corrections altb2

Dependencies:   FastPWM

diff -r 25a2b47ca291 -r 92c25cb669f4 ControllerLoop.cpp
--- a/ControllerLoop.cpp	Thu Aug 05 08:27:51 2021 +0000
+++ b/ControllerLoop.cpp	Tue Aug 24 08:51:13 2021 +0000
@@ -11,101 +11,137 @@
     data.laser_on = false;
-    }
 // decontructor for controller loop
 ControllerLoop::~ControllerLoop() {}
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // this is the main loop called every Ts with high priority
-void ControllerLoop::loop(void){
-    float w01=2*3.1415927 * 8;
+void ControllerLoop::loop(void)
+    float w01=2*3.1415927 * 2;
     float xy[2];
     float exc = 0;
     PID_Cntrl v_cntrl_1(0.0153f, 3.06,0,0,Ts,-0.8,0.8);
     PID_Cntrl v_cntrl_2(0.0153f, 3.06,0,0,Ts,-0.8,0.8);
-    while(1)
-        {
+    bool stop_rec = false;
+    int k=0;
+    float Logg[2000][4]; //float datal[2000][6];
+    //int vel1 = 5;
+    //int vel2 =10;
+    printf("Starting Controller \r\n");
+    while(1) {
         // THE LOOP ------------------------------------------------------------
         short c1 = counter1 - index1.positionAtIndexPulse - mk.inc_offset[0]- mk.inc_additional_offset[0];            // get counts from Encoder
         short c2 = counter2 - index2.positionAtIndexPulse - mk.inc_offset[1]- mk.inc_additional_offset[1];            // get counts from Encoder
         data.sens_phi[0] = uw2pi1(2.0f*3.1415927f/4000.0f*(float)c1);
-        data.sens_Vphi[0] = diff1(c1);                 // motor velocity 
+        data.sens_Vphi[0] = diff1(c1);                 // motor velocity
         data.sens_phi[1] = uw2pi2(2.0f*3.1415927f/4000.0f*(float)c2);
         data.sens_Vphi[1] = diff2(c2);                 // motor velocity
         // -------------------------------------------------------------
         // at very beginning: move system slowly to find the zero pulse
         // set "if(0)" if you like to ommit at beginning
-        if(!is_initialized)
-            {
+        if(!is_initialized) {
-            if(index1.positionAtIndexPulse != 0 && index2.positionAtIndexPulse != 0) 
+            if(index1.positionAtIndexPulse != 0 && index2.positionAtIndexPulse != 0)
+        } else {
+            if(k==0)
+            {
+                printf("Starting else loop \r\n");
-        else
-            {
             //    float Kp = 0.005;
             //    data.i_des[0] = 0.1f + Kp*(exc+50.0f - data.sens_Vphi[0]);
             // ------------------------ do the control first
-            // calculate desired currents here, you can do "anything" here, 
+            // calculate desired currents here, you can do "anything" here,
             // if you like to refer to values e.g. from the gui or from the trafo,
             // please use values, they are calculated 30 lines below
-             //float e1 = 50 - data.sens_Vphi[0];
-             //float e2 = 50 - data.sens_Vphi[1];
-             //float v_des1 = exc;
-             //float v_des2 = 0;
-             float phi1_des = 0.025f*sinf(2.0f* 3.14159f*2.0f*;
-             float phi2_des = 0.025f*cosf(2.0f* 3.14159f*2.0f*;
-             float Kv = 123;
-             float v_des1 = Kv*(phi1_des - data.sens_phi[0]);
-             float v_des2 = Kv*(phi2_des - data.sens_phi[1]);
-             data.i_des[0] = v_cntrl_1(v_des1 - data.sens_Vphi[0]);
-             data.i_des[1] = v_cntrl_2(v_des2 - data.sens_Vphi[1]);
-             //data.i_des[1] =0.0;
+            //float e1 = 50 - data.sens_Vphi[0];
+            //float e2 = 50 - data.sens_Vphi[1];
+            //float v_des1 = exc;
+            //float v_des2 = 0;
+            float phi1_des = 0.3f*sinf(2.0f* 3.14159f*2.0f*;
+            float phi2_des = 0.3f*cosf(2.0f* 3.14159f*2.0f*;
+            float Kv = 123;
+            float v_des1 = Kv*(phi1_des - data.sens_phi[0]);
+            float v_des2 = Kv*(phi2_des - data.sens_phi[1]);
+            data.i_des[0] = v_cntrl_1(v_des1 - data.sens_Vphi[0]);
+            data.i_des[1] = v_cntrl_2(v_des2 - data.sens_Vphi[1]);
+            //data.i_des[1] =0.0;
             // ------------------------ write outputs
             // GPA: if you want to use the GPA, uncomment and improve following line:
             //exc = myGPA(data.i_des[0],data.sens_Vphi[0]);
             exc = myGPA(v_des1, data.sens_phi[0]);
+            //
+            /*if(k%10000==0) {
+                printf("yes \n");
+                //printf("c1: %d c2: %d i2: %f\r\n",counts1,counts2,i2);
+                //printf("p1: %f p2: %f pd1: %f pd2: %f id1: %f id2: %f\r\n",data.sens_phi[0],data.sens_phi[1],phi1_des,phi2_des,data.i_des[0],data.i_des[1]);
+            }*/
+            if(k==200 && !stop_rec) 
+            {
+                stop_rec = true;
+                k=0;
+                for(int k1=0; k1<2000; k1++) 
+                {
+                    for(int k2=0; k2<4; k2++) 
+                    {
+                        //printf("k1 = %d k2 = %d \r\n", k1, k2);
+                        printf("%3.4f ",Logg[k1][k2]);
+                    }
+                printf("\r\n");
+                }
+            }
+            if(k<2000 && !stop_rec)
+            {
+                Logg[k][0]=data.sens_phi[0];
+                Logg[k][1]=data.sens_phi[1];
+                Logg[k][2]=data.i_des[0];
+                Logg[k][3]=data.i_des[1];
+            }
+            k++;
+            //
             // now do trafos etc
-            if(mk.external_control) // get desired values from external source (GUI)
-                {
+            if(mk.external_control) { // get desired values from external source (GUI)
                 if(mk.trafo_is_on)  // use desired xy values from xternal source and transform
-                                    // otherwise external source delivers phi1, phi2 values directly
-                    {
+                    // otherwise external source delivers phi1, phi2 values directly
+                {
                     bool dum = mk.X2P(data.cntrl_xy_des,data.cntrl_phi_des);
-                    }
-            else        // this is called, when desired values are calculated here internally (e.g. pathplanner)
-                {
-                if(mk.trafo_is_on)
-                    {
+            } else {    // this is called, when desired values are calculated here internally (e.g. pathplanner)
+                if(mk.trafo_is_on) {
                     data.cntrl_xy_des[0] = 30.0f*cosf(w01*;      // make a circle in xy-co-ordinates
                     data.cntrl_xy_des[1] = 30.0f*sinf(w01*;
                     bool dum = mk.X2P(data.cntrl_xy_des,data.cntrl_phi_des);
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
+                } else {
                     data.cntrl_phi_des[0] = .250f*cosf(w01*;     // make some harmonic movements directly on phi1/phi2
                     data.cntrl_phi_des[1] = .250f*sinf(w01*;
-                    }
+            }
             bool dum = mk.P2X(data.sens_phi,data.est_xy);       // calculate actual xy-values, uncomment this if there are timing issues
-            }       // else(..) 
+        }       // else(..)
         laser_on = data.laser_on;
         i_enable = big_button;
-        }// endof the main loop
+    }// endof the main loop
-void ControllerLoop::sendSignal() {
+void ControllerLoop::sendSignal()
 void ControllerLoop::start_loop(void)
@@ -116,16 +152,16 @@
 float ControllerLoop::pos_cntrl(float d_phi)
-   // write position controller here
-   return 0.0;
-    }
+    // write position controller here
+    return 0.0;
 void ControllerLoop::init_controllers(void)
     // set values for your velocity and position controller here!
 // find_index: move axis slowly to detect the zero-pulse
 void ControllerLoop::find_index(void)
@@ -136,4 +172,4 @@
     float i2 = 0.2f + Kp*(50.0f - data.sens_Vphi[1]) ;
-    }
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