Clone of official tools

--- a/targets/	Wed Jul 19 16:44:30 2017 -0500
+++ b/targets/	Tue Oct 10 16:56:30 2017 -0500
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@
 from tools.config import Config
 FIB_BASE = 0x2000
+TRIM_BASE = 0x2800
 FLASH_BASE = 0x3000
+FLASHA_SIZE = 0x52000
+FLASHB_BASE = 0x00102000
+FLASHB_SIZE = 0x52000
 FW_REV = 0x01000100
-TRIM_BASE = 0x2800
 def ranges(i):
     for _, b in itertools.groupby(enumerate(i), lambda x_y: x_y[1] - x_y[0]):
@@ -29,17 +32,17 @@
 def add_fib_at_start(arginput):
-    input_file = arginput + ".bin"
-    file_name_hex = arginput + "_fib.hex"
+    input_file = arginput + ".hex"
+    file_name_hex = arginput + ".hex"
     file_name_bin = arginput + ".bin"
     # Read in hex file
     input_hex_file = intelhex.IntelHex()
-    input_hex_file.padding = 0x00
-    input_hex_file.loadbin(input_file, offset=FLASH_BASE)
+    input_hex_file.loadhex(input_file)
+    #set padding value to be returned when reading from unspecified address
+    input_hex_file.padding = 0xFF
+    # Create new hex file
     output_hex_file = intelhex.IntelHex()
-    output_hex_file.padding = 0x00
     # Get the starting and ending address
     addresses = input_hex_file.addresses()
@@ -48,17 +51,41 @@
     regions = len(start_end_pairs)
     if regions == 1:
+        #single range indicating fits within first flash block (<320K)
         start, end = start_end_pairs[0]
+        print("Memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start, end))
+        # Compute checksum over the range (don't include data at location of crc)
+        size = end - start + 1
+        data = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start, size=size)
+        crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF
-        start = min(min(start_end_pairs))
-        end = max(max(start_end_pairs))
+        #multiple ranges indicating requires both flash blocks (>320K)
+        start, end = start_end_pairs[0]
+        start2, end2 = start_end_pairs[1]
+        print("Region 1: memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start, end))
+        print("Region 2: memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start2, end2))
+        # Compute checksum over the range (don't include data at location of crc)
+        # replace end with end of flash block A
+        end = FLASHA_SIZE - 1
+        size = end - start + 1
+        data = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start, size=size)
+        # replace start2 with base of flash block B
+        start2 = FLASHB_BASE
+        size2 = end2 - start2 + 1
+        data2 = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start2, size=size2)
+        #concatenate data and data2 arrays together
+        data.extend(data2)
+        crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+        #replace size with sum of two memory region sizes
+        size = size + size2
     assert start >= FLASH_BASE, ("Error - start 0x%x less than begining of user\
     flash area" %start)
-    # Compute checksum over the range (don't include data at location of crc)
-    size = end - start + 1
-    data = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start, size=size)
-    crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+    assert regions <= 2, ("Error - more than 2 memory regions found")
     fw_rev = FW_REV
@@ -177,7 +204,7 @@
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 1] = (mac_addr_low >> 8)  & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 2] = (mac_addr_low >> 16) & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 3] = (mac_addr_low >> 24) & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 4] = mac_addr_high & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 5] = (mac_addr_high >> 8)  & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 6] = (mac_addr_high >> 16) & 0xFF
@@ -202,7 +229,7 @@
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 21] = (txtune >> 8)  & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 22] = (txtune >> 16) & 0xFF
     output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 23] = (txtune >> 24) & 0xFF
     # pad the rest of the area with 0xFF
     for i in range(trim_area_start + trim_size, user_code_start):
         output_hex_file[i] = 0xFF
@@ -212,4 +239,3 @@
     # Write out file(s)
     output_hex_file.tofile(file_name_hex, 'hex')
-    output_hex_file.tofile(file_name_bin, 'bin')