Clone of official tools

--- a/toolchains/	Tue Jun 14 11:33:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/toolchains/	Thu Jul 14 20:21:19 2016 +0100
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
 from time import time, sleep
 from types import ListType
 from shutil import copyfile
-from os.path import join, splitext, exists, relpath, dirname, basename, split, abspath
+from os.path import join, splitext, exists, relpath, dirname, basename, split, abspath, isfile, isdir
 from inspect import getmro
+from copy import deepcopy
+from tools.config import Config
 from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
 from tools.utils import run_cmd, mkdir, rel_path, ToolException, NotSupportedException, split_path
@@ -40,7 +42,11 @@
 def compile_worker(job):
     results = []
     for command in job['commands']:
-        _, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, job['work_dir'])
+        try:
+            _, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, job['work_dir'])
+        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+            raise ToolException
             'code': _rc,
             'output': _stderr,
@@ -59,6 +65,8 @@
     def __init__(self, base_path=None):
         self.base_path = base_path
+        self.file_basepath = {}
         self.inc_dirs = []
         self.headers = []
@@ -84,6 +92,9 @@
         self.bin_files = []
         self.json_files = []
+        # Features
+        self.features = {}
     def __add__(self, resources):
         if resources is None:
             return self
@@ -97,6 +108,9 @@
             return self.add(resources)
     def add(self, resources):
+        for f,p in resources.file_basepath.items():
+            self.file_basepath[f] = p
         self.inc_dirs += resources.inc_dirs
         self.headers += resources.headers
@@ -121,6 +135,8 @@
         self.bin_files += resources.bin_files
         self.json_files += resources.json_files
+        self.features.update(resources.features)
         return self
     def relative_to(self, base, dot=False):
@@ -130,6 +146,9 @@
                       'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']:
             v = [rel_path(f, base, dot) for f in getattr(self, field)]
             setattr(self, field, v)
+        self.features = {k: f.relative_to(base, dot) for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f}
         if self.linker_script is not None:
             self.linker_script = rel_path(self.linker_script, base, dot)
@@ -140,6 +159,9 @@
                       'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']:
             v = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in getattr(self, field)]
             setattr(self, field, v)
+        self.features = {k: f.win_to_unix() for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f}
         if self.linker_script is not None:
             self.linker_script = self.linker_script.replace('\\', '/')
@@ -160,6 +182,8 @@
                 ('Hex files', self.hex_files),
                 ('Bin files', self.bin_files),
+                ('Features', self.features),
             if resources:
                 s.append('%s:\n  ' % label + '\n  '.join(resources))
@@ -174,79 +198,104 @@
 # had the knowledge of a list of these directories to be ignored.
     'LPC11U24', 'LPC1768', 'LPC2368', 'LPC4088', 'LPC812', 'KL25Z',
-    'ARM', 'uARM', 'IAR',
+    'ARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR', 'IAR', 'uARM'
     'ARM_STD':'ARM', 'ARM_MICRO': 'uARM',
-    'GCC_ARM': 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR': 'GCC_CS',
+    'GCC_ARM': 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR': 'GCC_CR',
     'IAR': 'IAR',
 class mbedToolchain:
-    PROFILE = None
     VERBOSE = True
-    ignorepatterns = []
         "Cortex-M0" : ["__CORTEX_M0", "ARM_MATH_CM0", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M0+": ["__CORTEX_M0PLUS", "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
-        "Cortex-M1" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM1"],
+        "Cortex-M1" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M3" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM3", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M4" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M4F" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M7" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-M7F" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M7FD" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
         "Cortex-A9" : ["__CORTEX_A9", "ARM_MATH_CA9", "__FPU_PRESENT", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__EVAL", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CA9"],
     GOANNA_DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r'"\[Goanna\] (?P<severity>warning) \[(?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line>\d+)\] \- (?P<message>.*)"')
-    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False, profile=None):
+    MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME="mbed_config.h"
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False): = target = self.__class__.__name__
+        # compile/assemble/link/binary hooks
         self.hook = hooks.Hook(target, self)
-        self.silent = silent
-        self.output = ""
+        # Toolchain flags
+        self.flags = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_FLAGS)
+        # User-defined macros
+        self.macros = macros or []
+        # Macros generated from toolchain and target rules/features
+        self.symbols = None
+        # Labels generated from toolchain and target rules/features (used for selective build)
+        self.labels = None
+        # This will hold the configuration data (as returned by Config.get_config_data())
+        self.config_data = None
+        # Non-incremental compile
+        self.build_all = False
+        # Build output dir
+        self.build_dir = None
+        self.timestamp = time()
+        # Output build naming based on target+toolchain combo (mbed 2.0 builds)
+        self.obj_path = join("TARGET_", "TOOLCHAIN_"
+        # Number of concurrent build jobs. 0 means auto (based on host system cores)
+ = 0
+        self.CHROOT = None            
+        # Ignore patterns from .mbedignore files
+        self.ignore_patterns = []
+        # Pre-mbed 2.0 ignore dirs
         self.legacy_ignore_dirs = LEGACY_IGNORE_DIRS - set([, LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[]])
+        # Output notify function
         if notify:
             self.notify_fun = notify
         elif extra_verbose:
             self.notify_fun = self.print_notify_verbose
             self.notify_fun = self.print_notify
+        # Silent builds (no output)
+        self.silent = silent
+        # Print output buffer
+        self.output = ""
+        # Build options passed by -o flag
         self.options = options if options is not None else []
-        self.macros = macros or []
+        # Build options passed by or
         if self.options:
   "Build Options: %s" % (', '.join(self.options)))
-        self.obj_path = join("TARGET_", "TOOLCHAIN_"
-        self.symbols = None
-        self.labels = None
-        self.has_config = False
-        self.build_all = False
-        self.build_dir = None
-        self.timestamp = time()
- = 1
-        self.CHROOT = None
-        self.mp_pool = None
-        if profile and (TOOLCHAIN_PROFILES.get(, None) and
-            TOOLCHAIN_PROFILES[].get(profile)):
-                self.PROFILE = TOOLCHAIN_PROFILES[].get(profile)
-      "Using toolchain %s profile %s" % (, profile))
+        # uVisor spepcific rules
         if 'UVISOR' in and 'UVISOR_SUPPORTED' in
    = re.sub(r"F$", '',
@@ -263,7 +312,7 @@
         elif event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']:
             msg = event['message']
         elif event['type'] == 'cc':
             event['severity'] = event['severity'].title()
             event['file'] = basename(event['file'])
@@ -302,10 +351,6 @@
         return self.notify_fun(event, self.silent)
-    def __exit__(self):
-        if self.mp_pool is not None:
-            self.mp_pool.terminate()
     def goanna_parse_line(self, line):
         if "analyze" in self.options:
             return self.GOANNA_DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN.match(line)
@@ -317,13 +362,8 @@
             # Target and Toolchain symbols
             labels = self.get_labels()
             self.symbols = ["TARGET_%s" % t for t in labels['TARGET']]
-            self.symbols.extend(["FEATURE_%s" % t for t in labels['FEATURE']])
             self.symbols.extend(["TOOLCHAIN_%s" % t for t in labels['TOOLCHAIN']])
-            # Config support
-            if self.has_config:
-                self.symbols.append('HAVE_MBED_CONFIG_H')
             # Cortex CPU symbols
             if in mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS:
@@ -385,16 +425,36 @@
         return False
     def is_ignored(self, file_path):
-        for pattern in self.ignorepatterns:
+        for pattern in self.ignore_patterns:
             if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, pattern):
                 return True
         return False
-    def scan_resources(self, path, exclude_paths=None):
-        labels = self.get_labels()
+    # Create a Resources object from the path pointed to by *path* by either traversing a
+    # a directory structure, when *path* is a directory, or adding *path* to the resources,
+    # when *path* is a file.
+    # The parameter *base_path* is used to set the base_path attribute of the Resources
+    # object and the parameter *exclude_paths* is used by the directory traversal to
+    # exclude certain paths from the traversal.
+    def scan_resources(self, path, exclude_paths=None, base_path=None):
         resources = Resources(path)
-        self.has_config = False
+        if not base_path:
+            if isfile(path):
+                base_path = dirname(path)
+            else:
+                base_path = path
+        resources.base_path = base_path
+        if isfile(path):
+            self._add_file(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths)
+        else:
+            self._add_dir(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths)
+        return resources
+    # A helper function for scan_resources. _add_dir traverses *path* (assumed to be a
+    # directory) and heeds the ".mbedignore" files along the way. _add_dir calls _add_file
+    # on every file it considers adding to the resources object.
+    def _add_dir(self, path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None):
         """ os.walk(top[, topdown=True[, onerror=None[, followlinks=False]]])
         When topdown is True, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place
         (perhaps using del or slice assignment), and walk() will only recurse into
@@ -405,40 +465,45 @@
         bottom-up mode the directories in dirnames are generated before dirpath
         itself is generated.
+        labels = self.get_labels()
         for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=True):
-            # Remove ignored directories
             # Check if folder contains .mbedignore
-            if ".mbedignore" in files :
+            if ".mbedignore" in files:
                 with open (join(root,".mbedignore"), "r") as f:
                     lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] # Strip whitespaces
                     lines = [l for l in lines if l != ""] # Strip empty lines
                     lines = [l for l in lines if not re.match("^#",l)] # Strip comment lines
-                    # Append root path to glob patterns
-                    # and append patterns to ignorepatterns
-                    self.ignorepatterns.extend([join(root,line.strip()) for line in lines])
+                    # Append root path to glob patterns and append patterns to ignore_patterns
+                    self.ignore_patterns.extend([join(root,line.strip()) for line in lines])
+            # Skip the whole folder if ignored, e.g. .mbedignore containing '*'
+            if self.is_ignored(join(root,"")):
+                continue
             for d in copy(dirs):
                 dir_path = join(root, d)
+                # Add internal repo folders/files. This is needed for exporters
                 if d == '.hg':
                 if ((d.startswith('.') or d in self.legacy_ignore_dirs) or
+                    # Ignore targets that do not match the TARGET in extra_labels list
                     (d.startswith('TARGET_') and d[7:] not in labels['TARGET']) or
-                    (d.startswith('FEATURE_') and d[8:] not in labels['FEATURE']) or
+                    # Ignore toolchain that do not match the current TOOLCHAIN
                     (d.startswith('TOOLCHAIN_') and d[10:] not in labels['TOOLCHAIN']) or
+                    # Ignore .mbedignore files
+                    self.is_ignored(join(dir_path,"")) or
+                    # Ignore TESTS dir
                     (d == 'TESTS')):
+                        dirs.remove(d)
+                elif d.startswith('FEATURE_'):
+                    # Recursively scan features but ignore them in the current scan.
+                    # These are dynamically added by the config system if the conditions are matched
+                    resources.features[d[8:]] = self.scan_resources(dir_path, base_path=base_path)
-                # Remove dirs that already match the ignorepatterns
-                # to avoid travelling into them and to prevent them
-                # on appearing in include path.
-                if self.is_ignored(join(dir_path,"")):
-                    dirs.remove(d)
-                if exclude_paths:
+                elif exclude_paths:
                     for exclude_path in exclude_paths:
                         rel_path = relpath(dir_path, exclude_path)
                         if not (rel_path.startswith('..')):
@@ -450,58 +515,61 @@
             for file in files:
                 file_path = join(root, file)
-                if self.is_ignored(file_path):
-                    continue
+                self._add_file(file_path, resources, base_path)
-                _, ext = splitext(file)
-                ext = ext.lower()
+    # A helper function for both scan_resources and _add_dir. _add_file adds one file
+    # (*file_path*) to the resources object based on the file type.
+    def _add_file(self, file_path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None):
+        resources.file_basepath[file_path] = base_path
-                if   ext == '.s':
-                    resources.s_sources.append(file_path)
+        if self.is_ignored(file_path):
+            return
+        _, ext = splitext(file_path)
+        ext = ext.lower()
-                elif ext == '.c':
-                    resources.c_sources.append(file_path)
+        if   ext == '.s':
+            resources.s_sources.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.cpp':
-                    resources.cpp_sources.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.c':
+            resources.c_sources.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.h' or ext == '.hpp':
-                    if basename(file_path) == "mbed_config.h":
-                        self.has_config = True
-                    resources.headers.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.cpp':
+            resources.cpp_sources.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.o':
-                    resources.objects.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.h' or ext == '.hpp':
+            resources.headers.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.o':
+            resources.objects.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == self.LIBRARY_EXT:
-                    resources.libraries.append(file_path)
-                    resources.lib_dirs.add(root)
+        elif ext == self.LIBRARY_EXT:
+            resources.libraries.append(file_path)
+            resources.lib_dirs.add(dirname(file_path))
-                elif ext == self.LINKER_EXT:
-                    if resources.linker_script is not None:
-              "Warning: Multiple linker scripts detected: %s -> %s" % (resources.linker_script, file_path))
-                    resources.linker_script = file_path
+        elif ext == self.LINKER_EXT:
+            if resources.linker_script is not None:
+      "Warning: Multiple linker scripts detected: %s -> %s" % (resources.linker_script, file_path))
+            resources.linker_script = file_path
-                elif ext == '.lib':
-                    resources.lib_refs.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.lib':
+            resources.lib_refs.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.bld':
-                    resources.lib_builds.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.bld':
+            resources.lib_builds.append(file_path)
-                elif file == '.hgignore':
-                    resources.repo_files.append(file_path)
+        elif file == '.hgignore':
+            resources.repo_files.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.hex':
-                    resources.hex_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.hex':
+            resources.hex_files.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.bin':
-                    resources.bin_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.bin':
+            resources.bin_files.append(file_path)
-                elif ext == '.json':
-                    resources.json_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.json':
+            resources.json_files.append(file_path)
-        return resources
     def scan_repository(self, path):
         resources = []
@@ -518,7 +586,7 @@
         return resources
-    def copy_files(self, files_paths, trg_path, rel_path=None):
+    def copy_files(self, files_paths, trg_path, resources=None, rel_path=None):
         # Handle a single file
         if type(files_paths) != ListType: files_paths = [files_paths]
@@ -528,7 +596,9 @@
         for source in files_paths:
-            if rel_path is not None:
+            if resources is not None and resources.file_basepath.has_key(source):
+                relative_path = relpath(source, resources.file_basepath[source])
+            elif rel_path is not None:
                 relative_path = relpath(source, rel_path)
                 _, relative_path = split(source)
@@ -581,15 +651,13 @@
         queue = []
         prev_dir = None
-        # The dependency checking for C/C++ is delegated to the compiler
-        base_path = resources.base_path
         # Sort compile queue for consistency
         work_dir = getcwd()
         for source in files_to_compile:
             _, name, _ = split_path(source)
-            object = self.relative_object_path(build_path, base_path, source)
+            object = self.relative_object_path(build_path, resources.file_basepath[source], source)
             # Queue mode (multiprocessing)
             commands = self.compile_command(source, object, inc_paths)
@@ -783,6 +851,7 @@
     def default_cmd(self, command):
         self.debug("Command: %s"% ' '.join(command))
         _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command)
         self.debug("Return: %s"% _rc)
         for output_line in _stdout.splitlines():
@@ -795,7 +864,6 @@
             raise ToolException(_stderr)
     ### NOTIFICATIONS ###
     def info(self, message):
         self.notify({'type': 'info', 'message': message})
@@ -850,8 +918,29 @@
         # Write output to file in CSV format for the CI
         map_csv = splitext(map)[0] + "_map.csv"
         memap.generate_output('csv-ci', map_csv)
+    # Set the configuration data
+    def set_config_data(self, config_data):
+        self.config_data = config_data
+    # Return the location of the config header. This function will create the config
+    # header first if needed. The header will be written in a file called "mbed_conf.h"
+    # located in the project's build directory.
+    # If config headers are not used (self.config_header_content is None), the function
+    # returns None
+    def get_config_header(self):
+        if self.config_data is None:
+            return None
+        config_file = join(self.build_dir, self.MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
+        if not exists(config_file):
+            with open(config_file, "wt") as f:
+                f.write(Config.config_to_header(self.config_data))
+        return config_file
+    # Return the list of macros geenrated by the build system
+    def get_config_macros(self):
+        return Config.config_to_macros(self.config_data) if self.config_data else []
 from tools.settings import ARM_BIN
 from tools.settings import GCC_ARM_PATH, GCC_CR_PATH
 from tools.settings import IAR_PATH
@@ -877,81 +966,3 @@
-# Toolchain profiles for backward compatibility with old mbed SDK library releases
-    'ARM_STD' : {
-            'v5': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.06',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False,
-            },
-            'v4': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.03',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False,
-            },
-            'v3': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.01',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Ospace', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False,
-            },
-            'v2': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.01',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Ospace', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': False,
-            },
-             'v1': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '4',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': True,
-            }
-    },
-    'ARM_MICRO' : {
-            'v5': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.06',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-            },
-            'v4': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.03',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-O3', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-            },
-            'v3': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '5.01',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Ospace', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-            },
-            'v2': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '4',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Ospace', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp', '--no_rtti'],
-                'PATCHED_LIBRARY' : True,
-            },
-             'v1': {
-                'ARMCC_VERSION':    '4',
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ['-c', '--gnu', '-Otime', '--split_sections', '--apcs=interwork'],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['--cpp'],
-                'COMPILE_C_AS_CPP': True,
-                'PATCHED_LIBRARY' : True,
-            }
-    },
-    'GCC_ARM' : {
-            'v2': {
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ["-c", "-O2", "-Wall", "-fmessage-length=0", "-fno-exceptions", "-fno-builtin", "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections"],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['-std=gnu++98'],
-                'COMMON_LD_FLAGS':  ['-Wl,--gc-sections'],
-            },
-            'v1': {
-                'COMMON_FLAGS':     ["-c", "-O2", "-Wall", "-fmessage-length=0", "-fno-exceptions", "-fno-builtin", "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections"],
-                'COMMON_CPP_FLAGS': ['-std=gnu++98'],
-                'COMMON_LD_FLAGS':  ['-Wl,--gc-sections'],
-            }
-    }