Clone of official tools

--- a/toolchains/	Mon Aug 29 11:56:59 2016 +0100
+++ b/toolchains/	Wed Jan 04 11:58:24 2017 -0600
@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@
 from copy import deepcopy
 from tools.config import Config
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
 from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
 from tools.utils import run_cmd, mkdir, rel_path, ToolException, NotSupportedException, split_path, compile_worker
-from tools.settings import BUILD_OPTIONS, MBED_ORG_USER
+from tools.settings import MBED_ORG_USER
 import tools.hooks as hooks
 from tools.memap import MemapParser
 from hashlib import md5
@@ -119,6 +120,43 @@
         return self
+    def _collect_duplicates(self, dupe_dict, dupe_headers):
+        for filename in self.s_sources + self.c_sources + self.cpp_sources:
+            objname, _ = splitext(basename(filename))
+            dupe_dict.setdefault(objname, set())
+            dupe_dict[objname] |= set([filename])
+        for filename in self.headers:
+            headername = basename(filename)
+            dupe_headers.setdefault(headername, set())
+            dupe_headers[headername] |= set([headername])
+        for res in self.features.values():
+            res._collect_duplicates(dupe_dict, dupe_headers)
+        return dupe_dict, dupe_headers
+    def detect_duplicates(self, toolchain):
+        """Detect all potential ambiguities in filenames and report them with
+        a toolchain notification
+        Positional Arguments:
+        toolchain - used for notifications
+        """
+        count = 0
+        dupe_dict, dupe_headers = self._collect_duplicates(dict(), dict())
+        for objname, filenames in dupe_dict.iteritems():
+            if len(filenames) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                toolchain.tool_error(
+                    "Object file %s.o is not unique! It could be made from: %s"\
+                    % (objname, " ".join(filenames)))
+        for headername, locations in dupe_headers.iteritems():
+            if len(locations) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                toolchain.tool_error(
+                    "Header file %s is not unique! It could be: %s" %\
+                    (headername, " ".join(locations)))
+        return count
     def relative_to(self, base, dot=False):
         for field in ['inc_dirs', 'headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources',
                       'cpp_sources', 'lib_dirs', 'objects', 'libraries',
@@ -216,7 +254,9 @@
     __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+    profile_template = {'common':[], 'c':[], 'cxx':[], 'asm':[], 'ld':[]}
+    def __init__(self, target, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None): = target = self.__class__.__name__
@@ -224,7 +264,7 @@
         self.hook = hooks.Hook(target, self)
         # Toolchain flags
-        self.flags = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_FLAGS)
+        self.flags = deepcopy(build_profile or self.profile_template)
         # User-defined macros
         self.macros = macros or []
@@ -290,15 +330,6 @@
         self.output = str()
         self.map_outputs = list()   # Place to store memmap scan results in JSON like data structures
-        # Build options passed by -o flag
-        self.options = options if options is not None else []
-        # Build options passed by or
-        self.options.extend(BUILD_OPTIONS)
-        if self.options:
-  "Build Options: %s" % (', '.join(self.options)))
         # uVisor spepcific rules
         if 'UVISOR' in and 'UVISOR_SUPPORTED' in
    = re.sub(r"F$", '',
@@ -339,18 +370,24 @@
             msg = '[%(severity)s] %(file)s@%(line)s,%(col)s: %(message)s' % event
         elif event['type'] == 'progress':
-            if not silent:
-                msg = '%s: %s' % (event['action'].title(), basename(event['file']))
+            if 'percent' in event:
+                msg = '{} [{:>5.1f}%]: {}'.format(event['action'].title(),
+                                                  event['percent'],
+                                                  basename(event['file']))
+            else:
+                msg = '{}: {}'.format(event['action'].title(),
+                                      basename(event['file']))
         if msg:
-            print msg
+            if not silent:
+                print msg
             self.output += msg + "\n"
     def print_notify_verbose(self, event, silent=False):
         """ Default command line notification with more verbose mode
         if event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']:
-            self.print_notify(event) # standard handle
+            self.print_notify(event, silent=silent) # standard handle
         elif event['type'] == 'cc':
             event['severity'] = event['severity'].title()
@@ -359,7 +396,8 @@
             event['target_name'] = event['target_name'].upper() if event['target_name'] else "Unknown"
             event['toolchain_name'] = event['toolchain_name'].upper() if event['toolchain_name'] else "Unknown"
             msg = '[%(severity)s] %(target_name)s::%(toolchain_name)s::%(file)s@%(line)s: %(message)s' % event
-            print msg
+            if not silent:
+                print msg
             self.output += msg + "\n"
         elif event['type'] == 'progress':
@@ -427,10 +465,20 @@
             toolchain_labels = [c.__name__ for c in getmro(self.__class__)]
             self.labels = {
-                'TARGET': + ["DEBUG" if "debug-info" in self.options else "RELEASE"],
+                'TARGET':,
                 'TOOLCHAIN': toolchain_labels
+            # This is a policy decision and it should /really/ be in the config system
+            # ATM it's here for backward compatibility
+            if ((("-g" in self.flags['common'] or "-g3" in self.flags['common']) and
+                 "-O0") in self.flags['common'] or
+                ("-r" in self.flags['common'] and
+                 "-On" in self.flags['common'])):
+                self.labels['TARGET'].append("DEBUG")
+            else:
+                self.labels['TARGET'].append("RELEASE")
         return self.labels
@@ -547,6 +595,7 @@
             # Add root to include paths
+            resources.file_basepath[root] = base_path
             for file in files:
                 file_path = join(root, file)
@@ -593,7 +642,10 @@
         elif ext == '.bld':
-        elif file == '.hgignore':
+        elif basename(file_path) == '.hgignore':
+            resources.repo_files.append(file_path)
+        elif basename(file_path) == '.gitignore':
         elif ext == '.hex':
@@ -746,6 +798,7 @@
                     'chroot': self.CHROOT
+                self.compiled += 1
         # Use queues/multiprocessing if cpu count is higher than setting
@@ -834,7 +887,10 @@
         if ext == '.c' or  ext == '.cpp':
             base, _ = splitext(object)
             dep_path = base + '.d'
-            deps = self.parse_dependencies(dep_path) if (exists(dep_path)) else []
+            try:
+                deps = self.parse_dependencies(dep_path) if (exists(dep_path)) else []
+            except IOError, IndexError:
+                deps = []
             if len(deps) == 0 or self.need_update(object, deps):
                 if ext == '.cpp' or self.COMPILE_C_AS_CPP:
                     return self.compile_cpp(source, object, includes)
@@ -933,6 +989,7 @@
         bin = join(tmp_path, filename)
         map = join(tmp_path, name + '.map')
+        r.objects = sorted(set(r.objects))
         if self.need_update(elf, r.objects + r.libraries + [r.linker_script]):
             needed_update = True
             self.progress("link", name)
@@ -1021,21 +1078,13 @@
   "Unknown toolchain for memory statistics %s" % toolchain)
             return None
-        # Write output to stdout in text (pretty table) format
-        memap.generate_output('table')
-        # Write output to file in JSON format
-        map_out = splitext(map)[0] + "_map.json"
-        memap.generate_output('json', map_out)
-        # Write output to file in CSV format for the CI
-        map_csv = splitext(map)[0] + "_map.csv"
-        memap.generate_output('csv-ci', map_csv)
+        # Store the memap instance for later use
+        self.memap_instance = memap
         # Here we return memory statistics structure (constructed after
         # call to generate_output) which contains raw data in bytes
         # about sections + summary
-        return memap.mem_summary
+        return memap.mem_report
     # Set the configuration data
     def set_config_data(self, config_data):
@@ -1089,6 +1138,51 @@
         self.config_processed = True
         return self.config_file
+    @staticmethod
+    def generic_check_executable(tool_key, executable_name, levels_up,
+                                 nested_dir=None):
+        """
+        Positional args:
+        tool_key: the key to index TOOLCHAIN_PATHS
+        executable_name: the toolchain's named executable (ex. armcc)
+        levels_up: each toolchain joins the toolchain_path, some
+        variable directories (bin, include), and the executable name,
+        so the TOOLCHAIN_PATH value must be appropriately distanced
+        Keyword args:
+        nested_dir: the directory within TOOLCHAIN_PATHS where the executable
+          is found (ex: 'bin' for ARM\bin\armcc (necessary to check for path
+          that will be used by toolchain's compile)
+        Returns True if the executable location specified by the user
+        exists and is valid OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
+        Returns False otherwise.
+        """
+        # Search PATH if user did not specify a path or specified path doesn't
+        # exist.
+        if not TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] or not exists(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key]):
+            exe = find_executable(executable_name)
+            if not exe:
+                return False
+            for level in range(levels_up):
+                # move up the specified number of directories
+                exe = dirname(exe)
+            TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] = exe
+        if nested_dir:
+            subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key], nested_dir,
+                          executable_name)
+        else:
+            subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key],executable_name)
+        # User could have specified a path that exists but does not contain exe
+        return exists(subdir) or exists(subdir +'.exe')
+    @abstractmethod
+    def check_executable(self):
+        """Returns True if the executable (armcc) location specified by the
+         user exists OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
+         Returns False otherwise."""
+        raise NotImplemented
     def get_config_option(self, config_header):
         """Generate the compiler option that forces the inclusion of the configuration