Clone of official tools

--- a/toolchains/	Wed Feb 15 13:53:18 2017 -0600
+++ b/toolchains/	Thu Jun 22 11:12:28 2017 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 limitations under the License.
 import re
-from os.path import join, basename, splitext
+from os.path import join, basename, splitext, dirname, exists
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
 from tools.toolchains import mbedToolchain, TOOLCHAIN_PATHS
 from tools.hooks import hook_tool
@@ -29,12 +30,13 @@
     INDEX_PATTERN  = re.compile('(?P<col>\s*)\^')
     def __init__(self, target,  notify=None, macros=None,
-                 silent=False, tool_path="", extra_verbose=False,
-                 build_profile=None):
+                 silent=False, extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None,
+                 build_dir=None):
         mbedToolchain.__init__(self, target, notify, macros, silent,
-                               build_profile=build_profile)
+                               build_profile=build_profile, build_dir=build_dir)
+        tool_path=TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM']
         # Add flags for current size setting
         default_lib = "std"
         if hasattr(target, "default_lib"):
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
             cpu = target.core.lower()
         self.cpu = ["-mcpu=%s" % cpu]
-        if target.core.startswith("Cortex"):
+        if target.core.startswith("Cortex-M"):
         # FPU handling, M7 possibly to have double FPU
@@ -92,7 +94,8 @@
         self.flags['ld'] += self.cpu
         self.ld = [join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-gcc")] + self.flags['ld']
-        self.sys_libs = ["stdc++", "supc++", "m", "c", "gcc"]
+        self.sys_libs = ["stdc++", "supc++", "m", "c", "gcc", "nosys"]
+        self.preproc = [join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-cpp"), "-E", "-P"]
  = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-ar")
         self.elf2bin = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-objcopy")
@@ -125,7 +128,7 @@
         # The warning/error notification is multiline
         msg = None
         for line in output.splitlines():
-            match =
+            match =
             if match is not None:
                 if msg is not None:
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@
             elif msg is not None:
                 # Determine the warning/error column by calculating the ^ position
-                match = GCC.INDEX_PATTERN.match(line)
+                match = self.INDEX_PATTERN.match(line)
                 if match is not None:
                     msg['col'] = len('col'))
@@ -213,6 +216,15 @@
             libs.append("-l%s" % name[3:])
         libs.extend(["-l%s" % l for l in self.sys_libs])
+        # Preprocess
+        if mem_map:
+            preproc_output = join(dirname(output), ".link_script.ld")
+            cmd = (self.preproc + [mem_map] + self.ld[1:] +
+                   [ "-o", preproc_output])
+            self.cc_verbose("Preproc: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+            self.default_cmd(cmd)
+            mem_map = preproc_output
         # Build linker command
         map_file = splitext(output)[0] + ".map"
         cmd = self.ld + ["-o", output, "-Wl,-Map=%s" % map_file] + objects + ["-Wl,--start-group"] + libs + ["-Wl,--end-group"]
@@ -249,7 +261,9 @@
     def binary(self, resources, elf, bin):
         # Build binary command
-        cmd = [self.elf2bin, "-O", "binary", elf, bin]
+        _, fmt = splitext(bin)
+        bin_arg = {'.bin': 'binary', '.hex': 'ihex'}[fmt]
+        cmd = [self.elf2bin, "-O", bin_arg, elf, bin]
         # Call cmdline hook
         cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_binary(cmd)
@@ -258,46 +272,32 @@
         self.cc_verbose("FromELF: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+    @staticmethod
+    def name_mangle(name):
+        return "_Z%i%sv" % (len(name), name)
-class GCC_ARM(GCC):
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_ld_define(name, value):
+        return "-D%s=0x%x" % (name, value)
+    @staticmethod
+    def redirect_symbol(source, sync, build_dir):
+        return "-Wl,--defsym=%s=%s" % (source, sync)
     def check_executable():
         """Returns True if the executable (arm-none-eabi-gcc) location
         specified by the user exists OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
         Returns False otherwise."""
-        return mbedToolchain.generic_check_executable("GCC_ARM", 'arm-none-eabi-gcc', 1)
-    def __init__(self, target, notify=None, macros=None,
-                 silent=False, extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None):
-        GCC.__init__(self, target, notify, macros, silent,
-                     TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'], extra_verbose=extra_verbose,
-                     build_profile=build_profile)
-        self.sys_libs.append("nosys")
+        if not TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'] or not exists(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM']):
+            if find_executable('arm-none-eabi-gcc'):
+                TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'] = ''
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        else:
+            exec_name = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'], 'arm-none-eabi-gcc')
+            return exists(exec_name) or exists(exec_name + '.exe')
-class GCC_CR(GCC):
-    @staticmethod
-    def check_executable():
-        """Returns True if the executable (arm-none-eabi-gcc) location
-        specified by the user exists OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
-        Returns False otherwise."""
-        return mbedToolchain.generic_check_executable("GCC_CR", 'arm-none-eabi-gcc', 1)
-    def __init__(self, target, notify=None, macros=None,
-                 silent=False, extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None):
-        GCC.__init__(self, target, notify, macros, silent,
-                     TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_CR'], extra_verbose=extra_verbose,
-                     build_profile=build_profile)
-        additional_compiler_flags = [
-            "-D__NEWLIB__", "-D__CODE_RED", "-D__USE_CMSIS", "-DCPP_USE_HEAP",
-        ]
- += additional_compiler_flags
-        self.cppc += additional_compiler_flags
-        # Use latest gcc nanolib
-        self.ld.append("--specs=nano.specs")
-        if in ["LPC1768", "LPC4088", "LPC4088_DM", "LPC4330", "UBLOX_C027", "LPC2368"]:
-            self.ld.extend(["-u _printf_float", "-u _scanf_float"])
-        self.ld += ["-nostdlib"]
+class GCC_ARM(GCC):
+    pass