AWS IoT demonstration using the Avnet Shield (AT&T LTE) and the FRDM-K64F target board.

Dependencies:   K64F_FATFileSystem

Fork of mbed-os-example-tls-tls-client by mbed-os-examples

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
jsmn_parserJSON parser
jsmntok_tJSON token description
jsonStructThis is the struct form of a JSON Key value pair
MQTTCallbackParamsMQTT Callback Function Parameters
MQTTClient_tMQTT Client Type Definition
MQTTConnectParamsMQTT Connection Parameters
MQTTHeaderBitfields for the MQTT header byte
MQTTMessageParamsMQTT Message Parameters
MQTTPacket_willOptionsDefines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet
MQTTPublishParamsMQTT Publish Parameters
MQTTSubscribeParamsMQTT Subscription Parameters
MQTTwillOptionsLast Will and Testament Definition
NetworkNetwork Structure
SDFileSystemAccess the filesystem on an SD Card using SPI
ShadowParameters_tShadow Connect parameters
TimerExtExtension of the Platform specific Timer class
TLSConnectParamsTLS Connection Parameters
WncIpStatsContains info fields for the WNC Internet Attributes
WNCSocketSocket file descriptor and select wrapper
WNCTCPSocketConnectionTCP socket connection