Oh my god this is a crusty piece of air quality sensor. I barely works. It is good only for some major smoke detection, not really pariculte matter. Don't buy it, but if you already did here is a working library for it. Enjoy.

Dependents:   Nucleo_praktyki

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GP2Y1010AU0F.cpp	Wed Jan 31 11:55:20 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+class GP2Y1010AU0F
+    GP2Y1010AU0F(PinName aout, PinName iled): _iled(iled), _aout(aout),  _aout_at_no_dust(0.7) {
+    };
+    void measure() {
+        _measurement_ready = false;
+        _measure();
+    };
+    bool getVoltage(float & value) {
+        if (_measurement_ready == false) return NULL;
+        else {
+            float dust_density = 0;
+            dust_density = ((float)_last_measurement)/(65535.0f/3.3f/9.25f);
+            value = dust_density;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }; // ug / m^3
+    float convertVoltageToMg(float voltage) {
+        voltage -= _aout_at_no_dust; // [V] from 0
+        voltage /= _dust_sensitivity; // [0.1mg] == [100ug] / m^3
+        voltage *= 100.0f;
+        return voltage;
+    }
+    void tryTosetAoutAtNoDust(float newNoDustVoltage) {
+        if (newNoDustVoltage < _aout_at_no_dust)
+            _aout_at_no_dust = (newNoDustVoltage + 5*_aout_at_no_dust) / 6;
+//        printf("Aout at no dust: %.3f\r\n", _aout_at_no_dust);
+    }
+    float getAoutAtNoDust() {
+        return _aout_at_no_dust;
+    }
+    AnalogIn _aout;
+    DigitalOut _iled;
+    Timeout _turnILEDOffTimeout;
+    Timeout _sampleAOUTTimeout;
+    Timeout _measurementReadyTimeout;
+    unsigned short _last_measurement;
+    bool _measurement_ready;
+    static const float _dust_sensitivity = 0.5; // [V] / [mg/m^3]
+    float _aout_at_no_dust; // [V] ?
+    void _measure() {
+        _sampleAOUTTimeout.attach(callback(this, &GP2Y1010AU0F::_sampleAOUT), .00028);
+        _turnILEDOffTimeout.attach(callback(this, &GP2Y1010AU0F::_turnILEDOff), .00032);
+        _measurementReadyTimeout.attach(callback(this, &GP2Y1010AU0F::_ready), .037);
+        _turnILEDOn();
+    };
+    void _turnILEDOn() {
+        _iled.write(1);
+//    pc.printf("O");
+    };
+    void _turnILEDOff() {
+        _iled.write(0);
+//    pc.printf("C\r\n");
+    };
+    void _sampleAOUT() {
+        _last_measurement = _aout.read_u16();
+//    pc.printf("S");
+    };
+    void _ready() {
+        _measurement_ready = true;
+    };
\ No newline at end of file