Clone of official tools

Anders Blomdell
Thu Feb 04 17:17:13 2021 +0100
Add a few normpath calls

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 1 # This file was automagically generated by
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 2 # If you would like to add your own targets, create a
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 3 # project.cmake file locally in your project directory.
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 4
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 5 CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.9)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 6 SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 7 #SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 8 SET(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING TRUE)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 9
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 10 # force compiler settings
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 11 SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS TRUE)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 12 SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS TRUE)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 13
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 14 # force cmake compilers
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 15 SET(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER "{{asm}}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 16 SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "{{cc}}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 17 SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "{{cxx}}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 18 SET(ELF2BIN "{{elf2bin}}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 19 {% if hex_files %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 20 SET(SREC_CAT "srec_cat")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 21 {%- endif %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 22
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 23 # if the environment does not specify build type, set to Debug
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 24 IF(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 25 set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug"
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 26 CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel."
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 27 FORCE)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 28 ENDIF()
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 29
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 30 # here starts the project
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 31 PROJECT({{name}} C CXX ASM)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 32
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 33 # uncomment below to have a verbose build process
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 34 #SET(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 35
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 36 SET(LD_SYS_LIBS "{%- block sys_libs -%} -Wl,--start-group {{ld_sys_libs|join(" ")}} {{libraries|join(" ")}} -Wl,--end-group {%- endblock -%}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 37
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 38 SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "{{cc_flags}} -include mbed_config.h")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 39 SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "{{cxx_flags}} -include mbed_config.h")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 40 SET(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "{{asm_flags}} -include mbed_config.h")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 41 SET(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "{{ld_flags}} {% for p in library_paths %} {{user_library_flag}}${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/{{p}} {% endfor %}")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 42 {% if pp -%}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 43 SET(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS} ${LD_SYS_LIBS} {{link_script_option}} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/{{name}}_pp.link_script.ld")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 44 {%- endif %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 45
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 46 ADD_DEFINITIONS(
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 47 {% for d in symbols %}-D{{d}}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 48 {% endfor %})
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 49 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 50 {% for p in include_paths %}{{p}}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 51 {% endfor %})
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 52
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 53 # executable {{name}}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 54 ADD_EXECUTABLE({{name}}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 55 {% for src in sources %}{{src}}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 56 {% endfor %})
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 57 SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES({{name}} PROPERTIES ENABLE_EXPORTS 1)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 58 # add syslibs dependencies to create the correct linker order
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 59 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES({{name}} {{ld_sys_libs|join(" ")}})
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 60
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 61 {% if pp -%}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 62 add_custom_command(TARGET {{name}} PRE_LINK
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 63 COMMAND "{{pp}}" {{pp_flags}} {{linker_script}} -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/{{name}}_pp.link_script.ld
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 64 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 65 BYPRODUCTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/{{name}}_pp.link_script.ld"
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 66 )
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 67 {%- endif %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 68
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 69 add_custom_command(TARGET {{name}} POST_BUILD
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 70 COMMAND ${ELF2BIN} -O ihex $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}> $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}>.hex
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 71 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}>.hex"
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 72 )
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 73
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 74 {% if hex_files %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 75 add_custom_command(TARGET {{name}} POST_BUILD
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 76 COMMAND ${SREC_CAT}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 77 {% for f in hex_files %}${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/{{f}} {% endfor %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 78 -intel $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}>.hex
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 79 -intel -o $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}>-combined.hex -intel --line-length=44
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 80 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: $<TARGET_FILE:{{name}}>-combined.hex"
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 81 )
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 82 {% endif %}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 83
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 84
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 85 ##########################################################################
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 86 # mbed-cli specific targets
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 87 ##########################################################################
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 88
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 89 # detect the build type and select the corresponding cli profile
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 90 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 92 IF(LOWERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES debug)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 93 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "mbed-os/tools/profiles/debug.json")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 94 ELSEIF(LOWERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES relwithdebinfo)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 95 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "mbed-os/tools/profiles/develop.json")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 96 ELSEIF(LOWERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES release)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 97 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "mbed-os/tools/profiles/release.json")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 98 ELSEIF(LOWERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES minsizerel)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 99 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "mbed-os/tools/profiles/release.json")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 100 ELSE()
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 101 MESSAGE(WARNING "Build type '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' is unknown, using debug profile")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 102 SET(MBED_BUILD_PROFILE "mbed-os/tools/profiles/debug.json")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 103 ENDIF()
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 104
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 105 # optional custom target to build via mbed-cli
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 106 ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(mbed-cli-build
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 107 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "mbed compile --build BUILD/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --profile ${MBED_BUILD_PROFILE}"
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 108 COMMAND mbed compile --build BUILD/${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} --profile ${MBED_BUILD_PROFILE}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 109 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 110 SOURCES ${SOURCE_FILES} ${SYS_SOURCE_FILES})
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 111
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 112 IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/project.cmake)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 113 INCLUDE(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/project.cmake)
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 114 ELSE()
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 115 MESSAGE(STATUS "Add a local project.cmake file to add your own targets.")
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 116 ENDIF()
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 117
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 118 # this will take care of binary directories generated by cmake/clion not to confuse the cli build
theotherjimmy 43:2a7da56ebd24 119 FILE(GENERATE OUTPUT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.mbedignore" CONTENT "*")