Clone of official tools



File content as of revision 43:2a7da56ebd24:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
	<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
		<Option title="{{project_name}}" />
		<Option pch_mode="2" />
		<Option compiler="arm-elf-gcc" />
			<Target title="Debug">
				<Option output="bin/Debug/{{project_name}}.elf" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
				<Option object_output="obj/Debug/" />
				<Option type="1" />
				<Option compiler="arm-elf-gcc" />
				<Option use_console_runner="0" />
					{%  for f in debug_flags -%}
					<Add option="{{f}}" />
					{%  endfor -%}
					<Add option='-Wl,-Map,&quot;bin/Debug/{{project_name}}.map&quot;' />
				{% if ncs36510addfib -%}
					<Add after="ncs36510updatefib -u bin/Debug/{{project_name}}.elf" />
				{% endif -%}
			<Target title="Release">
				<Option output="bin/Release/{{project_name}}.elf" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="0" />
				<Option object_output="obj/Release/" />
				<Option type="1" />
				<Option compiler="arm-elf-gcc" />
				<Option use_console_runner="0" />
                                        <Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
					{%  for f in release_flags -%}
					<Add option="{{f}}" />
					{%  endfor -%}
					<Add option='-Wl,-Map,&quot;bin/Release/{{project_name}}.map&quot;' />
				{% if ncs36510addfib -%}
					<Add after="ncs36510updatefib -u bin/Release/{{project_name}}.elf" />
				{% endif -%}
			{%  for f in comp_flags -%}
			<Add option="{{f}}" />
			{%  endfor -%}
			{%  for f in include_paths -%}
			<Add directory="{{f}}" />
			{%  endfor -%}
			{%  for f in ld_flags -%}
			<Add option="{{f}}" />
			{%  endfor -%}
			<Add option="-T {{linker_script}}" />
			<Add option="-Wl,--start-group {{sys_libs|join(" ")}} {{libraries|join(" ")}} -Wl,--end-group" />
			{%  for f in sys_libs -%}
			<Add option="{{f}}" />
			{%  endfor -%}
			{%  for f in libraries -%}
			<Add option="{{f}}" />
			{%  endfor -%}
		{%  for f in headers -%}
		<Unit filename="{{f}}"/>
		{%  endfor -%}
		{%  for f in c_sources -%}
		<Unit filename="{{f}}">
			<Option compilerVar="CC" />
		{%  endfor -%}
		{%  for f in s_sources -%}
		<Unit filename="{{f}}">
			<Option compilerVar="CPP" />
		{%  endfor -%}
		{%  for f in cpp_sources -%}
		<Unit filename="{{f}}">
			<Option compilerVar="CPP" />
		{%  endfor -%}
		        {% if openocdboard != '' -%}
				<remote_debugging target="Release">
					<options conn_type="3" serial_baud="115200" pipe_command="openocd -p -l openocd.log -f {{openocdboard}}" additional_cmds='monitor reset halt&#x0A;monitor flash write_image erase &quot;bin/Release/{{project_name}}.elf&quot;&#x0A;file &quot;bin/Release/{{project_name}}.elf&quot;&#x0A;monitor reset halt&#x0A;' extended_remote="1" />
				<remote_debugging target="Debug">
					<options conn_type="3" serial_baud="115200" pipe_command="openocd -p -l openocd.log -f {{openocdboard}}" additional_cmds='monitor reset halt&#x0A;monitor flash write_image erase &quot;bin/Debug/{{project_name}}.elf&quot;&#x0A;file &quot;bin/Debug/{{project_name}}.elf&quot;&#x0A;monitor reset halt&#x0A;' extended_remote="1" />
			{% endif -%}