enhancing Multitech's library for some accelerometer

Fork of MMA845x by Multi-Hackers



File content as of revision 18:2316ca98e599:

 * @file    MMA845x.h
 * @brief   Device driver - MMA845x 3-axis accelerometer IC
 * @author  Tim Barr
 * @version 1.0
 * @see     http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/data_sheet/MMA8451Q.pdf
 * @see     http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/data_sheet/MMA8452Q.pdf
 * @see     http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/data_sheet/MMA8453Q.pdf
 * Copyright (c) 2015
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Forked from

#ifndef MMA845X_H
#define MMA845X_H

#include "mbed.h"

/** Using the Sparkfun SEN-10955
 * Example:
 * @code
 *  #include "mbed.h"
 *  #include "MMA845x.h"

 *  int main()
 *  {

 *  }
 * @endcode

 *  @class MMA845x_DATA
 *  @brief API abstraction for the MMA845x 3-axis accelerometer IC data
class MMA845x_DATA

    volatile int16_t _x;   /*!< volatile data variable */
    volatile int16_t _y;   /*!< volatile data variable */
    volatile int16_t _z;   /*!< volatile data variable */

    /** Create the MMA845x_DATA object initialized to the parameter (or 0 if none)
     *  @param x - the init value of _x
     *  @param y - the init value of _y
     *  @param x - the init value of _z
    MMA845x_DATA(int16_t x = 0, int16_t y = 0, int16_t z = 0) : _x(x), _y(y), _z(z) {}

    /** Overloaded '=' operator to allow shorthand coding, assigning objects to one another
     *  @param rhs - an object of the same type to assign ourself the same values of
     *  @return this
    MMA845x_DATA &operator= (MMA845x_DATA const &rhs) {
        _x = rhs._x;
        _y = rhs._y;
        _z = rhs._z;

        return *this;

    /** Overloaded '=' operator to allow shorthand coding, assigning objects to one another
     *  @param val - Assign each data member (_x, _y, _z) this value
     *  @return this
    MMA845x_DATA &operator= (int16_t const val) {
        _x = _y = _z = val;

        return *this;

    /** Overloaded '==' operator to allow shorthand coding, test objects to one another
     *  @param rhs - the object to compare against
     *  @return 1 if the data members are the same and 0 otherwise
    bool operator== (MMA845x_DATA const &rhs) const {
        return ((_x == rhs._x)&&(_y == rhs._y)&&(_z == rhs._z)) ? 1 : 0;

 *  @class MMA845x
 *  @brief API abstraction for the MMA845x 3-axis accelerometer IC
 *  initial version will be polling only. Interrupt service and rtos support will
 *  be added at a later point
class MMA845x

     *  @enum SA0
     *  @brief Possible terminations for the ADDR pin
    enum SA0 {
        SA0_VSS = 0, /*!< SA0 connected to VSS */
        SA0_VDD      /*!< SA0 connected to VDD */

     *  @enum WHO_AM_I_VAL
     *  @brief Device ID's that this class is compatible with
    enum WHO_AM_I_VAL {
        MMA8451 = 0x1A, /*!< MMA8451 WHO_AM_I register content */
        MMA8452 = 0x2A, /*!< MMA8452 WHO_AM_I register content */
        MMA8453 = 0x3A, /*!< MMA8453 WHO_AM_I register content */

     * @enum SYS_MODE
     * @brief operating mode of MMA845x
    enum SYS_MODE {
        STANDBY = 0,
        AWAKE, SLEEP

     * @enum STATUS
     * @brief flags for data overwrite and data ready
    enum STATUS {
        XDR   = 0x01,
        YDR   = 0x02,
        ZDR   = 0x04,
        XYZDR = 0x08,
        XOW   = 0x10,
        YOW   = 0x20,
        ZOW   = 0x40,
        XYZOW = 0x80

       * @enum RANGE
       * @brief values for measurement range positive and negative
    enum RANGE {
        RANGE_2g = 0,
        RANGE_4g, RANGE_8g

     * @enum RESOLUTION
     * @brief selections for resolution of data, 8 bit or maximum
    enum RESOLUTION {
        RES_MAX = 0,   /* Read back full resolution - normal mode*/
        RES_8BIT = 2   /* Read back 8 bit values only - fast mode*/

     *  @enum LOW_NOISE
     *  @brief Low Noise mode Note: 4g max reading when on
    enum LOW_NOISE {
        LN_OFF = 0x00, /* Low Noise mode off */
        LN_ON = 0x04  /* Low Noise mode on, 4g max readings */

     *  @enum HPF_MODE
     *  @brief High Pass Filter mode
    enum HPF_MODE {
        HPF_OFF = 0x00, /* High Pass Filter mode off */
        HPF_ON = 0x10  /* High Pass Filter mode on */

    * @enum DATA_RATE
    * @brief values for normal output data rate in Hz
    enum DATA_RATE {
        DR_800  = 0x00,
        DR_400  = 0x08,
        DR_200  = 0x10,
        DR_100  = 0x18,
        DR_50   = 0x20,
        DR_12_5 = 0x28,
        DR_6_25 = 0x30,
        DR_1_56 = 0x38
     * @enum ASLP_DATA_RATE
     * @brief values for auto_sleep mode data rate in HZ
    enum ASLP_DATA_RATE {
        ASLPDR_50   = 0x00,
        ALSPDR_12_5 = 0x40,
        ASLPDR_6_25 = 0x80,
        ASLPDR_1_56 = 0xB0

     *  @enum OVERSAMPLE_MODE
     *  @brief sets the oversample mode, Normal, Low power and noise, High resolution, or low power
        OS_NORMAL = 0,

     *  @brief used to {configure, enable, detect source of} interrupts for corresponding functions
     *	(INT_FIFO used only in MMA8451)
        INT_DRDY = 0x01,
        // 0x20 missing,
        INT_FF_MT = 0x04,
        INT_PULSE = 0x08,
        INT_LNDPRT = 0x10,
        INT_TRANS = 0x20,
        INT_FIFO = 0x40,
        INT_ASLP = 0x80
     *  @enum INTERRUPT_PIN
     *  @brief chooses interrupt pin used to signal interrupt condition
    enum INTERRUPT_PIN {
        INT1 = 1,
        INT2 = 0,
        INT_NONE = 2

     *  @enum REGISTER
     *  @brief The device register map
    enum REGISTER {
        STATUS = 0x00,

        F_SETUP = 0x09, TRIG_CFG, // only available on the MMA8451 variant

        SYSMOD = 0x0B,

        TRANSIENT_CFG = 0x1D,
        OFF_X, OFF_Y, OFF_Z

    /** Create the MMA845x object
     *  @param i2c - A defined I2C object
     *  @param int1 - A defined InterruptIn object pointer. Default NULL for polling mode
     *  @param int2 - A defined InterruptIn object pointer. Default NULL for polling mode
     *  @param i2c_addr - state of pin SA0
     *  TODO - need to add interrupt support
    MMA845x(I2C &i2c, SA0 const i2c_addr = SA0_VSS, InterruptIn* int1 = NULL, InterruptIn* int2 = NULL);

    /** Get the X data
     *  @return The last valid X-axis reading from the accelerometer
    int16_t getX(void);

    /** Get the Y data
     *  @return The last valid Y-axis reading from the accelerometer
    int16_t getY(void);

    /** Get the Z data
     *  @return The last Z-axis valid reading from the accelerometer
    int16_t getZ(void);

    /** Get the XYZ data structure
     *  @return The last valid X, Y, and Z-axis readings from the accelerometer
    MMA845x_DATA getXYZ(void);

    /** Get the XYZ data structure
     *  @return accelerometer ID code. Test versus the WHO_AM_I_VAL enum
    char getWhoAmI(void) const;

    /** Setup the MMA845x for standard accelerometer read mode
     *  @range - set the measurement range using RANGE enum
     *  @resolution - set the ADC resolution using the RESOLUTION enum
     *  @lo_noise - Set the Low-Noise mode using the LOW_NOISE enum
     *  @data_rate - set the aquisition rate using the DATA_RATE enum
     *  @os_mode - Set the Over sample mode suing the OVERSAMPLE_MODE enum
     *  @hpf_mode - Set the Hi pass filter mode using the HPF_MOSE enum
     *  @return status of command
     *  This sets the resolution, range, data rate, oversample
     *  mode, hi and lo pass filter.
     *  Also sets the device to active mode, so no further configuration will take an effect.
     *  To perform any configuration, switch to standby.
    uint8_t setCommonParameters(RANGE range, RESOLUTION resolution, LOW_NOISE lo_noise,
                                DATA_RATE data_rate, OVERSAMPLE_MODE os_mode, HPF_MODE hpf_mode ) const;

    /** Ebnable Motion detect mode and interrupt handler
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - need to implement function
    uint8_t enableMotionDetect(void) const;

    /** Enable Pulse Detect mode and interrupt handler
     *	@char x_threshold - tap/double tap detection threshold for x axis. resolution of 0.063 g/LSB, min value 1, max value 127, use 0 to disable
     *	@char y_threshold - tap/double tap detection threshold for y axis. resolution of 0.063 g/LSB, min value 1, max value 127, use 0 to disable
     *	@char z_threshold - tap/double tap detection threshold for z axis. resolution of 0.063 g/LSB, min value 1, max value 127, use 0 to disable
     *	@char window - pulse must fit within window (raise and fall below threshold) in order "to be considered a valid pulse."
     *	@char latency - period, that starts after a pulse has been detected, during all pulses are ignored. Kind of debouncing
     *  @pin - an interrupt has to be attached to some pin, even if this pin is NC
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - implement conversion from some arbitrary units to ms for window and latency, double tap, way of fetching pulse events
    uint8_t enablePulseDetect(char x_threshold, char y_threshold, char z_threshold, char window, char latency, INTERRUPT_PIN pin) const;

    /** Enable Orientation mode and interrupt handler
     *  @debounce_steps - how long a state has to last to trigger orientation change. step varies from 1.25 to 160 ms.
     *  @pin - an interrupt has to be attached to some pin, even if this pin is NC
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - add trip angles change (only when MMA8451), way of fetching orientation events
    uint8_t enableOrientationDetect(uint8_t debounce_steps, INTERRUPT_PIN pin = INT_NONE) const;

    /** Enable Transient detect mode and interrupt handler
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - need to implement function
    uint8_t enableTransientDetect(void) const;

    /** Enable Autosleep function and interrupt handler
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - need to implement function
    uint8_t enableAutoSleep(void) const;

    /** Enbale FIFO function and interrupt handler
     *  @return status of command
     *  TODO - need to implement function
    uint8_t enableFIFO(void) const;

    /** Put the MMA845x in the Standby mode
     *  @return status of command
    uint8_t standbyMode(void) const;

    /** Put the MMA845x in the active mode
     *  @return status of command
    uint8_t activeMode(void) const;

    /** Check the MMA845x status register
         *  @return status byte
    uint8_t getStatus(void) const;

    /** Write to a register (exposed for debugging reasons)
     *  Note: most writes are only valid in stop mode
     *  @param reg - The register to be written
     *  @param data - The data to be written
    uint8_t writeRegister(uint8_t const reg, uint8_t const data) const;

    /** Read from a register (exposed for debugging reasons)
     *  @param reg - The register to read from
     *  @return The register contents
    uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t const reg, uint8_t count, char* data) const;
    /** Enable disable interrupt triggering for a given function.
     *	@function - a internal funcion capable to trigger an interrupt
     *	@pin - which phy pin assign to interrupt condition. If no pin is specified, interrupt is disabled
     *	@return
    uint8_t configInterrupt(INTERRUPT_CFG_EN_SOURCE function, INTERRUPT_PIN pin) const;

    I2C         *_i2c;
    InterruptIn *_int1;
    InterruptIn *_int2;
    uint8_t      _i2c_addr;
    char         _who_am_i;
    MMA845x_DATA _data;
    bool         _polling_mode;

    uint8_t init(void);

