        DisplayChar(' ');  // Turn off all segments
+        //wait(0.1);  //Debounce timer
+    }
+    else if(mode==3)
+    {
+        mode=1;    // Set mode to startup mode
+        DisplayChar(' ');  // Turn off all segments
+        //wait(0.1);  //Debounce timer
+    }
+// Function to flash character on 7 segment 
+void Flash_char(char new_char)  
+    DisplayChar(' ');  // Turn off all segments
+    wait(0.1);  
+    DisplayChar(new_char);  // Display chararacter on 7 segment
+    wait(0.6);   
+char Keypad(void)
+    // Test for any key pressed on column 1
+    // Pull col1 high and keep columns 2 and 3 low
+    col1=1;
+    col2=0;
+    col3=0;
+    if(row1==1) // While col1 is high, if row 1 is high then '1' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row1==1){}  // Loop while button is pressed down
+        // On releasing the button return the button character and exit function
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('1');  // return character 1 and exit function
+    }
+    else if(row2==1) // While col1 is high, if row 2 is high then '4' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row2==1){}
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('4');  // Exit function and return
+    }
+    else if(row3==1) // While col1 is high, if row 3 is high then '7' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row3==1){}
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('7');
+    }
+    else if(row4==1) // While col1 is high, if row 4 is high then '*' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row4==1){}
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('*');
+    }
+    // Test for any key pressed on column 2
+    // Pull col2 high and keep columns 1 and 3 low
+    col1=0;
+    col2=1;
+    col3=0;   
+    if(row1==1) // While col2 is high, if row 1 is high then '2' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row1==1){}  // Loop 
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('2');
+    }
+    else if(row2==1) // While col2 is high, if row 2 is high then '5' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row2==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('5');
+    }
+    else if(row3==1) // While col2 is high, if row 3 is high then '8' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row3==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('8');
+    }
+    else if(row4==1) // While col2 is high, if row 4 is high then '0' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row4==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('0');
+    }
+    // Test for any key pressed on column 3
+    // Pull col3 high and keep columns 1 and 2 low
+    col1=0;
+    col2=0;
+    col3=1;   
+    if(row1==1) // While col3 is high, if row 1 is high then '3' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row1==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('3');
+    }
+    else if(row2==1) // While col3 is high, if row 2 is high then '6' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row2==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('6');
+    }
+    else if(row3==1) // While col3 is high, if row 3 is high then '9' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row3==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('9');
+    }
+    else if(row4==1) // While col3 is high, if row 4 is high then '#' is pressed
+    {
+        while(row4==1){}  // Loop
+        // Pull all colums low to end
+        col1=0;
+        col2=0;
+        col3=0;   
+        return('#');
+    }
+    // Pull all colums low to end
+    col1=0;
+    col2=0;
+    col3=0;   
+    // ***** Return value ******
+    return(' ');  // If no key is pressed then return ' ' a space character.
+} // Keypad Function End
+// Function to display a character on 7 segment LED display
+void DisplayChar(char disp_char)
+    switch(disp_char)
+    {
+        case '0':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x3F; // Bit pattern for '0' = ~0xC0
+            break;        
+        case '1':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x06; // Bit pattern for '1' = ~0xF9
+            break;
+        case '2':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x5B; // Bit pattern for '2' = ~0xA4
+            break;
+        case '3':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x4F; // Bit pattern for '3' = ~0xB0
+            break;
+        case '4':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x66; // Bit pattern for '4' = ~0x99
+            break;
+        case '5':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x6D; // Bit pattern for '5' = ~0x92
+            break;
+        case '6':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x7D; // Bit pattern for '6' = ~0x82
+            break;
+        case '7':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x07; // Bit pattern for '7' = ~0xF8
+            break;
+        case '8':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x7F; // Bit pattern for '8' = ~0x80
+            break;
+        case '9':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x67; // Bit pattern for '9' = ~0x98
+            break;
+        case 'A':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x77; // Bit pattern for 'A' = ~0x77
+            break;
+        case 'B':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x7F; // Bit pattern for 'B' = ~0x7F
+            break;
+        case 'C':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x39; // Bit pattern for 'C' = ~0x39
+            break;
+        case 'D':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x3F; // Bit pattern for 'D' = ~0x3F
+            break;
+        case 'E':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x79; // Bit pattern for 'E' = ~0x79
+            break;
+        case 'F':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x71; // Bit pattern for 'F' = ~0x71
+            break;
+        case 'G':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x7D; // Bit pattern for 'G' = ~0x7D
+            break;
+        case 'H':    // Display character 'H' = ~0x77
+            LED_Disp = ~0x76; 
+            break;
+        case 'I':    // Display character 'I' = ~0x06
+            LED_Disp = ~0x06; 
+            break;
+        case 'L':    // Display character 'L' = ~0x38
+            LED_Disp = ~0x38; 
+            break;
+        case 'S':
+            LED_Disp = ~0x6D; // Bit pattern for 'S' = ~0x92
+            break;
+        case ' ':    // Display character ' ' = ~0x00
+            LED_Disp = ~0x00; 
+            break;
+        case '*':     // keypad '*' character
+            LED_Disp = ~0x63; // Top 4 segments 
+            break;
+        case '#':    // keypad '#' character
+            LED_Disp = ~0x5C; // Bottom 4 segments 
+            break;
+   }