Tetris for the RA8875, derived from another users implementation.

Dependencies:   RA8875

Fork of Tetris by Sergejs Popovs

Tetris, adapted to the RA8875 graphics library and display.

As currently implemented, this version is defined for the 800x480 display. A number of macros can adapt it for other screen resolutions.

Further, while presently configured for landscape mode, it should be fairly easy to reconfigure it for portrait mode.



File content as of revision 11:2bdc83648d7f:

#include "Field.h"
#include "playGround.h"
#include "Piece.h"
#include "Define.h"

//  Declearing and defining of the playground/field
extern int Field[MAXY][MAXX] = {0};

//  Checking field for filled lines. If it is field
//  it removes it with lines upon it
//  Returns Score equal to amount of removed lines, multiplied with 100

int checkLine()
    int x, y, score = 0;
    bool status;
    for ( y = 0 ; y < MAXY ; y++ ) {
        status = true;
        for ( x = 0 ; x < MAXX ; x++ )  {
            if ( Field[y][x] == Black )
                status = false;
        if ( status )   {
            score += 100;
            int xx, yy;
            for ( yy = y ; yy > 0 ; yy-- )   {
                for (xx = 0 ; xx < MAXX ; xx++ )  {
                    Field[yy][xx] = Field[yy-1][xx];
    if (score)
    return score;

//  Checks blocks on MAXX (top) layer.
//  If there is any it retunrs TRUE ,else false

bool checkGameOver()
    int x;
    for ( x = 0 ; x < MAXX ; x++ )
        if ( Field[0][x] != Black )
            return true;
    return false;

//  Saves an object NewBlock to the field.
//  Fills matrix with colors of the blocks

void saveToField(Block NewBlock)
    int xx , yy;
    for ( xx = 0 ; xx < 5 ; xx++ ) {
        for (yy = 0 ; yy < 5 ; yy++ )  {
            if ( Piece[NewBlock.form][NewBlock.angle][xx][yy] != 0 )
                Field[NewBlock.y + yy - 2][NewBlock.x + xx - 2] =